InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where the Sun Rises ❯ Worry ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
AN: Well, hello there. I thought that I'd give everyone a nice little present for Chapter Seven. Now, be aware, I'm still fairly new to this, so don't hate me if you reject my gift. If you haven't figured it out by now, then you'll be quite surprised. Happy reading, and review if you can.

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Where the Sun Rises
Chapter Seven:

"I'm glad that we will have our time alone," Sango said, leading Inuyasha through the trees of the deep forest. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too," he agreed, walking behind her, admiring the perfect body of his mate. "There were definitely times when Mizuki was about to drive me crazy and I wanted to be back here with you. So... has Sesshomaru been by to see you?"

"Yeah, he was here," she answered, selecting a spot on the lush grass of the clearing they entered. Setting the basket down and beginning to spread out a blanket, she continued, "he didn't stay very long. But he did come by."

"That's good," he nodded, sitting on the blanket once it was smoothed out. "I knew he wouldn't let me down on making sure you were okay."

"Y'know, we really didn't need him to check up on us."

"Maybe not, but it made me feel better."

Sango gave a small smile. "I guess so."

Opening the basket, she pulled out several kinds of fruit and bread and set them out. She could feel Inuyasha's eyes on her as she did this, and it made her chuckle a little. When he asked what was funny, she insisted that it was nothing. The answer didn't seem to satisfy him, but he left it alone. "Let's eat," he said, and took a giant bite out of an apple.

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"So I think that we've picked our guys," Kazuki sighed tiredly as he scratched his head. "We've picked our best ones. If we don't win, then that guy is one hell of a fighter."

"It doesn't matter. He won't win," Yukito said, taking a seat on the floor. "I'm more than positive that we'll get rid of that damn pest and then we won't have to worry about anyone taking over these lands. It'll be simple enough."

While Yukito sounded so confident, a concerned look from Nenmu prompted a question. "You think we'll win, right Nenmu?"

He was silent.

Climbing to his standing height, Yukito took a step toward him. "Right?"

After a few more seconds of silence, Nenmu finally answered timidly. "Maybe this won't be as easy as we think."

"Why wouldn't it be?" Kazuki asked, raising his eyes to the Captain that was leaning against a wall and twiddling his hooves. "Surely you don't think that half-breed is strong enough to defeat us, do you?"

"It's not that."

"Then what is it?" Yukito demanded forcefully.

"Maybe it's not just him we should be worrying about... don't you think he looks familiar?"

Yukito's face softened as confusion took the place of his anger. "No... am I supposed to think he looks familiar?"

Nenmu pushed himself off of the wall and walked to the middle of the room, where the other Captains surrounded him, curious to hear his reply. "Doesn't he look like Sesshomaru, the Lord of the West?" he whispered.

Kazuki closed his eyes for a moment. Reopening them, he nodded. "He does. And it's common knowledge that Lord Sesshomaru he has a half-breed brother. That Inuyasha has to be him."

"Okay, so what does his being Lord Sesshomaru's brother have to do with this?" Yukito asked with a shrug. "It's also common knowledge that those two hate each other, so it's not like he'll come and help out 'kid brother.' If anything, Lord Sesshomaru might help us just to foil his brother's plans."

"But he also hates the rulers of the Eastern Lands... and that's us," Ryoma cut in.

"Shut up!" Yukito yelled. "He's not going to help that damn pest!"

"I'm just saying that we should be ready just in case he does," Nenmu said. "If we get caught off guard and unprepared, we will lose our land in addition to our lives."

"We aren't taking any extra precautions. Lord Sesshomaru isn't coming," Kazuki said, standing. "The guys we have are good enough."

"Do you remember how strong he is?" Nenmu argued, voice rising. "He will kill us!"

"If he won't be there, then he won't," Yukito told him, shaking his head.

"Fine. If none of you think that this is something to worry about, then maybe I'll worry about it. You can fight them with one less boar."

"What?" the other three Captains shouted in surprise.

"I'm not going to let Lord Sesshomaru kill me. And if Inuyasha is related to him, he has to be plenty strong too. I'm not going to risk it."

Yukito's angry face returned. "Then what are you going to do? Are you going to join the half-breed's side? Because if you are planning to, I'll kill you right now. I won't have you helping them."

"I'm not on anyone's side anymore. I'm just going to stay out of it. I'll find out what happened just like all the lesser demons will: through word traveling."

Nenmu's answer seemed to be good enough for Yukito, so he left it alone. But he never took his eyes off him; Nenmu was one less Captain they had to help protect their lands. And now that the incumbents were down to three Captains, deep inside Yukito silently prayed that Sesshomaru wouldn't show up.
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"That was delicious," Inuyasha exhaled contently as he rubbed his stomach. "Everything was so fresh!"

"Yeah, it was," Sango agreed. "But I promise dinner will be better. I've really been working on my cooking since you've been gone. I even got Sesshomaru addicted to my rice. He loves it."

"Well then, I am surely looking forward to eating whatever you make," he said, lying down on the blanket and placing his arms behind his head. "Have you decided what you are going to make yet?"

"Nope," she shook her head, scooting next to her reclining hanyou. "I'll figure something out."

"Good," he nodded and closed his eyes, preparing for an after-lunch nap. But he was mistaken, and his eyes reopened to see his mate straddling his hips with a mischievous smile on her face. "I won't get any sleep, huh?"

"Not yet," she said, slowly running her hands along his chest. "You will soon."

Inuyasha didn't reply. He just watched her open the top of his haori and proceeded to pull it over the top of his head. She threw it to the side and moved her hands downward to loosen his pants. "You know, this is one of the things I missed the most since you left," she whispered, shifting her body so she could pull the garment off. Once complete, she threw them to the side as well. A slow scanning of her mate's naked body brought a smile to her face.

"Like what you see?"

"I always have."

"Well, let me see some of your skin, since you've seen all of mine."

Sango giggled and repositioned herself across his hips as a hand reached up to loosen her hair. She gave the ribbon she wore a light tug, and her dark brown locks fell about her shoulders. He could tell that she had gotten it cut a little bit, but he couldn't dwell on that too long before he saw the nakedness of his mate when she threw her yukata aside. It only took a few seconds before she gasped and then turned a deep red. "From under me, it feels like you are just as ready as I am," she said in a low voice, her blush deepening.

A laugh from Inuyasha made the red of her face soften to pink. "You just have a big effect on me."

"You do too." She winked.

He grinned. Self-gratification feels good.

"Are you ready?" he asked. She nodded, and he took a stern grip on her hips and gently lowered her onto his member. Her gasp told him wait until she got used to him again. When he was pretty certain she was okay, he let go of her hips and she began to roll her hips.

At first, her moments were slow and calculated, but as they got faster, he could tell that she had learned from their first encounter. Soon, the couple were moving in a forceful rhythm that was fast enough to elicit deep moans of pleasure but slow enough to not make it end too soon. She was steadying herself by placing her hands on his chest, and he had re-gripped her hips and was guiding her in different directions. Now, while Inuyasha was complelety absorbed in the increasing intensity of his love-making with his mate, he felt a distant sense of uneasiness. Under normal circumstances, he would take a quick run through the forest to see what was causing this feeling of caution, but now, he was not about to stop what he was doing. At the back of his mind, he prayed furiously that nothing was going wrong while he was here with Sango. But, as expected, he didn't finish his desperate mental chant. The pleasures of friction sent him over the edge, and he gave a deep growl as he emptied his seed into his mate. His ears perked at the sound of her calling his name with a certain urgency, and when they both came back down, he promptly flipped them over so that he was on top.

"Can't handle being on bottom very long, can you?" Sango breathed, a playful smile appearing on her lips.

"I guess not," Inuyasha chuckled, brushing aside stray strands of her hair from her face. "Besides, I work better from above, not below."

"We'll see."

He didn't reply but he did return her smile. He inhaled deeply, took a hold on her hips, and then began to drive deep into her with nothing on his mind but pleasing his mate. Almost instantly, she wrapped her legs around his waist and tried to find his rhythm. When she found it, she spread her knees a bit farther everytime he thrust into her. He was amazed how far into her body he could go; he could almost bury himself completely within her, and considering his admirable size, this feat called for awe.

"Inu...yasha...." she moaned softly as he continued. "...f-faster..."

While he was surprised to hear this, he obliged and quickened his pace. He knew that once he did, his climax would come very soon, but before it did, he wanted to tease her a little. A quick nip on her neck made her jump a little, but he knew that he would have to do better than that. He slowed his pace to a very slow movement, and her whimper made him smile. Her closed eyes opened to gaze into his, wordlessly asking him what he was doing. He didn't answer, but responded by speeding up a bit. Her eyes closed again. Placing quick kisses down to her collarbone, and careful not to interrupt his continual thrusting, he took her right breast into his mouth and suckled it roughly.

"Inu...yasha..." she moaned much louder than before. She buried her fingers in his hair and led his head to her other breast, which he suckled just as fervently. "D-don't stop..."

He lingered on her breast a moment longer, then pulled away. He figured it was time he gave her the pleasure he had eluded from her, and besides, he was ready for it too. Moving his mouth up to plant little kisses along her jaw, he mumbled into her skin, "I hope you're ready."

Even though her ears had relocated because of her mating with him, Sango heard what he said. She gave a slow nod. "Go."

That was all he needed to hear before re-setting his pace to fast, deep, and forceful. It was clear that he was ready to give her a release that would show her that he was the only one who could please her this way. He believed it whole-heartedly, and as he repeatedly pushed himself into her, he listened to and enjoyed the frantic moaning of his name. He loved it.

He closed his eyes in concentration; he was determined to end this soon. After a few more angry thrusts, he felt her walls collapse on him and she tossed her head back and shouted his name louder than ever. Her ams tightened around his neck as she pulled him closer, and it was then he realized that he felt more at ease in her arms than anywhere else, and he held her a little closer as she continued to call for him. Right after that, he followed her into their secluded euphoria as they rode out their passions, and he clung to her tightly as he released his seed into her again, shuddering gently as he buried his face into her neck.

Finally, after they ran the course of their stamina, Inuyasha gently pulled out of her body and rolled over next to her. They both laid there for a moment on their backs, catching their breaths and staring up at the sky. After a while, Sango sat up and grabbed her yukata. She wrapped it around herself, and looked over at her mate. He hadn't moved, and his eyes were closed. She could tell he wasn't asleep, but if he were left alone long enough, he would be. She wanted to let him sleep, but first, she had something to say.

"Inuyasha?" she said, snuggling up next to him, "There's something I have to tell you."

"Hm?" he said, opening one eye to look at her. He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her into him. "What's wrong?"

She flipped a few strands of hair behind one of the ears that sat perched on the top of her head. "Well, nothing's actually wrong, but something happened while you were gone that I think you should know about. At first, I wasn't going to tell you, but I know I'll feel horrible if you didn't know about it."

His other eye opened. "What is it?"

Looking down at the yukata that covered her, she shook her head to clear it of anything that would keep her from telling him about the offense. "Miroku... kissed me. It's obvious that he still loves me, so --"

"He WHAT?" the hanyou growled, sitting up straight. "I thought we had a fucking understanding!"

"Wait... what?"

Inuyasha rose to his feet and hastily snatched his clothes from the ground. Dressing quickly, he mumbled under his breath about what he planned to do to the monk once he got his hands on him. Sango dressed as well, all the while worried about what Inuyasha would do. She knew that Miroku could really get hurt if Inuyasha got mad enough, but she couldn't keep something like this from her mate, no matter how he'd react to it. However, there was one thing that she wasn't quite on board about. An understanding between the two males? What was that about? She decided that she would ask about that later. Right now she would focus on keeping Inuyasha from killing Miroku... maybe.
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AN: Okay then. I hope you enjoyed the above text. I placed a good number of set ups for later on, so the following action won't be dull, I assure you. Anyway, review if you can, and... look out! Chapter Eight will creep up sooner than you think!