InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where is the Light? ❯ Long Lost, Surprisingly Found ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: Don't own the Inuyasha or Yugioh Characters. Only the original characters are mine.

I have an idea...and you will be entirely surprised. Be sure to read the notes at the bottom, k?


Inuyasha frowned, half asleep due to an incessant buzzing noise. He swiftly nudged his husband in the side, immediately bringing him to wakefulness. "Alarm..."
With a mumble, Kouga turned over and slammed his hand onto their alarm clock, turning back around sleepily to settle back to slumber, only to be nudged again. "Wha...?"
"Alarm..." Inuyasha yawned widely, burying himself under a pillow. Kouga sat up, his hair tangled about his form since it came out its ponytail a night. Kouga sat in his spot for a few moments before looking to the tuft of black hair.
"I don't hear anything..."
"What do you mean you don't hear anything?" The pregnant male pulled back the covers and sat up, stretching languidly. "There's an alarm going off in here..."
"Not in this room..." Kouga rubbed his eyes and looked to the clock in question. "I didn't even set it since it's the weekend." He looked to his lover, seeing him concentrate on a sound he couldn't hear. "Maybe your ears are just adjusting to your loss of sight..."
Inuyasha scoffed, smiling barely as a kiss was placed on his temple. "You jsut think I'm crazy..."
"Not until you start your strange cravings and mood swings..." Kouga smirked and laid back down, bringing Inuyasha with him. As they settled into each other's embrace, they heard a soft wail come from the guest room.
"Chiaki is starting to sleep through the night now..." Inuyasha smiled softly, thinking about their own momentous day of becoming parents.
Kouga nodded in response, rubbing small circles into the other's back. "Un. I bet she'll be talking in no time. And hopefully not learning to hold a katana before that." He chuckled at the thought of Hiei teaching his daughter the fine ways of sword fighting before she learned to crawl.
"Knowing Kurama, I doubt that." Inuyasha chuckled, bringing a tanned hand to rest atop his swelling belly, enjoying how protected he felt.
"No movement yet?" Kouga looked to his husband with affection, feeling the hardened skin beneath the loose top.
"Hell no, and thank goodness! The longer this little one wait to play football with my insides, the better. I like my intestines where they are, thanks." He shook his head in amusement at the situation and squeezed the hand on his belly. "I'm hungry..."

After another half hour of cuddling, and of Inuyasha complaining about his hunger, they finally made their way to the kitchen, encountering an angry Kurama, feeding their daughter.

"-Not necessary to set that absurd alarm so early! It wakes up Chiaki and throws off her sleep schedule!" Emerald eyes glared at his lover, wiping off a smudge of baby food from a tiny mouth. Hiei crossed his arms and gave his usual 'Hn'. Kurama glared more, but then saw their housemates and gave a feeble smile. "Good morning..."

"Morning." Inuyasha smiled, sitting at the table. He waved to Chiaki, who smiled. "Ohayou, Chiaki-chan." The young girl gurgled happily, banging her tiny plastic spoon onto her high chair."You certainly don't get your happiness from Hiei, ne?" The three males chuckled at the remark, leaving Hiei to scowl at Inuyasha before smirking.

"I guess it's a good time to tell you I ate your sweet snow..."

"WHAT?!" Inuyasha looked at the direction of Hiei's voice, frowning. "You ate my ice cream..."

Kouga chuckled low and kissed his husband's temple. "I'll be sure to pick up a new pint for you later, alright?" He saw his other half relax and gave out a soft sigh. Cerulean eyes turned to Kurama in curiosity. "Were you two talking about an alarm clock earlier?"

"Yes, Hiei likes to train early in the morning. But he forgets that not everyone wakes up at dawn." Kurama glared at his mate.

"Ha! See, I told you I heard an alarm!" Inuyasha huffed and crossed his arms. Kurama and Hiei exchanged glances to each other before Kurama spoke again.

"Inuyasha...this type of alarm can only be heard by a other world specter, or creature, such as ourselves. How are you able to hear it?"

Inuyasha raised an eyebrow and shrugged. "I don't know. I just heard this shrill ring in the morning..." Inuyasha took on a concerned look. "Only...people like yourselves can hear it? Then...why can I?"

Hiei looked to Inuyasha while thinking. "It may be another side effect of that plant. There are little to no reports about using it on humans, so the side effects mentioned are from demons or other world creatures." He noticed a worried look on his face and sighed. "You don't need to worry. You're completely healthy, and if you don't believe me, Yukina can look you over later." Hiei picked up his glass of orange juice, whipering into the rim. "Pending you don't whine again..." he muttered.

"I HEARD THAT! I DON'T WHINE!" Inuyasha reached out for his husband, managing to grab his hand. "Kouga, he said I whine! Make him take it back!"

Kouga pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head. 'It's going to be a long morning...'

Outside the house was a person lurking a few yards away, looking at the large house in curiosity. The male took down notes in his small notepad that filled with information from his observations each day. 'For the past two months, there has been alot of movement...and just two weeks ago, there was some sort of dark...dragon?' Mint green eyes closed in confusion. 'There's no way it could have been a dragon. I think I need to go on vacation soon...'

He opened his eyes again and went to his car and slid inside, shutting the door. He sighed and reached into the glove compartment and pulled out a letter, addressed to him two weeks ago. No matter how many times he read it, he knew the inevitable would need to happen. He knew that he couldn't let all his months of research go down the drain because he was chickening out. 'Come on! You're a reporter, be brave...'

His mint green eyes filled with determination and gave a firm nod to himself. He checked the rear view mirror. "Hair in place...shirt ironed, jeans unwrinkled..." He ran a hand through his front bangs before gathering the letter. "I just...hope I'm accepted..."

After breakfast, the four males and child moved to the living room. Hiei carried his daughter around the living room, allowing her to play with his scarf. He smiled faintly as she felt the soft material in fascination. A twig snapped outside the door, causing three people to stop what they were doing. Hiei's head snapped towards the door, scowling. "There's someone here..." Kouga looked to the other three in curiosity, before he heard barking come from Tsuki, their albino husky, outside, and a scared yell from an unknown male.

"Who's that?" Inuyasha held onto Kouga's hand, shifting nervously. Kouga squeezed the hand in reassurance.

"I'll go see who it is. Kurama, can you take Inuyasha to our room?" He felt the grip on his hand tighten and smiled softly. Lifting the hand, Kouga kissed the back of it. "It'll be alright. Probably just someone who got lost." Kouga cupped Inuyasha's face with a gentle hand. "Go with Kurama, alright?"

Inuyasha nodded softly, standing with help from his husband. He heard soft footsteps come near him, then the scent of roses filled his nose and reached out for the Redhead's hand. Kouga watched his husband leave the room, making sure he was out of sight before going towards the commotion outside.

When he opened the door, Kouga encountered a male dressed in a white button down shirt under a black blazer, left unbuttoned, and slim-fitting blue jeans. The male was perched in a tree, keeping far away from their rather large dog. "Tsuki." Catching his dog's attention, he made a motion to beckon the loyal husky to him. "Good job." He rubbed behind a furry ear, earning a happily wagging tail in response. Kouga turned his attention back to the intruder, who's long hair similar to his own was frazzled. "You can get down from the tree now..."

With a soft gulp, said male jumped down and walked over to the other male. He felt nervous and shoved his hands into his pockets out of habit. "I...didn't meant to interrupt, but...I'm looking for Kouga De Los Lobos..."

Kouga crossed his arms and gave the other a suspicious look, knowing Hiei was behind him, listening. "I'm Kouga. What do you need from me?"

Mint green eyes looked to cerulean before sighing. "My name is Otogi Ryuuji, and...this may sound entirely far-fetched, but...I'm...your brother..."

Finally, an update! I'm truly sorry it took so long. Inspiration has not been coming to me for this fic, and I recently got this goodly idea in mind. And yes...I'm also sorry for the cliffhanger. lol

I truthfully can't guranteed when I'll pump out another chapter, but please be assured that I WILL finish this fic. I think I've even decided to make a sequel to this one. Hmm...

Please review!