InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When You Can Live Forever ❯ Chapter Four ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter Four

Kagome's P.O.V.

It had been about two weeks since I had decided to stay with Inuyasha and his band; things had been going pretty well and I was thinking about joining the band. I wasn't entirely sure but I had a strong feeling Inuyasha might be the chosen one that I needed to find so I wasn't looking quite as hard to find another person to go through the whole Vampire testing period that I had already made Inuyasha go through. However I'm not entirely sure so I've been keeping my eye out but have had yet to find another worthy person to turn which, to get right to the point, makes me really happy.

Since meeting the band I have helped them prepare for upcoming concerts and have also helped them write some songs as well as accompany Inuyasha for his “snacks” as well as to get my own. Needless to say I have been enjoying my newfound paradise of a life.

Currently the majority of the band and me were lounging around in an apartment in New Jersey near the Camden Stadium. I am listening to my IPod, which I had bought a while back before the band even got together. `This is how a heart breaks' by Rob Thomas was playing through my red Skull Candy ear-buds, I was humming along with the music however the song was coming to an end very shortly. As I bobbed my head to the ending chorus; thinking about a way that the song could relate to my life. `Oh this is it now everybody get down this is all I can take this is how a heart breaks...' then it hit me… My little brother; how I missed him. I missed how he would play his video games every day, `Don't you ever hang out with any friends' I had recalled asking on many occasions.

The next song came on then `I'm like a ghost I'll be living in a dirt room waiting for the day to be closer to your window when you're home I'll be standing by your back door reaching for the knife in my coat I'm going to put it to your throat sweaty piggy, you're a bad man what a fucking sad way to go your mother raised you as a joke I should have wiped away a burden use the curtain in the kitchen to choke you, you think you own me you should have known me you took the future and the food off my family's plate you think you'll use me I'm stronger than you, you take my money, but it's useless when see what I do to you look what I do to you.' how this song fit me oh so perfectly also I thought with a scowl. I felt like screaming.

Sesshomaru had made me in a sense a ghost, I had lived in a “dirt room”, and for so long I had wanted to get Sesshomaru back for what he had made me and what I had assumed he had done with my family unfortunately he never came to me again... in person anyway he had come in visions, dreams, sent other worthy high up Vampires to fill me in on my life-long mission. Now I was stronger and wished I could show him how I felt about what he had done to my life but I feared I never would no matter what happened.

I gasp and shuddered as I tried to catch my breath the urges were so bad this time. I couldn't control myself as I gasped again for breath. Hugging myself close in an attempt to control the pain and agony in which I had felt. I was still living on the residence in which I had lived when I was alive; where else could I go? All I had was this stupid ring and an even more stupid mission. Which let me tell you I had no idea where to start. I gasped again and that was when I heard it.

Footsteps… Someone was on the shrine grounds! `Shit' I thought as I tried to quiet myself as I slipped quietly back into the well house. `Shit, shit, shit! Who in the hell would come here at 3 am?' I thought panicked. I slowly inched the well house open just enough so I could get a look at whomever was idiotic enough to be wondering around at this ungodly hour.

It was a woman… No a teenager maybe? She was about my height and petite. It took me a minute but then I realized just whom it was. It was Eri. `Oh god why is she here now?' I thought nerves. The urges were growing worse now that I knew a human body was nearby.

“Kagome…” I heard her whisper. I looked up. `Had she seen me?' “Oh Kagome, where are you? We all need you, Ayumi, Yuki, and es-… especially me! What am I supposed to do without my best friend?” She looked pained and then she punched the giant tree not too far from the well house I could hear it splinter slightly from the force of her punches.

And that's when it happened. I smelled it. I could smell the fresh blood as it slowly trickled over her knuckled and dripped onto the ground below. Red started to seep into my eyes as the urge took over `NOO!' I mentally shrieked at myself but I was too far-gone and the more feral animalistic side of me took over. I threw the well house door open with a slam surprising Eri from her confession and anger.

“Kagome!” She gasped out shocked. “You're not dead! Oh my god I had been so worried I had seen on the news tha-“ And then she stopped noticing something obviously wasn't right with me as I slowly approached her.

“Kagome…?” she said more quietly. I lunged at her then causing her to scream out “Kagome!” as I sunk my fangs into her soft neck drinking until I was myself again. However it was too late for Eri. I dropped her body shocked and angry with myself that I could even do something like that I cried.

“I'm so, so sorry Eri…” And then I ran. I left and I would never, ever go back there again.

A frown marred my face at the memory that was caused because of that arrogant bastard Sesshomaru. I was still frowning profusely as Inuyasha walked in wearing only a pair of jeans as he approached me. Being so deep in thought I hadn't realized he was crouched down in front of me until he was waving his hand in front of my face looking extremely concerned.

“Sorry, what did you say?” Was my overly lame reply, he sighed.

“I said have you made up your mind on joining the band?” he asked hopefully. He had been dead set on making me join after my mistake of singing in the shower only days into my stay and then finding out I had written songs over the years since my… change. I sighed to myself then gasped lightly when I realized he was shirtless. No matter how many decades I had walked this earth nor how many half naked or naked men I had seen he was the only one who could get that reaction from me.

I narrowed my eyes. “Put on a shirt then ask me again.” was all I said. He glared at me for a second then sighed getting up and walking into the next room, his bed room, grabbing a shirt then coming back out while still adjusting it.

“Ok, so are you in or not and I'm not accepting a no for an answer.” he told me flatly.

Sighing again I nodded while giving an eye roll so hard I wasn't sure how my eyes didn't get stuck that way. His expressionless face instantly turned into one of a smirking bastard who just found out he was America's number one playboy who was just offered any woman in the world.

“Great!” He beamed, “let's start writing a song as the one you'll debut on!” He said grabbing my wrist and yanking me off of the red comfy dish chair I had been curled up on for only god knows exactly how long. `Today is going to be a long day' I thought as I was dragged away by Inuyasha to the Studio room of the apartment.

Inuyasha started up the song again on his guitar this had to have been the millionth time we sang this song after we had written it. This song was us, who we are, everything about us and everything we had become. We had written it together and he wanted it to be absolutely perfect for the next show which unfortunately for me was tomorrow meaning I had little to no time to prepare myself for the scariest thing I ever had to face in my entire undead life... Stage fright.

“The secret side of me I never let you see I keep it caged but I can't control it so stay away from me the beast is ugly I feel the rage and I just can't hold it It's scratching on the walls in the closet, in the halls it comes awake and I can't control it hiding under the bed in my body, in my head why won't somebody come and save me from this? Make it end!” I sang of how we vampires are shortly after we have been changed when our hunger is at its limits we turn into monsters and can't control what we do, I can remember on several occasions going to apartments I had rented out to scratched up walls after I had awoken in the middle of the woods, on my own. Inuyasha joined me for the chorus. “I feel it deep within, It's just beneath the skin I must confess that I feel like a monster I hate what I've become the nightmare's just begun I must confess that I feel like a monster I, I feel like a monster.”

“My secret side I keep hid under lock and key I keep it caged but I can't control it `cause if I let him out he'll tear me up and break me down why won't somebody come and save me from this? Make it end!” Inuyasha sang with what I swear was all the passion in the world, joining him we sang the chorus again. “I feel it deep within, it's just beneath the skin I must confess that I feel like a monster I hate what I've become the nightmare's just begun I must confess that I feel like a monster I feel like a monster!” Inuyasha saying the last part in a demonic tone for dramatics. “It's hiding in the dark its teeth are razor sharp there's no escape for me it wants my soul, it wants my heart! No one can hear me scream. Maybe it's just a dream or maybe it's inside of me. Stop this monster!” the next part everyone else would be joining in this was the final chorus. “I feel it deep within, it's just beneath the skin I must confess that I feel like a monster I hate what I've become the nightmare's just begun I must confess that I, I feel like a monster I feel like a monster!” We ended the song.

“My god Kagome! How come you never became a singer? I mean DAMN!” He said shocked I had kept my talents concealed from the world. Considering I had been dead for about half a century who could blame me really? Imagine how you'd react if your famous role model never grew older after 20 years? I mean yeah they have great cosmetic treatments and make-up but it'd be too unbelievable to look THAT young after that long.

I just shrugged. I mean if I had really wanted to I could've pulled it off I suppose. He just looked at me for a moment as if examining me for any trace of a lie. “So you wanna call it a day?” I nodded at that. He took my hand and laced our fingers as we walked out of the studio and into the living room area of the apartment. Everyone was standing around the kitchen table examining something it seemed.

“Inuyasha, Kagome I think you need to see this” Kouga said as everyone else made room for us to get a closer look at what they had been looking at. It was a newspaper. I went up and grabbed it reviewing the contents of the “news”.

On the front page in big letters it read `FAMILY OF FIVE SLAUGHTERED.'

My eyes widened at the headline and the photos of the article. If a mere mortal looked at these it only seem like an animal had gone berserk but when a vampire would see these they would instantly know another of their kind had done this horrible act; but who was it? I pondered to myself.

I took the newspaper and walked back over to my comfy red dish chair to further look over the paper for any sign or a clue as to who had done this deed for whoever had done it I was the one who had to take care of it... `The life a vampire is so freaking glamorous... whoever thought that Twilight was accurate can bite my ass.' I thought angrily.

Inuyasha came up behind me also to examine the damage that our kind had done to an innocent family who most likely didn't deserve the doom they had received. I heard a growl come from Inuyasha. `Calm down... I can handle these morons and we will both be safe again. So hush!' I said into his mind. 'Keh... I know that it just... It just makes me so mad that someone would do such a repulsive act as this.' he replied.

All was quiet for a while before he said something else. `Who could've done this? Aren't you one of the only ones who can transform a human into a vampire?' I scowled as I was reminded of Sesshomaru once again. How I hated that bastard for putting me into this predicament.

`No.' I finally replied to him, `There are seven of us who can change who we feel fit to. There is Sesshomaru; the one who changed me; before he became a vampire he was also a god who was elected to become the first of the vampires with this power.

Jinenji; he was a half-demon who had been chosen by the gods to help those who deserved to be happy. He had had an extremely rough and horrible childhood being ridiculed by all of the other children around him for being a half demon, and that is why he has such a power.

Rin is the next one with this power; she was a kind hearted young girl who was on the brink of death because of a gang attack that almost killed her but her heart was still pure so Sesshomaru was granted permission by the gods to change her and give her our power. She and Sesshomaru are actually a `thing' if you get my drift.

Totosai is yet another who was chosen though he was chosen for a different reason than most; he was chosen for his wisdom and his knowledge of how to defeat a fellow Vampire if the need ever arose.

Kaede is the second oldest of the chosen to be granted this power; when she was living she was a priestess who was pure at heart and loved to help whoever she could but unfortunately this is also what caused her death. One day a young man whom she was trying to save from an untimely death had gone berserk and stabbed her in the eye and the stomach; the gods took notice of her acts and gave her the power as well.

Then finally there is Naraku; he was the worst mistake of us all. He had been a bandit who was on the brink of death whom the gods thought they could save from death and had assumed he learned his lesson in life but sadly he hadn't and abused his power and turned and killed many. The gods weren't happy at all that they had brought such a horrible being upon this planet and banished him to imprisonment for that was all they were able he was just too strong for them all put together which is why I am here. I am the one who needs to find the one to beat him and send him to his next life in hell. His seal was supposed to last another hundred years but by the looks of it he may have already escaped meaning I will have to take him down on my own...' I let my sentence wonder from that point.

`Could I bring him down on my own if necessary? Could I re-bind him until the one we need is here to finish him?' I thought to myself as a sad look appeared on my face. I heard another growl from behind me before Inuyasha bent over and embraced me within his powerful arms. I sighed loving this feeling. By this point the others had gone to their rooms to rest and get their strength up for their next concert. Even if they were also upset about what they had discovered they all knew their lives weren't on hold and that they were required to be ready and rested for their next performance as were Inuyasha and myself.

I started to read the rest of the newspaper in hopes of finding something to help get my mind off of my problems and Inuyasha's arms around me. Needless to say he had a tendency of making me want to do stuff I just wasn't quite ready for; many a night I spent thinking about his soft yet calloused hands exploring skin that hadn't ever been touched by any other man or vampire.

Yes I am a virgin I am not afraid to admit such a thing as that.

I eventually came upon the Entertainment section of the newspaper where I found many great reviews about To Give a Life but also I found another article on a new band along with a picture. I gasped in the paper there was a picture of all the band members. They weren't any ordinary band however they were all vampires.

There was a bass player whose name was Yura; she had short black hair that came until just below her ears, blue almost black eyes, she was wearing something that almost resembled a swim suit. It was black leather I could tell and the skirt just barely covered her, ahem, vaginal area where as the top covered her breasts just barely better. She was also only about five feet two.

Then there was their Guitarist; her name was Kagura. Her hair was up in a casual up-do. She wore a black silk corset top with magenta streaks in various areas of the corset with a black skirt of the same material of the corset that went to almost mid thigh. Her unnaturally red eyes held malice for anyone who dared interfere with her plans. She was evil in a red dress in a sense one could say.

Their Keyboardist's name was Kanna. Who looked to be the youngest of the group. She was albino colored in her hair, skin, and eyes... She was one you could say was just unnatural looking. She wore a pure white dress that went all the way to her kneecaps, it was very conservative looking. She was barely four foot five being the shortest and the youngest of the vampires.

The drummer's name was Jaromaru. He wore a black slipknot t-shirt that had the sleeves cut off of it showing off his muscles, as well as long trip pants that had bright green and black chains attached to them. He had long light purple hair that was almost as long as Inuyasha's. As for his eyes they were also an extremely light purple almost white color.

Now here's what shocked me of all of this the female singer was my cousin Kikyo. She was supposed to be dead! Either by Sesshomaru or of old age but she looked just as she did before I was turned. Meaning someone else turned her. She was the enemy now. How I hate this life! I have to kill my own cousin! In this picture she was wearing a lace top with a strapless black sports bra like thing underneath in order to just barely cover her nipples. As for her lower sections she had on a short leather skirt almost shorter than Yura's. Her hair was black and went a good three inches past her butt, as for her eyes they were black no denying it.

Then finally there was a male singer and it was no other than Naraku further confirming my suspicions from earlier.

I started shaking now. I had to take him on by myself. Inuyasha and the others I had turned could help but was he the chosen? If he wasn't I couldn't bring myself to allow him to fight this battle with me. I just couldn't. I had to leave. No matter how much I didn't want to no matter how happy I am I had to give it all up. I may even have to die.

I felt a salty tear run down my cheek as I thought of my options. Inuyasha wasn't weak or stupid for that matter if I ran he would just come after me and then I'd have no choice but to drag him into this war for he wouldn't allow me to fight the strongest vampire of our time alone but I had too. How?

`How?' I repeated the thought to myself making sure Inuyasha wasn't tapped into my brain waves as he held me tighter than he had earlier.

Just then as if on cue to ruin the moment a void opened up only a few feet away meaning a messenger of Sesshomaru was coming I stood then as did Inuyasha. From the void came a small toad like creature. `Oh god of all of your minions you had to send this annoying toad of a vampire to inform me of whatever you must? Dear god... I hate you Sesshomaru!' I thought.

“Ahh Mistress Kagome you haven't been killed yet I see? But I shouldn't suspect so as my great lord Sesshomaru handpicked you for this assignment.” At that statement I pick up the puny little runt of a vampire and punted him into the nearest wall saying “Yeah, whatever get to the point damn it.” with a scowl and everything.

I could hear a sort laugh now from the kitchen. I turned around my eyes going wide as I tried to move to lunge at the disgusting creature but I couldn't he had placed a spell on me. “Sesshomaru...” I spat out.

He just chuckled slightly. “So Kagome as I can see you found someone worthy of the chosen one's abilities. I am very proud of you and for such I am grateful I may reward you later for this.” Inuyasha just looked back and forth between the two of us. I hadn't told him about why exactly I had been giving people second chances at life so I am sure he was greatly confused by mine and Sesshomaru's little talk.

`Kagome what is he talking about?' I heard Inuyasha ask in my mind. This really wasn't how I had wanted to inform him especially if he wasn't the chosen one. `Inuyasha hold on ok? I'll explain later' I said to him. There was silence but shortly after there was a small `fine'.

I still wasn't quite able to move he had loosened the spell but only minimally. I adjusted my posture so I was standing regularly but able to attack at any given moment.

“Now as I am sure you have already figured out Naraku has escaped his banishment and is wondering this world as we speak.” Sesshomaru paused. “I must admit I have never been entirely truthful with you Lady Kagome but now I have no choice but to tell you the truth. I didn't entirely need to turn you when I did. You're body could have waited two more years but there just wasn't time to waste for even at that time Naraku had already broken free of his seal and was wondering the earth feeding, gaining strength, and we could not chance him getting to you before we did. Fortunately for us shortly after his awakening he went dormant but not before gathering some loyal followers of his own such as your cousin Kikyo.” he stated.

I could sympathize with this slightly. Sure I was pissed at hell for what he did but Naraku was our true enemy and I knew this deep in my heart. As I reached this realization I relaxed a bit and Sesshomaru removed his spell over my body. Inuyasha was still silent and staring between the two of us.

The others were stirring I could tell we didn't have much time left before mine and Inuyasha's friends were up and about and wondering what the hell was going on. I mind melded with Sesshomaru then. `We don't have much time to continue this conversation if you wish for this to remain private.'

He nodded to my statement. “They are just as much in this now as you are Lady Kagome. They may come.” I closed my eyes then taking his silent command and summoning them all to the living quarters of our little homey apartment. `Come' I melded with them all. Moments later they were all here confused and intrigued.

“Kouga, Shippo, Sango, Miroku...” I bowed my head to them, as they were all here now. “This” I pointed towards Sesshomaru, “is Sesshomaru. He is the vampire who turned me. He has very important information he must share with us please sit and listen for you are all as much involved in this now as I am myself.” They all simply nodded back to me and each took a seat in the living room.

I nodded to Sesshomaru to continue as he turned and faced them. “As I have already told Kagome Naraku is free again and has been for quite awhile. He has been dormant almost immediately afterwards though so the gods decided it was Kagome's time as I am sure you guys already understand.” they nodded to him. “You all have a special part to play in this life. Sango, Naraku was the demon who tricked your former self into hunting an innocent until your death. He is why your soul has yet to rest.” She gasped slightly but didn't argue. “Miroku, that hole in your hand that has a giant wind void was originally given to your great, great grandfather by Naraku as a means to kill off your blood line but has yet to succeed.” Miroku nodded in complete understanding to this. He had figured out after hearing about Sango's former self that they had all been betrayed by this demon that it was more than just a coincidence that they all met.

“Kouga, you were once the great leader of a wolf demon tribe however you were not evil nor was your pack but your pack was killed off by one of Naraku's minions her name being Kagura. As for you Shippo, your former self had nothing against Naraku however you were friends with each and every one of these people's formers lives in your former life meaning Kagome, Inuyasha, Miroku, Sango, and Kouga. This is how you are connected to this puzzle.” Needless to say we were all a little shocked but were taking it overly well.

“Now Kagome there is one more thing…” Sesshomaru said as his speech came to an end. “As I said earlier I was never completely truthful to you about almost anything when I changed you so I am going to show you what I mean as well as reward you for being a loyal follower of the gods.” He clapped his hands and I could hear footsteps from the kitchen as Souta and Kohaku both emerged from the kitchen.

I gasped. “Souta?...” I whispered as said teenager smiled at me saying “Hey sis.”

Sango was as stunned as me to see her long thought to be dead brother and jumped up and ran to him hugging him to make sure this wasn't just some sick joke. “Sango it's me calm down!” her brother gasped out looking scared that she would somehow choke him to death.

“How?...” Sango and I gasped out turning to Sesshomaru.

“As I said before Lady Kagome I was never truthful. I let all of your family live however I granted both your and Sango's brother the life span of a demi-demon. Where all of the others like your parents I let die naturally. I had had them moved to a safer location where Naraku would never reach them and told them you had died. Where as for Sango her family was already dead except for her brother who had ended up in Canada and I trained him to be a demon slayer who could help to destroy Naraku.”

“Now if you have no more questions about this I shall leave, yes?” We nodded curtly not really sure what else we could possibly say about anything anymore.

Sesshomaru turned to leave and took a few steps toward the front door before saying “Oh there is yet one more thing I must relay to Inuyasha and you, Kagome. Inuyasha you are...”

Yea… Bout this cliff hanger right there… You can bite me! >.<

Anyway reading and reviewing is love!