InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where I Belong ❯ Chapter 4 - Provide ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 4 – Provide

"Kouga-kun! What a surprise…", Kagome said, with a somewhat fake smile. "How have you been?"
"How have I been? I've been all right, but I missed you like crazy", he said before taking her hands. "I came to take you a long time ago, but dog-turd told me he lost you and I wanted to beat the shit out of him, but after a while I let him go. Killing him wouldn't bring you back. So, did you come back to me? Can we leave for the den now?"
"Heh, Kouga-kun… I-I'm not going with you. I came back to be with Inuyasha…"
"What the hell, Kagome?! That dog-shit is not worthy of you and you know it! You know what, I'm not taking you today, I'll let you stay here for a while, so you can remember what an idiot that half-breed is. I'll come back for you, Kagome", Kouga said, letting go of her hands and turning around to leave.
"What the HELL do you think you're doing, mangy wolf?"

Oh no… so close, Kagome thought.

"Oi, Kagome, did he touch you?", Inuyasha asked, before taking a step towards Kagome and sniffing her. "He DID touch you! You son of a bitch, I'm gonna kill you! How dare you touch Kagome?!" Inuyasha pushed Kagome behind him and put his hands on Tessaiga's hilt.
"Shut up, mutt-face. Kagome is my woman and I can touch her whenever I want."
"Hey!" Kagome protested.
"Are you out of your fucking mind? How many times does she have to reject you for you to understand she's NOT yours?"
"You're the crazy one, thinking Kagome will choose a half-breed as a mate."
"Kouga, don't say that…" Kagome said.
"Keh!" Inuyasha said.
“Anyway, I decided to let Kagome stay here for now, so she can remember what a piece of shit you are. It won’t take too long. Then she’ll be ready to come with me.”
“What do you mean you ‘let me’? Kouga, you don’t own me!” Kagome said.
“Heh, that’s right, wolf. Can’t get that bit of information through your thick skull, can ya?” Inuyasha mocked.
“Kagome’s my woman, dog-shit, whether you like it or not. See ya, Kagome!” Kouga said before he took off.
“Kagome, WHY did you let him touch you?! Are you trying to lead him on?” Inuyasha asked, angrily.
“What? Why would I do that, Inuyasha? Seriously, you two are so dense it tires me out. I have no interest in Kouga and I’m not going with him to his den. He’s just delusional and I can’t do anything about that.”
Inuyasha suppressed a smile and decided to let it go for the moment. “Keh! Stupid mangy wolf. Doesn’t have a clue, does he?”
Kagome stared at him with a bored expression. “Sure, he really doesn’t. Come on, I promised Kaede I would help her with lunch and I’m hungry.”
Kagome spent the afternoon talking and catching up with Sango, while Miroku and Inuyasha resumed their work on Kagome’s hut. The group met for dinner at Miroku’s and Sango’s hut and, after Seiichi started fussing, Inuyasha and Kagome decided to leave the family for their nightly rituals.
They decided to take a walk around the village and they remained silent until they reached Kaede’s hut.

“Are you sleeping on the roof again?” Kagome asked.
“Yeah. It’s where I usually sleep. It’s a good spot to look over the village and make sure nothing’s wrong.”
Kagome smiled. “You’ve become the village’s protector, haven’t you?”
“Keh. It’s not like it’s a big deal or anything. Besides, these weak humans need me”, he said, puffing his chest.
“Yes, they do. It’s still nice of you, though. But you could spend the night indoors, you know. Kaede said it herself. Besides, with your senses, you’d be able to smell and hear danger from anywhere within the village, inside or outside.”
“It’s not like I mind sleeping outside”, he said, nonchalantly.
“I know you don’t. But I would feel better if you did. Makes me feel safe, having you beside me when I sleep”, Kagome said, without realizing the double meaning.
Inuyasha did and blushed. “I… I… I can do that, if you want me to”, he said, looking at the floor.
Kagome, noticing his embarrassment, finally grasped the meaning of what she said. “I didn’t mean it like that! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable”, she blushed.
“It’s okay. I’ll sleep inside.”
“Good”, she said, smiling.
They entered the hut and were greeted by the old miko and Shippo, who was currently on a break from his fox demon training.
“Inuyasha’s staying here tonight, if that’s alright with you, Kaede”, Kagome asked.
“It is no problem, Kagome. You are always welcome, Inuyasha.”
After talking for a few minutes and making plans for Kagome’s hut, the group prepared to go to sleep. Kagome laid out a futon, which she borrowed from Kaede, and Inuyasha took his seat beside her, leaning on the wall. Shippo cuddled Kagome and soon they were asleep. Inuyasha stayed awake for another hour, watching Kagome, and then he fell asleep, with a smile on his face.


Inuyasha woke up to an empty hut. He opened his eyes slowly, trying to avoid the light that was coming from the door and, looking at his side, he noticed neither Kagome nor her futon were there. That’s weird. I didn’t hear them waking up and moving.
Standing up, he noticed another weird thing. I can’t smell Kagome anywhere near. There’s isn’t even the slightest trace of her scent. What the hell?
He ran outside and looked for the old miko, finding her in her herb garden, beside her hut.
“Oi, babaa, where’s Kagome?”
“Good morning, Inuyasha. What do you mean where’s Kagome?”, Kaede asked.
“What’s your problem, old hag? I meant where–is–Kagome? She isn’t in the hut and I can’t smell her anywhere!”
“Inuyasha… why would you smell Kagome? Especially in my hut? She hasn’t been here in three years. Are you alright, Inuyasha?”
“What do you mean she hasn’t been here in three years?! Are you stupid?! She came back a few days ago! She’s been sleeping in your hut! Keh! You’re just some old woman who’s probably going insane. I’ll go find her myself.”
Kaede blinked a few times, not at all fazed by the hanyou’s rudeness, and resumed her work in the garden.
Inuyasha stormed off towards Miroku’s and Sango’s hut, trying hard not to get desperate. Stupid, stupid old hag.

“Oi, Monk! Have you seen Kagome?”
“Good morning, Inuyasha. Kagome? Uh… what do you mean?”
“What the hell is wrong with you people?! WHERE IS KAGOME?!”
Sango came out of their hut, with her son in her arms, looking worried and slightly angry. “What is going on? Why are you yelling, Inuyasha? I was just putting Seiichi down for a nap.”
“Sango, is Kagome inside?”, Inuyasha asked, trying to calm down.
“What? Of course not. Kagome is not here, Inuyasha, you know that. What’s happening?”
Inuyasha was fuming. “KAGOME! WHERE ARE YOU?! KAGOME!!!” he shouted, running through the village.
Shippo came running up to him with a worried look on his face. Has he finally gone crazy? “Inuyasha, what are you doing?”
“Kit! Where’s Kagome?!”
“Uh… on the other side of the well?”
Inuyasha grabbed Shippo by the tail and started shaking him, dropping his toys on the ground. “Don’t play with me, Shippo! You either tell me where she is and what sick joke this is you all are playing with me or I’ll thump you until you have a hole in your skull!”
“Ahhhhhh, somebody help me!!! Inuyasha has gone crazy and he’ll kill me!!!”
Sango came running to the kitsune’s aid with wide eyes and clutching her son to her chest. “Inuyasha, let go of him!”
Inuyasha growled and kicked Shippo, who laid on the ground face down, crying hysterically.
“If anyone else tries to trick me into thinking Kagome didn’t come back, I’ll kill them, do you hear me?!”, Inuyasha yelled and stormed off.
He went running towards the Well, screaming Kagome’s name and praying to every God to not let it be true. It couldn’t have been a dream. He had smelled her. Touched her. Heard her. No, she’s here, somewhere.
He finally reached the Well and looked everywhere around it, still not smelling anything and still screaming her name. He ran to the place they were starting to build her hut and saw nothing.
No… no! It can’t be.
He went back to the Well and jumped, thinking that she could have gone back home, to go along with the prank. He hit solid ground, still in the Sengoku Jidai. It finally hit him.
It was a dream.
He jumped out of the Well and started cutting down every tree he found on his way, screaming her name and growling.


It was morning. He was the only one inside the hut. There were no futons and no one else. But her scent was there, almost as strong as if she were beside him.
“Kagome! Kagome!”, he yelled, his eyes open wide, while running out of the hut.
Kagome was sitting beside Kaede, watching and helping the old miko with her herbs. She heard Inuyasha and stood up quickly.
“Inuyasha?! Inuyasha, what’s wrong?!” she asked desperately, running to him.
He turned to her and his face showed how scared he was. She had never seen him like this and it broke her heart. When he laid eyes on her he instantly relaxed and, before she saw him running to her, he was grabbing her and pulling her to him, hugging her fiercely and burying his face in her hair.
“Kagome… you’re here. You are really here. It was all a dream”, he said softly, breathing in her hair’s scent.
“Inuyasha… I’m here. I’m not leaving. Did you have a bad dream?” she asked, caressing his hair and returning the hug.
“Yes… I woke up and you weren’t here and I couldn’t smell you and everyone said you hadn’t come back and no one would listen to me… I was so scared.” Inuyasha was surprised with his honesty. He was never one to admit his feelings to anyone, especially when he was scared. But with Kagome, he felt like he could let go sometimes and really open up to her. It was something that scared him, to make himself vulnerable to someone, after having to be alone most of his life and learning that one’s weaknesses were something to be hidden. But with Kagome, from the very start, especially after his first human night with her, he felt at ease letting her know him, his true self. It still made him feel uncomfortable, but it was something he wanted to work on. After all, there wasn’t someone else who could mean more to him than Kagome and he wanted her to be a bigger part of his life. A much bigger part. There was no other way of doing that than letting her in.
“It’s okay now, I’m here. I’m not leaving you. Never.”
He pulled her from him to stare at her, but still not letting her go. “Kagome…”
“Inuyasha! What’s wrong? Why were you yelling?”
I’m going to kill this kid. “Nothing’s wrong, runt! Go away”, he said, letting go of Kagome.
“Inuyasha, he’s just worried about you. Shippo, nothing’s wrong, it was just a misunderstanding.” Inuyasha looked at her with a grateful smile, happy to know she wouldn’t “turn him in”. She knew Shippo and he, along with Miroku, eventually, would tease him about his dream if they knew about it.
“Are you sure? Because it seemed like he was really going crazy and – “
“SHUT UP, RUNT! Conversation is over! Nothing’s wrong!”
Shippo whined but stopped as soon as Kagome picked him up. “It’s fine, Shippo, really, nothing’s wrong. Now go play with the children and behave, okay? Inuyasha, let’s go to the hut’s construction site. I want to discuss a few things.”
“Fine. You stay here”, he said, pointing to Shippo, who had been put down by Kagome.
“So we could have a small shed here, to store wood and stuff. And then, I’d like a herb garden here. Or we could…”
Kagome was talking non-stop, but Inuyasha didn’t mind one bit. He stopped listening to her the second time she said “we”. She talked as if it was his house too. It’s not like he didn’t imagine it being their house, but he was still surprised to see how easy it was for her to refer to it as something that belonged to the two of them. Something they would share, together.
He kept looking at her, admiring her beauty and her determined look while she walked from side to side, blabbering. She was really excited to have her own hut and he was too. He was very eager to finish it soon too, because he didn’t like the idea of her being “fostered” by the old hag. She deserved a place of her own, a place worthy of her. And he was going to provide it for her.
Besides, having the hut, especially away from the others, meant that he could have her all to himself sometimes. He didn’t like being interrupted when he was with her and he was looking forward to having her full attention. They could talk in peace, rest, touch… Whoa. Stop there.
The sad thing, he realized, was that he wouldn’t be able to sleep inside with her. He knew how things were and he didn’t want the villagers to think he was dishonoring her. Still, he would gladly stay on the roof, watching over her. Then, during the day, they would be together. Well, at least in the beginning. Then maybe I can sleep inside, on the same futon as she, with my arms around her, hugging her from behind, my hand on her…
He shook his head and stared at the ground. Why am I thinking this is going to happen? Who am I kidding?

“So, what do you think?” Kagome asked, pulling him out of his rêverie.
“Huh, what?”
“You weren’t listening, were you?” she asked, with a mock frown.
“I, uh…”
“That’s okay, I know I was babbling. Anyway, I asked you where do people get their furnishings.”
“Oh, uh, there’s an old man here who makes some of them. We can also go to another village to buy some. I’ll go hunting then, to trade. And I can also do other stuff to get them, like cutting wood.” That’s all I can do for you, Kagome. I don’t have much, but I’ll do anything to make you happy.
Kagome grinned and hugged him. “Thank you, Inuyasha. I know it’s a lot of work, but I appreciate it. I hope I can help somehow as well. I’ll go talk to Sango and see if she has any ideas.”
Inuyasha blushed. “Keh! It’s no big deal. Besides, there are some yokai slaughtering sometimes, in other villages. People always give me and Miroku some money for it. He’s been keeping my share. It’s not much, certainly not enough to furnish the whole house, but it’ll help. And you are not doing anything, you hear me? It is all up to me. I’m the one who has to provide for you.” He immediately blushed.
Kagome blushed as well but couldn’t contain her smile. “Alright, we’ll see about that. Now, let’s go talk to Sango and Miroku.”
He followed her out of the forest and tried his best to hide his smile.

“Sango, Miroku, can we talk to you?” Kagome asked, entering her friends’ hut.
“Sure, Kagome. I just put the twins down for a nap, let’s go outside.”
Kagome nodded and all four of them went outside, Miroku holding his son, sitting on a few logs.
“So, Inuyasha, it’s good to see you’ve calmed down. What was bothering you earlier?” Miroku asked with a smirk. “It certainly seems like Kagome helped you settle your nerves.”
“Oi, cut it, Monk. Nothing happened. Drop it.”
“Alright, so, I wanted to ask you guys about furnishing the hut. Inuyasha said he can trade game and other stuff for it, but I wanted to help too. Is there anything I can do?” Kagome said, trying to change the subject and hiding her blush.
“Kagome! I just told you you are not doing anything! I’m the one who’s going to get everything for your hut!”
Kagome sighed. “Inuyasha, I’m not going to sit and - “
“Ow! Why did you do that?!” Inuyasha asked with his face buried in the ground.
Kagome sat beside him, smoothing his back. “I’m so sorry! I completely forgot about that!”
“I hope you remember it from now on, wench!” Inuyasha said, lifting his face and glaring at her.
Miroku and Sango chuckled. “I missed that”, Miroku said.
Inuyasha glared at him.
“Well, anyway, do you know how I can help?” Kagome asked, looking at her friends.
Sango was about to say something when Inuyasha intervened.
“Kagome, will you stop it?! I already said I’m taking care of it, just drop it!” he said and then stormed off.
Miroku sighed. “Kagome, you have to understand. Things might be different in your time, but for us, for Inuyasha, it is the right thing to do, to provide for your family. You know he thinks of you as his”, Kagome blushed. “And it is a blow to him, to see you rejecting his position of provider. Let him take care of it all and just support him.”
“But, it feels wrong… especially because we are not together…” Kagome said, looking at the ground and drawing little circles on it with a stick.
“Kagome, Miroku is right. As much as it pains me to admit, that’s the way things are. Women are supposed to let them do all the work. But that doesn’t mean you have to submit completely. You could go with him and Miroku to their extermination jobs and help purify yokais and villages. Besides, Inuyasha would really like to have you with him when he travels. Actually, I don’t think he would allow you to be without him at all.”
Kagome gave her friend a bright smile. “Sango, you’re a genius! That’s perfect! It means I can help him earn money and we can be together, that way he won’t get upset. Thank you, Sango.”
Sango returned the smile. “You’re welcome. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to get dinner started.”
“Now that’s a woman’s job”, Miroku said, winking at Kagome.
“Shut up or I’ll bump hiraikotsu on your head and leave you on diaper duty for a month.”
“O-okay dear, I’m sorry.”
Sango got inside the hut and Miroku leaned towards to Kagome.
“And it is a good husband’s job to do what the wife says”, he whispered to her, giving her another wink.


Kagome woke up the next day with a start. There was a lot of screaming going on and the voices were approaching Kaede’s hut. She was alone inside it and ran outside to see what was happening.

“Please, please help us!” a woman pleaded to Inuyasha and Shippo, who were standing a few feet from her. There was another woman beside her, looking frightened as well.
“What’s going on, woman?” Inuyasha asked.
“Our village! They are attacking our village! A lot of yokai!” the other woman said, panting.
“Wait here. I’ll go get the others”, Inuyasha said.
He turned and looked at Kagome. “Hey. Are you coming?’
“Yes. I’ll go get my stuff and you go get Miroku. I’ll meet you there.”

Inuyasha nodded and headed to his friends’ house, with Shippo in tow.

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