InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Worlds Collide ❯ Hello Stranger ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

This chapter has been looooooong overdued but school work has taken over my life.
I will now take the time to thank Silveraliora and Animefreak492 for reviewing my story. Your comments are greatly appreciated. I'll try my best though to not wait this long to update the next chapter.
Anyhow, this chapter is rather …well I don't know how to describe it but some people might feel uncomfortable about it while some might enjoy it.
Please let me know what you guys think about it. Since I cant find the words, please describe it for me after you've read it.
“Aaaa!” was the shrieking scream that woke Kagome the following morning. All she did though was to groan lazily and rolled over to her side.
“Come on Kagome, wake up, please wake up.” Inuyasha begged.
Kagome grabbed the pillow and buried her face into it “May I have a few more minutes please”
“No I need you to get up now.”
Kagome got up and rubbed her eyes “Somebody better be dying” she said
“I might be” Inuyasha declared
“What are you - ….. ha! ha! ha!” was the sentence, which lacked standardization, that escaped Kagome's lips.
“Why are you laughing?” Inuyasha questioned with bewilderment “This isn't funny, I'm bleeding.”
“You're getting your period” Kagome explained to him, “Well technically your getting my period….” She wondered if that was phrased right.
Upon hearing this piece of newsflash, Inuyasha turned to face the mirror on the wall to scream out his daylights.
What am I supposed to do now?” Inuyasha asked
“Go buy a pack of sanitary napkins” Kagome informed him
“At a supermarket or pharmacy”
“Why can't you go?” Inuyasha wondered aloud
“Hello! I'm in a guy's body; your body - what will people think?”
“Dearest, if you haven't realized, Inuyasha informed her “There is blood dripping from under me”
“Oh yeah!” Kagome hissed her teeth “damn!” She lazily hauled herself from the bed…
Kagome had always felt a little embarrassed when buying sanitary napkins even as a girl so imagine how she felt now when buying sanitary napkin as a guy.
As she stepped into the supermarket she started to feel a bit `wheezy' as she made her way down the isle, she hoped the floor would just open up and devour her.
Eyes of suspicion glared at her - well actually, more like jabbed holes in her body. She, however just kept focused on her aim - to get in, get what she wanted then get out.
“Whooo!” she exhaled as she stepped out the supermarket “Man that was scary” Kagome couldn't help but wonder though, `was she the only 18 year old girl who was still embarrassed when buying sanitary napkins?' Well, she had been buying it for over five years now and she still felt a bit uncomfortable when purchasing it.
When Kagome reached back at her humble abode, the first thing she did was to hand the package to Inuyasha but all he did was to stare at it “Stayfree Ultra Thin”
“It's more comfortable” was what she replied
“What about tampons, are those comfortable?”
Kagome turned to face Inuyasha with a rather annoyed look on her face. He was making this situation so much more embarrassing. Not when you're inserting and pulling them out”
So how do you wear these things” was his enquiry
“Oh Jeez” Kagome expressed “We don't have any panties here”
“Oh I've got one” Inuyasha informed “I took one from your drawers as a souvenir.
“You…you despicable little” Kagome started to curse him “Uhhh!” She threw her hands up in frustration just before grabbing the package from him and taking out one of the units.
After he handed her the panty, Kagome did the honours of sticking the pad onto it because she'd definitely feel a bit more embarrassed if she had to instruct him as to where to put the wings and all that jaz.
When she handed the panty to him he started to protest “No way” he started to back away from her “I said I'm not wearing a panty.”
Kagome just smiled and shook her head “You don't have a choice.”
I feel like my dignity has been ripped away from me” Inuyasha declared a few minutes late after he bathed and put on the padded panty.
“Get used to it” Kagome replied
“Oh man, I'm starving” Inuyasha expressed “Lets go get something to eat.”
When they reached the dining area, Inuyasha ordered a lot of food cause his stomach was talking to him. In his mind he was hungry enough to eat a cow. When he got the food, however, all he seemed to want to do was stare at it. He had an intake of about one spoonful of rice and that was it.
“Kagome” he called out “why am I not stuffing my face with all this edible items”
“It's all part of the process”
“Process, what process?”
“You know, the monthly cycle, the crimson tide, period, menstruation whatever you want to call it.”
“Is there anything else you want to tell me about this….ow! ow! ow!
“Oh yes, cramp” Kagome informed him
“Menstrual cramps; code name for excruciating pain in your stomach”
“I think I'd like to go jump off a cliff now”
“Maybe you should go lie down now” Kagome suggested
The first thing that Inuyasha when they reached back at their room was to drop himself down onto the bed. A few second later he turned on his side with his legs tucked under him.
Almost immediately following, he turned to lay on his back. Then getting quite frustrated he sat up.
“It's not working is it?” Kagome encoded
“What do you usually do to get rid of the pain?” was the enquiry that he managed to force out in a whiney voice.
“Well, I usually take Tylenol but its either it doesn't work or it takes a rather long time because I usually fall asleep after taking the tablet and when I wake up, I don't feel the pain anymore - for a while anyway”
“With this kind of pain I don't think I can fall asleep at this moment” Inuyasha replied with a groan.
“What?” Inuyasha pleaded “if you have a soother please tell me”
She continued to hesitate
“Come on Kagome, I'm dying here”
“I've never actually tried it before” She affirmed
“You know what they say, `there is no time like the present'”
Kagome's heart started to batter her chest. “I just thought that laying on the floor on something…” she paused a little and closed her eyes “or having something heavy lay on me.”
Inuyasha was a little baffled at first but then a little smirk worked its way upon his face. “So what are waiting for?”
Kagome started to blush, she could NOT believe that she was actually considering this; having Inuyasha to lie on top of her.
Kagome felt a bit awkward as she climbed onto the bed. She felt like she was getting ready to be devoured.
This scenario had always been in the form of a little fantasy for her but if someone had told that it'd actually come true, she'd probably push them off a cliff.
Inuyasha, on the other hand, was all too eager to climb onto Kagome/ his own body…
Inuyasha laid with his hands folded across the broad chest beneath him and a smirk plastered across his face. “you're right” he declared “this is kinda soothing”
Kagome couldn't help but wonder `was it really soothing or he just enjoying the closeness between them.'
“You know” Inuyasha began `I gotta give you credit; its not at all easy being a woman.”
Kagome though, felt a bit too awkward to even utter a reply though she faintly tired to smile.
Inuyasha, there with a cynical smile broadcasted across his face was making the situation so much worst.
“Why are you so tense?” he questioned her
She looked like her hands were glued to her sides.
“Being the “helpful” guy he was, Inuyasha took her hands and wrapped them around himself.
Her heart started to abuse her chest and she was sure Inuyasha could feel it.
They had laid there for the about three (3) minutes but to Kagome it felt like a day had passed.
To make matters so much worst; Inuyasha just kept darting his focus from her eyes to her lips.
`What was he up to?'
That question wasn't even necessary; it was pretty obvious that Inuyasha wanted to kiss her.
`Did she want to kiss him?'
That was the real question. She wasn't sure that she had an answer for that though. She was still angry with him but…Maybe…
“♪Bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce;
Boogie woogie to tha boogaloo beat”♪
`What the…'
Ohhh! Inuyasha's phone was ringing. Along with the up beat ring tone, the vibration killed the moment. So Inuyasha got up to answer it only to find out that the person was calling the wrong number. What a waste!
Kagome got up and went to the bathroom, she had to gather her thoughts.
`That was a little too close for comfort.'