InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When You're Among Friends ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I was watching Inu-Yasha l

Disclaimer: Nope I own nothing, the Evil Monkey in my closet said so…He points too much… O_O He eats Pocky for breakfast…NOOO!! OH MY POCKY!!! BAD MONKEY!!!! …O_- its all good now…*Is chased around by Evil monkey*

Please Review!

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It started off as a normal evening for little six year old Sango Hiraikotsu. She had a baby brother who was now two and her parents were nice to their children. Sango though, had a feeling that her only parents didn't care about her so much, since her brother had been born. Her mother kept threatening her and her family, telling them she was going to leave and never come back, all Sango knew was that there were lots screaming, yelling, and loud noises when ever she would tell them that. Her father basically just blocked her out and would push Sango to play outside all day. Her father didn't even care where Sango was, most of the time. Sango would sit outside her house and play in front of her neighbor's house. Sango walked up to the fencing and saw a dog. Being a dog lover, she called the dog over. It trotted over to Sango but started to growl, making her a little scared.

The dog stood up against the fence and Sango started to pet it. Though, she soon regretted it. The neighbor's came out and let the dog off its leash. She heard the person yell for the dog to "go get her!" the fence broke open, and the dog started to chase her, snapping its massive jaws at her. Sango screamed as she ran down the street, the dog at her heels. The dog nipped her arm, breaking it open a little. She looked behind her and saw the dog's giant teeth still biting at her, she tried running faster. Though, it seemed it couldn't be worse, she tripped over a stupid rock when she entered the park, and she went tumbled to the ground. The dog got on her, its sharp claws digging into her, and then its teeth dug into her leg. It yanked on her, throbbing back and fourth, tearing her fragile leg open, and she heard a cracking noise. Sango kicked it with her good leg, and tried to bite it back, but she couldn't stop it. Sango finally kicked it hard enough to knock it off for a second and she tried crawled free, though the dog quickly got up and stomped on her back, making her cry out in pain once again.

She picked up some dirt and threw it at the dog, hoping it would get off her if it was blinded, but it didn't budge. She cried out for help, but no one came. The dog began to bite towards her neck, but missed and tore open her shoulder. Her sight began to blur for the moment, and she flipped on her back, curled up and she closed her eyes tight, as the dog went to bite at her face. The blow to the face never came though. The big dog was off her, and she opened her eyes to see it on its side with three big sticks stuck in it. Sango tried to get up, but three boys came to her side and told her to stay put. Her sight corrected and she could see them, and the white ambulance driving up. People piled out of the white van with stretchers and weird equipment. Sango looked down and saw blood all over her, and her head began to feel heavy, along with the pains in her neck, arm and legs, though she soon blanked out while she was being rushed to the hospital.

Sango woke up at the hospital, her father and mother at her side, holding her baby brother. Her dad had tears in his eyes, and the boys from earlier were there, too. They were sitting near her in chairs, and she recognized the place as the hospital. Why she was there was her question; she wasn't sure what had happened to her. The boys leaned over her when her father and mother left the room and they poked her a little, to see if she was dead or not, even though it was kind of obvious. She examined the three boys; two had long silver hair and amber eyes while the other had short black hair tied into a small pony tail and had blue eyes. When Sango was released from the hospital a week later, the four of them would play outside everyday, and were there for her always.

Ten Years Later…

"Sango, c'mon! Let's go already!" Inu-Yasha whined at her.

"Ugh…Five more minutes!" Sango said in a sleepy voice, covering her head with a pillow.

"Your five more minutes is going to make us late, you idiot!"

"So? When are we not late?"

"…That's it!" Inu-Yasha said, grabbing her legs and pulling her out of the bed, knocking her to the floor, her pillow still over her head.

"I thought you wanted to come?!"

"You guys aren't leaving any time soon, now are you?"

"…Fuck, c'mon, I'll be down stairs, now get dressed you bum!"

"…Finnnnne…" she groaned.

Inu-Yasha left Sango in her room to get dressed and she quickly stood up. She put on her pink and black cargo jeans on and her pink and black mesh top, along with her black combat boots. She ran down stairs to her bathroom and quickly put on her black mascara and pink eye-shadow, then putting her dark brown hair in a high pony tail. When she left the bathroom, Inu-Yasha handed her a breakfast bar and her black book bag, then they walked out the door. Sango rubbed her eyes and walked to Sesshoumaru's black car. Miroku was already in the back, and Sango got in, sitting next to him while Sesshoumaru and Inu-Yasha sat up front. Everyone was quiet until Sesshoumaru broke the silence,

"So, how come you never told us about you and Kouga?"

"What?! Who told you!?"

"Kagura, the gossip queen." Inu-Yasha answered.

"Damn her. Well, I don't know why I just…"

"Thought we wouldn't like it?" Miroku interjected.


"Well, we don't. You should dump that damn bastard. He'll end up cheating on you anyway. Ask anyone who's gone out with him." Sesshoumaru told her.

"Wait, wait, wait…You went around asking people about it?"

"Depends on what you mean by that." Inu-Yasha said helplessly.

"Oh, that's nice of you guys. Thanks, I'm so happy." She said sarcastically.

"Your welcome."

"Yeah, we're just looking out for you."

"Yeah, you know we all love you."

"Well, thanks, but I don't need you guys to get into my love life!" Sango told them, sounding disappointed.

"Okay, but just so you know, we may beat his face in if we see him with you-"

"Hell, if we see him at all, we're going to beat the shit out of him."

"And we might have a little chat with him so he knows what will happen if he does anything stupid."

"You guys…"Sango said shaking her head with a frown upon her face.

When they reached the school, Sango got out of the car and walked inside the school, alone. Her friends just watched her, shaking there heads. When she and her friends sat down in there seats, a girl with black hair and brown eyes walked in and sat down next to Sango. That seat was usually open for anyone, her friends always sat behind her or in front of her, so it would be easier to pass notes. The girl smiled at Sango and she grinned helplessly at her. Mr. Toutousai entered the classroom and introduced the new student, the girl sitting next to Sango.

"This is Kagome Higurashi, she is our new student. Let's see…Ah, Inu-Yasha, you will show her around today, okay?"

"What?! Why do I have to show that wench around?!"

"Because, you need help with your social skills, the only people you seem compatible with are you and your three friends." Toutousai told him, and then he continued on about that day's lesson.

Kagome got out her headphones and C.D. player, and Sango could hear Jet on it singing "Cold Hard Bitch", which was one of Sango's favorite songs. Sango was singing quietly to the song, tapping her pencil against her desk. Sesshoumaru, who was behind Sango, tapped her on the shoulder, and passed a note to her, it read: `This is boring. We should skip the rest of the day.' Sango grinned back at her friend, folded the note up again, and passed the note up to Inu-Yasha and Miroku. The two in front looked back at Sango and Sesshoumaru and nodded. Kagome looked over at Sango curiously, and feeling a little bad, and since Inu-Yasha was supposed to show her around, Sango wrote down: `Hey Kagome, since your new you can hang out with us, anyways, Inu-Yasha is supposed to show you around right? So, want to skip with us today?' Kagome smiled at Sango and nodded at her. After class, Kagome joined Sango, who was looking frantically for her three friends. Before they could get to her, Kouga walked up to Sango. Her friends watched Kouga just walk up to Sango and kiss her, it pissed them off. After Kouga hugged Sango and walked off, Sesshoumaru, Inu-Yasha and Miroku went to go and find him.

They cornered Kouga and Sesshoumaru punched him square in the face, giving him a black eye. Then Miroku punched him in the stomach, making him cringe and last but most painful, Inu-Yasha stepped on his back while he was bent over, knocking Kouga to the ground.

"You need to leave Sango alone."

"We know your toying with her."

"And if you hurt her, we'll hurt you. Get out of here you mother fucking bastard."

Kouga nodded, and got up and ran off.

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Tis teaser…Tell me what you think of it so far? E-mail me pairing Idea's, cuz I want them to be unusual pairings!!! >___< So, yeah. E-mail me!!!!! And I'll share my Pocky!!! Pocky, Pocky, Pocky! Wheeee! So long for now, then! GAWD DAMN IT MONKEY!!! THAT'S MY POCKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! …E-mail me at!!