InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When you were mine..... ❯ All Alone. ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha or any of the related characters. Nor do I own the song When You Where Mine.

I apologize for the long time with no update or new chapters. I am really unable to write anything during the school year and well during the summer I do write a lot. I have spent the last couple of days reviewing this story and making necessary changes. I will say now that even though I did try to get rid of a lot of the out of character moments, they still do exist. I will try to work harder on that and fixing mistakes.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

*~I can't find a reason to let go~*

"INUYASHA.......," was all she was able to scream before she sunk to the ground in a swirl of tears, pain, and the feeling of her heart being ripped out of her body and being dragged down to hell with him. Everything around her seemed to slip through the cracks of her mind, leaving her to see only eternal darkness. After a few moments, though time was unknown to he, she felt nothing. No emotions, no pain, nothing. Her mind screamed in the darkness. She couldn't even be sure if she was alive anymore. It didn't matter though. She might as well have been dead at that moment.

*~Even though you've found a new love~*

`Why did she have to come back? I though we were through with her?' question Kagome's screaming mind. 'This can't be true. He can't be gone! He just can't!' If she had been able to move her body, she would have been pounding the ground. Though she was conscious and her eyes were open, she saw and felt nothing. She never felt her friends pick her up and carry her back to the village.

*~And she's what your dreams are made of ~*

`Kikyo, why did you return? You belong in the underworld, he does not. InuYasha......why? You promised to always protect me. You said you needed me. What do you expect me to do without you? You were mine. She can't have you, she just can't!' And that was it. The final thought before it was all over. Kagome lay there, eyes wide in terror, and her mouth open in a silent scream. No thought crossed her mind, no image crossed her eyes. Eternal darkness.................nothing more.

"What's wrong my child?" asked Kaede as Shippo rushed into her hut, eyes full of tears.

"Its Kagome, she's.... she's...." was all he could manage between sobs

"Now take a breath child. What is wrong with Kagome?"

"Kikyo, she.... she took InuYasha." stuttered Shippo between his continuous sobs.

"Took him where?"

"She took him away, she came and took him to hell with her. Kagome was there to. She isn't moving and she is barely breathing. You have to help her!" he wailed

Though obviously very disturbed Kaede kept a straight face. "Calm yourself my child, where is Kagome?"

"Miroku and Sango are bringing here.....YOU HAVE TO SAVE HER!!!!!" At that moment Miroku and Sango entered the hut carrying Kagome.

"Place her on the bed over by the fire."

"Is there anything you can do to help her Lady Kaede?" asked Sango and she knelt down beside Kagome who still had a frozen scream on her face.

"I doubt there is anything I can do. She isn't truly sick, yet just in a state of shock. The best I can say is to give her time to rest. I am sorry I can't be of more help." said Kaede with regret in her voice as she walked over to the fire and continued to cook her dinner, adding in more ingredients for her now staying guests.

* * *

Three weeks passed before Kagome could do anything on her own. She hadn't said a word since the incident, but she could get up and walk around a little. Yet, she refused to go anywhere near the Goshinboku Tree or the field where InuYasha was taken. When she did walk, Sango had to be there to help her and she walked at a pace slower than a silk worm slithering up its web. "Kagome, wouldn't you like to go home to your own time for a while until you recover?" asked Miroku one night while they were all sitting around a dying fire inside Kaede's hut. He didn't expect an answer verbally, but he hadn't expected her to shake her head no.

The next day, while Kagome was asleep Sango and Miroku took a walk to the area where they had seen InuYasha disappear into the earth only three weeks ago. "Do you think we will ever see him again?" quietly asked Sango while staring at the ground below her feet.

"I can only hope we do. If he doesn't return we shall never finish the jewel and Kagome will probably never recover."

"I believe the jewel will be finished."

"How so?" asked Miroku with a questioning look on his face.

"Well, because of Naraku. When he collects the rest of the pieces, he would come and take ours. And without InuYasha, we shall never be able to defend ourselves well enough to survive."

"Yes, then Naraku will get his wish, and there is nothing we can really do to stop it, it seems."

After a few moments of silence Sango spoke. "What if…" Miroku lifted his gaze to meet hers before she continued. "What is we just got a hold of the complete jewel for just a moment?"

"It may be possible," answered Miroku not fully understanding what Sango was getting at. "but how would that help?"

"It may be hard but if we get the jewel, if only for a second, couldn't we wish InuYasha back."


"Well, couldn't we?"

".......I don't think so."

"Why?" asked Sango with disappointment in her voice.

"Well, I think that that wish may be beyond the power of the jewel and anyways without Kagome we shall never be able to purify the jewel."

"If we have Kagome with us on the rest of the search we can. We don't know it we can or can't wish him back, but at least this will give Kagome hope to go on. We need her to help if we are even to try. Please Houshi-sama, lets just do it anyways. At least we will know we tried everything we could to help both of them and ourselves."

"I don't think it will work, but you are right. It may be false hope for her, but it is hope. We shall do it."

"Thank you Houshi-sama." Sango turns to him and against her better judgment,

gave him a small hug. him a hug. "Hentai!" she screamed a few moments later before smacking him on the head with Hiraikotsu and walking away.

* * *

*~I can find a reason to hang on~*

"Really?" was the first word Kagome had said in three weeks. which she said after Sango told her idea.

"Yes, this may be the only way to get InuYasha back. We are leaving in the morning, there are rumors of some shards a while south, so we are going to head out early."

"If you are up to it, you can join us." said Miroku as he entered the hut.

A small smile played across Kagome's face at the news. "Sango," said Kagome as she stood up. "I am going to the river to bathe, would you like to come?"

"Yes, do you need help walking?"

"No, I think I can manage it." with that she walked over to her now small bag, grabbed her soaps and left the hut. Sango closely followed but before she left whispered "It worked." to Miroku as she passed him and left the hut.

*~What went wrong can be forgiven~*

"Kagome, you know it isn't his fault he is gone?" said Sango as she slid into the water. "He didn't go to hell because he wanted to."

"I know, he was trying to protect me from her. But he still....." before she could finish he sentence, Kagome started to cry again.

"Kagome, we will get him back, I promise you this."

They had been traveling for 5 hours before they stopped for a rest. Kirara and Shippo ran around the meadow chasing one anther as Sango helped Kagome cook the last supply of Ramen. "I think we shall be getting pretty close. We have already traveled a great distance thanks to Kirara. Do you sense anything yet Kagome?"

"No nothing....wait. I do sense two. They are heading this way very fast."

"Oh, no. Is it Koga?

"I think so. He is coming from that way." said Kagome pointing to the east.

"Kagome, I smell Koga." yelled Shippo as he ran towards Kagome followed closely behind by Kirara.

"I know Shippo, I can sense him." as she said that a large tornado came into view and stopped in the middle of the field about 40 feet away from their fire.

"Its good to see my women healthily. Hey where is mutt face?" A few tears ran down Kagome' s face as she turned away from Koga. "What did I say?"

"Koga, InuYasha is not with us right now"

"Okay, so where is he?"

"He is in, well, he was taken umm..." Sango stalled because she didn't want Kagome to break down even more than she already had.

"Kikyo, took him to hell with her." said Miroku at last. "It happened three weeks ago."

"So mutt face is gone ha. Well then I must take Kagome as my women now so that she will be safe."

"Go away, Koga, please just go away."

"But Kagome, you are my women."

"No, just go away." Kagome spat at him before breaking down into another fit of tears.

"Okay, Okay, but I will be back later to claim what is mine." with that Koga took off in the direction he has just came from. Both Miroku and Sango let out a sigh before going to comfort Kagome.

*~Without you it ain't worth livin' alone~*

"Houshi-sama, could you please leave Kagome and me alone for a little bit? Why don't you try and get some fish for dinner later, there is no more Ramen." asked Sango as she brought the pot of boiling water off the fire.

"Yes, and I will take Shippo with me, call if you need me Sango."
"Kagome," said Sango when Miroku had disappeared from sight. "You have to be strong. You have to go on. If we stop now there will be no chance for us to ever bring him back."

"I know, I know, but I just can't keep this up. ::sob:: It just like there is no reason to go on without him. I started out doing this with him because I felt guilty and now I was pretty much just doing it for him. I just wanted to stay by him. Now there is no reason to go on."
* * *

That evening, after another four hours of traveling on Kirara, no jewel shards had been sensed nearby, so out of pure exhaustion, they stopped for the night. After a small dinner of a few trout and Miroku earning himself two handprints of red across his face, every one went to sleep under the quiet, starry sky.

*~Sometimes I wake crying at night~*

:Dream: "InuYasha, please don't fight her. I can sense something odd about her. Its like she has a new power. Please InuYasha I sense something is not here."

"Feh, stay here Kagome, I'm going."

"No InuYasha." InuYasha walked cautiously towards the living dead miko. Yet she refused to turn to face him. He walked around to face her and saw an odd light begin to surround them.

"I asked you before why did you betray me," said the cold voice, " and then you leave me for her. But there is no escape this time. She can't help you out of this one. You came to me on your own free will and you shall follow me to hell on mine. You can't escape this time."

"What are you talking about?" asked InuYasha as he took a few steps back only to find his path blocked by a barrier. "Hey, what is this?"

"Simple InuYasha, it is a barrier that I have spent months on perfecting. Though it is still not strong enough to hold a demon at bay for a long time, it is plenty strong enough to hold a hanyou at bay the day before the new moon. You see, you walked into my trap and there is no way out. Say good bye to your precious friends." with that, Kikyo opened up hell once again and swallowed up both her and InuYasha." ::End Dream::

*~And sometimes I scream out your name~*

"InuYasha, INUYASHA......."

Sango woke with a start and rushed over to Kagome's sleeping bag. "Kagome, wake up, you are having a nightmare." said Sango while talking hold of Kagome.

*~What right does she have to take you away~*

"I ::sob:: dreamt of what ::sob:: happened last month ::sob::. She can't have him," wailed Kagome as she began to thrash a little in Sango's hold, "she just can't!"

"I know, I know. we will get him back, I promise. But we have to get the jewel first, that is the only way we will have any chance." Sango said as Kagome began to calm down.

"I know, but will it work, does the jewel really have that much power that it can release the grasp of someone from hell?

"I m not sure, but we can only try....."

*~When for so long you were mine~*

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Amanda a.k.a. Kazk

No matter what you do in life... YOU WON'T GET OUT OF IT ALIVE!!!!!!!

If life hands you lemons, squirt the juice in the eyes of the bastard that pissed you off in the first place.