InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ where is kagome? ❯ so where to? ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


No matter how much I hate to say it I will since I don't want to get sued I'll have to admit it I don't own Inuyasha

CHAPTER: 3 What do you want?

" Sesshamoru !" Kagome exclaimed under her breath.

" Calm down kagome don't be so happy to see me you might give yourself a heart attack" he replied sarcastically.

" I can't believe it's you …what do you want? I hope you don't plan to get inuyasha sword through me…in case you didn't know he's to preoccupied with his corpse of a bitch to even notice I'm gone… sorry to tell you you've wasted your precious time" she spat enraged.

"Calm down miko I came for you…just you not the sword" he replied calmly.

"Hold on " she exclaimed while raising her arms in the air "since when did you act so civil?"

"Why Kagome that hurt, really" he said playfully as he covered his heart with his hands

(a/n: yeah that's right I'm the writer and if I say his arm grew then it grew all right! jeez)

"Humph, whatever" Kagome rolled her eye's at his antics `this cant really be sesshomaru can it? I mean I should be dead by know right?' she thought in awe

" Come on miko lets go before I bump into myself, accidentally" he commanded

"What?" `Ok' Kagome thought `I am now officially confused!'

" I'll explain later, know let go" he stated reaching for her hand but she pulled back.

"You will explain now, " she ordered while putting her fist on her hips and staring him right in the face. ' must really be crazy normally I'd be so scared of him I piss my pant but for some reason I'm not ` she thought.

" Kagome " he sighed

" I'm waaaaaaaaating!" She sang

" Stubborn wench " he muttered

" Better believe it!"

" Well you've noticed I'm a little out of character for this era-"

" What do you mean this era?" Kagome asked

" You see that portal over there?" he asked while pointing to the center of the tree.

" Yeah so?"

" Well it kind of works like your well I used it to get here and retrieve you" he explained

` He knows about the well?' she thought to herself.

" Why did you come for me?" she asked

" I know what my bastard brother did to you " he paused to look into her pain filled eyes as he cupped her face in his left hand and continued " I know you were heading home I also know what you would have done upon your return and that chose you make In order to have your revenge on my brother will result in an unlivable future for human kind" he explained.

"why would you care?" Kagome asked

" because in the future I fall in love with one. she taught me to love and care for others I worked with her for a while when I finally learned that I loved her it was to late Naroku

Had already eliminated her" he said allowing sorrow and regret to enter his voice. As he began to remove his hand from her face she caught it in her two small ones and held it in place.

" did you lose her because of the bad decision I made- or am going to make? Is that why you came to stop me from making that chose?" she questioned

"Yes " is all he said as he stared at their conjoined hands. Kagome glanced at were his attention was at and a small blush crept across her milky white skin ,yet she did not let go instead her grasp tightened.

" so where does the portal lead ? And what will you do with me once we get there?" Kagome asked trying to change the subject.

" I need you to help me with Rin and it leads to England 1497. Actually Scotland but we will be traveling to England from there where Rin happens to be waiting for us." he stated.

" who's Rin?"

" an adopted daughter of mine"

" I have nothing to stay for " she explained " except for-"

" the kitsune" he finished for her.

"Yeah " she sighed" if I go with you can I come back for him later I cant leave him long he my pup after all "

" once I have deemed it safe we may return for your pup" he replied coolly

Kagome put on her brightest smile and said" come on then lets go!" as she pulled him toward the entrance of the portal. They were about to step through when the herd a cry from the forest so Kagome turned to face it.

" K-A-G-O-M-E!" Inuyasha yelled and stopped in his tracks as he met her glare

"Kagome are you ok?" he asked a little nervous not noticing kagome's an Sesshoumaru's joined hand .

" Good-bye inuyasha I hope you are happy with your decision I just want you to know I'm not mad at you for loving her more than me I'm just hurt but I'll heal please take care of shippo till' I come for him " she said as she turned from him and walked through the portal with his brother.

Authors note:

I hope you like it I have two more chapters written in my journal I just need to type them and post them so just bare with me! please