InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where Did I Go Wrong? ❯ Escape ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

KOS: Ready for another intense chapter? Well hope you are cuz' I am!!

Youko: I apologize for HER delay, but she said that she had writers block..what I'm still trying to figure out is how she writes without a brain!

KOS: Now, now Youko.. don't be soo naughty..i do write this story you know!*grins evilly*

Youko: *gulps* On With The Story!!

Chapter 3:The Escape

$...$ = Kagome telapahtically talking

*…* = Youko telepathically talking

#...# = Hiei telepathically talking

Last Chapter: "You--" but her sentence was cut short when Youko pushed her down on the bed and started to kiss her.

This Chapter

Kagome's mind screamed for her to push him off. OMG!! HE"S KISSING ME!! She was about to try and say something but in the kiss he lifted a little just so their mouths barely touched and whispered, "Just cooperate, or we'll get thrown into solitary confinement." Kagome realized this was true and gave a slight nod before Youko started to kiss her once more and let his hands roam her body. Kagome started to put her hands around his neck, when she felt his hand on her breast!! "I am soo gonna kill you after this is over." Was all she whispered into the kiss while he smirked and they continued. COP: you tw--. Oh.. seems you made up. Well keep it down. I don't want no little babies running round here so cut it out and go to sleep." With that she walked away. As soon as she was gone the two got off each other with haste. Kagome wiped her mouth and glared at the grin playing on Youko's face. " You know, Wench, you're as red as a cherry." She glared at Hiei, daring him to say something elese. She already knew the bitch Timya would, but she already knew what to do. "UH!! How dare you kiss MY Youko. He is far too good to be touched by filthy trash of a bitch like you!!" Kagome was about to kick her ass but Youko had beaten her to it and pinned her to the wall with his clawed hand dangerously digging into the skin on her neck. "If you EVER say I am yours I will make you die a slow and painful death by my death tree." With that he dropped her but not before cutting her across her face. Hiei just watched the whole thing impassively. He did his oh so famous hn and laid on his bunk. Youko walked over to Kagome and moved so that their faces were right next to each other and whispered into her ear in a seductive voice, "I can tell you enjoyed it." He pulled back and looked at her with a smirk of satisfaction out of the reaction he got out of her. Her faced was flushed in embarrassment. She glared at him once more before laying down and turning her back to him. Youko was about to get in his bunk, but was stopped by a bite at his leg. He looked down and saw Riku snarling fiercely at him. Youko raised one of his perfect eye brows as he watched the Shepard/Wolf hop into the bed and lay next to Kagome, watching him with a close eye. Youko just ignored him and hopped into his bunk with a smile. For he had plans for tomorrow. *Youko, I believe that if looks could kill you would have nothing left of you right now* # hehehe…I do believe I pissed her off now didn't I ?# *Hn, tomorrow is the day…are you ready?* # yes, quite, but I still believe we should take Kagome with us.#

*What's this…has the infamous Youko Kurama fallen in love?* Youko mentally growled at this. # You as well as I know that she could be a valuable asset to us in this little stunt the others want to pull and it would be good to see if she was really as good as she boasted.# With that said they both went to sleep.

~*~*~Next Day in the Training Area~*~*~

Earlier that day, are three favorite people had gotten into a little trouble.

Kagome's POV

I can't believe they chained my hands together with these two idiots!! And what's worst is that they cut my nails and used a special spell on the chains to stop us from using our youkai strength to get them off!! I can't use any of my powers!! I looked at the two on either side of me. I don't think it's my fault at all.

Hiei's POV

This is all that wenches fault. If she wouldn't have started a fight with that Timya bitch at breakfast then I wouldn't have fought either.

Youko's POV

Well, that was fun, but the fight was of little challenge to any of us. But it did get us into a interesting predicament. *Hiei, I think we should tell Kagome about this, her Miko powers could aid us in our escape if she can waver the barrier.*#Hn. I believe you are correct, as much as I hate to admit it, it's true.# $ you know, did I fail to mention that I was a telepath and that I heard your whole conversation just now? $ Hiei and i looked at her with slightly wide eyes as she petted Riku, whom was in front of her. I decided to ask if she would help since she already new their plan.

Author's POV

"Sure I'll help, so long as Riku comes with." Youko nodded and preceded to tell her their plan. She was surprised to find out that they had actually planned on getting thrown into jail and that someone would be waiting for them outside of here tonight. After discussing everything they headed back to the cell.

When they arrived there Timya wasn't there. Let's just say that Kagome got her real good. It was finally time for them

To get out. Kagome didn't like their plan but hey, somebody had to do it that somebody was her. Kagome walked up to the bars, but since she was still chained to Hiei and Youko, they had to stay in the shadows, the chains were long enough though. They watched as she walked up to the bars with her blue shirt unbuttoned and her white shirt cut, showing a `little' more than it is susposed to. A male human cop came walking past. "Hey there." Her voice sounded so low and sexy that even Youko felt a tingle go up and down his spine. The cop came and stood I front of her, mouth agape, almost drooling at her beauty and breast. She put a hand under his chin and pushed it up to close his mouth and bring his eyes back to hers. She jerked him by his tie and pulled him as close as possible. She licked the side of his face and a let her hand run through his short course hair. $ I can't believe I'm doing this!! For you two at that!!$ with that last thought she brought the man into a kiss while letting her hands go to his side and grab the keys silently. She handed Youko the keys and he unlocked it. When the guard heard this it was too late, they were already out and Kagome had sent a poison from her fangs into his mouth to knock him unconscious. After that, they stealthfully left to the evidence room, so they could get they're weapons and cloths. *Kagome, you distract them so we can sneak up onthem*$ WHAT?! The hell I will! I don't really wanna get left. Knowing you, you'd probably leave!$*well you're the only women here!*$And just WHAT the hell does That mean?!$#BOTH OF YOU SHUT THE HELL UP!!# They both flinched and looked at Hiei. He glared at them and without warning disappeared. "Where'd three eyes go?" Suddenly all the guards just fell to the ground. Our stuff was thrown at us. Of course we caught them with great skill. We looked up and saw Hiei standing in front of us looking very impatient. "Well, are you two coming or not?" We both nodded and headed outside. $why didn't we just do that?$ *Because I like to mess with your head.*$What?!$ #Shut up!#. With that they continued outside.By the time they arrived outside guards were now looking for them. They ran behind the bleechers/benches. They came face to face with a cement wall, about 60ft high. Hiei quickly unsheathed his sword and cut a hole big enough for them all to fit through. They then came to the barrier. "Do you think you can waver it onna?" Hiei asked. Kagome glared at him but started to tap into her miko powers. After a few seconds the barrier wavered. They immediatly ran through. With that they ran towards the randevoo point.

Naitome: I'm sorry this could not be longer but oh well. I will get the next shapter up ASAP! Youko can't speak right now, well, because…he's a little tied up right now. Hehehe. *grins*.oh yea I kno youko's name is spelled YOKO but I like the U in there better. Ja Minna!!