InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where Loyalties Lay ❯ Yura ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Inuyasha opened his eyes slowly and looked up at his ceiling. Dim light was coming through his only window and the sound of a T.V could be heard from the living room. He stretched and sat up, wrapping his thin bed sheets around his waist. He looked at the electronic clock that lay on the floor.
His room was bare. His mattress, which was right by his door, had no frame. His clothes were in a wrinkled messy pile in his small closet. The phone and his clock were the only things that needed electricity in his room. He didn't even have a dresser or table to place them on, so they stayed on the floor.
He picked up his phone and dialed a number. It only rang once before someone on the other line picked up.
"Hello, ingrate." a cool calm voice said from the other line. He sounded fully awake.
"Hey Fluffy." Inuyasha replied with venom. He yawned and licked his lips. "Let me speak to Naraku."
"That's Naraku-Sama to you." Sesshomaru, Inuyasha's older brother said coolly.
His brother was twenty-four. Had been working for Naraku for over six years. He and Inuyasha's mother were the only family that Inuyasha had, but he truly wished they weren't related.
"Whatever. Just give him the fuckin cell phone." He said picking up his lighter and playing with it.
Sesshy sighed. There was a slight mummer on the other line until finally someone else spoke.
"Inuyasha, I'm so pleased you called." Naraku Akuma said slyly.
He practically owned everything in the city. His company Shikon co. developed everything from paper to guns. So with so much money and influence in every business, he had a lot of control.
He also owned the "underworld" of the city. Gangs, drug dealers, prostitutes, clubs etc. He was one of the biggest crime lords in the country yet because of his "donations"to the police he remained uncaught.
"Listen Naraku, I've got another proposition for you." Inuyasha said. There was a rustle from behind him followed by a full out groan. He ignored it.
"It seems you have company." Naraku said. Inuyasha could tell he was smiling and it annoyed him.
"She's no one. Listen, I delivered my last package two nights ago and brought in twenty-grand. I'll take on a shipment of three hundred thousand worth of speed and cocaine if you clear out my fathers debt and give me my- "
"Slow down, Inuyasha. Don't forget who owns whom. I make the deals." Naraku cut him off. Inuyasha rolled his eyes and sighed loudly.
Ever since Inuyasha could jump fences, Naraku had owned him. His father had borrowed a large sum of money and died before he could pay it back. Since Sesshomaru was already working for Naraku at that time, the debt fell to Inuyasha. Every little dime that Inuyasha had, went to Naraku. Which is why he was living the way he was.
"Sorry. It slipped my mind momentarily." He said sarcastically. He was always looking for a way out of Naraku's clutches. He didn't want to be a drug dealer all his damn life.
"Forgiven. Here's what you'll do for me," Naraku replied. "You will pay off your father's debt in time. Right now I have another job for you. There's a man by the name of Hiten that lives in a co-op on the other side of town. Apartment 6D. He borrowed three grand from me to get surgery for his brother, yet he hasn't paid me back. Make sure he knows that I'm waiting."
"Yeah, alright but what about my-"
"In due time, Inuyasha. In due time." Naraku cut him off again. He hung up the phone leaving Inuyasha staring at the wall with the receiver to his ear.
He scowled and hung up the phone, throwing it against the wall. He then picked up a pack of cigarettes and lit one. He took a few long smokes blowing each one out his nose and mouth. Soon the whole room was covered in thick smoke.
"You can get cancer like that, you know." A woman spoke from behind him. She sat up, covering her chest with her arms. Long black hair cascading down her back.
"Good. Maybe then I'll die." Inuyasha said bitterly. He passed her a cigarette but she refused.
"I'm going back to sleep." She said. She rubbed her hands over his back and trailed his neck with butterfly kisses "Come with me."
Inuyasha stood up and went to his closet, fishing for clothes. He threw whatever he didn't want to wear over his head and onto the floor behind him.
"No. You're getting out." He said. "I've got work to do."
The woman got up and went behind Inuyasha. Then reaching to the front she wrapped her fingers around his penis, gently messaging the tip.
"Aw, C'mon. It'll be fun." She tempted.
Inuyasha shook her off him and put on a shirt.
"Kikyo, get the fuck out."
She rolled her eyes and took the cigarette from his mouth and put it in her own.
"Fine." She said looking for her clothes. "Your no fun."
When she was finally dressed she saw Inuyasha packing up some textbooks in his book bag. He opened a notebook and began scribbling something down.
"I don't know why you're still in high school. Your 17. Just drop out." She said. "Like me. I'm 19 now and I turned out just fine."
Inuyasha put the notebook away, picked up his backpack and looked at the clock. It was 4:48 am now. He needed to go to the other side of town and back before school started.
"Kikyo you can't even spell your own name." He said walking towards the door.
"Fuck you."
"You already did."
They passed through the living room where a man was passed out on the couch and went outside.
Inuyasha lived in a brick house. Weeds were sprouting out all over the lawn and one of the windows was cracked. All the houses next to his looked exactly alike. Run down and beaten.
Giving Kikyo a deep heated kiss goodbye he got on his motorcycle. It had never been stolen because everyone knew whom it belonged to. And what Inuyasha would do when he would find the person who stole it. It was just out of pure respect that gangsters didn't even key the paint.
"Call me." She said and began walking down the street. Inuyasha nodded, revved the engine and headed for the other side of town.
There was a knock on the door. Impatient and demanding. Almost angry.
Hiten groggily got out of bed and walked to the door, cursing under his breath. Opening it, he saw a kid with white fluffy ears waiting.
"Who the fucks are you? It's fuckin 5:25 am. You better have a good fuckin reason to be-" Inuyasha punched him in the jaw and pushed him inside, closing the door.
"Where's Naraku's money?" he asked bluntly, knocking over a small table.
Hiten cowered back, grabbing his stomach. He tried to run into the other room but Inuyasha grabbed him by the back of his collar.
"Where the fuck is it?" he asked, punching him in the face this time.
"I don't ha-have it yet." Hiten stammered a reply. Inuyasha smirked and cracked his knuckles.
"Sorry pal. That answer isn't good enough for me."
Inuyasha kicked him in the ribs, making him fall back to the floor. Then picked him up by his hair and struck his face repeatedly.
By the time he was done, Hiten's face was bruised, bleeding, and puffy.
"Make sure you get it to him by the end of the month." Inuyasha threatened, dropping him to the floor.
Hiten stood on his forearms chocking up blood and bile.
"You," he said weakly. "I'll get you."
Inuyasha headed for the door, knocking over more things. "Yeah, sure. I gotta go. I'll be late for school."
After School:
Inuyasha came into his room and threw down his backpack. He had just come from his job at the butchery and was wiped out. He didn't even take off his jacket, when the phone rang...
Kagome and Sango were trying not to explode in laughter. Hirai kept trying to get them to quiet down. She dialed the number that was on the dollar.
"What's going on?" Souta asked sticking his head in the room. Kagome pushed him out and shut the door. Her room was huge. She had a queen-sized bed, a big flat screen TV, and her own bathroom with a shower. Every day Sango and Hirai and sometimes Miroku would come over tackle their homework together but today Kagome had different plans.
"Hello, Inuyasha?" Hirai said disguising her voice. It sounded more high pitched and squeaky. She pressed the speakerphone button.
"Yeah. Who's this?" he asked. His voice echoing all over the room. Kagome clamped a hand over Sango's giggling mouth.
"This is Yura! The mother of your son! How could you forget me so fast?" Hirai said smiling.
"WHO?" Inuyasha asked confused. He took off his jacked and sat down at the edge of his bed.
" When am I getting my child support? Baby Inu needs some new sneakers."
"Wait wait wait…bitch who are you?"
"Don't act like you don't know! A year ago we met and you told me you loved me. Now I'm stuck with your child!"
Inuyasha rolled his eyes. "Oh yeah! How is he? Did he get the check up yet?" Inuyasha asked. He was currently lying on his bed, smiling. Cute game. Now all he had to do was figure out who the girl was and have some real fun. He could tell it was a joke just by the muffled giggling in the back.
Sango, Kagome and Hirai paused. He had a son?
"He's uh. He's fine." Hirai said after a moment.
"Listen, babe. I mailed the check so you should get that in a few days." He continued. He grabbed his cigarette pack, discovered it was empty and threw it in a corner.
"Kagome let me in!" Souta pounded on the door. Kagome opened the door, hit him on the head and slammed it in his face again.
"Ow! I'm telling!" he said and ran off.
Of course, with Inuyasha's great hearing he caught that. 'Gotcha, Higurashi.' He thought. 'Now for the fun.'
"Yura? You still there?" he asked.
"Yeah." Hirai replied. None of the three girls were smiling anymore.
"Look when I come to pick up my son, I'm brining along my new concubine. Kagome Higurashi." He said casually.
The three girls eyes widened.
" We're getting married next year. I already have three kids with her so Jr. should fit right in. I'll take full custody if you want." He said.
None of them said anything.
"Their names are Pookie, Billie Jo, and Bob." He said almost laughing but bit it back.
Kagome looked at Sango. She looked back. What was he doing?
"Yura, you there?" Inuyasha asked. He could just imagine the expression on their faces.
Hirai hung up the phone and looked at Kagome. Her face was pale.
Inuyasha hung up his side of the phone and laughed. He couldn't wait to see the look on their faces at school tomorrow.
'She's got tricks.' He thought, still smiling. He took off his shirt, to cool down and closed his eyes. He was going to have fun with this one. He could tell. Hell. She may even be a challenge.
The phone rung again. Inuyasha picked it up with his eyes still closed.
"Yura?" he asked.
"It's Sesshomaru. Try to hide your excitement. Naraku has another job for you."