InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When You Say Nothing At All ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
When You Say Nothing At All
By: Cassial_Darkfox
Lyrics by: Alison Krauss
I own none of the characters in this story, nor do I own Inuyasha the series, and I especially don't own the lyrics. ENJOY!


Everyone told her she was a fool for falling for the most ineligible guy in school. He didn't even go to her school; he was in high school and a private high school at that. No one knew at first, it was her little secret. Sango found out at first, she read her diary thinking it was their book for writing notes. Yuka found out after that and then she told Eri. She made sure that that was as far as it went, no one else would find out.
The one she wanted to keep the secret from the most, aside from the embodiment of her love, was his brother. They had been friends growing up and he was really sensitive about the subject of his brother. He had always hung out with them; them being Kagome, Sango, and Miroku. His temper was something best avoided if it could be helped, but sometimes there was no avoiding it.
His brother had actually hung out with them when they were younger too, that is until he figured out that it was "uncool" to hang out with those who were younger than you. After that he didn't come around anymore. No one really noticed though, he hardly talked or did anything when he was with them. Usually he just sat and watched them do stupid stuff, but he would step in if one of them were likely to get hurt.
She didn't notice him too much when she was younger. All of her attention was on his little brother, Inuyasha. Her feelings for him came first and she felt that she loved him with all of her heart. That changed when she saw his first kiss go to a girl named Kikyo. Kikyo went to their school too, but no one really heard of her until Inuyasha was caught making out with her on the roof.
That ended the fairytale Kagome was living about Inuyasha abruptly. It wasn't until after she got over him that she realized it wasn't love, not real love anyways. It was a crush, made through spending time together and having something in common. As they were growing up she tried to cling to that and in turn thought she loved him, but was let down. It was a fast recovery though; a pint of ice cream and Sango's wisdom cured all of Kagome's false heartache.
It was while she was at Inuyasha's house that she saw Sesshoumaru again after nearly ten years that she fell head over heels for him. At first it was like old times, he ignored them and went about his business. Things changed one day when Inuyasha left the room to go to the kitchen down stairs and Sesshoumaru appeared in the doorway. He only looked at her and then finally said, "Long time no see Kagome. How have you been?"
Kagome had looked at him like he was growing another head, it seemed he thought so too. He smirked but didn't say anything. Finally remembering his question Kagome smiled, "Alright I guess. Inuyasha is a headache and a half though, he doesn't seem to understand what love is."
Sesshoumaru managed to look genuinely surprised, "What?"
"Inuyasha is having problems with Kikyo. He thinks ignoring the problem will make it all better so I have to save him from losing her." She shrugged, "Can't be helped I guess, he's emotionally damaged."
He chuckled, "Very true." Sesshoumaru turned and left without another word.
Inuyasha appeared only minutes later mumbling about his brother being an asshole.
After that Kagome tried to see Sesshoumaru as much as she could, which wasn't very much at all. Only when she was at Inuyasha's house did she see Sesshoumaru at all. That also changed one day at school.
Inuyasha asked Kagome to meet him on the school roof during lunch because he needed to talk to her. She went up there and Inuyasha practically jumped her. Claiming that he loved her and that being with Kikyo was just him trying to replace her. Then he proceeded to try and kiss her. Kagome stopped him and yelled that she didn't love him in the least. Now he avoided her like the plague.
So now Kagome was in her math class sitting not three rows away from Inuyasha just thinking about his brother. Sango was all right her liking Sesshoumaru, but Yuka and Eri were against it with their entire beings. Or course Kagome didn't care what they thought, she liked Sesshoumaru and she didn't care what anyone thought about it.
There was something that no one knew though. Sesshoumaru and her had met and talked about everything and nothing at the same time. She wanted to tell him that she loved him, but couldn't get the courage so her desires went unvoiced. It was on that day that she had her first kiss and he was the one to give it to her. That was the greatest moment of her life so far. This incident occurred over a month ago.
Since then Kagome saw him every weekend and they just hung out together and talked. They had only kissed twice since the first kiss and Kagome loved each one as much as she loved the first. He seemed so much different when it was just them than when it was the group of friends in the past. Sesshoumaru would talk to her like she was important to him, or course she knew otherwise but it was fun to pretend. The things he told her-
"Kagome Higurashi."
She looked up, "Huh?" The class laughed at her.
"Please step outside until you think you can pay attention."
"Sorry sensei." She stood up and left the class.
Kagome sat next to Sesshoumaru as they waited for the movie to start. It was supposed to be scary but Kagome doubted it, they never were. She smiled up at him when he offered the popcorn, "Thanks Sesshou."
He nodded, "You're welcome."~An hour later~Kagome held onto Sesshoumaru for dear life. Her face was hidden behind his shoulder; the movie was a lot scarier than she thought it was. She had long since given up on trying to watch the movie and be brave. 'Forget that, this is freaking scary!'
Sesshoumaru just held onto her and watched the movie should she want to know how it ended.
The lights in the theater went on as the movie credits started to roll. Kagome stood up stiffly and walked out with Sesshoumaru behind her. Once they were outside she turned to him and smiled, "Sorry I was a wuss."
He smiled a small smile, "No, it is alright. That movie was a bit worse than I thought it was going to be."
"But you didn't hide from the movie!"
Sesshoumaru laughed, "That is true, but I am me and you are you."
"I hope you know that you just broke what was left of my brain." She sighed, "So where to now? We have-" She checked her watch, "two hours."
"How about the park?"
Her smile was bright, "Okay, then lets go."
He led the way to the park with Kagome walking beside him. Sesshoumaru made sure that he knew his surroundings; too many people had been attacked in the park as of late. "Here we are."
They had stopped at a little koi pond far in the park. The moonlight reflected off of the water's surface and made the koi seem like ghosts. A small waterfall fed the pond and ran further into the park from there.
"It's beautiful Sesshou."
"Yes, it is." His eyes were on her until she turned towards him.
She bit her lip, "I have something I want to tell you Sesshou. I've never told anyone, but three other people know about my secret." Kagome boldly met his gaze and got in front of him. She put her hands on his shoulders and leaned up. Her lips barely ghosted over his then she pulled away from him. "I have been in love with you for sometime now Sesshoumaru. I never told you because I was afraid that you would laugh. That changed when we started to talk and hanging out together."
"Kagome." He lifted her chin and kissed her fully on the mouth. His tongue snaked its way into her mouth and memorized every inch of it. Sesshoumaru's arms slid around her waist and pulled her closer to him.
Kagome's arms wrapped around his neck and she moaned into his mouth. Never in all her dreams about him had he actually kissed her back, usually they just had sex. Now with him kissing her like he was Kagome had no doubt in her mind that she wanted to be with Sesshoumaru and only Sesshoumaru.
He pulled away from the kiss and asked her what she wanted. "Tell me to and I will."
A simple phrase, easily misinterpreted, but Kagome understood. "Anything, everything as long as it's with you Sesshoumaru."
He guided her to lay on the grass with him over her. Sesshoumaru lifted her shirt over her head and smiled when she made no move to cover herself up. A smile on his face he kissed her neck and moved lower, kissed all the skin he had bared. When he removed her bra Sesshoumaru took one of her nipples in his mouth and massaged the other one with his hand.
"Ungh, S-Sesshou...oh my-uhh..." She writhed beneath him as her body was introduced to new sensations. Her hands were tangled in his hair and pushing his head down to where the ache was the worst.
Sesshoumaru smirked against her skin and moved lower. He trailed kisses all the way down to her navel where he swirled his tongue around her belly button. He hooked his fingers in her panties and slid them down her legs and off of her completely. Going lower still he spread her legs and ran one of his hands up her thigh to her center. Watching her intently Sesshoumaru ran his finger down her wet slit.
Kagome's eyes flew open at the sensations he invoked by his simple touches. "Wh-what was th-that? Do it again." Her hands fisted in the grass at her sides and moans erupted from her mouth.
A smile found it's way to his face as he watched the pleasure cross her face. Sesshoumaru lowered his finger and slowly pushed it into her while his tongue began teasing her clit. He added another finger to join the first and started pumping them in time with his licks.
"Oh-ungh. More!" Her eyes were screwed shut as pleasure over ran her entire body. She had never felt anything like this before and it was quickly pushing her towards the edge of something big.
He sped up when he felt her approaching orgasm. At her loud moan and the tightening of her walls he eased his fingers out of her and sat up to look at the pure pleasure on her face.
Her body shook and her eyes opened lazily and focused on Sesshoumaru. She blushed at the thought that crossed her mind, but didn't dismiss it. Kagome sat up on her knees shakily and started undoing the buttons on his shirt. Once the shirt was off she marveled at him. "How can you be so perfect?"
His fingers threaded through her hair, "I am far from perfect Kagome, but I try to get as close to it as possible."
She smiled at him, "Of course Sesshoumaru-sama. Forgive this lowly miko for questioning you." Her hands descended on his pants and she slid the zipper down. Kagome's eyebrows shot up in surprise, "No boxers or any kind of underwear?"
Sesshoumaru just smirked at her, "They are too constricting." He pulled her in for a quick kiss, "You are the only one who knows about that Kagome.""I shall guard your secret with my life." Not waiting for his remark Kagome pushed him back so he was in a sitting position and slid his pants off of his hips and down his legs. Her blush darkened considerably when she finally saw his erection standing proudly before her. "Can I..."
He cupped her face, "Do whatever you want to Kagome, I will not push to do anything."
Seeing the shiny drop of precum on the head of his arousal Kagome ran her tongue over him. At his gasp she looked up thinking she did something wrong, "Are you alright?"
"Yeah, that was good Kagome. Do it again."
Blushing darker still she slid her tongue down the underside of his penis along the vein. Her hands went down to his testicles and massaged them. Kagome felt Sesshoumaru's hand on the back of her head and without being told to she took him in her mouth completely. Using his hand as a guide Kagome started an up, down motion and what she couldn't fit into her mouth she got with her hands.
His eyes were straining to close but Sesshoumaru wouldn't let them. He had never let anyone do this to him and he wanted to see Kagome do it to him now. Taking his hands from her head he laid them at his sides in the grass. A fine sheen of sweat covered his body and he shook with restraint.
Kagome felt Sesshoumaru stiffen, moan, and then felt something shoot into her mouth. Not wanting to waste it Kagome swallowed every last drop and before she pulled she swirled her tongue over the head of his penis.
Sesshoumaru sat up and pulled her in for a kiss. He devoured her lips showing her how much he needed and wanted her. When he pulled away he was panting, and though he knew in his heart that this was a bad idea he went along with it anyways. "Kagome, tell me..." Her nod was all it took for him. He laid her back down on the grass and positioned himself at her entrance.
"I love you Sesshou." With the moon behind him he looked like his black hair was silver and his eyes no longer looked like the hazel ones she knew so well. He looked more dangerous, but Kagome knew he would never hurt her. "Please."
He pushed into her fast, breaking her virgin barrier in one thrust. Once he was fully seated in her he stilled and waited her for to tell him she was all right. Even more now than before Sesshoumaru could feel his control slipping away from him. 'This isn't good.' he thought.
Kagome wiggled a bit and gasped at the feeling it gave her. She looked up at Sesshoumaru and he looked like he was concentrating on something. "Sesshou."Being brought back to the present Sesshoumaru slid out and shoved back in harshly. Her cries were a signal to keep going. Sesshoumaru used all of his force and speed to bring Kagome to her climax. At the feel of her tightening walls Sesshoumaru increased his speed and used a part of him that no one knew about.
She was chanting his name brokenly between her screams and moans. Everything she was told about sex couldn't compare to what Sesshoumaru was doing to her at that moment. Then something snapped, Kagome screamed out his name and came for the second time that night.
His control broke and he growled out his climax. Sesshoumaru didn't bother pulling out of her; he shot his seed deep into her womb. Completely spent Sesshoumaru pulled out of her and fell to her side.
After her tremors died down Kagome turned to Sesshoumaru, she gasped. His once black hair was silver and there were two magenta stripes on his cheek and one above his eye. He also stripes on his hips, wrists, and ankles. Kagome moved away from him, "Sess-Sesshoumaru?"
He opened his eyes slowly and turned to her. His eyebrows knit together, she looked afraid for some reason. Sesshoumaru sat up and at her jump he looked at her in confusion. It was then that he felt it, a tail lying around his pelvis and on his lap. 'Shit.' Making no other move so as not to scare her he said, "Kagome let me explain."
"Explain? You just turned into someone else! What are you?!"
Being in his humanoid form Sesshoumaru wished she would be quieter. "I am a youkai. An inuyoukai to be exact."
"When were you planning on telling me?!"
"We are not allowed to tell without permission from my father." He sighed and absently stroked his tail, "I wanted to tell you, but my father would not approve of me telling a miko even if it was you."
She looked at him in shock, "You mean to tell me that your father is a youkai too? And what about Inuyasha and his mother?""My father is a youkai, but his wife isn't she's human. Inuyasha is a hanyou." Sesshoumaru closed his golden eyes, "I am sorry Kagome. I will take you home if you wish."
"But we still have half an hour," she pointed at her watch which was still on her wrist, "are you going to make me go home?"
His eyes widened, "But I thought-"
"You thought wrong Sesshoumaru. I love you remember? I was just surprised, but I'm okay now. Besides you look way hotter now than you did before."
Sesshoumaru shook his head, "You are strange Kagome."
"True, but I don't sprout a tail after sex either."
He laughed, "You never know you might." Sesshoumaru stood up and collected their clothes. He handed Kagome hers and started to dress.Kagome slipped into her skirt and underwear. Once her bra and shirt were back on she smoothed out her hair and watched as Sesshoumaru finished getting dressed. She looked at his hair, "How do you make it seem like it's short and black?"
"A spell my father developed several hundred years ago, so we can blend in." He combed his hair with his fingers and grimaced when he felt the leaves. When he felt Kagome's hand on his he turned to her.
"Here let me." She removed the leaves and sticks and combed it out so there were no tangles in it. "Can I braid it?"
"If you want to go for it."
She squealed and started to braid his long hair. When finally she was done Kagome patted his back, "Okay, now you look beautiful."
He turned with a brow raised, "Beautiful? Don't you mean handsome?"
"No, you are beautiful. Handsome is for people like Miroku." She grabbed his hand, "Come on."
"Kagome I can't be seen like this. No one can see me with my youkai markings."
She looked at him then at the path that had brought them to the secluded area, "How am I going to get home then?"
Sesshoumaru smirked, "I will show you a way." He picked her up and took to the skies.
Kagome held on to him for dear life and when she heard him laugh she smacked him playfully on the chest, "Don't do that! You scared me half to death."
His smirk broadened, but he said nothing.
After a while Kagome fell asleep so Sesshoumaru took her home. He put his concealing spell back up and knocked on the door.Moments later Kagome's mom came to the front door, "Oh, Sesshoumaru. She looked down at her daughter, "Is she okay?"
"She is just tired Mrs. Higurashi. Would it be alright if I carry her to her room upstairs?"
She stepped aside, "Of course Sesshoumaru."
He took her upstairs and laid her in her bed. After he kissed her forehead he covered her up and left.
After Sesshoumaru had gotten out of the shower he was in his room reading when someone knocked on his door. He got up and went to it, there was a servant waiting on the other side. "Yes?"
"Your father wishes to see you Sesshoumaru-sama." The servant bowed and left without another word.
That told Sesshoumaru that his father wasn't happy about something. He went to his father's study and knocked.
"Come in Sesshoumaru."
He walked in and waiting for the reason he was called.
"Where were you tonight?"
His eyes narrowed at his father, "I was out. I told you I would be."
"Yes, but you did not say where you were going."
"And I shouldn't have to. I will not report to you every little thing that happens in my life." Sesshoumaru's posture was stiff and defiant.
"Oh, but this wasn't little. Going out with Kagome and then having sex with her? I would say that is rather big." He glared at his son, "Did she see?"
Instead of answering the question Sesshoumaru growled, "You sent someone to follow me?! You may be my father but that gives you no right!"
"Answer the question!"
"Your spy should know shouldn't he?"
Inutaisho turned away and looked out the window, "No. Kagome put up a barrier and it didn't fall until you left her house."
Sesshoumaru looked at his father in surprise, "What?"
"You didn't know?"
"No, I didn't."
He turned back to his eldest son, "Now did she see you in your humanoid form?"
"Yes, she did."
His eyes hardened, "Sesshoumaru! You were told under no circumstances that no one is to see you without me knowing."
A louder growl erupted from Sesshoumaru as he glared at his father, "You knew this was inevitable. I know that you were sending spies after me and you know how I feel about Kagome. So you can't stand there and tell me you didn't see this coming!"
Inutaisho rushed at his son and grabbed him around the neck, "You will not act like a pup around me Sesshoumaru. I will not let you see her anymore."
Sesshoumaru swiped at his father with his claws, "You can not keep me from seeing her anymore than you can keep Inuyasha under control! I will see her no matter what."
He dropped his son, "That is what I wanted to hear." Inutaisho walked back to his desk and sat down.
Inutaisho smirked at his son, "I just wanted to know that you were dedicated to her and now I am sure." His eyes softened, "I did not send anyone to watch you tonight son. I smelt her on your clothes and there was a faint trace of miko energy on them from a barrier, that is how I knew."
He felt so foolish, "Forgive me father."
"No, you did right Sesshoumaru. You protected her and I'm proud of you."
It was a week later that Sesshoumaru marked Kagome as his mate. She cried when she found out what it meant, never in all her life did she think that he would do that for her. To make her his forever. She had spent a lot more time at Sesshoumaru's house learning about youkai and the way they behave. Inutaisho had become like a father to her and Inuyasha's mother like a second mother.
Inuyasha still didn't know about them, Kagome thought that he would try to kill Sesshoumaru. Sango was genuinely happy for Kagome and so were Eri and Yuka. They were more jealous than anything though. Miroku and Sango had got together and were still dating.Kagome sat in her yard under the God tree, her head pillowed on Sesshoumaru's chest. She thought about everything everyone had said and still continued to say to her about him. Everyone asked her if he told her he loved her, the answer was no. He didn't and Kagome felt that he didn't need to.~It's amazing how you can speak right to my heart
Without saying a word you can light up the dark
Try as I may I could never explain
What I hear when you don't say a thing~
Without a single doubt Kagome knew he loved her and she didn't need to hear the words spoken to know it. When they were all alone Kagome saw it in his eyes and felt it when they made love. No one saw in Sesshoumaru what she did. No one saw how he held her when her grandpa died and how he just let her cry on his shoulder when she needed him to.~The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me
A touch of your hand says you'll catch me if ever I fall
Now you say it best, when you say nothing at all~
When he smiles at her Kagome can feel all love he has for her. Even Inutaisho said so himself once, "Love doesn't have to be spoken about for one to know it is there." Kagome smiled and looked up at Sesshoumaru, his eyes were filled with love for her and only her. She didn't need the words to know the truth behind them, words are useless. Saying something doesn't make it true. Never in all her life did Kagome believe the saying, actions speak louder than words, more so than she did when she was around Sesshoumaru.
~All day long I can hear people talking out loud
But when you hold me near you drown out the crowd
Old Mister Webster could never define
What's being said between your heart and mine~
The way he is when everyone else is around give those people doubts about their relationship, "It will never last there is no love." She never listens to them; there is no way they know what is in her heart or Sesshoumaru's. There is no way for Kagome to explain what she knows to be the truth so she lets them talk, while in her heart she knows the truth.
~The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me
A touch of your hand says you'll catch me if ever I fall
Now you say it best, when you say nothing at all~
Kagome kissed Sesshoumaru softly on the lips. "I love you Sesshoumaru." She watched him smile and kiss her hand. She felt safest with him and knew that if she ever needed him he would be there in a heartbeat to help her. In there short time as a couple Kagome already knew that he would never leave her, and he didn't need to tell her so either.
~The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me
A touch of your hand says you'll catch me if ever I fall
Now you say it best, when you say nothing at all~
"Sesshoumaru?""Yeah?"She kissed him again and when she pulled away she saw the confusion on his face. "I will always love you."His smiled widened, "I know."She looked down at her stomach and sighed, "I'm pregnant."
~Owari~Hope you like this one it was a spur of the moment kind of thing. I might continue it, but I doubt it unless you, the readers want more. - Cassial_Darkfox

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