InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where is the Light? ❯ More Important ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
New Chapter! Question for everyone at the bottom! ^_^

More Important

"No, Shishio, you won't get pregnant." Inuyasha reassured his little brother with an amused smile. "Not unless you eat a certain fruit--"

"Fruit?! Wh-what fruit?! I eat fruit all the time! I-I mean just yesterday I had some oranges...a-and then...Aoji and I--"

"Shishio, this fruit comes from where Kurama and Hiei live, and only where they live. So you have no worries."

"Oh..." Shishio blushed softly at his ramblings. Aoji kissed his temple softly and embraced him.

"So in another eight to nine months, you expect your child, ne?" Aoji asked. Inuyasha gave him a sheepish smile.

"Well, no. It's actually in another three and a half months..."

"What?! You're kidding!" Sora looked to Inuyasha incredulously, as did the rest of his family.

"But, why so soon?" Sesshoumaru had a confused look on his face. Not a common event for the usually stoic CEO

"It's just the way it is, I guess. It's what Kurama said it's how the plant works."

Kouga wrapped his arms around his husband, knowing what he would say would truly cause an uproar at the quaint picnic. "That's not the only way the plant works. It has a consequence..." He felt his husband flinch and quickly looked to him in surprise and dread.


"No. They have a right to know..." Cereulean peered into amber, watching the latter nod softly and cast off to the side. Kouga embraced him tightly, whispering encouraging words to him.

Sesshoumaru looked at the couple in suspicion, not liking where this was leading. "What is the consequence? Will it affect your health, otouto?" The CEO locked eyes with Inuyasha, giving him a worried look.

Inuyasha gave a silent nod. "A side effect of the fruit is that it causes temporary blindness..."

"Blindness..." Mifune's eyes widened at the news, completely taken aback. "Are you sure it's temporary? How do you know?"

"I was told by Kurama. He said there haven't been cases of the blindness being permanent..."

"But what if those cases were never reported?" Celestine asked, worried for his son-in-law.

"Well...I'll have to take that risk. Even if it means I can't see my child, at least he or she will be healthy."

Mifune looked to her son with guilt at her next question. " it truly worth the risk?"

Inuyasha gave her a suprised look, not expecting that question, especially from her. "What are you trying to say, mother? Do you not want me to have this child?"

"No, I'm not saying that--"

"Good, because the consequences mean nothing to me! Wouldn't you do all you could for a healthy child? I can live without my eyesight, but not without my child..." Inuyasha felt tears sting his eyes, and a queasy feeling. Kouga could tell by his husband's features that his "morning" sickness was kicking in. He stroked his black strands softly, trying to comfort his lover.

Mifune watched her son lay his head onto Kouga's shoulder quietly. "Inuyasha...I didn't mean to upset you. I'm just concerned for you...I understand your sentiments, believe me. Just careful."

"I will, mother. And I know you're worried. You don't have to be, though."

"I'm here for him. I've helped many during pregnancies, and delivered some as well. He'll be in good hands." Kouga kissed the top of his husband's head with a soft smile.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Later On~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"That was the most hectic picnic I've ever been to. Wow...Ani is pregnant..." Shishio smiled as he sat on the couch with Aoji, wrapped in strong arms.

"I think it was amazing. I'm happy for them..." Aoji kissed Shishio's temple softly, feeling the other settle deeper into his embrace. He loved moments like this, when it was quiet, and he felt his lover rely on him to love him, protect him, worship him. He felt a shift and looked down into crimson orbs and gave a warm smile.

"Are you happy for us, beloved?" Shishio returned the smile, watching the other close the gap between them before shutting his eyes at the soft kiss. Soft lips brushed against his own before sealing over his own. The teen couldn't help but moan at the sensual liplock. He leaned up more til he sat on his knees and wrapped his arms around the other's neck.

Aoji made small moaning sounds as the other moved to kiss him deeper. He placed a hand on his lower back while the other cupped the back of his head, meshing their mouths into a now frenzied kiss. The kiss broke, allowing each male to catch their breath. The tanned male gasped at the soft kisses along his neck, feeling curious hands against his chest, knowing they wanted the skin beneath the fabric. "Shishio..."

The teen slowly ceased his dizzying kisses, and loved the look on the other's face. Lost in such a small sensual action, eyes dazed yet focused on him, and him alone. "Can you..."

Aoji gave a gentle nod, knowing how long it's been since the last time his body molded with the other's in a sinful dance in the forgotten sheets. He waited until the other was healed enough to pleasure him like he wanted. Like he craved...

"I'll make your body remember me again..." Aoji suckled on the space between milky white collarbones, causing the other to gasp and whimper. "I'll make it remember my shape as I enter you...after so long of being barren..." He breathed heatedly on Shishio's skin as it flushed under his ministrations.

"And it will welcome you home." Shishio nibbled on an earlobe tenderly, feeling himself being lifted up into strong arms and carried him to the bedroom.

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

"Inuyasha, your mother loves you very much, and wants you to be happy. I don't think she would be disapproving of you going through with this..." Kouga sat behind Inuyasha, massaging his shoulders gently, working out the tension.

Inuyasha had his eyes closed, grateful for the soothing motions. "I know, it just took me off guard for a moment..." He smiled at the nuzzling to the back of his neck. "Mm...I love this..."

"Love what?" Kouga kissed the neck before holding the other close to his form"

"This attention you're giving me. I feel kinda fuzzy..." They both laughed softly in the quiet room.

"Well, there's more attention where that came from..." Kouga gave a soft smirk and lifted the other's chin before kissing him softly. Light smacks filled the room, accompanied by needy moans. Kouga pulled away and looked to his husband. "I'll give you any form of attention you wish..."

With that statement, Inuyasha made good on it, pouncing on the other. He gave an innocent smile, then lowered his head to an exposed belly, nipping it playfully. Kouga gasped in surprise before smiling at his uda's playfulness and allowed him to do as he wished. He felt Inuyasha hide a hand under his shirt, although not so inconspicuously and moaned keenly as it brushed over an already sensitive nipple. He palmed the hand under the shirt, urging it to do more. A leg wrapped around the other idly, not realizing how much he needed the other at the moment

Amber met cerulean at a precise moment, communicating perfectly what they wanted. Inuyasha crawled atop him and kissed him deeply, igniting their long night of passion.
*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*' *'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'

Alright y. Actually got unlazy and did a chapter. Now, a lil quiz:

Where did Inuyasha and Kouga plan to go for their "first date"?

Anyone who can answer this correctly shall have the next LEMON chapter dedicated to them. Two lemons at once!? Hell yeah.

(Beta: hehe I can! I can .... but .... >.> ... *sigh* I guess I have to leave that one to the readers, ne? >.> .... anyways YAY!! NEW CHAPPIE! *so happy* Isn’t Tas-chan amazing??? ... *cough* I SAID isn’t Tas-chan amazing? ... you’re supposed to say yes! and shower here with compliments here .... >.> ... much better! ^.^ now LEAVE REVIEWS! The more reviews you leave, the more inspiration and determination she has!! So hop to it!! left, right, left, right common move those feet ... er .. fingers? =P so hurry up! Give this poor lonely beta some work!! ..O.O..)

Authoress: *shakes head at beta* goodness...I have nothing to do with her actions. I'm sticking to that.

Please review, and try out that question. ^^