InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where He Belongs ❯ The Calm ( Chapter 19 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: I Know, I know. Long time, no see. Forgive me.
Chapter 19- The Calm
Tsunekuni watched with wide violet eyes as his friends prepared for the long journey. He was a bit apprehensive about the move, but he was never one to rock the boat and so said nothing of his feelings. He had packed the few things that were his own in his pouch and it was sitting beside him as he watched his friends pack theirs.
Tsunekuni sighed. He did not want to go on this journey. He and his friends had only just returned a month ago from being banished from the tribe for a month as a result of a particularly stupid decision by Tametoki to pick a fight with the Chief's guest and future mate. Tsunekuni still could not believe he had been so pea-brained as to get mixed up in that.
Still, Tsunekuni didn't really have a choice. The real Northern Wolf Tribe had to leave and find a new place to settle. It was unacceptable to be under the rule of such a creature, at least that was what he had always been told.
The Elder Michinaga had been hosting gatherings, getting those who opposed the Wolf Chief and his decision to mate with a hanyou abomination, and discussing what was to be done. The wolves had at first argued with the Elder's idea to separate from the Chief's tribe and form the “true” Northern Wolf Tribe up on one of the islands off the northern coast. They did not want to leave their home. Almost all of them, like Tsunekuni, had originally moved to the caves from northern valleys around six years before. It had become their home.
Eventually, however, the Elder won them over. Chief Koga was sullying their entire tribe with his dalliance with the hanyou. It was time to cut ties and start from scratch.
So now Tsunekuni sat while the other's in their group prepared to leave.
Michinaga-san had left a few nights ago with a few members of their group. The rebel wolves were leaving by stealth. A few would leave at a time under the cover of darkness so that they would not attract too much attention from the Alpha.
Tsunekuni had wondered why they would need to sneak out. If wolves no longer wanted to be part of a pack, then there was no reason why the Chief would want them to stay. He had been a little bewildered on why they had not just declared their intentions to break from the group and leave, that was, until the violet eyed wolf was told of their mission.
Yes, their mission. The slight wolf frowned at the craggy rock floor at the thought of what he and his friends had been assigned to do before they could join the rest at their new home. It was an important undertaking, so important that Tsunekuni was a bit more than puzzled on why it had been assigned to them.
The gang had been less than successful in their last task, and he wondered why it would be left up to a group of young wolves like them. Tametoki had accepted the job on behalf of the rest of them, grinning like a fox and certain that their dear Elder was giving them a chance to prove their worth and find their place within their new tribe.
Nevertheless, their task made him uneasy; it did not seem right to him, yet the Elder had explained it so that it seemed a necessary maneuver to ensure the future of their new tribe. That was the only reason he was relatively complacent to go along with it.
Finally, Genji, who had thought it was a marvelous idea to wait until the last conceivable moment to pack his things, was ready. Tsunekuni was given one of his bags to carry as they walked to the mouth of the cave where the rest of the gang had gathered to wait.
The smaller wolf sagged under the weight. Genji was a large and powerful young wolf, but it seemed that he felt the need to hand the heavier of packages to Tsunekuni to carry along with his own. The violet eyed wolf did not expect much more from his friends. He was the youngest in the gang, and as such, needed to prove himself to the rest of them. Tsunekuni never complained, though, as he had been a part of that gang since they were all still in the Cub Den he had to wonder when they would decide he had proved himself enough.
For now, he accepted his burden and followed the group of five into the mountain forest.
The days leading up to the mission were spent planning and plotting. It was a delicate mission, one that could go very wrong very fast. There was no way they wanted to go up against the Alpha or his new mate. They had made that mistake and had no wish to make it again, thank very much! This time, they had figured that stealth was what was needed.
The first thing they did was make sure no one could connect them to the deed. They left in the hours just after midnight, when there was no one else awake. Quickly and quietly, they tromped through the forest and down to the mountain valley. It took them a few hours to navigate the steep, wooded paths, but as light began to spread across the sky, they eventually made it to a small opening in the rock face. One by one the group deposited their packs into the small cave. They would store them there until the job was completed.
Now, unburdened, they made their way back up the mountain side. By mid-morning they were waiting patiently by the mouth of the cave, hidden in the dense wooded area nearby. Tsunekuni would have been impressed with his fellow conspirator's uncharacteristic patients if he had not been fighting a rising sense of dread that was sloshing around violently in his stomach.
As the sun peaked over the forest and into the cave opening, a pack of tiny clawed feet stamped the dirt covered ground. Squeaky, young voices chattered inanely and laughed in good cheer. A young grey haired wolf herded a troop of wolf cubs out into the fresh morning air. The Omega and his charges, the clan's cubs were marching out for a pleasant day of activity.
Target in sight.
The harried Omega laughed pleasantly at some of the cub's antics as he led them to a small stream. It was slow and shallow enough for the group of young ones to be left to swim and enjoy themselves for the day without getting into much trouble. He was only one wolf, after all, the less chance of trouble the better.
The little cubs scampered quickly to the water's edge once it was in sight. Some waddled as best they could, having only just learned to walk by their own power, others ran and shrieked in excitement. They stripped on the bank, the older ones helping the Omega assisting the little ones out of their clothes, despite the excited wriggling. Even the mellower Kaishi, who Ichijo was currently trying to wrestle a shirt off of, was bouncing in anticipation. The day was already very humid, proof that the day would be a hot one.
Ichijo glanced up from Kaishi at a speck of movement he spotted from the corner of his eye. He went back to giggling along with the cub before doing a double take. Five wolves were running to them. Ichijo's first thought was that something had happened at the caves and they were coming to inform him or collect the cubs to safety. That thought was quickly rejected as he had time to take in the decidedly unfriendly glint in their eyes.
Ichijo only had time to shoot up into a standing position, before one of the wolves was upon him. Dimly, the Omega wolf could hear the cubs screaming in terror. Splashing could be heard and protests and yowls of anger. Ichijo fought doggedly with the large wolf who had wrapped his hands around his neck the moment he had gotten close enough. Ichijo scrabbled at the hands cutting off his airway with his claws, kicking at the heavier body with everything in him.
He could feel himself weakening. His efforts slowed as grey began to encroach on the edge of his vision. The last thing he saw was the victorious fire in his murderer's eyes and bared teeth. The last thing he heard was the distressed barks of his little cubs.
Tsunekuni held tight to the yipping cub that thrashed in his arms. The emerald eyed cub's curly black hair flew about his head wildly as he twisted and turned in his captor's arms, he bit and scratched any foreign flesh that came near him. Tsunekuni felt none of this as he watched in shock as his comrade tackled and strangled the Omega.
That was not part of the plan! What is going on? He pulled his eyes from the unbelievable sight of his friend killing the Omega to see his other friends procuring their own cub. Tametoki had the youngest prince, Kunio, held up in the air by one of his ankles, the young cub swiping ineffectually at the older wolf with his sharp little claws and growling fiercely. Yorimichi held Prince Kaishi under his arm like a bundle of wood, the cub whining loudly. Nakamasa was fighting to hold onto the young princess Kozue, much as Tsunekuni would be fighting Kingo if he had not been completely paralyzed in shock.
Genji finally jumped off of the still body of the Omega, swiping his hands together as if to wipe the grime from them after a job well done. He smiled triumphantly at his comrades.
“Ready to go?” Genji asked.
“Wh-what the hell was that?!” Tsunekuni shouted, a touch of hysteria bleeding into his voice.
His four companions looked at him blankly.
“You got something to say, runt?” Tametoki asked with distain and a raise of his eyebrow.
“That wasn't part of the plan! What the hell! You just killed him! Kami! What are we gonna do?!”
Tsunekuni was lost in his panic. He never noticed the warning, pleading look from Nakamasa. He never saw the glance exchanged between Tametoki and Genji. He missed completely when Genji bent over to pick up good palm sized rock from the ground. He was still standing, arms wrapped around the struggling cub and ranting hysterically when Genji ripped the cub from his grasp at the same time he brought the rock down in a crushing blow to Tsunekuni's head.
Both ookami and inu sighed as one in pleasure as the head of Koga's cock entered Inuyasha. Inuyasha's claws scraped against the large tree he leaned against. Koga pulled the red hitoe down his pup's shoulder to lap at the mating mark found there. He so loved to see that pale expanse of flesh, to see those wide eyes peek over the strong shoulder to gaze at Koga, teasing him with the lust found sparkling within. Koga moaned and pressed his face into the inu's shoulder blades, gritting his teeth at the feel of his hot, tight mate surrounding him.
“Mmm, move stupid wolf,” Inuyasha moaned.
Koga grinned into the flesh of Inuyasha's back as he slid out of his puppy and pushed himself back in hard. His grin only grew at the debauched moan in response. He took up a steady pace after that, luxuriating in his mate's tight channel.
Inuyasha's head snapped back and he sighed at the sky in pleasure. Koga's claws dug into his slightly more filled out hips, bringing that sting of pain to pleasure the ookami knew his mate loved. He pressed his forehead to Inuyasha's shoulder so that he would have a better view. He watched himself, entranced, go in and out of his mate's body, watched as they joined until he could not tell where he ended and Inuyasha began. He watched as his mate's round cheeks bounced every time they met with Koga's thrusting hips.
One hand moved from the inu's hip to cup the ever growing mound that was his stomach. It was extended far enough to just fit in the Alpha's hand.
Inuyasha had a bit more flesh on him now days, though no less muscled. In the month since he had discovered he carried child, Inuyasha had seemed to make it his mission to eat everything within sight. It was normal for pregnant youkai, Choshi-sama had instructed. Birthing parents needed a lot of fuel to grow such advanced children in so short a time, male birthing parents especially as they usually started out with less natural body fat anyway.
Still, Koga would by no means call Inuyasha fat. The only word he had for what he saw when he looked at his mate was… luscious. Koga could not get enough of his puppy. True, they were newly mated, but he had never felt so drawn to his previous mate and had certainly never felt a hunger for anything or anyone like he felt for his Inuyasha.
It was a good thing, too. Soon after discovering the pregnancy, Inuyasha's hormones went into overdrive. He craved sex like he craved food, craved his mate with the same hunger that the wolf felt for him.
Koga's luscious puppy was a ready and wanton creature.
“Uuuhgn, Koga!” Inuyasha moaned and came on the rock he leaned against. Koga huffed a laugh as he continued to thrust. His lusty puppy had come without a single touch. With a last push, Koga followed his mate over the edge.
After a quick rest, languidly kissing on the ground, they dressed and continued on their way. They had rushed off into the bushes for a quickie when one of Inuyasha's “urges” had struck while on border patrol.
Inuyasha had steadfastly refused to be confined to the caves, no matter what the overprotective Alpha had said. He had insisted that he take on his duties as a member of the clan immediately, especially now that they knew the bond was able to stretch that far. He was still concerned with being welcomed into Koga's clan. Inuyasha wanted to do anything within his power to show that he would be a productive and valued member of their society.
Koga was quick to point out that baring the new heirs would help to legitimized Inuyasha in the clan's eyes. During his frequent visits to the old healer, they had learned that Inuyasha would be bearing two pups, their youki already strong, despite having a hanyou parent. Their pups would be the new heirs, ranked higher than the older cubs because Inuyasha would be the current Beta
Still, Inuyasha wanted to contribute to the clans. There continued to be muted grumblings from Koga's wolves. Koga would have thought that the matter had been settled. No one else had taken him up on the challenge, but the mood of his people did not feel at peace. Those who opposed him kept their head down and he did not know who to keep an eye on.
In the end, Koga had relented only after demanding that he accompany Inuyasha on all of said duties. Inuyasha had huffed and grumbled, but mostly in embarrassment at how pleased he had felt at hearing his mate would always be near.
And so it was that the couple was walking along the territorial boundaries, Koga sneaking his hands across to playfully squeeze Inuyasha's hips or ass and Inuyasha slapping him away with a token growl, when a young wolf stumbled blindly and covered in blood through the underbrush, to collapse in front of them.
The prone figure gasped for air wetly and slurred as if inebriated, “H-help… The c-c-cubs… Ommm … killed.”
A/N: because I kept you waiting so long, I did not take my usual time to proof read and add/subtract stuff that I think of given time, so if you see anything that should be fixed, let me know. Otherwise, tell me what you thought off it.