InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where for art thou Romeo? ❯ Sango's ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the cute hanyou with cute little doggy ears in reality.
But in my dreams...
Dawn0fthenite: Who owns you Inuyasha?
Inuyasha: *Tied to a chair* you do
Dawn0fthenite: that's right, good boy
*winks* ;p
Meanwhile in my friends dreams…
Narria: Who owns you Sesshoumaru?
Sesshoumaru: * isn't tied to a chair* This Sesshoumaru is owned by only one person and that is Narria
Narria: I thought so * glomps sesshy *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Chapter 6- Sango's
It was three minutes on the road when Kagome realized that they weren't going to Sango's. `Damn I have to get us to Sango's or she'll be pissed.' “Inuyasha where are we going? Don't say to Sango's, because I know we're not.” Kagome said angrily. Inuyasha flinched at her tone as her scent changed from calm to pissed.
“To get something that I've wanted since I turned sixteen, but Sesshomaru wouldn't let me get.” he responded as she wondered what it was.
“What did u want?” she asked puzzled.
“You will see darling…” `And hopefully eventually feel', he snickered at that thought.
“Humph” she said, as she knew she wouldn't find out until he got it. “Fine.” she scowled. The rest of the drive was silent and Inuyasha was drowning in Kagome's scent of beautiful sakura blossoms. This was doing his insides no good at all. He began fantasizing what he was going to do to her with his new toy. This wasn't exactly the smartest idea because he was hardening at any thoughts of touching her that way. While he was fantasizing Kagome sat wondering what he was getting. The answer to her confusion was given to her as they pulled into the parking lot.
“A tattoo?” she asked.
“You'll see…” he responded with a snicker again.
`Piercing!' she thought excitedly. Kagome loved piercings'; anything that was pierced looked hot in her eyes. She would get more, but all she was allowed to get was her second and first holes on her ears done. She always wanted a tongue ring. `What if he gets...? Oh my god!' Inuyasha and Kagome got off the bike and removed their helmets. All of a sudden Inuyasha smelt Kagome's sent change to excitement. He turned around to come face to face with her. “So you're not getting a tattoo… Oh my god you're getting a piercing!” she said breathlessly.
Kagome's scent quickly changed again, from excitement to embarrassment. `He wouldn't, would he?' she thought. “Your not getting down there pierced are you?” she asked pointing to his pants. Inuyasha couldn't help but burst out with laughter. It took him like three minutes to actually be able to breathe again.
“What? Was it that funny?” she asked, embarrassed.
“Yes! It was priceless! Your face got beet red, and when you pointed your eyes were huge! ” Inuyasha pointed to her pants and started to laugh again. “All I have to say is that you'll find out soon, and maybe you'll get to try it out…” he winked at her as he said that last part. Kagome turned about five shades of red; her face matched her scarlet tips.
They walked through the entrance and were greeted by an impish voice.
“Jaken's tattoos and piercing what can I do for you today, Sir?”
“I am here to get my umm…” Inuyasha looked over at Kagome expression and smiled mischievously.
`Yes, I get to find out', Kagome thought gleefully.
“Umm… I think I'll tell you in the other room.” Inuyasha said.
“Damn it…” Kagome said as Inuyasha laughed and walked into the other room.
“Alright,” the man said, wondering what the heck was going on, as they walked to the other room. “So what will it be today a piercing or a tattoo?” the man asked.
“Piercing” Inuyasha said.
“Where do you want it?”
“Tongue”, Inuyasha smirked.
“Why am I not surprised? With a hot ticket like her you either wanted to give her a good time, or get her name tattooed to you. Can I ask you something?”
“Keh…” Inuyasha said he was about to rip Jaken's head off, but then who would pierce him?
“What was so funny in the other room?” Jaken asked. Inuyasha started laughing again recalling the event that just happened a few minutes ago.
“Oh, well my girlfriend thinks I am getting my dick pierced!” Jaken and Inuyasha both started laughing hysterically.
“We don't even do Prince Albert's here; you have to go to Onigumos for that!”
“I know…” Inuyasha snickered.
“Alright, I'm Jaken and lets go get that piercing for your girlfriend of yours done. Come with me. Sit in this chair and fill out these forms, please.” Inuyasha obliged and sat in the chair and began filling out the forms. Then after he was done Jaken returned to the room. “All done?” he asked as Inuyasha handed him the paperwork. “Let's see…” Jaken looked at the forms. “Mr. Takahashi, ready?”
Inuyasha nodded and stuck out his tongue. He felt his tongue get clamped by tweezers so it couldn't move, and then Jaken sprayed some stuff on it. When Inuyasha saw the needle come out from the bottom of his tongue he smelt his blood, and he saw a piece of flesh fall to the napkin. Jaken turned around to grab the ball bearings and when he looked back he found the needle in his napkin and the piercing healing up. Inuyasha looked at Jaken face and realized he was laughing. “Let me guess, Hanyou?” Jaken asked. Inuyasha looked surprised and went to speak but he realized he couldn't, so he nodded his head because the tweezers where still holding his tongue in place. “You should have told me in the first place!” Jaken continued to laugh.
Jaken stood and went to one of his cupboards. He pulled out a jar marked special needles. “Alright because you're a demon you need a special needle, and we'll need to go through the top of your tongue instead of the bottom.” Inuyasha looked at the needle and realized it was a barbed needle, with barbs similar to those on a fishhook, except bigger. “Let's try this again, ready?” Jaken asked as Inuyasha nodded his head. Jaken took the piercing needle and pushed it through the top of Inuyasha's tongue. He then screwed on the post, pulled the needle out and screwed the two black ball bearings to the top and bottom.
“Congratulations on your tongue piercing. With youki, and hanyou's we have to use a barbed needle. It's the only way the piercing doesn't heal right away.” Jaken said. “If you were human you might not be able to eat, drink, or talk for three days, but because you're a hanyou, three minutes is should be sufficient.” Inuyasha nodded. “That comes to sixty-two dollars.” Inuyasha took out his leather wallet and paid the short, humorous man. Inuyasha then stood and walked into the waiting room. He saw Kagome on the phone with someone while looking at the tattoo selection so he did what all people do: listen in.
“I know, Sango. Yes, but Inuyasha wanted to stop to pick up a birthday present he's wanted since he turned sixteen. No, we're at Jaken's place. Yes, the piercing tattoo parlor. No, I don't know what he's getting. God, I hope not… Alright, Sango. We'll try to be there soon. Well… I guess we will just have to celebrate it the morning after, bye Sango.” Kagome sighed and hung up.
“Celebrate what?” he asked while laughing.
“Umm…well my being Juliet” she stuttered looking down at what Inuyasha figured must be the most interesting tiled floor in the world.
“Oh, cool” Inuyasha said, unbelieving. Her scent was telling him that she was lying.
“Alright let's go”, Inuyasha said as he walked to the door. He noticed Kagome didn't follow him, so he turned around. Kagome had seen something glisten in his mouth. “What?” he asked.
“No way! You're so lucky… Oh my god you got your tongue pierced! That's so cool!” Kagome said excitedly.
“Cool and great for pleasuring my mate…” he said as she blushed.
“Yup! Great for oral sex…” the voice of Jaken said behind her. Inuyasha watched Kagome turn completely red, and started laughing again with Jaken.
“Ready?” Inuyasha asked Kagome with a grin. Kagome nodded blushing again as they walked to the bike. Inuyasha handed Kagome her helmet, put his on, and walked over to Kagome and grabbed the bondage straps on her pants and placed her on the bike and then got on the bike afterward. Kagome just glared at him. He responded with a “what”, look She gave him a “you know damn well what” look in retaliation then shrugged it off.
As Inuyasha started the engine Kagome asked, “So are we going to Sango's now, Inu-chan?” Inuyasha was shocked. `Did she just call me a puppy? I haven't been called that since my mom died.' Inuyasha felt himself about to cry when all the memories of his mother came back to him.
“Uh, Kagome?”
“Can you not call me Inu-chan?”
“Okay.” Kagome said confused.
“My mom used to call me that when I was little, and thinking about her makes me sad. I just don't want to talk about it…”
“Alright…” Kagome said worriedly as the bike drove off. `I wonder why he doesn't want to remember his mom…'
Inuyasha could smell her worry for him in her scent. “Kagome don't dwell on it I will tell you in do time. Just don't worry right now, alright?” he said, yelling over the bikes roaring engine.
“Alright, Inuyasha. I wont.” she yelled back. He sped up and she gripped his waist for dear life. She still wasn't used to the bike yet; Inuyasha just got the bike a few days ago, and it took forever to actually get her mom to let her ride on the thing. Inuyasha trashed his car in a fight last week in a car accident.
“We're here, Kagome.” Inuyasha said waking Kagome from her daze. “Are you okay Kagome?” he asked her.
“Yes no problem, ready.” Inuyasha and Kagome got off his bike and began walking up to the house when Inuyasha stopped and looked at Kagome. Kagome turned to face Inuyasha; he looked worried.
“Kagome stay here. There are others in the house, and the lights are off.”
`What am I going to do now I might as well just go with it, at least he doesn't suspect what it's for', she thought hopefully. Inuyasha crept to the door and opened it but when he got in there he was expecting a huge attack and the house dismembered. Instead, he got the lights flicked on and a huge amount of yelling that made his ears under his bandana stick to his head.
“SURPRISE!” everyone in the room shouted. Kagome rushed inside to see Inuyasha's face. It was priceless. His face was full of so much shock, surprise and fear all mixed into one.
“Happy Birthday Inu!” Kagome said as she kissed him on the cheek, which stirred him from his staring.
“So this is the celebration?” Kagome nodded.
“Wow I've never had a birthday party this early. What time is it anyway?” Inuyasha asked.
“Quarter past two in the morning!” Miroku shouted.
“Three hours after I called Kagome to tell her to come home.” Mrs. Higurashi said.
“Just what you have been doing with my daughter in those there hours?” Kagome's mom said sternly.
If there was one person in the world that put fear into Inuyasha it was Mrs. Higurashi. “Nothing!” he said quickly.
“Are you sure?” she asked.
“Mom, god! We just went to Jaken's to get Inuyasha birthday present, so you can stop `interrogating' him.” Kagome said.
“Oh, speaking of that, what did you get pierced?” Sango asked.
“Come on Inuyasha show everyone”, Kagome said. Inuyasha obeyed and move his hand to the fly of his pants and every starred in horror as Kagome and Inuyasha cracked up. “He's just kidding, come on show them”. At that Inuyasha stuck out his tongue to show everyone the piercing. There was both horror and intrigue in the room. “Aww! Come on I think it's hot!” Kagome said.
“I bet you would when you feel how…” Miroku said, as he was knocked over the head by Sango.
“Thank you Sango. Saved me the trouble.” Inuyasha said while cracking his knuckles.
Inuyasha and Kagome walked in and sat on Sango's leather couch. Inuyasha turned when he felt a hand tighten on his shoulder and saw his brother Sesshoumaru with Rin clinging to his side. “So Inuyasha, just because you turn eighteen you think you're top dog, and you go out and get your tongue pierced. Just remember I am still top dog in this family.” Sesshoumaru said with little emotion.
His normal “Keh” was the only answer Sesshoumaru received.
“You got that right Sesshy! You're top dog.” Rin said as Sesshoumaru captured her lips in a kiss.
“Eww get a room.” Inuyasha said.
Sesshoumaru grabbed a pillow off the couch and chucked it hard at Inuyasha head. Then went and sat down on the couch and put Rin on his lap. Inuyasha copied him and picked Kagome up and put her in his lap. This caused Kagome to let off an epp and turn red. She had no idea what was going on.
“Alright presents time” Sango said.
They all got off the couch and went into the kitchen where all the presents where. Inuyasha pulled up a chair and sat down. He placed Kagome on his lap.
“Open mine first.” Kagome said as she stood and grabbed her present for him.
Dawn0fthenite: So how's this it's a little longer then the rest of the chapters
Inuyasha: It's great oh my god you have no idea how much I love my new tongue ring its so cool
Kagome: I can't wait to see what my present is to you
Inuyasha: nothing is as great as my present from Dawn * laughs *
Kagome: really what's that?
Dawn0fthenite: do you really not remember? * snickers *
Kagome: no I don't
Dawn0fthenite: Tell her Inu baby
Inuyasha: Fuku girl
Kagome: * her necklace turns pink and she comes crashing to the floor * Inuyasha oswauri
Inuyasha: *his necklace turns purple and he subdues to the ground * ow bitch you made me bite my tongue, Fuku girl.
Narria: I'm the beta… you must bow down to my power! *begins plotting*
Sesshoumaru: She's right you know… and why am I with Rin? Narria is so much better….
Narria: *grins mischievously* You know it Fluffy-sama… Where is Dawn anyway?
Sesshoumaru: Probably still watching Inuyasha… you know how she can get…
Narria: Well I guess we can leave now… Bye readers! Make sure you review for Dawn… even if she doesn't pair Sesshy with me…*growls*…she's so stubborn…
Sesshoumaru:…. *grabs Narria and leaves*
~Narria and Sesshoumaru
Read and Review please
Next chapter- Present time