InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where Do I Go From Here? ❯ Where Do I Go From Here? ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: You know the drill I don't own them or I would be one happy bishounen chaser! ^_^
Sorry about the lack of updates folks! I have been testing in school and working overtime so the only time my computer has been on has been to type in code or to audit out invoices! Anyways I hope you enjoy!
Disclaimer; I do not own Inuyasha or YYH however I do own the plot to this story!
This is my first attempt at a cross over fic so I am only posting this one chapter to see what you guys think. Read and review to let me know whether or not I should continue.
Warning this fic contains violence and character deaths; if this bothers you you should stop reading now.
Chapter 1 A Lost Soul
Kagome could only watch in horror as Inuyasha threw himself in front of the one person she never thought he would protect, Sesshomaru. While fighting with Kohaku he had failed to sense the attack that Naraku had sprung at him from behind. Inuyasha had not missed it though and had used what speed he did have in his wounded body to jump in front of the tentacle that was aimed straight for his brother's heart. Hearing Kagome scream as her heart split in two Sesshomaru spun around in shock to watch as his hanyou brother fell at his feet. Sango rushed in to take over as her brother's opponent while Kagome and Miroku began to rush Naraku. The monk swung his staff at every tentacle before unwrapping his right hand to try to pull everything he could into his void. Kagome could only feel the fear and loss as she watched the man she had come to love bleed out onto the battle stained ground, tears silently coursed down her cheeks as she shot arrow after arrow at the many youkai Naraku sent out to attack. The strength of her pure energy turned every one of them to ash with each arrow that flew.
Sesshomaru was stunned that his brother now lay dying in his lap from a wound that was meant for him. "Why?" was all he could whisper at seeing the light slowly fading from eyes so like his in color. "You are my brother Sesshomaru, whether we like each other or not I could never truly watch as someone took your life. The guilt I have felt every time we have faced off in battle has been unbearable. When I was little my mother told me about your strength and nobility. I always...(cough, cough) wanted to be like you...." Sesshomaru felt something sliding down his face as all at once the light went out in his younger brother's eyes. Red began to swim in his gaze as he gently removed the head from his lap. Standing he turned to face the bastard who was the cause of all of this. Once he did however he was stunned with what he saw, the young miko companion to his brother stood before Naraku glowing an iridescent blue. He could actually smell the fear as it rolled off the despicable hanyou in waves. Scanning the battlefield he saw what it was that had sparked the change in this girl, aside from him she was the only one left alive on the battlefield. The tajiya had joined her brother in death while the monk had been sucked into his own void if the hole in the ground was to be explained. While his brother lay at his feet felled by a strike meant for him. He then watched in wonder as the girl jabbed her hand into the chest of Naraku and pulled his heart as well as what he possessed of the Shikon No Tama out and purified it in an instant.
Kagome watched through tear filled eyes and a broken heart as Naraku turned to ash and blew away. Why? Why could she have not found this strength before they had perished? Why could she not save them as they had saved her so many times? She jumped at the feel of the cold claw at her shoulder and turning looked into the sorrow filled gold eyes of Lord Sesshomaru. " He always admired you you know? He would use you as an example to follow whenever he felt that he was failing in some area or another...." Her voice broke, as she could no longer hold back the sobs that shook her petite frame. Falling forward she was surprised to feel him catch her before she could hit the ground. Exhausted her world went black before her and she slumped forward.
Sesshomaru stared down at the girl who had done what no on else could accomplish. She had beaten Naraku and taken vengeance for all those who had been wronged by the filthy hanyou. He laid her gently underneath a tree before turning back to the grim task of burying the fallen.
When Kagome stirred she felt the sorrow weigh heavily on her heart as she opened her eyes, slowly she sat up and took in her surroundings. She was still on that mournful battlefield but her friend's bodies no longer littered the grounds and she could see Sesshomaru laying the final shovel of dirt on the last grave. The tears welled up once more as she stood and made her way to his side. Not saying a word she knelt before each marker and placed a kiss until she had gotten them all. Standing once again she faced the taiyoukai and bowed low, " I thank you for this Sesshomaru and know that should you need anything all you need do is find me and I will help." Then she walked away the shikon resting in her hands. His eyes could only follow in wonder at the mere mortal woman who held more power in her tiny frame than he could have ever hoped to gain with the Tessaiga.
Shippo bounded from Kaede's hut the second he had sensed Kagome's approach. Something was off, there was an awful lot of sorrow rolling from her and he could not sense the others. Making his way to where her presence was he stopped to see the tears running down her face. It was then that he knew she had been the only one left alive, he couldn't help it as tears formed in his own young eyes.
Kagome tucked Shippo tighter into her pack as she turned for one final farewell to Kaede. " I thank you for all you have done for us and there will not be a day that goes by that I don't think of you and all you taught me." The old woman could only smile in return as she felt like she was losing a granddaughter. Hugging her slight frame she stepped back and watched as Kagome disappeared over the side of the well a blue flash of light taking her from this era once and for all. Gold eyes also peered from the forest as they watched the young miko leave for the last time, he could only hope that her strength kept up in her time.
Chapter 2 A New Beginning
Kagome smiled to see her brother and Shippo play wrestling out in the yard; it had been two years since that final battle had passed. Shippo and Kagome had finally made peace with their grief and began to live life as a family. He had mastered the ability to make himself appear human and the only ones who knew of his true form were her brother, mother, and grandfather. She was glad to see him laugh again, it had been too long. Bringing her hand to her heart she felt the familiar pulse of the Shikon where it had sunk in to become one with her heart. She was once again its protector, only now it seemed it was protecting her as well. Feeling a strange pull from the front of the shrine she let her eyes scan around before coming to rest on a figure standing close to the Goshinboku in her front yard. She felt her pulse pick up and her eyes widen when she saw whom it was that had come. Sesshomaru!
He had found them after 500 years of waiting with trepidation he had found her. He let the presence of the fox youkai in his mind know that soon he would be bringing their best ally to join in on the council.
Chapter 3 Decisions
Kagome couldn't help her heart skipping a beat when she realized it was Sesshomaru standing beneath Inuyasha's tree. She hadn't seen him for so long, but it must be even more of a shock for him. After all what was two years compared to over five hundred. She took a deep breath and turned back when she felt Shippo's hand upon her shoulder. "What is he doing here?" She smiled to ease his worry before answering, "Well Shippo from the looks of things I am about to find out." Glancing back she watched the tall elegant taiyoukai stride over to where she was sitting. Not wanting to be at too much of a disadvantage she stood dusting off the slacks she wore.
"It's a pleasure to see you have survived long enough to make it to my era. I must say though that I never thought you would seek me out." Sesshomaru looked down into the cerulean blue eyes that had haunted his dreams for the last five centuries, he noticed her intake of breath as he smiled and bowed before her. " I have come to ask for your help Kagome." He watched her eyes widen even further at his statement, truly he must seem out of character.
Kagome could not believe her ears, here was one of the coldest most arrogant youkai in all of Japan bowing before her and asking for her help. Not wanting to appear rude she closed her mouth, which had been hanging open. Taking a deep breath she thought of inviting him inside for tea where they could discuss what it was he needed help with when she noticed the slight curling upwards of his lips. She couldn't help it the laughter welled up and escaped before she could stop it. She could not believe that the cold western lord was actually smiling, sort of. Shippo was looking at her strangely and Sota just shook his head. When her laughter finally quieted down she wiped the tears from her eyes and invited him inside. Looking back at the two boys she bid them stay outside and practice while they talked.
Sesshomaru could not help the smile that lit up his face as he followed her inside, he knew he must seem different from the cold arrogance he had displayed to her in the past. He let his eyes make a slow perusal up and down her form as she led him into the kitchen. She looked good, a little thin maybe but she still had curves in all the right places. Gesturing that he should sit he continued to watch her as she readied the tea. He had noticed the shadows in her eyes when she looked at him standing beneath the Goshinboku. It had only been two years that she had been grieving, while he had come to terms with his grief centuries ago. Aside from that she had changed outwardly as well, she seemed quieter than before and tired. The death of her friends had surely taken its toll on her, and if he was guessing correctly then he knew she was having nightmares also. He hoped she was up to the task that she was about to be faced with, as the guardian of the jewel she was the only one who could defeat the enemy that all of them were going to have to face.
/What is taking so long? /
"Be patient, she is still adjusting to the shock of seeing me."
/That is why I told you that you should have Red and I talk to her. /
"Oh and if I let you come like you had suggested you would have been trying to talk her out of her virginity rather than about the task she must face."
/Please spare me! Just because you like to show a decided lack of interest in those of the fairer sex, does not mean that I am a philanderer! /
"You misunderstand fox, that is not what I meant. Besides I am not sure if I should let her out of my sight.."
/Oh ho what is this? The arrogant lord is actually showing an interest in a woman? And not just any woman a human miko at that! Oh this is too delicious! If you think you are keeping me from meeting this wonder of wonders you are sadly mistaken! /
"Get out of my head fox! I will contact you when the time is right.."
Sesshomaru tapped down the irritation that the fox had awoke in him. He would be damned if the kitsune thief got a chance to try his wily ways on Kagome. She deserved to be treated like a queen not a one-night stand. While lost in his thoughts he was startled when Kagome placed a steaming cup of citrus green tea in front of him, "Arigatou." Nothing else was said while she poured her own tea and joined him back at the table. They sat that way in silence for a few moments when finally Kagome broke it. "So what was it that could make you of all people or demon come to me for help?" Her eyes questioned his as she watched him drink from his cup and then lick his lips before putting the cup back on the table. Blinking she blushed realizing he had caught her staring, "I know that you have been through much and have not quite dealt with all of it, however the enemy that the youkai world is facing now threatens to overwhelm and invade the human world as well. I would not ask but you are the only one I know with the strength to take him on. I've seen what you can do, I know what you are capable of, and I know you that is why I was chosen by the council in our world to track you down and ask for your help." He let all that sink in for a moment before he continued on.
"The one I speak of is named Ronku and while his appearance would fool most into believing that he was human I've seen his true form. He is more manipulating, conniving, deceiving, and has more evil intent than Naraku ever did. His idea of fun is torture, rape, and causing misery wherever he goes. The council was formed out of us remaining taiyoukai to prevent his plans on merging the youkai world with this one." Kagome listened to what he said but somewhere inside she knew there was something he was keeping from her, if she was going to give him the help he needed he would have to be honest with her.
Standing from her chair she crossed to the window and watched as Shippo blocked another of her brothers attacks, "First off Sesshomaru, what is it you're not telling me? Secondly why do you keep referring to the youkai world and the human world as being separate?" Turning she pinned him with her gaze and it was in that moment he saw the extent that the battle with Naraku had had on this woman. Yes she had matured from the girl who had run along side his brother. The look in her eyes spoke of sorrow, wisdom, regret, and strength all in one. He glanced away from her all too knowing gaze and sighed, he should've known she would know he was holding back. In all the years she traveled with his brother she had been the only one to figure out that instead of trying to kill the foolish hanyou, he had instead been readying him for life as his chi-chue had done for him.
Letting his eyes lock on to her fathomless blue ones once more he told her what he had not wanted to. "The catch is even if you decide not to help me it won't matter, he is after the Shikon. If he has to go through you to get it he will, he will stop at nothing to obtain the key to rejoining the two worlds. You see a century after Naraku's demise the youkai population began to rise and with more human advancement and enlightenment we once again became a threat to their safety. After the fifth and final peace treaty failed the king of the heavens decided that the best way to keep the peace and to ensure any further unrest, was to split the one plane into two essentially creating the youkai realm. When he did this he put a fail safe into place and only the Shikon can rejoin the two. While the two realms are separate there are windows of opportunity that allows the two worlds to fuse around the edges allowing passage between the two. To monitor these there have been what they call "spirit detectives" enlisted to keep the peace in both worlds. I am working with one such team, and in turn I am also working with the council, as are two of the members in my group. I am asking for your help not only because you are the only one who can even possibly come close in power to him but to ensure your safety and that of those closest to you."
The tears came unheeded to her eyes as thought after thought raced through her already troubled mind. How? How after what happened in that battle could he ever believe her to be that strong? She had been able to do nothing as one by one her friends fell because she was too weak to save them. Even more important was how could she turn him down knowing the debt she owed him and knowing that her entire family would be put in harms way? She would not be able to survive a repeat of the battle two years ago; she had almost lost her mind after that, the nightmares, and the pain that never seemed to be far from her heart or her soul. Releasing a shuddering breath she turned back around to peer once again out the window. Her heart skipped a beat as she saw Shippo and Sota were not in the yard where she had left them. It was then that she heard Shippo screaming in her mind.
Sesshomaru barely had the time to register something was wrong by the shift of her breath and the sudden race of her heart beat before she was out the back door. When her feet hit the bottom step she felt the youkai aura that was off to her right a ways. Letting her miko instincts guide her she saw what looked like a horned youkai holding her brother and her kit by their throats. Freezing in place she felt the reaction of the shikon inside her as the fear was replaced with rage.
Sesshomaru skidded to a halt when he felt the rise in her aura, seeing the danger to her family he moved to stand next to her. She glowed a bright blue and when he saw her eyes he realized she was glowing from within. In a voice that sent shivers down his spine she told him to be prepared to catch the boys and then she swiftly went in for the attack. Noticing that the youkai while lower level was one of Ronku's he didn't hesitate to do as she said. When she appeared swiftly in front of the attacker he had very little time to blink as his convenient hostages were torn from his grasp and he was facing the woman he was told would give him no trouble at all. Something was wrong, this did not appear to be a woman so crippled with grief that she would simply hand over the jewel. She in fact looked extremely dangerous. That was his last thought as said danger plunged her hand through his heart and he disintegrated into nothing. Sesshomaru made sure the two boys were okay and was relieved to see that they had only lost consciousness.
/I see why you are so thoroughly enamored of her my friend. She is a Goddess brought to life! /
"What are you doing here fox? Did I not tell you I would handle this?”
/Relax, I was on my way to try and intercept the threat before he reached here but it would seem that Ronku has something up his sleeve....I am in shock as to how quickly such a sleight woman was able to kill a youkai three times her size. She is magnificent when she is angry; remind me never to make her that way! /
"Well since you are here you may as well come out and introduce yourself, however let Red be the one she sees. Your appearance would be a sad reminder of a love she lost recently."
/You are of course referring to your younger brother, don't worry that thought had already crossed my mind.... Sesshomaru I must warn you, if you do not lay claim to her then know beyond a shadow of a doubt that she will be my life mate. I do not say this to cause strife between us old friend but I am afraid it is too late for me to stop the feelings that she has invoked... I swear by kami I will never look at another woman again. /
Sesshomaru could not stop the growl that the statement had caused, and shook in anger at the audacity of the kitsune thief. While he may value Youko as a brother and a comrade he would not allow Kagome to be hurt once more by someone unworthy of her love. When he caught sight of her once again he watched the blue fade and her eyes return to normal. With tears coursing down her face she spoke,” Are they unharmed?!!" He nodded at her as he placed the two boys down gently, standing to go to her he watched as she collapsed in exhaustion. It was Red who caught her before she hit the ground and lifted her into his arms. "Why don't we move them all inside before they wake and then we can make some proper introductions."
Chapter 4 Introductions and Something More...
Gently Kurama laid the woman in his arms upon the sofa. He studied her face as she lay in repose watching as her eyelids fluttered and then opened. " Are you well?" Kagome's brows drew together in puzzlement at the face above hers. Who was he? She couldn't recall seeing him before she went outside with Shippo and Sota.... that's when it all came rushing back to her, the youkai and the feeling of fear that had overwhelmed her. "Shippo! Sota! Where are they? Are they all right?" Sitting she stopped as her head spun. "Take it easy, it may be a while before you are able to stand. You expelled a lot of energy in purifying that youkai." Once again she opened her eyes to meet the green ones that seemed to smile down at her. "Who are you? Where is Sesshomaru?"
Kurama smiled as he pulled a chair behind him and sat before her. "That Kagome is one of the members of my group, and my friend Youko Kurama. He came because he felt the youkai and had been trying to prevent the scene that just occurred." Kagome looked to Sesshomaru as he strode into the living room, while he had stated that this man was a friend she could not help but notice the wary look he cast upon the red head. Turning back she suppressed a gasp as she saw the man's green eyes flash gold for just an instant as he in turn stared between her and Sesshomaru. " I am sorry we had to meet under such circumstances. I do hope that you will trust me when I say that there will be no repeat of what happened out there today. As for your kit and your brother, Sesshomaru has laid them in their rooms. They will be okay shortly they just had a little bit of a shock earlier, as did you." She noticed his elongated eyeteeth when he smiled at her, and that was when she realized that he was youkai as well. He had an aura as powerful as Sesshomaru's but his was different somehow. There was the youkai aura certainly but there was also a decidedly human aura as well.
" You are a Kitsune youkai, are you not?" Kurama could not help the chuckle as it bubbled forth. He should have known she would figure him out considering what Sesshomaru had told him about her powers of perception. "In a way I am but in a way I am not. You see I share this body with the soul of the great Youko Kurama, he was a Kitsune thief who was reborn into my body along with my own soul." That would explain the two different auras thought Kagome, "what does he look like?" Kurama sighed should he show her? Or would it prove to be too much for her fragile emotional state? " I will show you when the time is right, for right now why don't we discuss what needs to be done."
*Some where in the demon plane. *
The hallway was barely lit by the few burning candles lining the table along the far wall. The demon walking down this hallway was not relishing his role as messenger; this failure that he had to report may just mean his life. In watching the footage himself he knew that the priestess was going to be hard to defeat, in fact he wouldn't be surprised if she gave his master a run for his money. Catching himself on that thought he quickly made his way over to the study doors. Knocking he waited for permission to enter while mulling over what he would say to the demon waiting on the other side. " Come in Lei." He shuddered at the utter coldness of the voice that had spoken, he knew the cruelty it hid and the rage it could portray, he just hoped now wasn't one of those times.
Once he entered his gaze swept the large room, it brushed over the shelves lining the walls and slid past the mahogany desk sitting in the far right corner. The chair sitting behind it was empty so he brought his sight back around to the far left where the fire was burning brightly. He watched as the elegant hand beckoned him over before reaching for the snifter on the small side table, then let his legs carry him before the gaze of his master as he bowed in a mixture of fear and respect. " Speak already Lei and report. I have no patience this evening." He let his eyes wander up to meet the gaze of his master; his attention was locked on to the handsome man before him. Certainly his master was attractive but something about the coldness of that violet gaze could send a shiver of unease into even the strongest of warriors. " I am sorry sir, but it would seem that Yokio failed. I have the footage here sir." Bowing once more he presented the small hand held television to him.
Ronku took in the footage as it played out before him; a derisive smile graced the sensual lips as he watched the flaring aura of the miko as she coldly plunged her hand through his lackey's chest. The lust engulfed him as he watched the magnificence of this miko. Her beauty was almost ethereal in nature and he knew above all that he wanted her as much as the jewel. His eyes narrowed when he saw the fox thief and the dog lord with her, she would be harder to obtain now that they were around. If he was good at anything it was scheming and control, and the wheels were already turning in his mind as his plan began to form.
Lei was a bit disconcerted by the smile that had appeared on his master's face, he could only hope that whatever was about to happen he would survive it. The slim youkai barely suppressed the shudder that engulfed his frame when his master's eyes fell on him once more." I want you to find out who her family is, what they do, and all of their routines. I will need a trump card to ensnare this prey, oh and Lei send Phu this time he is what will get the job done. Remember if you fail this time your life will be forfeit, go now and leave me!" He almost laughed out loud at the increase in his servants' heartbeat as he raced out the door. He so enjoyed intimidating others to get what it was he wanted. Now all he needed was a little patience and soon he would have the jewel and the delicious woman who guarded it. Yes it seemed for once one of his advisors had not lied to him. When Minato had first told him of the jewel and the last priestess who had protected it he had been skeptical to be sure. After all how could a human woman have lived over five hundred years? From what he had been told of the miko's last battle she should have died, as the only survivor ever recorded formally was the dog demon. Sure there had been legends passed down of the priestess who had fought but she had disappeared without a trace when the battle had ended. When the leopard youkai had told him that it was true that he had witnessed the girl himself his interest had been peaked. Seeing her confirmed his advisors descriptions and he couldn't wait to have her trembling in fear beneath him.
*Kagome's Home*
Kagome was once again sitting at her kitchen table with both youkai. Her mother had arrived and thanks to Kurama's intervention had taken the rest of the family to her aunt's house for a time. Their safety was her number one priority, and knowing they were safely away from the city eased her mind some. Getting back to the matter at hand her eyes took turns sliding over first Sesshomaru and then his friend, she couldn't help the shiver that wracked her form at the predatory looks in both pairs of eyes. When she began to hear growling she decided that she had had enough, "If the two of you would quit spouting testosterone and sit down for a moment, maybe we could tackle the matter at hand hmm?" Sesshomaru flushed guiltily while Kurama merely grinned; oh this one was definitely the perfect choice! The fire and spirit she possessed definitely called to him. It seemed that for once he and red agreed on a woman, because Shuichi was definitely interested in this girl as well. " I am terribly sorry Miss Higurashi, it seems that I am over stepping my bounds as far as Sesshomaru is concerned. I should be okay as long as I don't touch you, look at you, or speak to you, is that about covering it Fluffy?" Kagome couldn't help it she busted out laughing! Oh these two were definitely going to be fun! " I am sorry but I have never heard anyone refer to Lord Sesshomaru as Fluffy before." stifling the giggles that still threatened she continued. "However as amusing as that is, it is besides the point. I am the only one who will say who can talk to me, touch me, or look at me for that matter! Now what is this all about ... Fluffy?!" She could not help it she just had to! After all it had been more than two years since she had laughed so freely that the tears ran down her cheeks.
Sesshomaru had to count to ten before he looked at her! He could not believe she had just called him by the immature nickname that Youko had given him. When his eyes finally did fall upon her it was to see her once haunted eyes shimmering with mirth, his breath had been completely stolen from him. In that moment he was reminded of what this woman was like before the grief had overwhelmed her, and he was as much a fool for her now as he was for her then. " I am sorry Kagome it seems I have become over protective in my old age. Something I never thought capable until Rin."
She watched as the smile faded from his eyes when he mentioned his human ward, she lost her own smile then as the laughter faded away and she was brought crashing back into reality. That's right she needed to be planning how to defeat a new enemy not poking fun at Sesshomaru. All too quickly her mind started wandering back to that fateful day two years ago and once again she was awash with grief and pain. She couldn't help the pain that gripped her when she relived the last moments she had spent with those as close to her as family.
Sesshomaru could've kicked himself for bringing up the past when she had been so clearly enjoying herself. He had forgot how fresh the past was for her and he cursed inwardly as he watched the laughter die from her eyes. From the looks and sound of things Kurama was ready to do more than kick him as he alternated between growling in his direction and a soft whimpering in Kagome's.
Kurama did not know what had triggered the change in Kagome but he was sure it had to do with something Sesshomaru reminded her of. All he could smell surrounding her was grief and pain. It was then that he and Sesshomaru caught scent of a new arrival, someone very familiar and in unison they wondered how Kagome would react.
Motioning for Kagome to stay seated Kurama went to answer the door. He sighed knowing that the one waiting on the other side would be as impatient as always.
Chapter 5 The New Arrival
Kurama led Hiei into the kitchen where both Sesshomaru and Kagome awaited them. Hoping his friend had some clear knowledge of tact he introduced him to the young miko.
Kagome looked up at the new comer and took note of the auras that surrounded him. She sensed that this demon was more than he seemed, in fact if she read the auras correctly he was at odds with himself. The shikon was also reacting strangely, alternating between pulsing out and pulling in. “ A forbidden child?” Asked Kagome and was taken back at the fierce look in his eyes, “ Forgive me I meant no disrespect, it is just that something about you seems to pull at the jewel. With the auras you are giving off I am not surprised though, fire and ice are not a very common pair in the youkai realm.”
Hiei let his eyes narrow on the woman who had dared mention his origins, how was it she had known? Yes she was a miko but most never caught on to him when he didn't want them to. This one though had seen straight through his defenses, how was that possible? “ Ah easy my friend, I see she has used her unusual powers of perception on you as well. She was able to discern my auras also, truly she is a wonder.” Hiei looked from Kurama to Sesshomaru and back to the one called Kagome, she was pretty for a ningen to be sure but that was not what was pulling at him, his dragon felt the jewel just as she had said. It too was pulsing and pulling trying to test this new power or threat that was so near. He would have to watch this miko; she caused a strange reaction in him. If he wasn't mistaken the air had been rife with strong emotions when he had entered. He could tell that most were coming from her by the sorrow contained in her eyes. Well no matter he was not here to dwell on the personal feelings of a ningen, he was here to collect his team for the council. “I have come to bring the two of you back. The council has called on us again.”
Kurama looked at his friend, the apparition had to have had a reason for hunting them out and he had been sure it was not out of curiosity concerning Kagome. Hiei was not like most with his curt sentences and too the point bluntness. It had taken him many years to get used to it, but it seemed not to faze Sesshomaru not at all. He could only hope Kagome wouldn't take it as a direct slight to her; the small of stature demon was always that way. Looking at the object of his thoughts he couldn't help but notice the shadows in her eyes, as her gaze seemed fixed on a point far away when suddenly she spoke. “I am sorry, I have kept the two of you from your duties it seems,” with a small smile she stood, “ I will join you shortly but right now I need to complete a few tasks. How will I contact you when I am ready to go?”
Sesshomaru stepped forward and grabbed her hand, “ Kagome do you trust us?” He watched as she looked into his eyes and he prayed she saw the earnestness that he so badly wanted her to see when to his relief she nodded and smiled. Taking her hand he made a small incision with his claw on her finger, doing the same to himself he then pressed their two fingers together. “Now that our blood is linked so are our minds, all you will need to do is call out to me in your mind and I will be there.” Letting her hand fall back to her side he caressed her cheek, he then signaled to the others and before she could blink all three had gone.
Kagome sat back down at the table and placed her hand over the spot Sesshomaru had so softly touched. Her heart ached once more and after finally being left alone she let her head drop upon her crossed arms. For the first time in three months she wept, her heart aching for those left behind in that final battle where she could do nothing. She wept for everything she had lost and let the sorrow go. Sitting back up she wiped her face with a new determination set to her jaw. She needed to move on, no longer would the fear of being weak stand in her way. She had failed once to protect the ones she loved, she would not do so again. If this Ronku was looking for a fight he was going to get it.
Phu looked up at the shrine he had been so closely watching for the last hour. A rather tall youkai but not at all unattractive, he had the ability to mask his presence from even the strongest miko's or houshi's he had run across. He was young as far as demons went but his hard life and experience made up for his youth. Now just as always his piercing crystal blue eyes never wavered from the object of his task. When he had first seen the woman through the upstairs window he realized why his master wanted this ningen alive. Her beauty seemed to be ethereal and otherworldly, while her aura radiated with unmistakable power. If he did not have such a clear objective in this mission to leave her unharmed he would have had some fun with her first. Letting out a sigh he continued to wait and watch for the opportunity to arise.
After packing up some things for her family Kagome brought the bags down to the entryway. She had showered and changed from her earlier garments into the ones she had become accustomed to training in. They were a knock off of Sango's demon slayer out fit but instead of being black they were a deep crimson. Trimmed in black around the collar, sleeves, and ankles with a black dragon embroidered on the back. She had drawn a picture of the clothing trying to design the same thing for her but all the missed days in home economics had caught up to her. She had had no idea of where to start in order to have the end result. Thankfully Arumi had known of a small custom order shop that specialized in the unusual, how she knew it Kagome did not want to know she was just grateful that she had. After bringing in the drawings to the elderly Chinese woman and explaining the basics, she had been told to return with in a weeks time and the outfit would be ready for her. She was surprised to learn of the many hidden compartments in this new suit of hers and the plates protecting all her joints. Thanking the woman profusely she had returned there at least twice more when she had had similar outfits made for the boys.
Walking down the hall and into the kitchen she made her way out the door and towards the storage shed in the back. Opening the doors she strode swiftly to the back to where she kept her armory. Yes believe it or not quiet mild mannered Kagome had an armory. Reaching up she pulled the pair of katanas from the wall where they hung and strapped them to her waist, she then strapped two knives one to her thigh the other to her right bicep. Grabbing the set of throwing stars her mother had gotten her for Christmas she quickly pocketed those as well. She then walked to the cabinet in the far left corner of the room and opened it up. Her eyes shone with reverence as she gripped the bow and quiver of arrows Kaede had made for her what seemed an eternity ago. Last but not least she strapped Sango's Hiraikotsu to her back.
Leaving out of the shed she locked and turned to go back to the house when she had the eerie feeling of being watched. Stopping she turned her head and peered into the trees surrounding her family shrine, seeing nothing she made her way into the house and locked the back door behind her.
Phu let out the breath he had been holding in a long exhale, how could she have sensed him even a bit? He had made sure to mask himself completely and yet she had let her gaze linger on the exact tree he was perched in. He hoped something would happen soon because it looked like she was definitely ready to go into battle, and he had to be honest and admit that he would like to see her in action. The smile stretched across his handsome face as he imagined what her body would look like in the grace and agility of a fight. Yes she would definitely be sleek perfection, if he had to guess he would have to say she knew how to use every weapon she owned very well.
Kagome carried the bags out side and into the garage. Unlocking her trunk she stowed them away before turning back to secure the house. Try as she might she could not shake the feeling she was being watched. Stopping once more she let her senses reach out across the area, then she felt it. It was small and not very threatening to say the least but she felt the youki in the trees. Stepping forward a few paces she looked up into the branches and called out. “ I know you are there so you might as well show your self.” She held her breath waiting for an answer, when none was forthcoming she crouched down ready to launch herself up. Pinpointing exactly where it was again she launched into the branches. Landing she was surprised to see nothing, no one, she must be losing it. She could have sworn that there had been someone in the trees. Scanning once more with her miko senses she jumped down when she felt nothing. Making her way back to the garage she got back into her Mitsubishi 3000 GT and pulled out. She needed to get to her aunts so that she could rejoin Sesshomaru and his friends.
Phu let out the growl he had been holding in until she had pulled out. Maintaining his distance behind her he once again was in shock that she had detected even a hint of his aura. She was a lot stronger than most he had encountered, and while he was looking forward to a confrontation with her it would happen on his terms. Following her he leapt from building to building wondering where she was going. After about fifteen minutes she pulled off into a suburb making her way through the small streets before pulling up to a small home. He sat on the roof of the house in front of where she had stopped and watched as she pulled all but one small bag out of her car and went to the door. His eyes widened when he saw Shippo and Sota run out to relieve her of her burdens. So this is where her family had gone, smart girl to put them into hiding. However she was still out of luck, as he now knew where they were. Sitting back he relaxed and waited for her to return to her vehicle.
Kagome had been in her aunt's house for about an hour and now it was time to go. As much as she didn't want to leave her family, she needed to stop one more place before joining up with her allies. She let Shippo walk her to her car after saying her goodbyes to the others. “Kagome you have to promise me that you will come back. I don't understand why you won't let me come with you! I am strong enough to guard your back and I know I could take any demon on any day!” She looked down into the green eyes she had loved since the moment she had met this boy, how could he ever know how much he meant to her. He was the one remaining tie to all those lost as well as the child of her heart. “ Shippo you must understand I need you and Sota to keep the family safe. I can't go out there and fight and worry about you guys too. You know how much you all mean to me and if anything were to happen I know my sanity would not survive it. This demon that I must face is worse than Naraku and has no qualms about taking my family to get to me. I love all of you and I will not fail to protect those I love again.” He watched as one lone tear fell from her eye and saw the fear and anguish in her gaze. Sighing he knew he would not win this argument with her and to be honest he didn't want to make it hard on her. “ Fine I will protect everyone but you make sure to protect you because there are a few people who would miss you fiercely if something were to happen to you.” Smiling she ruffled his hair before pulling him into a crushing embrace, whispering “ I love you too my son.” She kissed him on the forehead and then let him go. Making her way back to her car she blew him one last kiss before getting in and starting it up.
Phu was delighted to see his job was going to be easier than he thought. He now knew exactly who in her family was going to be the sacrificial lamb in order to get her to come to the master. With one last look at the house to memorize the number he vanished in a puff of smoke.
* Demon Realm *
“This is not what I expected, I would have thought that we would have had more time.” All that Kurama could do was to sigh as he pondered what Sesshomaru had stated. It was Hiei who spoke, “Yes but we should have known that Ronku would attack when we were not in this realm. No matter what he is heartless and persistent, if it were me I would have done the same thing.” Sesshomaru let out a small growl while Kurama just sighed, the apparition would never change. “ Well gentleman bickering about this will get us no where, so let's try to anticipate his next move.”
After walking a few steps Sesshomaru stopped, “Kagome…we need to get back to her now.” Kurama thought maybe the dog lord was being a bit paranoid when Hiei spoke once more. “ You're right if it were me I would have my best tracker trail her and find a weakness.” With those words all three made their way to the gate joining the two realms. When on the other side Sesshomaru opened up his mind link with Kagome.
“Kagome can you hear me?”
*What is it Sesshomaru? *
“Where are you at?”
* I just left my aunts house I'm on my way to a friends why? *
“Listen I do not want to alarm you but have you felt anything around you?”
* Well actually I thought someone was watching me in the trees out side the shrine, but when I investigated there was nothing there. *
“ Kagome you need to call your family and have them move to a safer location, and quickly! I think Ronku has had someone tailing you and if I am right then they are in danger.”
* Oh god ok I'll contact you in a little bit. *
* Kagome's Family *
“Shippo what did Kagome say?” Shippo sighed while looking at Sota, “Nothing important Sota, hey wanna help me unpack?” “Sure Shippo race you to the room!” Mrs. Higurashi smiled as she watched the two boys race up the stairs. She could only hope that what ever it was her daughter had to face that she would not be as scarred as the last time. Making her way to the kitchen she joined her younger sister and their father at the table. Pouring herself some tea she relaxed listening to the sounds of the two rambunctious boys overhead. “ Anko I really do appreciate you housing us, we should be able to go home soon from what Kagome said.” Her sister just smiled before shaking her head, “It's the least I can do for you. You and Shinji kami rest his soul, put me through school when you didn't have to. I can never repay that, so if it means that I can at least try then it is nothing. Besides I need the company while Hiro is out of town on business.” They sat in companionable silence for a while, each simply enjoying the company of the other. Then Mrs. Higurashi noticed that it had become a little too quiet above, “ I must go check on those boys, they have got to be in to something.”
Shippo struggled to release Sota from the demons grasp but it was no use. He simply was not strong enough. “ Who are you? What do you want?” Smiling the demon dropped Sota as the boy had fallen unconscious, “ Why that's simple, you see I only need you. Once my master has you your lovely mother will simply fall into his hands!”
As Mitsu (Kagome's Mom) made her way to the staircase the phone rang, “Hello Kutsari residence.” “Mom is that you?” “Why Kagome what is it dear? You just left twenty minutes ago.” “ Mom this is important, you guys are in danger you have to get out of there all of you! I don't know how but I think they tracked you there. I can't explain right now, just get everyone together and go someplace even I don't know ok?” “ All right Kagome if you're sure…hold on I think I heard something.” “ Mom? Mom? MOM get out of the house right now! All of you get out now!!!!”
* With Kagome *
All she heard on the other end was a busy signal, hanging up she tried a third time to get back through to her family. After meeting the same results she slammed the payphone down and raced for her car. Opening the mind link she called for Sesshomaru praying that her family would be okay.
* Sesshomaru are you there?? *
“ What is it Kagome? I am almost to your location.”
* No time for that! Follow me something is wrong with my family…oh kami I can't get through to them! *
“We are right behind you.”
Feeling the mind link close Sesshomaru turned back to his team motioning for them to follow.
Kagome screeched to halt in front of her aunt's house. Throwing her car in park she ran to the front door when she heard her mother screaming. Heart pounding in her ears she raced up the stairs to where she felt one of the strongest demonic presences since Naraku. Stopping she checked her mother where she had collapsed. Finding a pulse she moved on towards the room she knew her brother and Shippo were to be staying. Pulling out her katana it began to glow a bright blue, she came to a stand still at the sight that greeted her. Her grandfather laid in a heap against the wall her aunt lying across his lap. Further in, next to the futon on the right lay her brother. Bringing her gaze back up she saw the demon she had sensed. He had to be as tall as Sesshomaru with Black hair and violet eyes. As handsome as he was she could feel the cold brutality of his aura. His face bore the markings of a taiyoukai in the form of two blue stripes to his cheeks and a red sun upon his fore head. Behind him stood a slightly shorter demon with the most piercing blue eyes she had seen. But that was not the only thing about him that caught her attention; he had an unconscious Shippo in his arms. Without warning her aura flared and she raised the sword up for attack when the taller one spoke. “ My beautiful Kagome, I would not do that if I were you. You see one word from me and Phu will crush the kitsune cubs neck.” Looking back to him she suppressed the power inside that was struggling to break free and attack. How could she have let this happen? More importantly was this Ronku? “ I can tell that you have already been briefed on who I am by your friends the dog lord and that pitiful fox thief. Rest assured the cruelty they told you I am capable of is all very true. Now why don't you put the blade away so that we can negotiate for the life of your son hmm?” Kagome froze at the sound of his voice, this could not be happening. She had sworn to protect him, not put him back into danger. Finally she lowered her sword to her side, “What is it you want Ronku?”
Oh she was feisty! She made his body tremble in lust when she spoke his name so venomously, as if it were poison on her tongue. He could not have asked for a better mate! “Why that is simple my dear, your life for his. We let him go and you come with me willingly to help me join these worlds and to become my mate.”
Her eyes widening a fraction Kagome almost emptied the contents of her stomach right then and there. His mate? Not if she could help it! “ And if I refuse and choose to fight?” Laughing the demon merely shrugged. “Why then it's simple, I have Phu kill the fox and I take you anyways. It is your choice my dear, however believe me when I say I love a good battle before sex!” That arrogant son of a bitch! She felt like slapping the smile right off of his face! His mate, join with him? He was out of his damn mind!
* Sesshomaru where are you?! I need your help Ronku is here! *
“ We are almost there! Can you stall him for ten more minutes?”
* I don't know if I can, Sesshomaru he has Shippo…I can't lose him…he is all I have from…Never mind, listen I know I am going to regret this but you guys better come for me you hear! *
“Kagome what are you talking about? Don't do anything rash! Just hold him there for a little more time!”
* Sesshomaru if this thing works across worlds then know I will be in contact with you soon. Please take care of my family…*
Feeling the link close Sesshomaru sped up while cursing under his breath. She better not be doing what he thought she was, he was not going to allow it!
Kagome looked from Shippo to the eyes of the one who held him. Complete and utter cruelty was reflected back towards her. She would get no help there; he would definitely kill if his master called for it. Closing her eyes she let her aura recede and put her sword away. “ Release my son and I will go with you.” Opening her eyes she watched as the one called Phu placed him on the futon while remaining poised at the kits side. Ronku stepped towards her and held out his hand, “ Now if you would be so kind as to rid yourself of the armaments you have concealed my dear then we can be on our way to your new home.” Not suppressing the shudder of revulsion she untied her swords to drop on the floor. Pulling both knives from their sheaths she let those drop as well. She then took a step towards him. “I meant all of them my dear.” With that he was at her side in a flash. She felt his hands rake over her form as he removed the throwing stars she had hoped to keep in her possession. Once that was accomplished he turned her to face him while keeping her arms restrained. She let her eyes flash her hatred when he bent his head towards her, “ Oh I am going to enjoy taming you my dear. You are very cunning, exactly what I need in a mate.” That was the last thing she saw before he rendered her unconscious and lifted her in his arms. “Phu it is time to take our leave, come.” Both demons strode towards the window when they heard a crash from above.
Sesshomaru was praying to every god he had ever heard of to keep her safe until he got there. Landing on the roof all three demons dropped through just out side the bedroom where Kagome's muted aura could be felt. Once they entered the room they froze at the sight before them. It was Ronku, and he had Kagome. “Sorry to disappoint you gentleman but I have a prior arrangement with my soon to be mate here. I will have to play with you another time.” With that said he and Phu vanished in a puff of smoke while two howls rang through the night air.
Chapter 6 A Shattered Life
When Kagome came to she was in unfamiliar surroundings. She found herself in a bedroom, lying upon a dark wood four-poster canopy bed. The sheets felt like satin against her skin and were a burgundy in color. Wait, against her skin? Lifting the velvet comforter she looked down to see herself dressed in a black negligee. Remembering that she had her slayers outfit on when she had been captured she shuddered to think who had changed her. Pulling back the coverlet and sitting up she parted the curtains. Letting her eyes wander the room she took in her surroundings. There was a fireplace off to her right that was crackling; slipping her feet to the floor she stood. The room was fairly large compared to what she was accustomed to, white washed walls with paintings hung in relief. A large dark wood armoire and dressing table stood off to the left of the bed. As lovely as her surroundings were Kagome was looking for one thing only, the door. There were three to choose from, the first one she opened to the left of the fireplace revealed the baths, the second a walk in closet about the size of her own room. Determined that the next door was the way out she made her way over to it, gripping the knob she turned it and pulled. The door opened up into another closet? Slamming it shut in frustration Kagome took a deep breath and counted to ten. Once she had calmed a little she began to look for another way out or in.
After ten more minutes with equally frustrating results she threw herself on the bed in exasperation. Not even a window! How the hell had she gotten in here? Suddenly her aura flared in response to the strong youkai aura that she knew belonged to Ronku. Pushing herself up once more on the bed she scanned the room to determine where the bastard was. Not seeing him anywhere she laid back thinking he must be somewhere very close by. She needed to find a way out of here sighing she closed her eyes to think.
“It's of no use my pretty one, you will not be able to leave this room without me by your side.” Her eyes snapped open at the voice so close to her ear. She dare not move as she felt him hovering over her form upon the bed. She simply lie there with bated breath and heart racing.
Ronku was enjoying the scent of slight fear that lay directly under her smell of sakura blossoms. Looking down upon her form he brought his hand up to trace the curve of her bare shoulder. Her skin was as smooth as he had thought it would be, letting his fingers trail further south he smiled at the stiffening of her body. He stopped his exploration when he reached her waist, splaying his hand he felt her shudder. “Trembling in anticipation my dear?” Kagome simply lay there not answering hoping he would just go away; the sooner she was alone the sooner she could figure a way out of here. Her respite was not to come however when suddenly he flipped her so she lay on her back. Blinking she came eye to eye with him as he leaned in closer to her. “My you are lovely when you are angry, I must say I do enjoy the flush in your cheeks.” Maneuvering his body he lay on top of her letting him pin her to the mattress. She gasped when his eyes flashed a purple light. Leaning in he placed a crushing kiss upon her lips brutally shoving his questing tongue in and out of her mouth. In her mind she was struggling willing her body to move and throw him off, but for some reason her limbs were not responding. When she felt his hand trail down to her thigh and beneath the negligee her heart began to race. What was wrong? Why wouldn't her body obey her? “You are now under my control my lovely one, it's no use fighting it you will not break free of the spell I have upon you.” Slipping his hand further up her leg he brought the thin material covering her with it. Stopping his exploration at her abdomen he let his hand rest there while his fingers traced lazy circles. “ You will surely bear strong and beautiful children for me. I must say I did think it would have been harder to get my hands upon you my dear. As fate would have it though you suffer from the same sentimentality as every other human, love. Yes it was the love for your family that was your downfall. I am extremely pleased with that though because it means that when you bear our children the love you have for them will bind you to me.” Stopping he punctuated his statement with another bruising attack upon her lips. Pulling back he spoke once again, and his statement froze her very core. “ Because I would slaughter them in their cribs should you ever choose to betray me.” This man would actually kill his own children? No not a man, a demon with no remorse, and what's worse is he was right. Even if he should rape her, she would never bear hatred for a child. She would love it as unconditionally as she loved Shippo. Even though her body seemed to be frozen her emotions were not, and as always they spoke up through her eyes. She felt the anger rise within her only to find a release in her tears. Chuckling Ronku simply leaned in and lapped the drops from her face. “ My you do taste heavenly. I can see why the dog lord and the thief were ready to fight over you. Truly I have never seen a woman to compare to you. Here you are helpless in my hands but instead of fear you shed tears of rage and for what? Certainly not for your self or your predicament, but for children you have yet to bear. It is simply delicious! If that is how you feel though then maybe we should get started on their conception hmm?” Letting out a low chuckle he bent so his mouth was just inches away from the exposed area of her neck where it met her shoulder. Sticking his tongue out he traced a circle before gently sucking and nibbling there. Moving up a little further he ran his tongue along the shell of her ear only to stop and whisper one last time. “Don't worry my dear I will not take you yet, as tempting as you are right now we have previous engagements. Now when I leave this room the spell will disperse, I trust you will not give your hand maid any problems when she comes in to dress you for our banquet.” Leaving one last kiss on her lips he rose from above her and strode towards one of the walls. Her eyes followed his form as suddenly the wall melted to become a door, opening it he allowed a smaller figure to enter before turning to flash her a grin and then closing the door.
Willing her body to move once again she sat upright and wiped the moisture from her eyes. She then brought her attention to the small figure at the armoire; it seemed to be grabbing clothing. Sighing she let her head drop face first into her hands, “My lady I will need to prepare you now.” Snapping her head back up she looked at the woman and nodding she stood.
After about fifteen minute of preparation Kagome stood back and observed the results for the woman's efforts. She looked regal and imposing, she didn't like it at all. Her hair had been pinned up with onyx combs and her eyes had been lined in kohl. There was a set of onyx stars in her ear and a matching necklace around her throat. The kimono she had been dressed in was black trimmed in red with red suns sewn into it as a pattern; the out fit was finished off with the black satin slippers that had been placed upon her feet. She felt dirty in this get up she didn't like it at all. The whole time she had sat patiently being prepped she had tried contacting Sesshomaru through their link. She had not received an answer. She would have to figure out something on her own or else Kami forbid actually mate with this monster. “My lady the master will be here shortly to escort you.” She watched as the woman walked through the door that had appeared once more in the wall. Once she was gone Kagome turned to look back in the mirror. She may be in his hands but she would be damned if she was going to be his puppet! Reaching up she pulled the combs from her hair letting it cascade down her back freely. She stiffened when she felt Ronku's aura enter the room.
“What a pity my dear, I thought your hair would have been lovely pinned up. You didn't like it?” She could only glare at him as he came to stand beside her. She would not be baited into arguing with him, she needed to maintain her wits if she was going to figure a way out of this. “ No matter I like your hair any way you choose to have it. Come we have guests awaiting us below.” She flinched when he placed his hand upon her shoulder, but rose to stand beside him as he ordered. Grasping her hand he placed it in the crook of his arm and led her through the door.
“ God damn it! This wasn't supposed to happen! He was not supposed to get his hands on her!” Sesshomaru was raging and destroying everything in sight as Kurama was trying to calm him down. Hiei merely sat there quietly meditating. “I agree but all of the ranting and destruction of innocent objects is not going to change the fact that he does have her. I am as enraged as you are but letting your youkai come to the surface this way is in no way going to help us track her down.” Sesshomaru looked towards the Kitsune who stood so calmly and realized he was right. Ever since Ronku had taken her Youko had come to the forefront and Shuichi had hidden inside. The fox's eyes were also glowing a faint red but he seemed to be keeping his inner demon leashed for the moment. Sesshomaru being as old and experienced as he was should not be having such a hard time. His eyes snapped to Hiei when the slight apparition spoke. “Our next mission then would be to find where Ronku is hiding in our world. Sesshomaru did you try the mind link with her?” Sesshomaru nodded, “ But I did not get through, so either she is still unconscious or Ronku found a way to prevent telepathic communication. How is Kagome's family Hiei?” Finally opening his eyes the small youkai spoke again, “ Her brother and the Kitsune cub should be fine, her mother and aunt were a bit shook up but they are also ok. As for the grandfather the doctors say he may not survive the night.” Sesshomaru shook his head, “ It's my fault. I had to have led him straight to her. If I had not gone to her home her family would never had been put in danger. If I still had the Tensaiga I might have been able to correct my mistake but now…” sighing he let his head fall forward and pounded his fist one more time into the wall of his study. Kurama stepped behind him and laid a comforting hand upon his shoulder, “my friend you know that Ronku would have found her whether you had gone there or not, that was always his intent. Right now Kagome needs us to focus on keeping the rest of her family safe while trying to locate her as well. I know that you feel the same when I say it will be a cold day in hell that that monster takes her as his mate and gets away with it! I will be in my grave before that happens! I would have considered sharing her with you or even losing her to you but I will not give over willingly to him.” Sesshomaru pondered what Youko had stated, the kitsune thief was right. He would not let Ronku have her! As for the other…well they would see what Kagome's decision was on the matter. “Hiei I would like for you to relocate the rest of Kagome's family here. Once you have done this I would like for you to collect whatever information on where Ronku is hiding. Youko I would like for you to call in a few favors from your human friends Yusuke and Kuwabara to guard Kagome's grandfather. Once you are done meet me back here in my dojo there are things we must go over before we move forward.” He watched as both his teammates shimmered then vanished, he then let his eyes return to the window he had been staring out. His gaze fell on the moon that had risen high in the sky and sighed. He hoped Kagome would survive not just in body but in spirit as well.
Yusuke sat there wondering what it was that had Youko dragging him out at this time of night and rubbing the sleep from his eyes. While Kuwabara just kept yawning and making the spirit detective even more tired. “Oi Kuwabara will you knock that off already!” Stifling his own yawn he sat forward in his chair and waited for the fox to appear. That was when his sleep filled mind cleared and he realized that it had been the fox and not Shuichi who had contacted him. Which in turn meant something heavy was indeed going down, shit Keiko was going to be pissed if he stood her up again tomorrow. Snapping out of his musings he sensed Youko before he saw him and shoved Kuwabara awake. When it was really Youko in all his glory and not the red head they were used to he was instantly alert and ready to meet whatever was on its way­­. “I am sorry I am calling you out at such a late hour but I need a favor that only you two can do for me.”
After Youko had finished his explanation and stressed the need for a guard on the old man Yusuke could only sit there stunned. The toddler had warned them that something big was coming but he had never expected the Shikon no Tama to actually exist. “Youko you don't need to say anything else, we will guard the old man. Koenma has filled us in on exactly who and what this Ronku bastard is. Just promise me when it gets down to the fighting and kicking some ass part that you won't forget about us?” Youko shook his head at his friend's cocky statement and lopsided grin. Things may change in this world but Yusuke would always remain the same. “I promise you we will need all the help we can get. Now I must go to meet Sesshomaru, I will check in through our mind link periodically to see how her grandfather is.” With that he leapt out the window and disappeared into the night. Yusuke looked back at Kuwabara and listened as his friend snored lightly. He wondered if the baka had even realized that Youko had been there. Shaking the man awake he didn't stop until he was sure that the big oaf was really awake before giving him a brief run down of what Youko had said. After that they both got ready and made there way to Tokyo Memorial Hospital's ICU unit. They got in under the guise of their actual careers in the human realm as detectives and made their way to the man's room. Watching the machines whirring and beeping he told Kuwabara to settle in he would take first watch. No doubt about it, heavy shit was going down and he had a feeling things would not be the same after tonight.
Youko made his way inside Sesshomaru's dojo and found a place to stand and wait for the other two members to show. His mind was on Kagome and if she was all right. He could not believe that Ronku had the audacity to claim her as his mate.