InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ where is kagome? ❯ kagome..gone? ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

chapter one: where is Kagome?

Disclaimer: I sadly but truly do not own inuyasha or any of his buddies in any way shape or form…………so PLEASE don't sue me!

p.s I'm broke anyway

Spoilers: none that I know of.

This takes place after the episode that comes after : go home to your own time kagome!


She stares in disbelief as kikiyo kisses inuyahsa right in front of her, as the ground glows red beneath their feet and a small hole begins to form. ' I can't believe he's kissing that …that dead corpse!' She thinks angrily to herself ' oh man ……I can't even turn away' (A/N: kagome is still stuck to the tree by the spirit/demon (?))

Continuing to stare she notices that kikiyo and inuyasha are slowly being sucked into the earth. "Inuyasha…" kagome called out only to be greeted by silence. ' of course he's to wrapped up in her to even look at me! Stupid baka !' a single tear manages to leave her eyes 'inuyasha might be a baka at times but she still cant have him!'

Kagome was about to speak when a sharp pain ran down her back. The demon tightened its grip and slowly crushing the life out of kagome. She let out a cry of pain. Inuyasha flinched at the sound. He slowly began to raise his head but as he did kikiyo snaked her cold and lifeless arms around his neck causing him to shiver as she pulled him in for another empty kiss.

'No ' kikiyo thought ' I've waited to long for you to decide you not coming back with me ' "INUYASHA… Inuyasha don't leave me …help me someone …" kagome called out at the top of her lungs hoping that someone would be inuyasha …as she slowly drifted into darkness.

"Kagome…" Inuyasha whispered against kikiyos' lips causing her to stiffen up in shock at hearing the name that rolled off the hanyus' tongue. 'It doesn't matter it's to late he's coming with me' she thought angrily. Inuyasha felt the heat rising from under his feet. He quickly pried of kikiyo pushing her back not caring if he hurt her. Making his way to the know sleeping kagome …or was she just sleeping….

The end

……………………&hel lip;………............................................... ......................

Just kiddin'…. now on with the story…

Kikiyo watched inuyasha making he way to her reincarnation as she gave him a venom ness glare. 'INUYASHA! How dare you push me away like that just to get to that copy of me when you could have the real thing!' she thought as she got up and dusted herself off. She turned away from the scene before her as she made her way out of the clearing. A wicked smile played across her lips as she thought 'best not bother him now so I can get closer to him in our next meeting then I will take him with me!' she made her way into the night and was gone.

Inuyasha slashed angrily at the demon that dared to touch 'his' kagome. (A/N: hint…hint) unfortunately he left claw marks in kagomes shirt. 'she's so beautiful' he thought to himself 'wait

A second this is kagome I'm talking about I cant say that!' he thought as a small blush crawled its way across his cheeks ' why not!'

Asked another voice in his head 'because I just cant' 'sure you can!' 'Hey whose side are you on anyway?!' 'My own ' the voice responded coolly 'oh yeah! Then you can just shut up' 'humf… Your such a baka!' 'Why the hell I'm I talking to my self!?' 'cause you're an idiot ?' responded the voice then finally left inuyahsa alone. He kneeled down next to kagome and just let his head hang as he watched is feet.

Slowly kagome sat up watching inuyasha as he knelt before her. "inuyasha" she called out a little hoarsely at first he made no sign of hearing her "inuyasha" she called out again. This time he looked up to see her face. He was about to smile like a happy puppy when he put on his emotionless face and said " so your finally up wench"

"WHAT!" she looked at inuyasha about to say the 's' word but said instead "How dare you?… how DARE you call me a wench after what you did to me!"

"what I did to you I didn't do anything but save your life you stupid BAKA!"

"HA! And slashed my new uniform in the process you stupid hanyou!"

"now what did I do to make so freakin' made at me ?"

"It doesn't matter I'm going home!" she screamed over her shoulder as she ran toward the well.

"Kagome" Inuyasha whispered under his breath…

"ok what did you do to her know?" asked two angry voices in unison behind him . He turned slightly only to see an angry monk and steaming little demon cub. "what I didn't do any thing she's the one with the problems!" "yeah .."shippo responded "and I'm sure that problem is you!" he said under his breath only to be rewarded by Inuyasha's hand slapping him up-side his head for his input.

MEANWHILE ELSE WHERE……………………&helli p;………...................

'I cant believe he had the nerve to call me the wench! I am not a wench… kikiyo on the other hand…'a tear mad it's way down her cheek as a single choked sob made its way past her lips. 'how could he do this to me' she thought as she made her way to the lip of the well . Only to be greeted by a dark figure swooping down from the trees and snaking an arm around her waist and using their free hand to cover her mouth and silence her cries for help.

They lowered their lips to her ear whispering "don't fight me and no harm will come to you " in a deadly voice that sent a shiver of fear down her spine. and with that the demon carried Kagome into the darkness of the night holding her close….


A/N: so what did you think? huh…huh come on PLEASE review if you think I should and something or have a suggestion for the next chapter please tell me if I use it I'll be sure to give you credit . If your going to flame me could you maybe add some suggestions so I could make the story better. Thanx… 4 reading