InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Will It Be Me ❯ Kagome's Heritage Part VII ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: NOOOOOO!!!
This will be the last chapter until next week. 45 pages in two weeks is a personal
best, don't you think? I hope that you have enjoyed this week's installment and that you
look forward towards next week's. Please review. Please, please, please, please, please!
Lemon in this chapter!
Back on the ship, the doctor begins his work; he is an old man of 50. His name was Darius and he has been with Sesshoumaru Taisho and his crew since the beginning. Darius has treated and healed many of wounds and lost men in the process but he continued his work, as if the patient was his own son. The hair on his head has thinned and changed to a salt and pepper color, the wrinkles upon his skin proves experience, but his green-blue eyes show seriousness and dedication.
For days he works on Sesshoumaru and on the third day he came from the injury cabin and says, “I have done all I can,” to Kagome, “but now it is all up to him.”
Kagome was torn and refused to believe that he would lose the fight with death. She pulled a stool near the bed and held his hand, for the three days that Darius had worked on him; she walked around the ship like a ghost. One way of the sea that she knows well is singing whether it is cheery, death, mourning, wedding songs etc. Her favorite was one particular named “Open Sea.”
She sang to him quietly while holding his hand hoping that her singing and support will aid him in his struggle with death.
“Once upon long ago
The memories as dim as an ember
And a song that someone use to sing
Far away on the open sea
Someone held me safe and warm
On through the summer storms
Nothing but the open sea
And my memories
Once upon far away
And everything that I remember
Is a song that someone use to sing
Far away on the open sea.”
She continues to watch Sesshoumaru drink the water in small gulps as she finished her flashback.
“Thanks,” says Sesshoumaru after finishing the glass of water.
“You're welcome,” she replies, “I'm sure that sleeping for three weeks will do that for a person.”
“No, Kagome…..thank you for singing to me while I was sleep and for helping me find a way out of the darkness,” he explains while taking her hand, “I almost died back there because I saw Naraku kill you and all these voices told me that it was my fault. That it was my fault for letting you die a second time.”
“What was the first?”
“Leaving you on Marlli all thos
e years ago,” he answers quietly. He looks into her eyes for some type of emotion but her face was blank and he couldn't read anything.
“But I saw you body,” she begins, “covered in blood and laying between your parents' bodies.”
“Yes” he chuckles at her bemused facial expression, “Yes, you did but I was hiding not dead. After I came out of my hiding place, I searched for you but could not find anything and I was sure that you were dead. It broke my heart but it lifted when I heard of a ruthless woman pirate similar to your looks and personality but I had to see for myself and when I did, I almost died! You looked so beautiful and full of power, I wanted you but not for a friend but as my wife. For three years, I have been thinking of ways of explaining our past but just couldn't find the right words but now I don't care. I love you, Kagome Higrashi, everything about you makes me love you more and I will never stop chasing you until one of us dies and even then Hades himself could not keep me from you. So please make me the happiest man on the seas and be my wife.”
Kagome sits astonished; her best friend whom she thought was dead is actually still alive and is asking for her hand in marriage. Was this a trick, she thinks, will he betray me for some gold coins? No, she concludes, the look in his green eyes says that he means every word. “Yes,” she says softly not looking into his eyes, knowing that her cheeks are fiery red.
Sesshoumaru lifts her chin with his hand and asks, “What did you say, Kagome?”
“I said…..yes, I will be your wife Sesshoumaru Taisho, I love you, too,” she answers proudly with eyes threatening to shed tears down her face.
“I LOVE THIS WOMAN,” he screams to the top of lungs, not caring who hears or that he might have just used most of his energy. He has just reached an ultimate high and not even the Gods could bring him down, Kagome Higrashi the once ruthless, heartless, gem of the sea has finally opened her heart to someone she truly cares about. And he is ecstatic that it is him and not some other lucky bastard that he just might have to kill. Luckily, that did not happen and the only person that had to die was Naraku and son of a swine is where he belongs, in hell with his father.
He kisses her passionately while removing what little clothes she had on. Her skin was so soft to touch, so feminine, unlike anything a person can found out at sea. He kneaded her beasts unlike she was moaning with pleasure inside his mouth.
“Tell me what you want,” Sesshoumaru whispers into her ear while nipping at her earlobe and neck.
“I want you inside me,” Kagome pants out because his fingers feel so good inside her.
“My pleasure,” he growls and he plunges within her depths.
Kagome cannot believe that the pleasure that she is receiving. He continues to take her higher and higher and she cannot take anymore and she explodes. White blotches of light flashes in front of hers eyes and she feels a tiny pain in her neck.
They come down from their high together and Kagome notices Sesshoumaru's changes for the first.
As Kagome and Sesshoumaru declare their love to one other, a new danger from an old enemy hatches a new plan from an island far away.
“I will have my revenge and my prize, the war has not yet been won. She will be mine!”
The seas roared with his every word and the sky turned black. A figure rose from the sea and it was Poseidon.
His huge green, muscular body with darker green hair and beard stares down at the puny being on the island. His three pronged fork secured in his left hand sparks for excitement as the sea turns with a violent vigor.
“I have seen your anger and will grant you a proposition,” the mighty God voice booms.
“I am listening.”
“I will give you the power to destroy your enemies since I am forbidden to do. In return I want your demonic powers for you will not need them anymore. Do you accept?”
Naraku contemplated on the situation for a moment and saw no downside to agreeing with the sea God.
“I accept.”
“Fine, when you awake you will have unimaginable powers.”
With that said, Poseidon returns to the sea and the sky returns to its normal blue while the sea becomes calm and murky. Naraku decides to quickly fall asleep for he cannot wait until the morn when he will dawn his new powers and get what is his; Kagome and JR's treasure. For he alone knows who can see the jewels and what the treasure truly is.
Kagome carefully studies Sesshoumaru's magenta strips that are noticeable on both cheeks. His eyes hold a little red tint to them, his claws seem sharper and longer, and two fangs protruded from his mouth.
“Sesshou? Where did those stripes on your cheek, fangs, and claws come from?”
“They are my heritage and have always been there just hidden from eyes. You should look into the mirror for you will be shocked with your own changes.”
“I trust you but now I want to sleep. I will ask you questions on the morrow.”
Kagome nuzzles into Sesshoumaru's warm chest and sleep quickly takes her and her lover soon after. The couple falls into a peaceful slumber unaware of the dangers that are sparking across the horizon.