InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When We Went Rogue ❯ Status ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Well almost summer anyway! Exams are up, phewy, and I don't like math, but I have to take my math exam, *sticks out tongue* I just had to put this out. This section of the prologue goes first, because I worked on this first and it is the cooler part. I also wanted to get something new out since that update list of mine makes me ill, physically and mentally!


I have a list of songs I listen to, if you would like it, that really motivate me when I type! I can send that to you if you like the list or the songs, which I will post the names of during the third chapter. Also, I make Inuyasha/Kagome music videos! Also FF8 videos! I want to send them to you, my fans, so review and leave me an email address and I will transfer the file. Don't worry, it is safe to DL, I hate it that you have to say it, but people feel better if you do. Also, This story, since I am hardly an English major, though it tends to be my best subject, other then history, *sniffle*, I would really like it if I could get someone who would like to preview my work! Now, lets not all rush up at once, my Mommy does the best job of that! No, what I am looking for is someone who will correct grammar and point out things that could be worded differently, descriptions that could be better, and make a pretty snappy job of it so I can post things quickly! You know what I want! In a nutshell, I require the use of someone who won't shatter my already bruised ego and my shattered courage!

(((I am a sophomore in high school, and any type of Complement makes my day... Not gothic, not punk, not anything. I'm me, Luky, and I tend to smile every time you see me and cheer people up. So don't mind me if my "dark" writing sounds more like fluff, because that is what my "Editor is going to be helpful for!)))

I am FINALLY finished with my planning pages! Now is the fun part where I get to actually write everything! From now on, you can expect an update every 3-4 weeks, and probably sometimes less (But don't forget that I too have a life, as pitiful as it may be)! Since summer is here, I get to write more then I normally do! Also, I already started the sequels planning pages! The sequel is a joyride of fun, might I add, but I am too eager, and must finish "When We Went Rogue," first! (Not to mention it would not make sense if I wrote the sequel without the first part of the story!

So, I will clarify, unless you can't read the summary...

Inuyasha and Kagome are together in this fan fiction. They don't realize it completely yet, but it is there. Now for a longer summary then the one on the listing:

It is has been four years since Kagome released Inuyasha from Goshinboku. During the middle of the second year, the jewel was complete. However, we don't know, yet, what really happened, because the jewel was cracked again, and a new quest has been started in search of the Shikon shards. The group faces a brand new journey, of love, hate, discovery, and allot of fun and mischief!

Now on with "When We Went Rogue!"




They had been traveling for days... It seemed like each day melted into the other, nothing really existing in between, other than the prominent moans of hunger and fatigue. Every now and then someone in the group would say or do something mildly humorous, which would incite a bored laugh from someone before the thoughts of the group would spiral downwards to mainly focus on the depressing goal that loomed ahead. With the jewel shards completely scattered again, nothing more could be done, other then continuing the journey to retrieving all of them.

They're first quest had taken an entire two and a half years before they had located the entire jewel. Now that the jewel has been split again, it is taking even longer. The responsibility of that most assuredly fell upon the weariest of the travelers. Nothing could be done other then another search to reacquire the newly scattered fragments.

And thus, the weary group was doing what they did best. Traveling in search of the shards was normally not so difficult. Danger, as it would seem, had a knack for following them wherever they went. And danger, in itself, had the knack of trailing jewel shards. Unfortunately, no demon had reared its ugly head and no new jewel shards had appeared as of late. And not to add six layers of icing to the cake but the time of Inuyasha's full transformation into a human was close at hand. Since the others knew this, they decided that now would probably be a good time to find a spot to camp for the night.

It was hard for Kagome and the others to not notice the change in moodiness of Inuyasha. Even the occasional joke was not enough to crack even the smallest signs of laughter or change in expression from him. He spent a great deal of his time walking ahead of the group immersed in some kind of simpleton`s deep thought, no matter what anyone said. Kagome had a deep feeling that it wasn't just the new search for the jewel shards that was getting his nose out of joint. They had not encountered any demons for at least one week, and the sheer waiting and endless trudging forward was probably getting to him.

During the past month endless rains had raged against the earth and it didn`t show any signs of stopping. So Inuyasha decided that they would just continue to walk, even if it meant catching a cold in the rain. Trees were shattered and it certainly felt like everywhere they went, the storm followed. It was the worst type of luck in the world, and they all seemed to be "soaking it up." It didn't even rain a drop ten feet in front of them until they walked along that path. It was a wonder that none of them had caught a cold, largely due to the fact that Kagome had given everyone a rather well rounded stock of aspirin.

`And earlier today it stopped raining and the skies cleared like nothing had ever fazed us.'

Kagome couldn't help but wonder, though, about when they would come across more information about any new jewel shards. Myouga had not been seen since the time compression, and no one really knew if he even existed in time at all anymore. Why, even Shippou, who had been growing recently and had been sleeping through a good portion of the time they spent traveling, was wondering when something new would happen. But the real truth was that they weren't even certain if the jewels existed at all anymore. Why, they could have left the Warring States era completely and there was no way of knowing. That is, unless you have a "shard detector" with you.

Kagome bowed her head slightly, lifting her eyes to the growing flames. While staying amazingly balanced, she stretched out her arms to close the distance to her chilled hands and the warm of the flame, all the while crouching with her knees bent and the weight of her body supported by the balls of her feet.

It hadn't occurred overnight, the change in Kagome.

More now then ever was she determined to become a better use for the group. And she was, by all means, more useful. But the battles they often times fought never even phased the valiant strength of Inuyasha. And even still the combined forces of Miroku, Sango, Kirara, and Kagome were of great use to the skilled swordsman.

But it rarely helped to cheer Kagome up. In fact, it only served to fuel the fire of guilt that had been eating away at her for some time. It might just be her, but as her physical strength increased, the strength of her heart weakened.

`We've… We've been fighting a lot more recently…'

And it was true. Before their last battle, she and Inuyasha had had a fight. He couldn't trust her to defend herself and she couldn't believe that he COULDN'T. They had fought and she had won. For the moment. During that battle, she had almost been killed. Inuyasha had saved her at the last moment. He had come to her and they had saved each other.

`But, sadly, all our strength and good cheer means nothing… Nothing comes without a price, and nothing is what it seems…'

Inuyasha still wasn't the master of his own sword, nor was he the master of his own destiny. Fate would make it that he had to rely more heavily on his companions. It was a night such as this, when the moon sinks completely below the horizon that the ever growing strength of Inuyasha diminishes. It is nights such as this that had a certain traveling group biting their nails and wondering what could happen. It is nights such as this that had Kagome wondering if their sour luck would play a cruel joke and send a demon their way. It is nights such as this that she believed it could happen.


"Eh?!" Kagome was completely surprised out of her thoughts. It took her a moment to realize that it was Miroku who was talking, and that he had asked her a question. She was so wrapped up in reminiscing that she had completely tuned out to everything around her. Considering that she was still in the Sengoku Era and it was sunset AND Inuyasha was gone, she really couldn't be zoning out or getting lost in thought. "Sorry, Miroku... Could you repeat that please?"

"Won't you go to Inuyasha tonight?" he asked, the firelight glittering in his eyes. "Tonight of all nights is the most frightening for Inuyasha. He too needs protection now and then." Kagome bowed her head. The firelight cast a soft glow against the shine of her newly polished shoes. The wind blew softly and teased the tips of her ebony bangs, giving her a sense of peace that was perpetuated by thought.

'That's right; Inuyasha is all alone out there...' Uncertainty clouded over the girls luminous eyes. A gaze of hesitation peered under the rim of sleep deprived eyelids. 'I don't know if he even needs protection, isn't he the one who is always insisting that he doesn't need anyone's help in protecting himself? Isn't he the one that really does need help? Besides, he has been so awfully distant… That jerk, I haven't even "sat" him in a week and he gives ME the cold shoulder…"

Miroku could only smirk as he watched the deep hesitation flame instantly into irritation. 'Now that is the Kagome I know...' He watched as she stood up carefully, turning to squat down and retrieve the riding bow that was laid against her bright yellow pack and the sling that held the already pre constructed arrows.

Miroku remembered that she had made those from the feathers of the last demon they had slain. She had plucked several from the ground, explaining to him that they would guide better then any other feather they could find. They had belonged to the wings of a fire demon that had attacked the group with flames from its mouth. Inuyasha had given Kagome his coat and she herself had slain the last demon, while riding on Inuyasha's shoulders. Miroku couldn't remember the last time she had smiled like that.

*** "Miroku, I can use this for a new set of arrows! Kaede taught me about this type of demon! It gets strength from it' wings which are the cause of its great flaming body. After all, we don't have any feathers, and I can make these of use for later, right, Inuyasha?!" *** He remembered she had smiled, tilting her head to beam a brilliant smile at him.

And like always Inuyasha had watched her with a strange expression in his eyes. Miroku had suspected that what Inuyasha felt when he saw Kagome was deeper then anything he had ever encountered before. However, these thoughts were being easily disrupted as the great time of anticipation came strolling in his cross hairs.

Kagome was turning to leave, she secured her sling around her shoulders and the small of her back, letting the long strap hang loosely. 'Better be nice to her Inuyasha' Miroku thought as he watched her retreating figure with much gratitude. He leaned forward intently waiting for the hem of her skirt to flare up. Years of experience should have taught him by now that he wasn't going to get far with that expenditure, nor was he going to come out unscathed for the lecherous spying. His conscience screamed that he was going to pay. It was right.

"You dirty LECH!!!" The cry of a not-truly-sleeping-demon-exterminator who had been feigning sleep since they had made camp permeated the stillness of the camp. His head, which was waiting calmly for Kagome's skirt to flare up, was forced painfully into the dirt. He sat up, grabbing his head and rubbing the throbbing lump that had appeared, caused by the great hand of the "Great Tajiya!"

He was spitting out dirt and coughing uncontrollably when he realized that Sango was looking out in the direction Kagome had started walking. He looked in that direction as well, a creeping sensation slithering down his spine. He wondered at first if it was possibly another hand assault, but realized that the look on the Tajiya's face was far from playful. It was down-right serious.

"I wonder..." she started, looking down into the dirt, her sheet sliding down her shoulders like water over flesh. He knew exactly what she was thinking. It occurred to him that it was surprisingly satisfying to watch Kagome with Inuyasha. And whatever the two were feeling, it was sure to rub off on the vivacious Sango, who was currently looking very tasty. Besides, even if it was never spoken aloud, Inuyasha, as territorial as he was, was more then likely at a game of consciousness against Miroku, trying to prove that he was the alpha male here, and that he could get furthest with his woman before Miroku. ((Surprisingly, I find that to be very common with the men in my "village..." hehe.))

Sango was surprised to see Miroku standing up before her. His hand was outstretched to her. The glittering of the flames illuminated his frame, causing him to look like an angel shining in the sun. 'But with those purple robes ad dark hair... not to mention perversion... He could very well be the devil...' She thought of not taking his hand for a moment, but found herself mentally biting her lip and reaching out to grasp his hand. 'Maybe he won't try it; I want to believe that he won't.'

He pulled her to her feet, her cheeks shining brightly, and not from warmth. She stood up, only a breath away from him. If she looked up now, their lips would be barely inches apart, and what then? What would she do? Sango bowed her head, a deeper blush spreading from her cheeks as she lifted her hand to her chest to squeeze the cloth over her pounding heart. 'I wonder what he is thinking; I don't want to look up!' The firelight was completely hidden from her and his figure cast a dark shadow upon her. For no reason she shuddered and her mind instantly took the defense, and she pushed herself away from him.

"We should pack up and follow them…" she said breathlessly. Miroku watched her with eyes that shown something other then admiration for a woman who could take charge. 'Not to mention,' he thought, 'a woman who could resist the charms of such a fine specimen of a man and not be doubling over for desire over him!' ((Is he talking about Inuyasha, because he sue is a fine male specimen if you know what I mean!!! ~_^)) He watched as she bent to tie up her Kagome's sleeping bag. Leaning over, her posterior was in the direct view of both Miroku and the firelight. His mind told him it was not a smart move, but his body said "go for it." He crept closer, is hand reaching out towards its goal eagerly.

The resounding SLAP echoed through the empty forest and carried itself all the way to the other end of the earth.

Kagome stopped, her foot raised and still poised to be placed against the ground. Her eye twitched once, twice, three times. Shivers of sympathy spilled down her spine and had her knees shaking. She placed her foot down, turning to cast a glance from whence she had come, and sent pity thoughts to the victim of the sound, before continuing through the spread of trees. This course of action brought her to the same wall of tortured thoughts she had slammed into before the sound had shocked her off of her train of thought.

'That sound, I should be grateful to it for ripping that thought from me.' But considering what that sound had meant, she seriously considered contradicting herself.

She tried vainly to remember what it was that she had been thinking of, but when unsuccessfulness plagued her, she gave up, assuming that she would mostly likely remember by the end of the evening. 'But,' she thought, 'I have to get to Inuyasha before sundown at least. If not, nobody truly knows what could happen.' Considering the walk was taking longer then suspected, she wondered if it would have been better to bring a textbook instead of her bow and arrows.

'The likely hood of a Demon attacking us tonight after so long is slim to none...' She stopped, her fingers tightening around the cord that sliced diagonally across her chest to secure her sling to her shoulder blades, 'but there is still a chance, and my inquisition tells me that night is tonight...'

With that realization, she began to walk faster. After a moment or two, she started to walk even faster. Then she started to jog. And then she jogged even quicker then normal. A wild, unreasonable sense of foreboding slithered through her mind. It sent a chill to her toes, and this time she just lifted her legs and ran.

Kagome's pulse was beating rapidly in her throat. Fear propelled her faster, until she wasn't even sure if her feet were touching the ground. 'After all these years, Inuyasha still has acknowledged the fact that I am not in-fact just a simple weakling!' Then she realized dully that the sun had just completely faded. She stopped, her hair flinging forward over her face, as she lifted her hand to search the sky for any source of light.

When none was found, she let a whisper. So soft that it almost instantly disappeared among the trees…


It would appear charming, but it reeked of fear and desperation that only a fool wouldn't be able to understand. Kagome didn't need to be told twice, her mind, and her heart, told her that this was a night that would change everything.

'If I don't get to Inuyasha soon...'

It was almost as if Kagome was an extension of herself, and that her mind was pondering to itself. It was a strange feeling, like something, or better yet, someone was telling her, urging her, towards some spiral of destiny. Some course that must be taken for fate to throw her entire world into itself. She didn't really understand this, but she knew that she was right. The voice in her head insisted she go faster as she surged through the trees.

Had she taken any time to notice, she was moving automatically. If she had noticed, her eyes had a shiny purple ring around it, and the jewel shards at her throat were shining brilliantly. Too wrapped up in apprehension and alarm, no, Kagome herself was locked away and it was that thought, that need for some kind of completion, that propelled the girl towards her destination, a destination that was wrought with tears, anguish and suffering. Fate urged her, encouraged her, demanded that she go forward and face the trial of her own soul.

In all of the years Kagome had spent in the feudal era, she had never truly learned all of the Miko techniques like Kikyo had. However, considering she never actually trained to be one, she was exceptionally good at Miko abilities. But as she ran, her eyes fully purple, her hair flaring behind her like a banner, she, in her semi conscious state, used a technique that even the Lady Kikyo was not able to accomplish during life. It was so old of a technique that it could have shocked any demon in the area that had lived in the time of the priestess who created it. But in truth, it was like something was controlling Kagome, and she was somewhere in the corners of her own mind, while some stronger force used her body as its shell.

The Priestess Kagome, as she ran, threw out the parameters of her own mind, flinging her very soul out into the trees. It absorbed through them. It glided along unseen waves of vibrations in the air until it reached its destination and like sonar she latched onto the location of the one she was searching for and continued to tear the underbrush and foliage. Even as the knowledge poured through Kagome, she still utilized it like she was the master and creator. With a precession that came with years, Kagome drew her soul back into her own body.

It took Kagome a long while to regain consciousness, and before she even realized it, she was back on her own feet and had not even been aware of what had just happened. Even while the knowledge of a place she was heading for circulated in her heart and mind, she couldn't remember where she had learned that information. When she felt the dull throb in her chest, she realized that she was heading towards Inuyasha, and she closed her eyes and ran forward calling his name at the top of her lungs.

End of Chapter Author Commentary:

So this is the beginning of the story. A funny part with Miroku and Sango, a short part on the situation that is at hand, and of course, a serious problem that has been occurring within Kagome! What can this problem be? We will all find out later rather then sooner, but we will find out! I swear it!

But anyway, I'm still looking for that editor… Well, you all have fun before my next update! I am going to start typing all over again! Also, I want to put a website together for Inuyasha and Kagome soon, if someone would be kind enough to tell me how I can make one for free?! I would be forever grateful! Also, I do recommend stories! If you want your story recommended, tell me in a review! (Don't have a screen name right now... phewy!)

Now, I better get some good reviews! It's like motivation! I have sent letters to lots of people, who I want to read this story! Many Inuyasha fans! Many Kagome fans!

I require reviews like I require oxygen!

Chapter History

Started: 12/31/04

Finished: 1/1/04

Revised: 2/23/04

Final Revision: 5/22/04


