InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where do we go from here? ❯ Reasons ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any characters from Inuyasha. I do own Riomi and other significants. * Fluffy's really coming home people, yay! *


A.N. * Hello once again. I would like to say congrats to all the graduates for this year. Ok I promise to put Sessy into this one but don't hate me if he is OOC ok. Enjoy!


Chapter 4: Reasons

Kagome's body stiffened and froze. She could hear Inuyasha cry out here name but then everything went black.

"What the hell did you do to her, you stupid wench?" Inuyasha spat out at Riomi.

"If you must know about that filthy human, all I did was send her soul on a little trip so she can no longer interfere."

"Tell me why you have returned and what from me you want"

Riomi looked at him with piercing blue eyes, "Hmm… It seems that this human has made you soft, the Inuyasha I remember wouldn't hesitate to kill."

"Answer my question or be killed, again." He growled out.

"Silly half breed, and to think I was once like you, but you want an answer then fine."

Riomi sat down and conjured a fire spell to bring light between the two.

"As you know I am the slayer of your mother because her being human was keeping you weak and I couldn't watch you become weaker and weaker everyday. You needed a challenge for your youkai side to overtake you."

Riomi looked up to Inuyasha who was still standing. She stuck out her right hand and made a downward motion with it causing Inuyasha to sit softly on the ground in front of her. He tried to rise again but couldn't.

She continued.

"The only challenge I could come up for you was revenge for your mother's death. I was a mere half breed like you but I wouldn't let my human side overcome me unlike you."

"Where are you going with this?" Inuyasha interjected not wanting to relive the tale.

"Quiet, Inuyasha" she said softly.

Inuyasha was taken aback by the emotion in her voice.

"The revenge you wanted for your mother's death is what triggered you youkai side. I know you remember every feeling that took over your body, mind and soul. That was the first time you turned full youkai and I was your first prey. To this day I am still proud of my accomplishment."

"This is a trick, I killed …"

"You did kill me," Riomi cut Inuyasha off, "but I have come back not for revenge of my own life but for you to stop asking yourself that stupid question."

"And what is that?" he cut in impatiently.

"Whether you should become a powerful youkai or a worthless human to be with that runt. That shouldn't even be a thought in your weak little mind. You don't need that human she will only bring you pain."

'How would she know that. I have discussed that with no one.' He thought to himself.

"Honestly Inuyasha you've lost your touch, you should have figured out by now that I can read your thoughts."

Inuyasha looked at her while she rose to her feet.

"You will become full youkai, Inuyasha, there is no reason for you to stay a half breed or to become a human. You will see that human betray you if you give her more then she deserves."

"I still don't see the reason why you care if I choose to become a human or youkai."

Riomi took a deep breath and replied, "No reason at all Inuyasha, no reason at all."

Inuyasha looked at her dumbfounded.

"Her soul as well as your companions souls will be returning shortly, I will leave you to your own free will."

With those words spoken Kagome's body fell to the ground.

Inuyasha stood up and picked up his Tetsusaiga.

Out of nowhere a blue flash passed by and Kagome was gone.

"What the hell was that? Where did Kagome go?" Inuyasha blurted out, filled with anger gripping his Tetsusaiga.

"I don't know, but I do know this is only the beginning."

With that she vanished as well, leaving Inuyasha alone in the dark.


Kagome's Whereabouts:

Sesshumaru heard everything the young youkai expressed to Inuyasha. He didn't want his presence to be known so listened from a far enough distance to not be sensed. He knew for sure his plan to get the Tetsusaiga cleanly would work.

He would take the human his brother cared for and hold her captive until his brother came. It would be a fair trade knowing the girl had the Shikon no Tama in her pocket.

He sensed the life re-enter the human's body and with all his speed he picked Kagome up the second she hit the ground.

Sesshumaru headed towards his castle. He had the plan in his mind.


A.N.* Damn I'm tired. Ok I said I would put Sessy in but I didn't say for how much so please so don't kill me. I need reviews so I know how you guys feel about my plot so far. So send it in people! Reviews not flames.

~*~ Riomi Yubanaga ~*~