InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where the Waves Unfold ❯ Chapter 2: Summer's End ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha or any of the characters from the manga or anime.
Where the Waves Unfold
Oh the heavy water how it enfolds
The salt, the spray, the gorgeous undertow
Always, always, always the sea
Brilliantine mortality
British Sea Power
Chapter 2: Summer's End
As the summer wore on we met almost every night. We would play among the dunes and swim in the moonlight. I don't understand why I never questioned our nightly ritual. It never occurred to me that we should meet during the day. Well, I guess that's not true during the daylight hours, I missed her. Everyday I would swear to ask her “why”, but as soon as I saw her all questions would be forgotten. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
The summer soon came to an end and before I knew it, it was time to go home…
The full moon hung high in the night sky when InuYasha left his house. His mood grew more somber as he approached the beach. I have to say goodbye tonight. He saw her as he came over the hill. He watched her for moment as she attempted to build a sand castle. Her voice flowed over him as she hummed some nonsense tune he had heard her sing before. Dusting the sand off her hands she examined the wall crumbling before her. Kagome growled in frustration, and InuYasha laughed catching her by surprise.
“Don't do that! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?” She huffed folding her arms across her chest. He jumped down and landed beside her.
“What the hell are you doing?” InuYasha asked smirking.
“Well I thought it was obvious. I'm building a sand castle.” Looking down at the caving creation, InuYasha gave her a skeptical look. “Oh, shut-up,” she said swinging at him.
He easily dodged it. “You know you're ugly when you're angry.”
“What was that dog-boy?”
“I said, you..” He taunted as she turned a dark shade of scarlet.
“That's it you're dead!” She growled as she pounced on him. They tumbled in the sand laughing and wrestling. Kagome would pin him and he would retaliate. He was amazed by her strength. Every time InuYasha had her, she would escape his grip.
They were both breathless when Kagome pinned him. “Do you give?” she asked pushing her weight down.
“Never,” he smiled.
“Alright you ask for it,” she grinned mischievously, as her hand slid down to his sides. Kagome's fingers danced against him, inflicting the dreaded tickle torture.
“No! Kagome stop!” InuYasha shouted between burst of laughter. “Alright, alright, you win! I give you little wench.” She smiled like sunshine, bathing him in her radiance. His heart started pounding in his chest, why does this always happen around her? Looking up at the girl he has come to consider his best friend, sadness shot through him.
Settling back on his stomach, Kagome watched as her hanyou's expression changed from amusement to melancholy. “What's the matter Inu? Am I hurting you?” She said as she started moving off him, but his shaking head gave her pause. “Then what's wrong?”
“You're lying.”
“No, I'm not.”
“Yes, you are. Now tell me what's wrong or…” A contemplative wrinkle etched across her brow. InuYasha couldn't help the soft smile that played on his lips; she's just so damn cute. He knew the moment the epiphany came to her, as her expression turned mischievous. “Or I'll pull your ears.”
“I told you already, you stupid girl. There is nothing wrong. Ouch! Cut it out wench!”
“Then tell me what's wrong! InuYasha no baka!” she shouted pulling even harder.
“Alright, alright,” As her hands left his sensitive appendages, he bucked her off of him. Causing her to land right into her doomed sand castle.
“You jerk, look what you made me do.”
“Damn it girl that really hurt.” The sulking hanyou muttered. The once soft white tuffs of fur glowed red in irritation.
“Oh, Inu I'm sorry. Are you ok?” Kagome reached out to stroke the pained ears, when they moved out of her reach, tucked against his head, hidden by his long white hair. She pulled her hand back and stared down at the sand covering her feet. As angry as InuYasha was at her, his concern over the alarming scent of her tears, took precedence.
“Why are you crying?”
“I'm not” she said followed by a sniff.
“Yes you are. Come on Kagome please don't cry.” Panicking he grabbed her hand and placed it on his head. “See, I'm not mad. You can rub them as much as you want, just don't cry anymore.” Without a word Kagome started stroking the velvety fur of his hanyou ears. A clawed hand wiped the tears off her cheek, than tilted her head, till stormy gray met deep amber. “You do know that your face gets all red and puffy when you cry,” he said displaying his trademark smirk.
“Will you tell me what's wrong?” Kagome asked, as she watched his cocky expression slide from his face. “Something is bothering you and you're my best friend so I want to help, if I can.”
InuYasha let out a long sigh, “I'll tell you on one condition, you have to promise not to cry.”
“Is it that bad?”
Kagome thought through her options, if she really wanted to know she had to promise. If the time she had spent with InuYasha has taught her anything, is that he is just as stubborn as she is. “Alright, I promise to try not to cry.”
“That's not what I said wench, you have to promise not to cry.”
“Fine! I promise not to cry.”
“Pinky swear?”
His voice softened, as he took on the past time of studying his feet as well, “alright…school is going to be starting next week.”
“So, why should that upset me?”
“Kagome, I don't live here all year round. My family and I are leaving tomorrow morning.” The hitch in Kagome's breath drew the hanyou's attention immediately, looking up at his companion, his heart broke. She kept her word; no tears fell, but her whole being radiated an air of devastation.
“You're leaving? Why? I thought you liked it here,” her voice wavered as her body began to tremble.
“I do like it here, and…um…I'm going to miss hanging out with you,” InuYasha stated looking away to conceal his red stained cheeks.
“What will I do when you're gone?”
“What ever you did before you met me.” Kagome's eyes drifted towards the rolling sea, with a deep shuttering breath she nodded her acquiesce. The young hanyou felt as though he had just missed something significant.
“Will I…ever see you again?”
“What? You crazy wench, of course you will. I'll be back next summer, my father just bought that house and intends on using it as often as possible. So, you won't get rid of me that easily, and you better be here when I get back.” Inuyasha replied, as he reached up and messed up the top of her hair. The girl gave a surprised shreak, and pulled away, only to find her best friend smirking at her.
“You promise,” she smiled “You'll come back.”
“Keh, would I lie?” Kagome tilted her head and brought her hand to her chin, exaggerating the act of thinking. “Oi!” The girl laughed, at his phony outrage.
“So what do we do now?” She asked while settling down into the sand, looking out at the ocean, Inuyasha sat beside her following her gaze.
“I don't know. I could help you rebuild your castle.” Kagome looked back at the sandy ruins of her masterpiece, but shook her in the negative. “Well, then what do you want to do?”
“Can we just sit here for a little bit,” she asked leaning into him and laying her head on his shoulder.
We sat sliently watching the water as the moon crept across the night sky, at one point my head found it's way to her lap, I still don't know what that wench's obsession is with my ears. My watch alerted me to the time, and I gave her a braclet made from my hair, hokey I know, but the way her eyes lit up, I will never forget. Kagome asked me to come back to the beach in the morning before I left; she wanted to leave me something to remember her by. It's funny, because I already knew I could never forget her. She gave me a kiss on the cheek, and I watched her as she disappeared among the dunes. The next morning I slipped away from my parents while they were packing up the truck, and ran down to the beach. There on a flat rock was a black beaded necklace, with intermitted fangs. I quickly don my new treasure and from that day forward never took it off. However, it wouldn't be until years later that I found out that the beads are black pearls and the fangs were from a Gogonasus believed to be extinct. I returned home changed.
Here is the second installment of `Where the Waves Unfold', I hope you have enjoyed it. Thank you to those of you who are reading this story, I really do appereciate it. And a special thanks to lovelyflip08, sutlesarcasm, inuandkags4evs, DelSan 13, DormySaz, and charlie for your wonderful reviews!