InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where for art thou Romeo? ❯ The ex and the girl friend ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the cute hanyou with cute little doggy ears in reality.
But in my dreams...
Dawn0fthenite: Who owns you Inuyasha
Inuyasha: *Tied to a chair* You do
Dawn0fthenite: that's right, good boy
*winks* ;p
Meanwhile in my friends dreams…
Narria: Who owns you Sesshomaru
Sesshomaru: * isn't tied to a chair* This Sesshomaru, is owned by only one person and who is Narria
Narria: I thought so * glomps sesshy *
Kagome was sitting in her desk in Algebra 2 class doodling some design in her notebook trying to stay awake. 'God I hate this class' she said to herself,
'Only a few more minutes to go till the auditions'.
Then minutes went by and the bell finally rang. All right its time for drama class. Kagome was walking through the hallway. When she felt a tap on her right shoulder
"Hey how's my women" it was Koga her ex-boyfriend.
"Not bad Koga, I'm just heading to the auditions and stop calling me your women" she said.
"Because I am not, you made that happen"
Suddenly there was a hand on Koga's shoulder. It was Inuyasha's.
" Are you bothering her again Koga", Inuyasha said.
" Because she is my woman ", Koga said.
"But why "
"Because you cheated on her wolf, or don't you not remember boys locker room with Ayame Jade", Inuyasha said
That left Koga starring at Kagome looking at her hurt expression. When Kagome couldn't take it anymore her and Inuyasha walked off to their next class. Kagome's favorite class acting.
"Sorry about that Kagome"
"Its alright Inuyasha"
Inuyasha sat there and remembered the day last week when Koga broke her heart. It was Inuyasha that told him it was right in the middle of his P.E class and he went into the locker room to get a drink from the fountain. When he heard a noise he looked over and saw Koga and Ayame making out. Inuyasha was astonished by the site and ran and told Kagome what her boyfriend was doing was doing with Ayame Jade one of the top skanks of Tama high. Kagome saw that and started 2 cry all Inuyasha could do for her is comfort her she wanted 2 tell her that he loved her and forget Koga. He couldn't because he was going out with Kikyo and had to be loyal to his women as so his mother put it. Koga walks out of the locker room and sees Kagome crying and says.
“Mutt, what did you do to my women?”
Inuyasha had never seen Kagome that made before it was frightening.
That was almost a week ago and he still doesn't get that they are broken up why does he hurt her so bad it just doesn't make any sense.
Now her Inuyasha talked some more as the sat down in the seats of the auditorium waiting for there name to be called.
"INUYASHA", some one yelled from behind them. It was Kikyo Miki Inuyasha's girlfriend.
"Yes, Kikyo"
"Why are you sitting with that slut?"
"First of all she's not a slut, she's my friend"
"Whatever, but aren't you even going to sit with me"
"Yes coming, sorry Kagome", Inuyasha got out of his seat.
"Good luck on the part of Juliet you will need it Kagome because your going up against me the best actor in the school", Kikyo said as Kagome chuckled by that comment.
"Ya good luck break a leg Kikyo, literally", Inuyasha laughed.
"Humph, Come on Inuyasha", Kikyo said as Inuyasha and her walked away and went to sit next to Ayame.
"Stupid Bitch" Kagome muttered.
" I heard that Kagome Higurashi" a voice said as she sat next to her with Miroku in toe.
"Hey Sango, hey Miroku"”
“So your auditioning to Miroku”
“Ya Sango here is making me or I wont be able to get any of that hot piece of ass”, Miroku said as he was slapped across the face.
“I'm sorry Sango I cant help it”, Miroku said as Sango gave him the glare of death.
“ So what are you to auditioning for?”
“Well I'm auditioning for Mercutio”, Miroku said.
“I'm auditioning for the Nurse”, Sango said.
“ I hope you guys get it”, Kagome said.
“Kagome aren't you going for Juliet”
“Ya, and so is Kikyo”
“Oh good luck then Kagome”, Miroku said as the lights dimmed.
Alright Class auditions for the lead roles of Romeo and Juliet start now can I have the following people come up for the auditioning of Juliet come up now.
“Will these following ladies that are auditioning for the role of Juliet please come to see me Karen Drago, Kikyo Miki, Rin Noto, Ayame Jade, and Kagome Higurashi, please come up here with me”, Mrs. Kaede said.
“ Will the following gentlemen, please come with me, Koga Suzuki, Inuyasha Takahashi, Sesshomaru Takahashi”
“What Sesshomaru Takahashi”
“Huh” everyone said.
“What the hell why is my brother audition”, Inuyasha said
“Because there is a chance that This Sesshomaru will be the Romeo to my fair Juliet”, Sesshomaru said as he kissed his girlfriends hand.
“Yuck get a room”, Inuyasha said
“Settle down, all right now that we are all here we can get these auditions on the roll”
Dawn0fthenite:Im so evil
Inuyasha: What I wanted 2 see the auditions
Dawn0fthenite:Relax Inu we all know you get the part of Romeo
Inuyasha: That's cause you think I am so cute right
Dawn0fthenite:*scratches Inu's ears* so so so true
Inuyasha: *low growl*
Kikyo: So I get Juliet right
Kagome: Stupid Bitch, like Dawn would ever let that happen
Inuyasha: I hope Dawn gets the part
Kagome: She's the writer she cant act
Inuyasha: Oi, wench yes she can
Kagome: Inuyasha, osuwari * Inuyasha falls to the ground*
Dawn0fthenite: Don't hit my Inu *bitch slaps Kagome, Kagome slaps Dawn0fthenite back *
Miroku: Oh, Catfight rip her shirt
Sango:* Hits Miroku on the head with Hiraikotsu * Hentai
Inuyasha: ha-ha well my Dawns busy right now and she will try to write the second chapter soon night all
***BTW I know I said that Sesshomaru was a gang member but when it comes to Rin he is a romantic
Precious- ty so much for that very helpfull advice i will take it into the story
Fallenangel7583- ty i hope it comes out good 2
- next chapter Auditions
R&R please