InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where He Belongs ❯ The Riverside ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Beta: serena122189
A/N: A bit of fluff for ya! Enjoy!
Chapter 12- The Riverside
Inuyasha sighed and lay back, breathing in the warm, earthy, air. He wiggled his shoulders, trying to adjust the flattened bed of sun-warmed grass beneath him just right, his hands pillowing his head off the ground. It was nearly summer and the temperature was rapidly rising in the mountain range. The best place to lounge was the riverside in the valley, where a cool breeze from the north was lazily blowing between the mountains.
The weeks after the incident with the wolves that attacked him, were some of the best of Inuyasha's life. Though there was still some grumblings among certain wolves, it was mere background noise to his new happy life though. He had never been so content to be in one place and with demons who liked him. The naysayers were easy to ignore next to the warmth that surrounded him with his new family by his side.
Koga and he had become closer. Inuyasha thought he might be the closest friend he had ever had. They spent a lot more time together, running through the forests together, the earth alive and green in the late spring months. Koga, in an effort to test the limits of the bond, took to showing Inuyasha around the territory, running through the open fields or strolling along pointing out various places that were significant to the Northern Wolf Tribe. Often Koga would find an excuse to take a break where he would cozy up to Inuyasha, despite his gruff and insincere objections, and pull him in for a kiss. They would spend hours necking in the late afternoon sun, getting lost in the smell of each other, the feel of soft skin and silky hair against callused hands, and the taste of their mingling flavors, and it would often lead to more of the same in the comfort of their furs at night.
The only hick-up to their blissful nights, cuddled in each other's arms, was the night if the full moon. This last one, his human night had been rather painful. The transformation into a full human had caused excruciating cramping in his stomach. For a few frightful seconds, it had felt to Inuyasha as if his lower belly were twisting and knotting within him. But as quickly as it had started, it had ended. The same had happened again with the change back.
His abdomen throbbed with remembered pain for a little while, but he was fine by breakfast. He refused to go visit and ask the advice of the healer Choshi-baba, despite Koga thinking he could order Inuyasha around and make him do so. He swatted away the concerned pestering of the Alpha and boldly ignored him. He was well used to dealing with his aches and pains on his own, though a spark of elation burned in his chest with the realization that someone once again cared and worried for him. It had been a long time.
Sometimes, though, Inuyasha couldn't help the slither of suspicion that worked its way up his spine. Why is the wolf being so nice? Fatherhood had clearly changed him since their last times together. It was hard to reconcile this Koga with the one he knew twenty years ago. He no longer brought out the feelings of dread, irritation and jealousy that he once did- well, maybe the irritation was still there.
The jealousy and dread, though, was easy to explain away. Back when he knew Koga, Inuyasha was younger and slightly less mature, but he also had to fight everyday for his place among the humans. Inuyasha had to gain and keep their respect and acceptance, going so far as to nearly die in protecting them numerous times in order to prove his worth within the group. But as soon as he had stopped, as soon as it was not needed so much anymore, he was abandoned.
The thought that Kagome may have left him willingly has plagued his thoughts for years. Combined with his sudden return to the world as a dirty hanyou, he quickly returned to expecting to being hated for who he was. Before, it was all he had known. With the exception of his mother, there had been no one who had treated him as anything less than an outcast.
Being surrounded by a family that seemed to embrace his presence among them, showed him that living with Kagome, Sango, and Miroku had not been the big happy family he thought he had acquired and lost. He now saw how confused he was. They mixed it so easily; love, friendship, and cruelty. He was a child who was expected to serve and protect them. If he failed to obey or showed himself to be too different, they enforced their friendly domination over him through the activation of the Kotodama Beads.
But the beads of ownership were gone now. Inuyasha had discovered, to his eternal jubilation, that they were deactivated when he had fully bonded with Koga's little family. He now belonged to a new family, one that had no wish to use the beads to subjugate him to their will. Choshi-baba had mistily told him that the magic of Kaede-baba's efforts to collar him was canceled out by the magic of the bond. He still loved his old friends and still missed Kagome terribly, so he kept them in a safe place back in the caves. He had a new family now, however, and the beads would never it return around his neck.
Koga's cubs embraced Inuyasha in their lives wholeheartedly. They spent as much, if not more, time in the care of their “Yassa” as they did the Omegas. They found that the hanyou was the perfect companion. He told amazing and adventurous stories of dragons, sword fights, and time traveling priestesses. He escorted them into the valley below where he began to teach them about the world around them. Inuyasha knew that this was usually a job their mother would do, or barring that, the Omegas, but he figured no one here had quite the intimate knowledge of surviving in the wilderness as he, so he could help them out a bit.
The hanyou was at peace among natures beauty. It had been his sanctuary for much of his life, and no matter how well he lived in the caves; they were still just grey, dull, rock. He would always long to spend time in the midst of the plush, green forest.
Inuyasha surveyed the landscape around him. This was Inuyasha's favorite time of year. The grey bareness of winter had melted away and the brown drought of summer was still months away. Right now, the forest was awash in lush, vibrant green. Every inch of the ground was covered in a carpet of mosses, seedlings, herbs, and shrubbery. The rest was a veritable wall of trees and bush.
He closed his eyes against the sun, peaking through the canopy of trees above. The forest was alive with gentle music; the wind rustled through the treetops while cicadas chirped happily in the underbrush. The rolling river splashed on the earthen bank and tinkled merrily over moss-covered boulders, creating miniature waterfalls.
He dosed lightly, propelled by the lullaby of the forest. He never saw the palm sized silver trout that flew out of nowhere and landed smack on his face.
“Wh-what the hell?” he sputtered, shooting up from his cradle of grass.
“Yassa! I got a fiss!” Little Kozue clapped her dripping hands merrily, her pigtails bouncing in her excitement.
Today Inuyasha had taken the cubs to the river valley to learn how to fish. The four cubs splashed in the shallow water, their clothes deposited hastily on the bank. They had listed intently to Inuyasha and watched with wide eyes as he effortlessly grabbed a fish right out of the water with his sharp claws and even sharper reflexes. Now, about ten minutes later, the little Princess of the group celebrated catching her first fish, while Kingo scowled at the passing currents, his little pink tongue stuck out in fierce concentration. Squirt, having given up from the start, was busy scaring the rest of the fish away, splashing wildly with shrieking giggles. The more reserved Kaishi, laughingly looked on, content to just sit and soak in the cool water, making small waves with his hands.
Inuyasha scowled at the little fisher-cub from the “safety” of the riverbank. He opened his mouth to snarl his displeasure at her, but before he could get a word out he was interrupted by a barking laugh that had become more familiar and, though he would never admit to it, more beloved to him every day.
“Haha! Mutt! That's what you get for sleeping on the job!” Koga stood over the inu, garbed in his fur kilt and armor, grinning like a… well, like a wolf, his deep blue eyes shining in amusement.
Inuyasha blushed furiously and growled low in his throat. “What are you doing here, ya damn wolf? Come here to bother me some more?”
Koga plopped himself down beside Inuyasha and wrapped his arms around his shoulders, grinning teasingly at him. “I just finished patrolling the southern border and I came to see what my widdle Yassa was doing!”
Inuyasha glared. Hard. “Not you too! Why is everyone calling me that?!” he turned to the auburn haired cub squatting in the water. Having retrieved the slippery fish she had caught from the shore, she sat in the cool river water alternatively munching on it happily and barking out to her brother superiorly about just how it's done.
“You!” Inuyasha roared. “It's your entire fault! My name is Inuyasha. I-NU-YA-SHA!”
Kozue stood up and giggled, clapping her hands in glee. Yassa was being silly again! “Yassa!” she squealed, the mouthful of fish she had dribbling down her front.
Koga guffawed, burying his face in Inuyasha's red clad shoulder.
“Oh, you think that's funny do you?” Inuyasha huffed, folding his arms into the sleeves of his hitoe, and half-heartedly trying to shrug the Wolf Chief off. “What do you think you're doing anyway, with your dirty paws all over me? You're getting your fleas on me!”
“Aww, Pup, I just wanted a taste,” he whispered silkily, moving the inu's hair over his other shoulder.
“Wha-aah!” Inuyasha moaned softly as Koga's tongue swiped at the sensitive skin of his nape. His warm chapped lips smoothed along his neck and he nipped and licked his way down the hanyou's jaw line.
“It's gonna get dark soon, Pup. We should get the cubs home and in bed, don't you think?”
Koga's low voice was muffled against the hanyou's skin, causing Inuyasha to shiver. The damn wolf was so grabby, but any kind of positive touch was so, well, nonexistent in his life that each stroke, each caress, each feathery graze was like fire on his skin. It was addicting.
“Mmm, yeah,” Inuyasha breathed, leaning back into Koga's embrace.
Without warning Koga stood up, and stepped back. Inuyasha, who had draped his head back against Koga's shoulder, suddenly found himself without the wolf's support and collapsed back to the ground. Koga roared in laughter.
“You Bastard!” Inuyasha bellowed, flipping up and landing on his feet, ready for battle. “I'm going to beat your ass, ookami!”
Koga laughed wildly, easily side stepping the inu's sharp-clawed swipes as he chased him around the woods. “Come on cubs, it look's like it's time to go. Ol' Yassa is cranky and needs a nap!”
Koga opened his eyes, awoken by ragged breathing. Inuyasha panted as if he were being chased in his dreams, his breath sounding painful as it scraped through his throat. His face twisted in distress and he silently mouthed words to his nightmarish foe.
Koga sighed. It had been a couple of nights since his last nightmare. He wished he could do something for his pup to help him out, but the passage of time had not been kind and it had left behind a deep wound. Inuyasha had never talked about his dreams but Koga put together the pieces from the things that the hanyou would say while asleep.
It had been a blow to his pride and self-confidence when those he trusted and loved left him. The time he spent roaming the countryside with them had been a mere fraction of his lifetime, but it was one of the most influential times of his life so far. The last great loss in the long line of bereavements that made up his life had deeply affected him. All the fight was gone and he had resembled more a beaten puppy than a mighty hero. He was still snappy and short tempered, but it seemed that when assaulted with accusations of being unworthy, somewhere deep down, he believed it.
The Wolf Chief knew that there was nothing to do but try to build him back up, and he had no reluctance to do so. Every day he spent with the inu, he saw another part of him that enthralled him, another piece of Inuyasha that made him want to posses him entirely.
He rolled over and gathered the distressed inu to his chest, laying them side by side. Inuyasha clung to his yukata in his sleep. Koga pressed their foreheads together, speaking to his pup softly.
“Inuyasha, wake up, pup.” He smoothed his hands over Inuyasha's biceps and back.
Inuyasha let out a great sigh as he immerged from sleep and whimpered.
“It's alright, puppy,” Koga kissed his forehead, before moving to his cheek. “It's alright.”
Inuyasha's lips met his as Koga trailed comforting kisses down the inu's face. He breathed in the wolf's scent deeply and tugged at the fabric of his sleeping robe to reassure himself that he was here with Koga. Here in the Alpha's arms he was safe, protected, and cared for.
The kiss grew deeper as both became desperate to feel the other; to comfort, to assure. Koga's soothing hands rubbed up and down Inuyasha's back and as his tongue breeched the hanyou's soft lips, his hands stroked lower, smoothing down his back and over his narrow hips.
Koga felt himself harden as his mouth trailed down Inuyasha's neck. He curled his fingers into the collar of his fire-rat robe and slowly pulled down, baring a smooth creamy shoulder. Koga had to have a taste. He dipped his head and sucked softly at the pale skin, reveling in the soft mewls coming from the pup.
He turned Inuyasha onto his back. His hair was a halo of white around his head, and his cheeks dusted with a delicious blush. Those big golden eyes were looking up at him in confusion, pleasure, and a hint of fear. They undid him.
He sank down for another taste of the inu's delicious flesh, one hand buried in his silky locks and the other working the tie of his obi. Once undone, he opened the hitoe and gazed at the well-muscled chest and taut belly before him.
Under his yukata, Koga's cock twitched in delight at the yelp of sudden pleasure when he latched on to a small pink nipple. He lashed at it with his tongue and it pebbled in his mouth while his hand tweaked the other.
If anyone had said a few months ago that Koga would be enjoying Inuyasha, his scent, his soft pale skin, the taste of him, he would have said they were crazy, but he just could not get enough of him. The bond had awoken desires in him that he had not known existed. But they had existed. They had been there all along he recognized it now. He had always sought out the hanyou, always needed to see that fire in his eyes and feel the sting of his passionate anger.
With Inuyasha distracted by the tugs of pleasure shooting from his nipples to deep in his belly, Koga deftly untied his hakama.
Inuyasha didn't know Koga had opened his hakama until he felt the wolf's claws lightly comb through the soft white hair circling his member.
“K-Koga!” Inuyasha startled. What was the ookami doing?
“It's alright, Pup. Let me show you. Let me make you feel good,” Koga cooed, passionately.
Any response from Inuyasha was quickly turned into a surprised gasp as the ookami lightly squeezed the inu's shaft.
Inuyasha felt hot and fevered. It feels too good, too right. He panted as if he had been running for miles. What's happening? He thought, his mind running a mile a minute. He was half-hard, he noted. He had swollen before but usually waited for it to go away. It had never felt like this and he moaned with abandon when Koga fisted it and began to stroke.
Inuyasha writhed with pleasure and moaned with each panting breath as he experienced sensations he never dreamed of, it was overwhelming and disorienting this foreign pleasure coursing through his body.
Inuyasha sobbed, unsure whether it was from fear or pleasure, as Koga stroked his pulsing shaft. The fear and pleasure showed on his face and Koga rumbled a soothing growl in his chest. Koga didn't know what compelled him to stroke the puppy, but he knew he could not stop. He watched the inu's face, their eyes never able to look away from each other. He was just so… beautiful!
Koga released Inuyasha and straddled his legs. The puppy watched glassy eyed as the wolf stripped himself of his short sleeping yukata. Koga's cock jutted up proudly, flushed red and dripping with pre-cum. He slowly bent over the hanyou, his hands clawing the furs on either side of the inu's head. Their eye's locked, before Koga growled his dominance. Inuyasha whined automatically and his ears slick back to his head, he would give anything in that moment to his Alpha.
Koga rewarded his pup with a lick on his neck, which arched under his ministrations. He laid himself over the inu, their throbbing members sliding together.
“Ngn!” Inuyasha moaned at the fiery friction.
Koga aligned them and wrapped his hands over both of the leaking cocks. He stroked them, squeezed them, and Inuyasha's hips began to buck in time with the ookami's fisting.
“Koga! I'm gonna… what… something's gonna..,” Inuyasha thrashed as he was overwhelmed in sensation.
Koga reached his other hand between them so he could further pleasure Inuyasha. He bucked wildly as he felt Inuyasha's cock pulse underneath his.
“OHHH!” Inuyasha came with a shout, splattering creamy cum onto his stomach. Koga thrust his hips one last time and came, releasing himself over Inuyasha, the seductive voice of his puppy sending him over the edge.
He collapsed on top of Inuyasha, smearing their cum between them on their stomachs. He hugged the stunned hanyou to him, stealing his red swollen lips in a searing kiss. After wiping himself and his pup off, he snuggled the pup to him and passed out.
Inuyasha trembled in his embrace; his muscles still alight with the electricity that coursed through his body after such intense pleasure. It was something his body had been wholly new to, he had never felt like that before. For a minute, he had thought he was going to die. He had never known it could happen.
There had never been anyone to teach him these things. His mother died long before he was old enough to comprehend such things. He had still been sleeping in her bed and holding her hand in crowds. The first person who got romantically involved with him was Kikyo, who was a virgin priestess. With Kagome, they had spent so much of their time worrying about who loved whom that they had not gotten much farther than kisses.
He had felt desire before. Kagome's short skirts were so titillating. They were a hint of a world he never knew about. He had never seen a woman that was not his mother in anything shorter than a floor length yukata. He had dreamed about her legs and he would swell. Sometimes he had seen that Miroku would swell while he was sleeping too, so he never really worried about it. A dip in the cool waters of the nearby river would alleviate the swelling and dampen the ache.
Nothing he had ever experienced had ever prepared him for what Koga had made him feel. As darkness overwhelmed him and consciousness fled, Inuyasha pressed his trembling cheek to Koga's chest and felt like he was soaring.
A/N: I thought it was time for some fun. Hope you enjoyed it.
*Review Response to abc:
Wow! Thank you for the amazing and well thought out reviews! If my points aren't clear, like with his instincts, then I will fix them when I go through and edit. I guess I didn't think about it that deeply and it shows. ïŒ
You're right, the closeness between Inu and Squirt is not natural, it's the bond. The bond was formed because they needed each other. At this early stage in their bond, they are tied tightly together and their focus is solely on each other. It is telling him on a subconscious level that this cub is his, but his conscious recognizes that it is not, so he doesn't actually lay claim to him. He is uber protective of the cub because that was Squirt's need when they bonded: someone to protect him. I imagined it as somewhat like what a new mother experiences. The baby may not really be in danger in the nurse's arms, but she will feel better when she's holding the baby herself. Does that make sense? As I try to explain in later chapters, the bond does loosen up, back to a normal relationship and they return to their previous relationships.
Koga doesn't take the cub away because this is a friendly and known person to him, it's not hurting anyone for them to be together, but he is concerned as evidenced by him taking them to the healer. He has not given up claim to his cub; he simply doesn't see an imminent threat in Inuyasha. Other pack members are not interfering because it is the alpha's cub and if the alpha sees no problem, then they don't either, and again, Inuyasha isn't hurting the cub. On the contrary, he is going out of his way protect him.
KEdakumi- inuyasha didn't recognize ayame because 1) he saw her once more than 20 years ago, and 2) when he saw her, she had been attacked and was bloody and beat up.
Nescafe- wow! That's a really good idea! Unfortunately I have this story planned out already, so I don't have a place to put that in. it could be a story unto its self!