InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When You Can Live Forever ❯ Chapter Seven ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter Seven



Inhale again.

And exhale.

I repeated over and over in my head. I was waiting off in the wings as the band performed their first song. I wasn't to come on until the second. I waited anxiously as they performed the final chorus.

Inhale. Exhale. I repeated again as Inuyasha started his little speech where he would introduce me to everyone as a new member. He went around pointing out the current members, letting them interject and make some jokes.

“… Ladies and gents, we have a new addition to our band starting tonight. I'd like you to give her a warm welcome! Come on up, Kagome!” he stated excitedly as he motioned for me to join him up on the brightly lit stage.

I exhaled, then plastering a smile on my face I grip the mic tightly within my hand as I jogged up to him at center stage. The band started up on my first song.

Shippo started in on keyboard providing a fairytale esk toon. Second later Inuyasha started up on guitar. Then Miroku started on bass as Sango entered with drums. Then I was singing.

“High dive into frozen waves where the past comes back to life. Fight fear for the selfish pain, it was worth it every time. Hold still right before we crash, `cause we both know how it ends. A clock ticks til it breaks your glass and I drown in you again.” I took a breath before continuing on. “`Cause you are the piece of me, I wish I didn't need. Chasing relentlessly, still fight and I don't know why”

Inuyasha, joining me in the next verse had the crowd screaming for more. It was magnificent. “If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy? If our love's insanity, why are you my clarity?” I started bouncing around the stage and bopping my head off to the side as the music continued to fill the venue hall, as Inuyasha assisted Kouga on guitar standing right in front of him having a little stare down as they played their hearts out until the vocals began once again.

“If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy? If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?” I finished for the moment as Inuyasha belted out the next verse. “Walk on through a red parade, and refuse to make amends. It cuts deep through our ground and makes us forget all common sense.” I had started clapping to the beat of the drums as he finished off his verse to get the crowd even more into it, hands were in the air all over the floor; it was truly spectacular.

I picked up at the next verse, “Don't speak as I try to leave, `cause we both know what we choose. If you pull, then I'll push too deep and I'll fall right back to you. `Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need. Chasing relentlessly, still fight and I don't know why.” I started headbanging as Inu took over from there. “If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy? If our love's insanity, why are you my clarity?” I started dancing around the stage and the band members, when I reached Inuyasha I ran my hand up his left arm and across his back before sliding it down his right arm. I tossed the mic into the air making it almost hit the ceiling, jumping up I grabbed it mid air before rejoining on the vocals. “Why are you my clarity?” all of the other band members echoed us on clarity. “Why are you my remedy?” the band echoed us once again. We repeated the verse before it was just me and Inuyasha once again bringing the song to a close with the final verse. “If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy? If our love's insanity, why are you my clarity?” Sango hit her final note on the drums as Kouga and Miroku finished off their riffs, the only one still playing was Shippo as he hit the last few keys.

The screams and applause we received were overwhelming. If I had known it would feel this good to perform live I would've joined a band ages ago. But what is in the past, is in the past.

Inuyasha grabbed his mic hyping up the audience for the next song. We performed `Monster' earning ourselves some unmentionables being thrown onto the stage. There were some bras and panties up on the stage and even a pair of boxers or two. `Why in the hell do people do that?' I thought astounded while pondering what they were now wearing since so much of it was on our stage.


Our set was almost finished; we'd performed somewhere around twelve songs by now. “Guys it's been great,” Inuyasha started into the mic, “But all good things must come to an end you know.” The audience made sounds of displeasure; obviously not ready for the concert to end. “So this is gonna be our last song for the night. Hope ya'll have had as much fun as us tonight. Enjoy!”

Inuyasha started playing the melodic notes on his guitar as I started to bounce slightly up and down on the stage scanning the audience as I did so. Sango joined in on the drums shortly before Miroku and Kouga came in signing `Oh yeah, oh yeah'. Then it was my turn

“How do you sleep through the night? Where do you go when you hide? Waiting for the truth to call, I don't fear you anymore.” Inuyasha joined me in the next verse, his strong baritone voice on enhancing the song further. “How do you think I'm alright? It's the way I wait, it's the way you've changed.” Then it was Yasha's solo.

“And I like the way you hurt inside. Always waiting for the worst to get me by and I like the way you hurt. Does it really come- Does it really come as a surprise” Miroku and Kouga came in again with their `Oh yeahs' once more before it was my solo again.

I approached the front of the stage again before taking me turn at the mic once again. “From all the years that went by. Through all of your shit I've survived,” I sang out staring out into the crowd when a Black hair woman caught my attention `It couldn't be?' I thought to myself as I continued the song. “You would have thought I had died but I made it out alive” I finished my verse off before Sango and Miroku took over.

“How do you sleep though the night? It's the lies you gave, now the roles have changed.”

`I have to check if it's her' I thought determined as I made my way off stage into the audience causing a bit of an uproar. `WHAT ARE YOU DOING?' I heard Inuyasha yell at me telepathically. I ignored him making my way further into the crowd. `It can't be her. It just can't be.' With a mic in hand I sang out my next verse within the crowd, still scanning the audience for the petite woman I could have sworn I saw. “And I like the way you hurt inside. Always waiting for the worst, to get me by and I like the way you hurt. Does it really come- does it really come as a surprise?” Catching a glimpse of the black haired woman leaving the venue I made my way back to the stage as Inuyasha helped me back up before his verse.

“Its no surprise. It's no surprise” He belted out before it was my turn once more. “It's the lies you gave now the roles have changed.” I sang out. The lyrics bring forth an ominous feeling inside of myself with the thoughts of a certain dark haired woman still within my head.

The song slowly coming to an end Inuyasha and myself sang the final chorus together. “And I like the way you hurt inside Always waiting for the worst to get me by. And I like the way you hurt After all you've done, look what I've become. And I like the way you hurt always waiting for the worst to get me by. And I like the way you hurt. Doesn't really come” Every else joining in for the last line we sang out. “It doesn't really come as a surprise.” We finished. The song drawing to a close as the audience screamed out.

As we made our way back stage to our dressing room Inuyasha reached out and grabbed my shoulder. “Hey what happened back there?”

I furrowed my brow. “What are you talking about?”

“Don't pull that. Why'd you jump down into the crowd earlier.” I paused unsure how to answer. It couldn't have been her, could it? I shrugged.

It was nothing really, I thought I saw something but I was wrong.” He looked uncertainly at me but seemed to let it go.

“All right. Then let's get back to the apartments.” I nodded in agreement as we all made our way to the van.

Once in the van Souta, who was in the front seat, turned to me “So sis how was the lime light?” he gave a cheeky grin. “It's about time you got out there! You've always had a great voice”

I blushed. “Souta! Shut up!” I punched him in the arm.

Inuyasha laughed out. “See! I'm not the only one who thought your voice was wonderful.” So I punched him in the arm too.


By the time we reached the apartments my face was the color of a fire truck. Between Souta and Inuyasha I was beyond embarrassed. Honestly, I'm a little surprised I haven't burst into flames yet out of embarrassment.

I quickly exited the car, slamming the door of the van shut. “Seriously knock it off you two!”

“Oh relax sis.” Souta rolled his eyes at me, and Inuyasha laughed as he and the others stepped out of the van.

I glared back at him. Suddenly I got a feeling, a really bad feeling. Then a ball of fire zoomed past me and straight at Inuyasha's face.

“Woah! What the hell?” He said as he barely managed to dodge out of the way.

“Haha oh my gosh, your face! I got you so good!” A young woman with mid-back length jet-black hair pulled back into a ponytail hoped down from a nearby tree laughing uncontrollably at Inuyasha's reaction.

I breathed a sigh of relief after seeing her. “Oh it's you. I should have known.” I flung myself into the woman to give her a hug. “How've you been Shadow?” I asked pulling away from the young woman.

After that everyone relaxed, realizing there was no danger. Looking at each-other they all kind of shrugged and started getting their stuff to head on inside.

I've been fine. Oh, and so has Xander. Actually, he told me to go on ahead to find you while he goes and gathers the other.” The young woman smiled broadly.

It was great seeing one of the few I had saved over the years. It had been quite some time since I had last seen Shadow. When I had changed her she had been attacked in an alley by a group of several men whom had beaten and raped her until she was bloody and broken both physically and mentally. It was amazing that she was doing so well after all she had been through to be honest.

After I changed her she traveled with me for several years. She was the only one I could be granted an exception to the rule that I must leave them. Leaving her in that state would have only made her unstable and a danger to herself as well as others around her.

Some years later I met back up with Alexander, a young man who I had changed maybe years before, and they almost instantly took a liking to each other. It was actually pretty funny watching him try to impress her. One time he tried to make a grand entrance by doing a bunch of flips only to become dizzy and fall into some trashcans mid act.

“Shadow that's absolutely fantastic” I smiled back at her.

Becoming serious again, I grabbed her by her shoulders and leaned in saying quietly, “I've found him. I've found the one that will finally defeat Naraku.”

Blinking up at me she replied. “Well ain't it about fuckin' time Kags?”

I grinned “Yeah I suppose it is. Um…”

“What is it Kaggy?” Shadow asked curiously using the nickname she only used when she was being completely serious about something. I looked over at Inuyasha who was still waiting for some kind of explanation of what the hell was going on.

Looking back over at Shadow I pushed into her thoughts telepathically. “I-I think I like him Shad's… Like really seriously like him…” I trailed off uncertain. She looked at me sympathetically.

“Let me guess,” she started to telepathically reply. “You think that you shouldn't like him because he's supposed to be our saving grace from Naraku?”

“Yeah… Pretty much.” I answered back weakly.

Shadow mentally sighed in frustration. “Does he like you? Actually… Don't answer that. It's pretty fuckin' obvious… I say go for it. Be happy! You haven't been truly happy in a long, long time.” I tried to argue against that but was cut off, “Don't you even try to lie to me, Kagome.” Shadow retorted.

“After what happened to me I was still able to find my happiness. I never thought I could ever trust another man or be this happy or even smile again. Ever. Like I thought I'd be emotionally crippled for the rest of my life. Unable to be happy, sad, or to even really feel normal again in any kind of way. But the gods or whatever the fuck they are pretty clearly disagreed. I'm sure if they were against you being with him and being happy that they'd have done something by now about it… Don't you”

Taking a moment, I thought about that. It probably was true that they'd have intervened by now if they disapproved. “Ya know… You might just be right Shadow”

Fed up with the telepathy link she bust out. “MIGHT BE right? `You fucking kidding me? I'm always right!” She smiled broadly. “Now stop beating around the bush and get to it!” Coming closer to me she whispered “Plus I want little nieces and nephews ASAP. And I'm guessing Souta feels the same.” I looked at her slightly questioningly. She rolled her eyes, “Fluffy bastard person filled me in before I made it here.”

I nodded while blushed furiously, unable to say anything about that.

Winking at me she said “Well it looks like you guys have a pretty packed place so I'll be going now.” She turned and started to leave.

“Wa-wait a minut-“ I started only to have her cut me off.

Spinning around she said. “Don't worry. I'm not going far, plus someone needs to find a place for the rest of us to stay when they get here. Now go.” Then she vanished.

I sighed. That girl was like a storm, I swear.

`Though she almost never fails to bring a smile to my face.' I thought , turning back towards Inuyasha who also had a smile of his own.

“Sooo. What just happened?” He asked as we started walking into the apartment building.

I chuckled. “It's a bit of a long story, but if you'll listen I'll tell you.” I smiled up at him.

“Hey, I'm all ears here. “ He said as he pointed at his dog-ears on top of his head.

I couldn't help but laugh at that as we got into the elevator and went to our floor.