InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where the Sun Rises ❯ Storm ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
AN: Okay now, I arrive with Chapter Ten. Surely I won't go another three months without making an update. That was terrible of me; I apologize again. Well, enough of me. Enjoy and review if you wanna.

Where the Sun Rises
Chapter Ten:

"Are you serious? You mean to tell me that he's here?"

"Y-yes sir."

"How the hell could Nenmu have been right?" Yukito exclaimed. "How did he know that Lord Sesshomaru would be here?"

"Sounds like he was just saying that the Lord might show out of concern. I doubt he knew anything," Ryoma said, rolling around on the mat he was on. Finding a comfortable postion on his stomach, he continued, "Besides, why would he get privileged information like that and not tell any of us aobut it?"

Yukito shrugged as he began to pace the floor. "Maybe he wants us to get killed. That's why he didn't tell us Lord Sesshomaru was coming. If he did, then he knew we would try to prepare for his arrival. But by leaving the group and not saying anything, now we won't have enough time to do anything to save ourselves. But I've got his number, all right..."

"You aren't going to do anything!" Kazuki growled from his spot on the floor. "We are going to worry about Lord Sesshomaru when he gets here. And I agree with Ryoma, Nenmu probably didn't know anything. It's just a coincidence that he was right. Things like that happen, Yukito. It doesn't mean that we were set up."

"We'll see."

Heaving a tired sigh, Kazuki stood. "Y'know, dealing with you makes me exhausted, Yukito. I'm going to bed. That pest and his fighters should be arriving in the morning. We should all be getting some sleep so we can make this guy go away tomorrow. At the break of dawn, we are all going to be ready to kill!"

"You got it!" Ryoma said, clapping his hooves together. "We're going to get him."

"Exactly. See you two tomorrow morning," Kazuki nodded, trudging through the massive hallways to his room. Once Yukito was sure he was gone, he gave Ryoma a mischeivous look.

"Like I said, I've got Nenmu's number..."

Ryoma looked at his comrade suspiciously. "What are you talking about?"

"I don't think Kazuki is in his right mind. Of course Nenmu set us up. Coincidence? Yeah right."

"So what if he did? It's already too late, what are you doing to do about it?"

Yukito stopped pacing and grinned at his friend. "We are going to kill him."

"What? Are you serious?"

"Of course I am! If we are going to get killed my Lord Sesshomaru, why should our sabotager get off so easily? We are going to meet him again soon enough anyway, so why not make sure he saves us seats?"

"You are crazy!"

Yukito's evil grin widened. "I know."

Ryoma shook his head. "I'm not sure I want to go along with this."
"Sure you do. Nenmu set us up. Don't you want to get him back for it?"
"Yeah, I do, but what is Kazuki going to think about it? I don't think he'll want to do it."
Yukito rubbed his hands together. "I'm certain he won't. But that's why we are going to do it without him. In fact, let's do it tonight."
"Tonight? How do we even know where he is?"
"We'll find him. Leave it to me. Tonight, Nenmu's going to pay."

"Is that a drop of rain?" Kagome asked, wiping a wet spot from her cheek.
Inuyasha sniffed the air. "Yeah, that's rain. It smells like it's gonna be a storm. We should find shelter soon. I'm not gonna stand for anyone getting sick when we have boars to kill."
"Is there a village nearby? I don't think that there would be many places for us to go to escape the rain," Kagome said, wiping another drop from her face. "Unless we find a cave somewhere."
Miroku pointed through the trees to an upcoming clearing. "If there's rock close by, then we can just make a cave. That should work just fine."
A piercing squeal from Kira flattened the ears of the present demons. "Oh, my Miroku is so smart! He'll make a wonderful father!"
An eye-roll from Inuyasha showed his continued repugnance for the human woman, but he decided to leave her comment alone. "Miroku's right. Making a cave would be fastest, so keep your eyes open."
In optimistic silence the group trudged through the increasingly wet foliage until they reached a clearing bordered by a small river with a wall of rock behind it. "It's good that we didn't have to go too far," Sango said, shrugging her shoulders. "So, how are we going to hollow it out?"
Inuyasha and Sesshomaru stepped forward. "I'll do it," Inuyasha said, eying his brother.
"No. I will take care of it."
"No, I don't want you to dirty your special royal clothes. I'll do it."
Sesshomaru glared at him. "Watch your tongue. Now, step back and let me do it."
As the brothers clamored on, Sango slapped her forehead with her palm. "Why did I even ask?"

"So, he's supposed to be here?" Ryoma whispered, huddling closer to Yukito.
"Yeah. He should be close."
"I still don't know about this."
Yukito looked over his shoulder at his accomplice. "He needs to pay for what he did. And besides, we'll make it quick. Stab him a few times, cut his throat, and we're gone. Easy as pie."
"Still, I don't know --"
"Shh! There he is!"
Through the dark trees Nenmu could be seen starting his fire for the night. He had two sticks in his hooves and rubbing them together feverishly, trying to create a spark. He had positioned a thicket of leaves over his camp to block out the drizzle of rain from above, and even expanded the thicket a little beyond his camp border. Next to his hind hooves lay a small pile of berries that were to serve as his dinner. The fire was for comfort and heat; he had nothing to cook over it. Finally a spark shot out from the sticks' friction and caught on the pile of leaves he laid out for the fire. The leaves slowly began to burn, and Nenmu nodded in satisfaction. He sat down next to the fire and started his dinner.
"Let's go," Yukito whispered, slowly drawing closer. When he was just beyond the trees in Nenmu's view, he signaled Ryoma to be ready. "On three, we rush out and attack him. Got it?"
Ryoma nodded uneasily, but didn't protest. Upon the three count, the pair ran from the trees and into the camp. Ryoma seized Nenmu and pinned him to the ground as Yukito stood over him. "Ryoma? Yukito? What are you doing here?" Nenmu panted, bewildered.
"We are here to make you understand that you can't sabotage us and live," Yukito said, drawing the blade he was concealing.
"What are you talking about?"
Tightening his hold on him, Ryoma said, "we know that you set us up. We know that Lord Sesshomaru is approaching with his brother."
Shaking his head, Nenmu tried to struggle from Ryoma's hold. "I didn't do anything! What does Lord Sesshomaru being here have to do with me?"
"You knew that he was coming! That's why you left, " Yukito said, gripping the blade tighter. "You told him to come and then left us like you were being cautious. But we saw right through your act, and since Lord Sesshomaru is here to help his brother kill us, then maybe we should all die together."
"What! Are you crazy?"
Kneeling in front of his victim, he whispered, "you know, you are the second person to ask me that tonight. If so many demons think that I am crazy, then maybe I am."
Ryoma looked up at Yukito, stared back at him with a devilish smile. "Maybe Nenmu's telling the truth."
"He's a liar!" Yukito growled, standing up straight again. "But that's okay. Before he dies, he's going to admit what he did. Lucky for me, I brought a little rope so we can tie him up. I'm going to hear the truth whether he voluntarily gives it up or not."
"Don't you think that you are going a little too far? You said that we were going to kill him and then we'll leave. You never mentioned tying him up and torturing him."
Upon hearing the word 'torture', Nenmu began to struggle even more. "P-please let me go! I didn't do anything, I swear! Please let me live!"
Growling low in his throat because of his comrade's reluctancy to further his plan and his victim's cries, Yukito made a decision. "Fine, we won't torture him. Besides, if we're gone too long, Kazuki will find out that we left."
"You mean that Kazuki doesn't know you're here?" Nenmu asked, abandoning his cries of release.
"Shut up! I'm growing tired of you, so to make this quick, I'll just slit your throat."
Nenmu's whimpering and squirming continued as Yukito approached him with the knife. He forcefully threw Nenmu's head back and swiftly brought the blade down on his neck. A loud gurgling sound was heard, but soon after, there was only silence. Ryoma let go of Nenmu's arms and the still body slumped to the ground. The stray drops of rain wiggled their way through the protective thicket and onto the dead body of the former captain. A few moments later, the thicket completely fell apart, leaving the two remaining boars exposed to the hardening rain. Despite the rain, both of them stayed where they were in silence. Neither one knew what to say; they had just killed a demon they had known for many years. Finally, Ryoma found the legs to stand, and said somberly, "maybe we should bury his body before we go."
Yukito shook his head, flinging raindrops from his skin. "Why? No one's going to bury us when we die. He's no one special. Let's go. I don't want Kazuki to worry."

"Wow, it's really coming down," Sango said in awe, standing at the cave's entrance, staring out into the blanket of rain. "I wonder how much longer it'll be raining like this."
Coming up behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist, Inuyasha said deeply, "Y'know, if we were alone the rain would be the last thing on your mind."
"I know," she replied, and the pair chuckled together. He lightly kissed her neck, and she gently stroked his cheek. "But that will have to wait until later."
He grunted in acknowledgement as he nuzzled into her neck, continuing to lightly kiss the small insignia that contrasted against her light skin. "I can't wait until all this is over. And when it is, I will order construction to start on building your castle. It will have everything Sesshomaru's does but better."
"Better, eh?"
"Of course. He will be jealous of our castle and he will have to add wings to his to make it better."
She laughed under her breath. "Yeah, I can imagine him being jealous. It's a little scary."
"I agree. But it's gonna happen. You just wait and see."
Clearing his throat, Sesshomaru interrupted their conversation. "If you two weren't so busy laughing and sharing secrets, then you would have noticed that there are demons approaching."
Releasing Sango from his hold on her, Inuyasha stood next to her and they both sniffed the air. "Wow. He's right. I'm surprised I didn't catch that smell earlier," she said, crinkling her nose. "At least it isn't too strong. We can thank the rain for that."
"It's those damn boars. What are they doing, looking for us?" Inuyasha growled, placing a hand on his Tetsusaiga. "If they are, then I guess they can't wait to get chopped to pieces."
"I would suggest that you both get away from the opening. They could have demons aiming at you with a weapon right now," Sesshomaru warned, finally sitting down, coincidentally next to Kagome.
Sango took a few steps back, dragging a rubber-necking hanyou. "I can't see from back here," he whined.
"You'll see them soon enough," she told him, fingering a katana in her hand. "They might be searching for shelter from the rain, so they might come in here. Then they'll be right where you want them."
Inuyasha snickered. "Why would they want to come into a cave for shelter when they have a place to stay already? That doesn't make sense."
"We'll see."

"Is there a cave nearby or something? I don't like running in the rain," Ryoma asked, sprinting behind Yukito. "Besides, we aren't very close to home, so maybe we can find a place to stay until the rain blows over."
"Good idea, but I don't think there is a place we can go. But if you see one, let me know."
Ryoma nodded and continued running. His eyes scanned the terrain, but didn't see anything. A frown began to set in due to his disappointment of not being able to find anything. But it was erased when he saw an upcoming hole in a tall rock. "Hey, up ahead. Next to the river. I think that might be a hollowed cave."
Yukito squinted through the heavy rain to the point indicated. "Yeah, I think that's one. Let's try it out."
The two boar demons hopped over a few fallen branches and slowed to a stop next to a river. Yukito peered over the river to see that there indeed was a cave just beyond it. He turned over his shoulder and nodded to Ryoma. "It's good. Let's go inside."
With a great leap, they cleared the running water and landed in the entrance of the shelter. Ryoma shook his head wildly, flinging water to the ground. "That's better."
"It sure is," Yukito agreed, following suit in dispelling the excess water from his body. He groaned and sat on the ground of the dark cave.
"I can't believe you didn't notice all of us here," a voice laughed, just beyond the darkness.
Yukito leapt to his feet. He drew his blade and held it out in front of him. "Who's there?"
Slowly stepping into the dim light, Inuyasha appeared. He held his Tetsusaiga in his hand, and he didn't look happy. "Seems like we get to see each other a bit early. But I gotta be honest, I've missed you two. Especially you, Yukito."
"Why the hell are you here in this cave."
"Same reason as you," Inuyasha said, venturing closer to the trembling boar. Without his men around, he didn't seem too confident. "But I'm a little hurt that you didn't say you missed me too. Maybe it's because you don't want to make my friends jealous."
"Friends --?" Yukito asked, taking a step away from the approaching hanyou. "Who's with you?"
"Doesn't matter. You're fighting me... now."

AN: Yep, another one down. I've planned everything out. There are two more chapter slated for this fic, and then I'll be finished. I hope you all are enjoying this. Review if you like, and with any luck, Chapter Eleven should be out tomorrow. Damn job.