InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where Do Broken Hearts Go? ❯ A Comforting Hug ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/n: okay for all you people reading this story, I am bankotsu_rox2000; I just forgot my password so I had to make a new account. Well… the story must go on!
Where Do Broken Hearts Go?
Chapter 1: A Comforting Hug
Disclaimer- I don't own Inuyasha and never will so quit buggin' me ya bakas!
Studying her burger skeptically, Kagome frowned. Then she felt two warm fingers lift her chin up. “What's up Kagome? You seem distant.” Kagome chuckled indolently. “No Koga, I'm okay…just thinking.” Koga glared at her from across the fast food booth. “About what?” He asked. Kagome bit a huge chunk out of her repulsive stuff McDonald's called food. “About what, Kagome?” Koga repeated aggressively. “I don't know,” Koga furrowed his eyebrows. “Really?” Then, that distant face returned. “Kagome, you ready to go?” Kagome nodded and grabbed her tray. After they threw all their food away they walked outside and into the hot summer air. “What do you wanna do now?” Koga asked, wrapping his arms around his girlfriend. “Can you just drop me off at home?” Kagome faked a yawn and made it seem as if she was extremely tired. “Okay…if you're that tired,” He helped her into his car and drove her home.
At the door of Kagome's apartment, Koga kissed Kagome lightly and gave her a hug. “Bye.” He said. Kagome gave him a wave and walked inside. Inside her apartment, the TV immediately caught her eye. Wonder what's on Boomerang. Then there was a knock on the door. “Who is it?” Kagome asked from the worn couch. “It's me,” Sango squealed from the other side of the door. Kagome rose from the couch and strolled over to let her in.
“Hey Kagome,” Sango said, her face hiding behind a stack of DVD's. “It's movie night!” Kagome sighed heavily. “Movie night was yesterday,” Sango giggled. “And…?” She sat the DVD's on the coffee table. “What do you wanna watch first?” Sango said, shoving movies into her face. “Uhhh…you got Clueless?” Kagome asked. “Yes I do.” She grabbed the movie from the freakishly large stack and walked over to the television.
Just an hour into the movie, Both Kagome and Sango were knocked out. Sango had her head on Kagome's shoulder, who was hunched over the armrest. They stayed like that until eleven o'clock at night. Kagome was the first to wake up. “Oh Kami! Sango, wake up!” Kagome nudged her friend. “Leave me alone, I'm tired!” Sango violently banged her head against Kagome's shoulder. “Okay, I'm going to bed. Night Sango.” Kagome rose from the couch and walked into her bedroom. After she threw on an oversized t-shirt, she shut off her chandelier lamp and climbed into bed. A few minutes later, Sango came to her senses and ran into Kagome's room. She too threw on one of her friend's oversized t-shirts and pushed Kagome to the left side of the bed. Then she climbed in. “Nighty-night, Kags.” Sango said. Kagome nodded tiredly and they both quickly fell asleep.
The next morning, Sango woke up. She gasped at the time, because she worked on weekends and she had to be there in 15 minutes. She quickly wrote a letter to Kagome and put it on the fridge.
I gotta get to work. I borrowed some of u're clothes…I knew u wouldn't mind. Well I gotta run.
Sango quickly fumbled through Kagome's closet for something to wear to work. She finally found some black slacks and a black and white silk halter top. Draping the clothes over her arm, she walked to her shoe closet and grabbed some white pumps. Then she hopped into the shower.
The sound of water running woke Kagome. She looked into the mirror and quickly noticed that her hair was matted to one side of her face. Lazily, Kagome climbed out of her bed and went to her vanity. Sitting on the plush stool, she began to brush her tangled hair. Then the water stopped. Sango must be getting ready for work…she probably borrowed some of my clothes. That freeloader.
Ten minutes later Sango walked into Kagome's room. “Well hello there sleepy head!” Sango definitely had on Kagome's clothes. Her clothes were much skimpier. “Don't forget to return those clothes,” Kagome said, setting the brush down on the pink wood. “I will, I will… well Kags I gotta book it. Seeya!” And with that, Sango walked out of her room. Kagome climbed back into her bed and thought awhile. Maybe I'll go see Koga today, Kagome thought that was best after there awkward date the day before. She sat up straight and grabbed her cell phone off of her nightstand. She punched in Koga's number.
“Hey Koga.”
“Oh, Kagome. Hi.”
“Look, I'm comin' over.”
“Good. We need to talk.”
“Okay…I'll be over in about an hour.”
“Alright, seeya then.”
“Kay bye.”
Kagome dragged herself into the bathroom and started the water. She had decided this was going to be a good day. Boy was she wrong…
After she was dressed, Kagome grabbed her purse of the mini bar and headed for the door. Only then did her cell phone ring. Reluctantly, Kagome fished her cell phone out of her oversized bag and answered.
“Hey Inuyasha,”
“Hey Kags, what's up?”
“Nothing much, just heading over to Koga's.”
“He said he needed to talk.”
“Uh, Kagome…that's…”
“What's wrong, Inuyasha?”
“That's not good.”
“What? Don't be silly.”
“I'm not. That's really not good.”
“Oh, I know. I'm just playing dumb because I don't wanna admit it to myself.”
“Well Kags, if he does anything to hurt you, you know I'll kick his sorry…”
“Yeah, thanks.”
“Uh Kagome…I know your, uh…sad.”
“Yeah, I am…you know I really like Koga.”
“Well I don't know what you girls see in him.”
“Of course you don't Inuyasha, you're a dude.”
“So! I can tell what girls see in my asswipe brother, Sesshomaru!”
“Really? Me too.”
“Oh, c'mon Kags not you too!”
“Well he is kinda…uh…HOT!!!”
“Oh Kami,”
“C'mon Inuyasha, you should be used to it by now!”
`Well duh! I have to live with the bastard!”
“He has a dad.”
“I know that, Kagome.”
“Well then why'd ya call him that? Huh? Huh?”
“Just…shut up!”
“Why should I, Yasha?”
“Cuz I said so, Kags. Oh yeah and PS, I hate that nickname.”
“So what! Do you think I care?”
“Well you should. I'm your friend.”
“So the heck what!”
“Oh, you're a meany.”
“And your point is…”
“Shut up.”
“Oh Inuyasha… I'm at Koga's. I gotta go.”
“Okey dokey. Good luck. And remember, if he hurts you, I'll kick his sorry…”
“I know!”
“Okay bye.”
Kagome pulled up into Koga's driveway and jerked the key out of the ignition. She got out and slammed the door. The tears started when he hadn't even dumped her yet! I'm so' pathetic. Kagome used the back of her hand as a hankie and rang his doorbell. In less than five seconds, Koga appeared at the door. “Hey.” He said solemnly. “Hi,” Kagome also sounded glum. He motioned for her to come inside.
Inside Koga's house, Kagome noticed that everything was all messy. “Kami Koga, what happened to your house?!” Koga put his hand behind his head and laughed nervously. “Yeah…that's what I wanted to talk to you about,” Kagome's face fell fretful. “Sit down,” Koga said. Kagome sat on the couch, first moving a pair of woman's jeans. “ goes.” Kagome's eyes watered as he spoke. “Kagome…there's another woman here.” He trembled as he said it, eyeing Kagome's nails digging into the armrests on the couch. “W-what do you mean?” Kagome started pull the ripped chunk of leather out of the couch. “You're saying you cheating on me?” Koga became even more frightened. “Well see…it's not really cheating.” Kagome started to fidget with things that weren't supposed to be fidgeted with (like the cushions, nearest lampshade, and her hair). “K-Kagome…” He noticed the tear that fell from her chocolate eyes. “No, it's okay. Go be with her.” Kagome rose from the couch, still clutching the leather chunks. “Goodbye.” Again, Koga laughed nervously. “D-d-don't say `goodbye', it sounds too final.” Kagome started to sob. “This is final!!!”
Kagome stomped into her room and fell to the floor. She hid her face in her hands and cried…just cried. “Ugh!” She lied down on the ground. “What's wrong with me?! Why'd he cheat?!” Then there was a knock on the door. “Kagome, open up.” Of course, it was Inuyasha, but Kagome didn't answer. She was too busy drowning herself in pain and sorrow. “KA-GO-ME!!!” She suddenly heard a sound of a certain front door falling to the ground.
“Kags I know you're in here.” Inuyasha started to search for her. “C'mon I know you're in here, little girl.” Kagome felt bad. “Inuyasha, I'm in here.” Noticing that she sounded sad, he Inuyasha came to the rescue. Unsurprisingly, Inuyasha barged through her bedroom door. “Kagome, what's wrong?!” Kagome rose from the ground and stared Inuyasha in the eye. “What do you think, huh?” Inuyasha immediately felt sympathy for the heart broken girl. “Aw baby, you need a hug?” Kagome giggled, but still cried, as Inuyasha took her in his arms. “Inuyasha, I don't know what to do.” She said. “Well you could start with me…” Kagome peeped. “YOU HENTAI!!!” Inuyasha hugged her tighter. “Let's go to bed baby.” He picked her up bridal style and threw her on the bed. “Nighty-night.” And with that, Inuyasha walked out of the room.
The next morning, Kagome decided to go out for breakfast. The pancake house sounds good, she thought as she finished buttoning her jacket. Kagome grabbed her keys and walked out of the door.
In her car, Kagome decided to call Sango.
“Oh, what's up Kagome?”
“Well, me and Koga are over.”
“Why don't you sound sad? I mean, ya have been together for like…ever!”
“Well, I think its Inuyasha.”
“What do you mean?”
“He made me feel better.”
“I bet he did…Miroku told me he was over your house till late. What did you two do last night?!”
“Well he sounded like he wanted to…”
“Uh Kags I gotta run, cause I gotta pick Miroku up from the airport.”
“Oh he's back from Canada already?”
“Yup. Well I gotta go. Bye.”
When Kagome got off the phone with Sango, she was finishing up her omelet. After she finished, she left the tip on the table and walked away.
On the walk outside to her car, Kagome saw a person she really did not want to talk to at the moment. “Kagome,” He called. Kagome winced. Aw man, he saw me! Koga ran up to her. “Hey, how's it going?” Kagome rolled her eyes. “Leave me alone.” She mumbled. Then, an anonymous voice rang. “Dude, you get away from her.” Koga and Kagome both turned to see Inuyasha Takahashi. Thank you, Kami, thank you! Inuyasha walked up to them and Koga narrowed his eyes. “What're you gonna do about it? You're just a mere half-breed with no mommy or daddy to comfort you.” Inuyasha gritted his teeth. “You BASTARD!” Suddenly, Koga was flung into the glass window of a boutique. “Inuyasha, stop!” Kagome cried. “You stay out of this, Kagome. Go home!” He walked over to Koga, who was unconscious and lying on the ground. “Stop it!” Kagome cried once more. Tears rolled down her cheeks. Inuyasha pulled Koga up by his neck and threw him backward. “Holy crap!” Kagome yelped. She darted over to where Koga landed and placed her hand on his heart. It was beating, but extremely fast. “Inuyasha, what did you do?!” Inuyasha chuckled. “He'll be fine,” And with that, Inuyasha walked back to his car.