InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where the Waves Unfold ❯ The Letter ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha or any of the characters from the manga or anime.
Where the Waves Unfold
Oh the heavy water how it enfolds
The salt, the spray, the gorgeous undertow
Always, always, always the sea
Brilliantine mortality
British Sea Power
Chapter 1: The Letter
InuYasha slowly opened the bedroom door. Sango and Miroku slept soundly in each other's arms. He couldn't help but smile at his two best friends. You finally have her Miro, don't fuck it up. I'm really sorry you guys, I'm going to miss you. Goodbye.
He made his way downstairs, stopping in front of his parent's portrait. She makes me happy; I know you two would understand. He walked into the kitchen and placed an envelope on the table. InuYasha took one last look at his home, and then gently shut the door behind him.
~ *** ~
Hours later the morning sun forced its way into the guest room, rousing the young couple sleeping there. As is their habit during their summer stays with InuYasha, Sango prepared breakfast while Miroku meditated.
The tantalizing scent of eggs, rice, grilled fish and miso soup drew Miroku from his inter-mind. He silently came up behind Sango and slipped his arms around the young women's petite waist. He placed a trail of soft kisses down the slope of her neck. Sango moaned as she leaned back into his embrace.
"Where's Yash?" he mumbled into her neck.
"I don't know. I checked his room, but he wasn't there. Maybe he's in the lab. Could you go tell him that breakfast is ready?"
"Couldn't we just stay here like this?" he replied sliding his hand inside her shirt.
"Later hentai, the food is getting cold." Miroku let out a little whine, but complied. Sango prepared to set the table when an envelope caught her eye. It was addressed to both her and Miroku.
''You know, it's strange, I've never seen the lab that neat before." Miroku said as he walked through the back door. "He's not out there. Maybe he went to gather some specimens from the beach." He noticed Sango's preoccupation with something in her hand. "What's that?" She held it up showing him their names in InuYasha's neat script. "He probably had an appointment he forgot to tell us about." He took it from Sango and opened it. He was surprised at the volume of the letter, at least ten pages front and back. Breakfast forgotten, the couple sat at the table to read the note.
Dear Sango and Miroku,
I guess you're wondering where I am, well don't worry I'm all right. In fact I couldn't be happier. It seems that its time to come clean and reveal a long held secret. And no Miro I'm not gay, baka. Actually, my secret is a woman, a very beautiful and vibrant woman. Her name is Kagome and believe it or not I have known her since I was 13. I don't when or how it happened but somewhere along the way we fell in love and now she and I are expecting. I know you're kind of confused, as to why I disappeared over such joyous event; well it is a long story. So I will start from the beginning, as you know when I was 13 my parents bought this house. This was to be our summer home, and on my first night here I met a girl...
InuYasha woke suddenly. The clean ocean air filtered into room from an open window. He sat up and looked about the room. His suitcase was still on the floor with his clothes scattered about. He hated coming here, leaving his friends behind. InuYasha wondered what Sango and Miroku were up to when his ears shifted towards the window.
Soft laughter like the tinkling of bells floated into his room. Looking out into the night at the nearly deserted beach, he caught sight of a small figure moving along the sand and surf. Slipping on a pair of shorts and tee shirt, he crept downstairs and snuck out the back door. After he was safely outside he looked up at his bedroom window. “Damn, I could've just jumped it,” he berated himself as he walked towards the beach.
Hiding behind a large rock, he spied on the stranger. It's a girl, he though to himself. Her long black hair danced wildly around her head as she spun in the sand. An almost translucent pale green dress flowed up as she continued her game. But what held InuYasha's attention were her luminous blue-gray eyes, reminiscent of the ocean during a storm. Her scent drifted over him. She carried the freshness of cool water mixed with some exotic lily that he couldn't place. He inhaled deeply, finding it strangely intoxicating.
She continued to dance as the young hanyou slowly abandoned his hiding place. She remained unaware until he reached to touch her. She screamed and made to run, but his voice caught her attention. “What?” she asked.
“I said, I didn't mean to scare you. Don't go,” the silver haired boy asked. “I just wanted to know what you are doing here.”
“Nothing, why?” she asked nervously.
“My parents own this beach. I didn't know there were any other houses around here.”
“Ahh, I live further down the beach.”
“Well what are you doing out here so late?”
“Playing,” she said simply. “What about you?”
“I was…” I don't want her to think I was spying on her, even though that's exactly what I was doing. “I couldn't sleep and decided to take a walk.”
The girl looked at the boy, clearly unconvinced by his answer. Movement from on top his head caught her eye. InuYasha watched as her expression changed from disbelief to wonderment.
“Are those real?”
“Your ears. Are they real?”
“Yeah, what of it?” he narrowed his eyes, daring her to make fun of his hanyou features.
“They're cute. Can I touch them?” she asked, a light blush spread across her cheeks.
“Huh?” was all he could manage at the moment. She thinks my ears are cute. Before he could answer, she leaned forward and reached towards the top of his head.
The fluffy appendages escaped her questing fingers, flicking away. She moved closer and quickly grasped them before they eluded her again. A smile grew upon her face as she lightly stroked the warm soft tuft at the base of his ears. Just like a puppy, she thought. Slowly her fingers worked their way to the tips, only to move back down and lightly scratch the base.
InuYasha froze when she leaned closer. Only his parents stroked his ears and not since he was a child. He was about to protest against her intrusion, but an unfamiliar sensation swept through him. He felt himself lowering his head to give her better access, as warmth spread throughout his body. A light growl rumbled in his chest.
The girl jerked her hands away at the sound. Her startled movement caused her to lose her balance, as she fell forward against him. InuYasha stumbled backwards, losing his footing in the sand; he shifted taking the blunt of impact. She lifted up from his chest. He has amber eyes, she thought, momentarily lost. He stared at the girl on top of him. She blushed deeply and quickly crawled off him. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to… what I mean is…I didn't hurt you? Did I?” She stammered.
InuYasha sat up. She was flustered and he had to admit she was quite cute. He moved beside her. “Are you ok?”
“Yeah, I'm just a little clumsy at times,” she said, offering an unsure smile while tucking her legs underneath her body. “Are you alright? I hope I didn't hurt you when I fell or when...”
He looked at her completely confused. Hurt me? “What makes you think you hurt me?”
“You were growling at me.”
“I was?” He slightly remembered the rumbling sensation in his chest, while lost in her ministrations. He blushed lightly, embarrassed by the involuntary response, covering it up the only way he knew how: Denial. “Keh did not,” he said, folding his arms across his chest, turning his head from her.
“Did too, it was like…rrrrr”
He whipped his head around, to stare at the girl as she mimicked his growl. He found himself chuckling at her as she continued to imitate him. She smiled. “So you're not mad at me?” she asked.
He was surprised, to say the least. “For what?”
“For touching your ears without permission, sometimes my curiosity gets the best of me. I'm sorry.” She looked crestfallen, staring down at her hands folded on her lap.
He watched for a moment as sadness crept into her scent. He found that for some reason this didn't bode well with him. He strangely felt protective of her as the silence wore on.
The girl felt a clawed hand gently grasp hers. She looked up, startled by the sudden contact. He slowly lifted her hand to his ears. She tilted her head in confusion.
“Do it again. I liked it,” he said softly, as he felt heat rise in his cheeks from his boldness. I can't believe I'm doing this. But all thoughts flew out of his head as her fingers instantly went to work. She motioned for him to lower his head onto her lap. He was lost in her touch again, until her soft voice pulled him back.
“What's your name?”
“InuYasha, what's yours?”
“Kagome,” she said giving him a beaming smile. He felt butterflies erupt within his stomach. She looked out towards the ocean and he followed her gaze. That's how they stayed until the hour grew late and they parted for home. They promised to meet again the next night. As the young hanyou returned to his bed and drifted off to sleep, one name resonated in his head: Kagome.
First off, let me apologize to those of you who have read “The Shikon no Kakera Hunters” and “Yurreibanshi” I got lazy and lost sight of my goals with both those stories. When I went over them, I realized that there is a lot of editing issues that need to be addressed. But this story has been occupying my mind for quite a while (since 2006), and I feel I may not have any peace until it's finished. This story will be short; I'm aiming for no more then 6 chapters. The second chapter is already complete, but I wanted to see what the response will be to this one. This story was inspired by the song “Carrion” by British Sea Power, when I first heard this song this is vision that went through my head. Thank you for reading and if you get a chance let me know what you think.