InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where do your loyalties lie? ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Chibimethos, hereafter referred to as THE AUTHOUR, declaims any ownership, possession, or illegal use of Takahshi Rumiko's creations, hereafter referred to as INUYASHA for any purpose other than entertainment. All other copyrighted names, products, or their mention will be considered shameless plugs. The readers, hereafter referred to as THE READERS should proceed to the nearest store and/or car dealership and purchase the above products.
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Inu-Taisho watched his sons enter the dining room a week later, and the quiet contentment that he had been feeling evaporated like mist in direct sunlight. Sesshomaru, as he was want to do, was dressed for dinner in a conservative black suit. Inuyasha wasn't. Clean chinos, a brilliant red polo shirt, and Gucci wingtips without socks was his outfit of choice. The two inu brothers took their seats, pointedly ignoring the two women seated across from them.
Sesshomaru turned to look at his father. “Well, sir. We're here to inspect the cattle.”
“Cattle?!” Inuyasha turned to look at the women. A petite white haired bat hanyou, and a tall red-eyed demoness with her black hair pulled up in bun sat across from him. The elder with the black hair was the one who spoke.
“Well,” Inuyasha sat back. “He practically insisted we check your teeth, and measure your hips to see if they're broad enough for breeding.”
She looked shocked for a moment as his words sank in, then laughed. The girl beside her ducked her head and blushed furiously. Sesshomaru studied the two women, deciding the hanyou must be for his brother and the red-eyed woman for him. He then turned to look at his father.
“You have got to be kidding me.” Inu-Taisho frowned.
“No, I'm not. This is Shiori and Kagura.” Sesshomaru smirked and stood.
“Where are you going!?” Sesshomaru calmly crossed the room and opened the door. Kagome, dressed for dinner with Kazenatsu in her arms walked in with slow measured steps. The dog general flew to his feet.
“What the hell is this?!”
Sesshomaru put his arms around Kagome, kissing her on the cheek and took Kazenatsu.
Who, Father?”
“What?” Inuyasha was enjoying this and his father's face was turning red.
“The question is who is this, Father. And the answer is this,” he pointed at Kagome. “Is my mate, Kagome. You will recall meeting her and being abominably rude. And this,” he kissed Kazenatsu on the head. “Is my son, who I have been keeping from you, for his safety.”
The ensuing silence was thick enough to slice. Inuyasha watched his father's face, smirking. Inu-Taisho's face was now a frozen mask of rage. Inuyasha glanced at the two women. Kagura look relived and Shiori was looking like she would very much like to hold Kazenatsu.
And then the elder demon was across the room in a blur of white, eyes tinted red, jaw elongating as he restrained his transformation. Kagome darted away, and Sesshomaru, still holding the baby, easily evaded his father's claws.
Kazenatsu clung to his father's neck. “Daddy, I'm scawed.”
“Father!” Sesshomaru tried to distract his parent as his intentions became clear. The dog general was on Kagome in an instant. He grabbed her around the neck, searching for the mating marks. They were there, still looking new, despite being a week old. He turned to his eldest son.
“What is the meaning of this!?”
“It means,” Sesshomaru bowed to Kagura mockingly and she returned it with a nod. “That I disapprove your choice. You gave me free will and I exercised it. Release my mate.”
Inu-Taisho's grip on Kagome tightened and she began struggling. “I told you to end it with this priestess.”
“Sir,” Kagome's voice was strangled. “I haven't been a priestess in 3 years. I'm no longer a virgin.”
He turned back to her, teeth bared. “Do not speak to me!”
“Mummie!” Kazenatsu could sense his mother's distress and was doing everything in his power to escape his uncle's grasp. Sesshomaru had handed the baby to his brother and crossed the room. He dug his claws into his father's wrist, drawing blood and forcing him to release Kagome. Kagura rushed over to help her up and out of the way of the two enraged males.
“You okay?”
Kagome nodded, rubbing her throat. “Yes, thank you.” She got to her feet with Kagura's help and went to her son.
“Oh, my baby.”
“Mummie! Mummie!” He sobbed into her neck. Kagura watched them for a moment, then gently pushed Kagome down into a chair.
“Kagome, right? I'm Kagura. I'm glad I don't have to mate Sesshomaru.”
Kagome was shocked. Every women she knew wanted him on sight. “Really?”
Kagura nodded. “My uncle, Naraku made the arrangements with Inu-Taisho.”
“Ah.” Kagome rocked her son as his sobs lessened and he began to drift off to sleep, completely unaffected by the battle of insults going on between his father and grandfather.
“I'm sorry about all this.”
“Never mind.” Kagura continued to study Kagome. “I can see why Sesshomaru wanted you.”
Kagome's eyebrow slid up. “Um . . .if you don't want Sesshomaru . . .” she glanced at Inuyasha. “Who was your preference?”
“Well . . .my girlfriend, Yura was pretty upset when I told her what was to happen.” Kagome laughed, surprised as a dish got knocked off the wall by Inu-Taisho's transformation. She covered her son's ears.
“Well, it's nice to know we'll be safe from you at least.”
“Me, yes. Uncle Naraku . . .Besides, I think Inu-Taisho is the bigger problem now.”
“Literally.” Kagome pointed. Kagura gasped. All the ceilings in the mansion were high for a reason. Inu-Taisho was only half transformed and twice Sesshomaru's size. Still, the elder prince was standing before his family, in full demon form, tail swishing, determined to protect them even if he died trying.
“Oh . . .my . . .God . . .” Kagura backed away, a wise move as Sesshomaru was starting to drip poison on the carpet. It sizzled as it burned away. Kagome noted idly that Tauron wouldn't be too thrilled about the mess they were making in her dining room.
The door opened and both inu brothers turned to face it, growling low. Tauron swept into the room, dressed for dinner in her lord's colours. She stopped in the doorway, taking in the scene before her. Her husband was in his full demon form, as was her oldest step-son. Inuyasha was sitting at the table, one leg crossed over the other, watching the show. The miko Inu-Taisho had told Sesshomaru to get rid of was sitting at the table, holding a sleeping black haired hanyou puppy, and Kagura and Shiori looked like they would like to leave if you don't mind please.
“What in the hell is going on here?!”
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