InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where do your loyalties lie? ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I bet if I wrote this really small, people would squint and try and read it, but not that many because no-one really reads these anyway and if it looks long they'll think I have something really important to say, but I'm really just cutting and pasting. I bet if I wrote this really small, people would squint and try and read it, but not that many because no-one really reads these anyway and if it looks long they'll think I have something really important to say, but I'm really just cutting and pasting. I bet if I wrote this really small, people would squint and try and read it, but not that many because no-one really reads these anyway and if it looks long they'll think I have something really important to say, but I'm really just cutting and pasting. I bet if I wrote this really small, people would squint and try and read it, but not that many because no-one really reads these anyway and if it looks long they'll think I have something really important to say, but I'm really just cutting and pasting. I bet if I wrote this really small, people would squint and try and read it, but not that many because no-one really reads these anyway and if it looks long they'll think I have something really important to say, but I'm really just cutting and pasting.
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Kagome found herself running around their bedroom after Kazenatsu was asleep, trying to quash the nervousness she felt. It wasn't like this was the first time they'd made love. She smiled as she thought of their beautiful son. She just prayed he'd stay asleep. Sesshomaru was downstairs, taking care of a business call that had come in during dinner.
*It still shocks me,* she thought, wrapping her hair up to keep it dry. *The self proclaimed hater of all things half and other wise impure took one look at his son and was a goner.*
Sesshomaru hadn't been the personification of joy when he found out she was pregnant, but he'd stayed with her, supported her. Towards the end, Kagome had began to sense the shift in his opinion, but nothing was real until he held Kazenatsu for the first time.
Kagome showered quickly, then spent a good five minutes searching through her dresser drawers, looking for the red teddy Sesshomaru bought her just before Kazenatsu was born. She had never actually worn it and was surprised when she put it on that it fit.
*Wow.* She spun slowly in front of the mirror. * I've lost more weight than I thought.*
Kagome turned to look at Sesshomaru. He was standing in the doorway, watching her. The admiration shining in his golden eyes filled her with warmth. She ran her hands down the gown and smiled up at him.
“It fits.”
“Not for long.” He strode across the room, slamming the door shut behind him. Kagome squealed and moved slightly away from him. His eyes darkened, and Kagome paused.
“I'm not going to run from you.”
He growled at her. “Why?”
She giggled and pointed towards the door. “Because we'll wake the baby.”
He paused. “True.” He sighed. “Next time, we're sending him to stay with my brother.”
“No! Inuyasha can't take care of a baby!”
“He'll learn.”
Kagome crossed the small space between them and hugged Sesshomaru. “I love you,” her voice was barely audible. “You know we don't have to do this.”
“There is no have to, my mate. I want to. I need to.” He gently ran his claws through her hair, then lowered his lips to hers. “It's been too long.”
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Inuyasha slid to a smooth stop before Kikyo's apartment building and blew the horn. The front door opened and his girlfriend emerged. Kikyo was tall, with long, straight black hair. At first glance, she resembled his brother's mate, Kagome, but if you looked closely, there was little about the two women that was alike. Kikyo was clearly older, with a hardness to her brown eyes, and slightly cynical twist to her lips.
She got in the car and looked at Inuyasha like he was wasting her time. “What is so urgent that you can't tell me over the phone or tomorrow?”
Inuyasha shot away from her building before answering. “You know my father disapproves of you and Kagome, right?”
Kikyo snorted. “Of course. If what you and your . . .esteemed elder brother say is true, he's a bit of a control freak.”
“Aint that the truth? Well, the old bastard has decided that Sesshomaru and I should break up with you and Kagome and mate with the bitches he's chosen.” Inuyasha braced himself, the ears atop his head press flat against his skull, for her reaction. He was completely shocked when she reached over and hugged him around the waist.
“My poor puppy.” Her head tilted to one side. “Wasn't today the day Sesshomaru was supposed to tell your father about Kaze-chan?”
“Yeah. It was. Past tense. He never got around to it, because Father made his grand announcement.”
Kikyo threw back her head and laughed in delight. “Oh, boy!” She laughed so long Inuyasha began to wonder how she could breath.
“I'm okay,” she finally managed. “I'm just seeing your father's face when he finds out. Poor Kagome. So what's your brother going to do?”
“He said he's going to complete the mating ritual with Kagome tonight.” Inuyasha pulled into the park and shut off the car. “Would you like to take a turn around the park with me?”
“Sure.” They got out and she took his arm. They walked slowly through the darkening park, each lost in their own thoughts. Finally, Kikyo asked:
“So what will you do?”
“Well . . .I . . .really don't know.” He glanced down at her for a second, then stopped walking. “I love you. I know I don't say it to often, but I do. I chose you, and I want . . .I want you to be . . . Would you accept my mark?”
“Now, Inuyasha . . .”
“I'm not asking this on the heels of my father's absurd proclamation. I've had this . . . running through my mind for months. Its been driving me crazy! You know I'm not a deep thinker!”
Kikyo laughed again. “Oh, Inuyasha. I know you love me. And I would be honoured to be your mate. But you know I can't abandon the shrine right now. There are very few mikos left with any real power and since Kagome left the Higurashi Shrine . . .I just . . .not right now.”
“I know.” He pulled her close in a fierce hug. “But one day.”
“But one day. I promise. My mate.”
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Random author's note: Don't listen to Alice in Chains “Man in the Box” while trying to write. You will end up jumping around the room playing air guitar and not writing.