InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Worlds Combine: Kaeru Makai ❯ Moonlit Apparition ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

When Worlds Combine
Book One: Kaeru Makai
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A/N: This new work that Shikon Priestess is introducing is actually the story she's currently working on. She'd been bugging Bryan for months to help her write it but he kept refusing, until she offered to convert it into something that could resemble a fanfiction. If you notice, the names of the characters aren't even introduced in this chapter. That's because this was the original pitch I'd given Bryan to try and convince him that this story really was worthwhile, and it came before he rejected me *ouch* and I'd decided to convert it. In the original version all are original characters, so certain things had to be changed and tweaked to fit the requirements for it to become a fanfic. I do not own Inu Yasha or any of the delicious bits that come with it. I do however own this storyline and will persecute any plagiarists to the full extent of the law if caught. I'm hoping by posting it as a fanfic first, I can receive advice from all of the wonderful readers to increase the quality of my writing. Please, enjoy the story and review, and don't make me beat you up for stealing my stuff! One last thing. I realize that I could change the name of the Familiar to Buyo or Kirara or whatever, but the cat's character was based off of a live animal that was kidnapped from me and cruelly murdered. This story is in his memory. May whatever divine force it is at work curse the very ground his murderer walks on. Thanks so much for your time.
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The cackling wind rushed past her ears and face, flipping her bloodstained hair over her shoulders. Its morbid amusement at her plight sent shivers down her spine, and it crowed at her poor balance while she slipped and scuttled over and through the tangled underbrush. Barely audible over the snickering breeze she could hear sirens begin to sound. And so the search had begun.
Her heart stuttered in alarm and another surge of adrenaline coursed through her arms. They pumped relentlessly in time with the fall of each foot as they, in all of their boot clad glory, thundered against the ground. She clumsily leapt over a high rising tree root, scraping her knee in the process, and drawing a sharp mewl from her feline charge, clinging desperately to the inside of her purse. The raw flesh stung sharply, but even that pain failed to register as she scrambled over the hurdle, pausing only briefly to make sure she hadn't injured her kitten. Her Harley Davidson lace-up motorcycle boots with the reinforced toe splashed into the large puddle on the other side of the obstacle, rinsing blood from her heavily scratched legs. The mud caked to the wounds and temporarily sealed the shallowest of them. She dove again in through the rushes, darting amongst the trees with an assurance that only came after having travelled this particular landscape a hundred or so times.
The small creature inside her bag clung to the handle of her rainbow purse that was draped diagonally over her shoulder. It was a black and white kitten with the brightest yellow eyes. They were currently widened in the same sort of desperation that haunted the silver eyes of the girl. He looked up at her, being careful not to move too much and accidently get in the way of one of her swinging elbows.
The girl's chest was rising and falling at an alarming rate as she continued to push her legs farther. The sirens got louder and she heard the first strains of dogs barking, driving a more desperate surge of energy through her aching legs.
She heard the waterfall before she saw it. She took a sharp left to skid down the bank to the lower ground, the majestic familiarity of the fall offering a small comfort to her abused muscles. She ran along the river's edge stumbling on loose stones and the like, only to catch herself on the numerous fallen trees along its bank, and the large boulders that peppered the shore. A stray branch caught her face and gouged the flesh along her cheek from the corner of her eye straight towards her jaw line. The blood welled quickly from the roughly hewn wound. It spilled over and mixed in with the half dried blood that already coated her face, neck, and hair.
She saw ahead the sanctuary she'd been aiming for. The sighed renewed her vigor briefly and she poured some of the last of her strength into her legs as she bolted for the shallowest part of the river.
The graceful arms of the willow seemed to blow in the barest breeze, lifting their tendrils as if to welcome her into its embrace. Her feet splashed into the river and she forced her limbs against the heavy resistance of the water. The first couple of splashes reached the cat's whiskers and he immediately leapt out of the bag with a disgruntled his and he clawed his way up her back, drawing blood with his razor sharp claws. She heeded no mind to the pain, so far lost in the desire to reach the island where the three rivers met. The kitten clambered onto her shoulders and sunk his claws in to keep his balance. There was no avoiding getting at least a little wet at this point, but he wasn't about to be swept away down river now. Leave this girl to her own devices? Pfft. Who knew what kind of disaster she'd wind up in without him?
The girl swore at the lactic acid building up in her thighs and calves. The minor aching pain from the fresh wounds from his claws reminded her to lift her purse over her head to protect its precious contents. With her arms up, the cat found easier purchase in just draping himself around her neck. The water came up to her chest but she kept her footing against the raging current somehow, her eyes never wavering from the island where the willow had been beckoning her.
The icy water cleaned the mud and filth away from her wounds, and washed away most of the blood from her legs, arms and clothes. As the water level started to fall halfway across, she felt a frigid wind rip through the woods, taking small bits of debris with it, and setting her body aquiver. Such a brutal wind for being so deep in the woods, she thought absently as she shivered against its onslaught and struggled to hurry towards the bank. She got about to knee-level and she started out on her dash again. The outward most of the willows branches stretched its protective welcome towards her as she struggled against the water and the blasted gale that had picked up.
Once she was out of range of the water, the cat leapt from her shoulders, throwing her a bit off of balance, causing her to falter on the slick stones as she scuttled further up the bank. She caught herself on a bolder and sighed in relief but winced as her knee cap found purchase on another. The cat turned around and mewed an urgent encouragement to the despaired girl, shaking on her hands and knees. Her whole body shook with exhaustion and heaved with every ragged breath. She lifted her head and saw her kitten standing there, waiting for her expectantly. Her heart wrenched, and she started to reach for him in surrender when a thunderous clap roared across the sky, causing her to start. The stones rumbled beneath her. Lightning flashed and she scrambled back to her feet, stumbling the last few steps into the thicket of Willow branches. The familiar sight of the small circle of stones and root gave her an extra burst of strength to get her body towards the trunk.
Within the small opening in the roots, in the bare dirt before the circle of stones she fell to her knees, her body trembling in relief. She pulled some dry kindling from a hidden spot under a half lifted root and scattered it in the fire pit. She shoved her trembling arm into her purse and dug around until her fumbling fingers found a lighter. It was still slightly damp, so when she first flicked the flint, it didn't even spark. A strangled sob of desperation forced its way past her lips, finding an existence of at least a whimper. The kitten touched its damp and quivering nose against her shaking leg. The small, affectionate, gesture was enough to calm her nerves and soothe her shaking enough that when she flicked the lighter again, calmly, it flared to life. A grateful laugh bubbled from her throat and tears of frustration that had welled now sprang from her eyes in response to even the smallest of joys on this accursed night. She reached down and held the flame to the tinder and it caught quickly.
A heavy smack and pattering alerted her to the hail that had begun to fall outside the protective circle of the tree's thick set of branches. Only the outermost layers were threatened by the weather that had raged up on that cold October night.
The shadows dancing across the trees served to comfort her, like an old friend. One who'd accompanied her on all of the dreary nights she's spent here. No, they were more like family. It was only natural that they'd be here on the worst of the nights. The shadow was more a friend to her than the light that danced on her face from the fire even.
A cold touch reminded her that as close as she as the shadow were, they were no where near as close as she and her adorable furry kitten who had sensed her urgency when escaping the house. He'd followed her and jumped into her purse when she paused for a breath outside the line of the woods. She forced a small smile at her cat and reached her finger out to rub the corner of his mouth, a grateful expression settling over her features.
Exhaustion didn't take long to completely overcome her. The rumbling thunder, the crackling fire, the rushing river, the steadily falling hail, and the insistently whispering winds that blew through the branches of the willow were all but a lullaby for her to sleep to. The warm light of the fire and the cool touch of the shadows caressed her face as she lay in the embrace of the tangled roots of the tree.
The cat stood watch for a while longer as the girl's breathing slowed to that of what was normal of a sleeping person. A soft thud followed by a tiny clink caused him to start, when his eyes had just finally began to close. She had slipped and was now resting her face against the tree. Her necklace fell from her shirt and tumbled towards the roots. As he watched it fall he realized he'd never noticed how unique and beautiful the stone really was. It was a clear crystal encased in a silver cage with curious silver divots at its joints. Atop the silver cage was a silver worked moon inset with a Star of David. Truly the work of a craftsman with the topmost skill.
As he looked on, the prism rolled towards the roots, but just when it was about to fall from her shoulder, it stopped short and swung back like a pendulum from the interruption in it's kinetic motion. It hit the bare skin of her chest and reflected the pale color of her delicate flesh in range of colors on the bark. Already set in motion, it swung back and hit the bark of the root between her neck and shoulder.
A dim flash of silver light temporarily blinded the cat, but when his vision returned, before him sat a beautiful woman, cradling his human in her arms. Her long silver hair seemed to flow like water over the bark of the tree and spilled over the roots like a waterfall tumbling over stones. Her skin too was so pale it seemed almost silver. Her eyes sparkled and shone in the shadows cast by the fire and the night. Soft pink lips spread into a tender smile and she raised a finger to them and let it linger there. Her eyes danced mysteriously, and her long lashes that framed them looked almost as if small bits of moon light were scattered atop them. Her whole body seemed to pulse with an ethereal glow that might seem almost eerie, if it hadn't been the most comforting sight they'd seen all day. With that one action from the woman, the kitten immediately felt at ease and relaxed his fur, allowing it to lay flat once more.
`Such long and weary faces,' murmured the moonlight apparition. Her silken gossamer gown whispered as she gently lifted and settled the girl comfortably amongst the roots of the tree. She stood and reached out a graceful hand towards the kitten. He leaned towards her, allowing her to stroke his fur. Glistening bits of moonlight fell from her fingertips and settled themselves into his coat as he looked up at her, wide-eyed in awe. He could feel his whole body begin to relax, muscles loosening that he'd never even remembered having. He purred softly and nudged his face against her palm, looking up at her demurely.
A gentle, sad smile crossed her lips again as she scooped him up and settled back against the roots beside the slumbering girl. She pulled the girl into her lap and placed the kitten beside her face to curl beside her. He complied and wondered if this was a sign that things were bound to look up. A faint chuckle effervesced from her throat and through her perfect lips to fall upon his ears.
He looked up and saw a very distant, solemn expression on the woman's face, despite her laughter.
`It will get worse before it gets better.'
The cat started, had she read his thoughts?
`Of course,' she smiled and nodded. `Just remember, Loki, everything happens for a reason.'
She could read his mind. Therefore the fact that she knew his name as well did not surprise him at all. He did find her advice rather curious but decided it was probably best not to question it now.
`I'll erase all that has been most painful today for a short while so she will have a chance to heal.'
He closed his eyes and nodded, a strange peaceful slumber stretching over him, distracting him from her words.
Another smile on the woman's lips heralded her next words. `I think you'll rather enjoy your destination, the both of you.'
With her last words, she stood with both child and kitten in arm and the entire island was engulfed in a shaft of light. The sounds of the dogs that approached would continue on through the night, as they would never find the one they hunted.
Thanks again for reading. Please review! The next chapter the mysterious girl has her initial run in with a certain half-breed and his greatest werewolf opponent! Please look for the next chapter update!