InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Worlds Collide ❯ Hungover and it's all my fault ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 3: Hungover and it's all my fault
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The sun burned my eyes, even though they were closed.
I could feel the vile burning my throat.
A brain splitting ache in my head.
I hate drinking.
I only did it because of Sango.
"Come on Kagome! It will be fun! Plus we haven't had a chance to celebrate your engagement!" A woman with long black brown hair said. Her brown eyes hoping she would not deny her invitation.
The girl refered to as Kagome sat in thought and sipped her latte.
"I don't know Sango. Wait! Don't you have to have your friends and family and fiance's friends and family plus your fiance for a engagement party?" Kagome asked eyeing her friend suspiciously.
"Well yeah but, this is the opening of Miroku's new club Kaggy! And Kouga did ask me to keep you company since he would be gone till tomorrow and I can't leave you home all by yourself. Plus you said that we should have a girls night out" Sango said.
"But, Sango! What if I get hit on or what if I get so drunk I end up sleeping with a complete stranger! I have been saving myself for Kouga and you know it!" Kagome said.
"That won't happen Kagome. Stop being a stick in the mud and let loose and have fun. We'll go to the local bar meet up with the girls, have a few drinks then head over to Miroku's club. What d'ya say?" Sango asked her best friend again.
"Fine" Kagome agreed sighing heavily.
Something bad was going to happen and she just knew it.
~*~*~*~*~End Flashback~*~*~*~*~
I can't remember last night.
All I remember was drinking with Sango and the girls then everything went black.
What the hell is that noise? I groaned as I reached over to find my ringing cell in my purse.
"Hello?" I asked, well more like groaned out.
"Kagome! OH MY GOD! Are you alright?!?!?" I heard Sango yell.
"Not so loud Sango. And what do you mean are you alright? I'm fine and at...." I went silent.
Where was I?
My eyes widened as I shot out of bed.
I felt cold.
I was in some room. Probably a hotel, from the looks of it.
My clothes all over the room.
Blood on the blankets.
Did I?
"Sango!" I said in a cracked voice.
"Kagome? Are you ok? Tell me where you are and I'll come and get you" Sango said.
I gave her the adress which I found on the menu. I hung up and decided to go and bathe.
I was shocked.
Was I raped? Did I do it willingly? Did I even do it?
Then it hit me.
At the bar. That guy....what was his name? Keichi! That's it. He wouldn't stop hitting on me.
"You're cute. Do you come here often? My name's Keichi. What's your's cutey?" He asked.
His hair was up to his shoulders and black, except for his bangs which were red and a purple braid he had. His eyes red. He was obviously a demon, noticing the ears.
"Kagome. I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude or anything but would you mind not hitting on me. I have a boyfriend" Kagome said.
Her friends were off flirting and Sango was talking to some other girl.
"Oh! I feel so embarrased. I wasn't hitting on you miss. You see I'm new around here and I just thought that maybe we could talk. I also thought you were single. I'm sorry if I've said anything to offend you" He said very sweetly and apoligetically.
'He reminds me so much of Hojo. He was such a good friend' Kagome thought.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be so rude. Please join me for a drink" Kagome said sweetly.
It was her naivety that caught his attention.
"Oh! Thank you. Here, I'll buy you a drink." He said and ordered two drinks for them.
"My name's Kagome by the way" She said shaking his hand.
"It's a pretty name" He said and handed her the drink.
She had not noticed the three pills that were slowly dissolving in the alcohol which she was sipping at the moment.
Kagome began to feel dizzy and hot and had figured the ac had been shut off or broken down and she had a few too many drinks.
She soon found herself laughing at his every jokes.
Sango soon came to sit with her.
She could tell Sango was drunk.
After all Sango had a few too many drinks and had a low alcohol tolerancy level.
She and Sango would laugh at everything Keichi would say.
Then all of a sudden, everything went black.
~*~*~*~*~End Flashback~*~*~*~*~
He must have drugged me and taken advantage of me.
Did he use protection? What if I'm pregnant? What will Kouga say? Will he call off everything?
I sat on the bed in nothing but a towel and a bathrobe over the towel.
There was knocking at the door and I knew who it was.
I answered it and even before Sango got a chance to say anything I hugged her and cried on her shoulder.
I cried for what I thought was two hours and later found out was three hours.
Sango had brought over some clothes for me to borrow and some coffee for the both of us.
"So? You want to talk about it?" Sango asked me as I put on the clothes she lent me.
"I don't know what to say" I said as I pulled the t-shirt over my head.
"Sango, I'm scared. What if I'm pregnant? What if Kouga leaves me? What if he never wants to look at me again?" I cried.
"Kagome. Kouga loves you. He will never leave you. Besides, this is all my fault. I should have never have taken you to that bar. You were right" Sango said as tears fell from her eyes.
"Sango, please. It's not you fault. I should have been more carefull. If I had'nt talked to Keichi and let him...." I began but Sango cut me off.
"Keichi? The guy at the bar? Kagome, we were at Miroku's club. Miroku said we checked in. That Hiten guy was nowhere near us. You slept with some random guy Kaggy. I'm sorry we don't know who it was. And I'm sorry I didn't take care of you better. I woke up hungover and in Miroku's arms. NAKED! It wasn't so pleasant either. We were both hungover. Be glad that you were at a hotel. The guy probably left right after or in the morning before you woke up" Sango said.
It made me feel better that I woke up here in this hotel. Sango also reasurred me that we would go to a doctor and find out if I was pregnant.
"We better get going. We can't stay here you know. Kouga's coming home tonight" Sango said.
I felt so bad. I felt ashamed and dirty.
I felt like a slut.
Sango dropped me off at my place and told me to call her if anything bad happened.
I went into my apartment and took another shower and put on my own clothes.
Then I went to the living room to sit in my baby blue sweats and white tee and watched a movie.
A few hours later it was nine at night.
I heard the door open and I knew it was Kouga.
I heard him taking off his shoes and walking into the living room.
"Kagome? Baby, what are you doing up?" He asked me.
I couldn't hold it in. I began crying.
"Kagome, whats wrong?" He said dropping his bags.
I ran into his arms and cried into his chest.
It was a few hours until I felt better and could talk without crying.
"I'm sorry" I said.
"About what? Crying?" Kouga asked. Boy was he clueless at times.
"No. Kouga, while you were gone I went out" I said.
"It's alright Kagome. I would understand if you wanted to..." I cut him off.
"It's not like that. I went out with Sango and the girls to a bar. From there we were supposed to go to Miroku's club opening. I met this guy...." He cut me off this time.
He pushed me away and got up from the couch.
"Oh. So, it's like that. I go away for two days and you move on. You're going to throw away four years of a relationship away over me leaving for two days. TWO FUCKING DAYS KAGOME!!!!" He yelled at me.
I was so scared and angry.
I would never want to hurt him, so why would he hurt me like this.
"Kouga I was raped!" I yelled out.
He stood there in silence and looked at me.
"Kagome, I'm sorry. Kami, i'm an idiot! I'm so stupid. Why didn't I realize it earlier. Your scent was so different and I thought you were with someone else. Kagome, I'm sorry I wan't here. It's all my fault" Kouga said sitting beside me and pulling me into his lap.
"Kouga, it's not your fault" I said.
"Yes it is. I over reacted and made you feel worse. I'm sorry Kagome" He said and kissed me.
"Kouga, I understand. You love me. There's nothing to be sorry about. You overreacted out of love. I should be the one to blame. I might be pregnant Kouga. We have to wait a week and see" I said.
"You're not. Youre scent hasn't changed alot. You smell like a woman who just lost her virginity but you don't smell pregnant" He said.
"But I still want to check. If I don't get my period next week then we go to the doctors and find out!" I said poking him in the chest.
"Whatever you say love" He said.
"Yeah! Whatever I say!" I said and giggled at his pout.
Thing were going to change.
But would it be a good thing or would it ruin things completely?