InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where there's smoke ❯ Where there's smoke ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

It is interesting to me that no one has ever really put InuYasha and friends in a fire-fighting situation. After the episode where he saved the little girl from the fire it did really surprise me. So, here is my little take on what would happen if one of them were a fireman.
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha or any of his little friends.
"Don't touch me!" Kagome screamed at Sesshomaru. They were fighting again. It was nothing new to the members of the fire department. Sesshomaru had tried to hug her, a seemingly normal gesture of affection. However, he was drunk, again. It was a drill night at the volunteer fire department. Kagome was so mad at Sesshomaru for being drunk again. She stormed out of the firehouse, slamming the door open with enough force to hit the wall behind it. For someone so small she certainly was strong.
Kagome was not someone to cross. She was a touch over five feet tall, dark obsidian hair with eyes to match and a temper that made grown men shiver. It seemed though that her boyfriend Sesshomaru was either critically stupid, or just didn't care that he made her mad most of the time. He was a player of the worst sort. Or at least he thought he still was. When Kagome had met him four years ago, she had tamed most of the wild player out of him. He would be brutally honest when he said that she was it for him, there was no other girl that he could fall for. However, he was still a wild creature. He was an Inu Youkai of course. Being a demon made him seem wilder than most men, but it also made him somewhat… dim-witted.
Sesshomaru contrasted Kagome in every sense of the word. He was well over six feet tall, broad shouldered and built with muscles to spare. His eyes were a beautiful gold color that would make any girl melt at his feet. His long silver-white hair had been cut long ago into a more appropriate style for his lifestyle. Now sporting an army cut with cute little elven shaped ears on his head made him look tough and distinguished, but almost feminine at the same time. Vicious fangs peeked out of the corners of his mouth when he spoke or smiled. The most important part to note about his demeanor is that even with all of his intimidating features, he DID NOT scare Kagome. That alone should have tipped him off that any battle he picked would not be won with his little love.
At the edge of the road, Kagome stopped to wipe the tears away from her eyes. How many times did she have to go through this with him? He was a little sensitive to alcohol and it turned him into a complete asshole. She hated it when he drank and the worst part was, he knew it. Miroku stepped out of the bay doorway of the station and up next to his hurting friend. He slung a supportive arm around her and was not surprised when she merely caved into his embrace. He started walking her away from the firehouse toward his fiancée's house where she could spend the night in relative seclusion away from the big jerk he called a brother in arms.
Sango opened the door to discover her obviously distraught fiancée with her best friend in his arms. He was mildly freaked out that Kagome had not stopped crying the entire walk home and he was at a complete loss of what to do. He was also somewhat concerned she was going to dehydrate from the amount she was crying, it was just unnatural. Sobbing harder now that she was in an arm's length of her best friend, Kagome flung herself at the confused woman. Stumbling backwards, Sango led her into the room to a couch she could sit on and explain what in the world was going on.
Miroku mutely followed the duo into the house as he just shook his head. It was going to be an extremely long night, and promises of a good day were not likely. When Sesshomaru woke up in the morning and remembered what he did the night before, hell was going to break loose until Kagome was back with him.
Sesshomaru, self-proclaimed Prince of Ice rolled over and groaned. Something was jabbing him in the back, the place reeked of smoke and cigarette butts, and his head felt like imploding. Just where the hell was he? He took a moment to scent the place better before his big golden eyes opened enough to let the morning light in. `Ugh' he thought, `I'm still at the firehouse'. That would at least explain the stench.
Upon rolling over, completely expecting it to be Kagome jabbing him in the back, he was surprised to find the spanner wrench to a hose. `Hmnnn' was the perplexed thought jabbing at his poor brain. He regretted the thinking, but there was so much of it to be done. Just where exactly was Kagome, and what the hell had he done last night? Normally when they would fall asleep at the firehouse, she was curled up on his chest, today; she was nowhere to be found. As he sat up and barely staved back the desire to evacuate the contents of his stomach, he uttered a one-word sentence, “fuck”.
Just at that moment, his smart-ass brother decided to waltz into the room housing the definitely grouchy Youkai. “I wondered when the fuck you were going to wake up” smirked the pup. “You sure done fucked up last night ya know” he yammered on, doing his best impression of a red neck, deciding to not noticing the look of death he was receiving from the older of the siblings. “I doubt Kagome will let you in the house for a week after last night's shenanigans”.
Sesshomaru could only groan. “What did I do this time whelp?” He was going on 600 years old, he was getting way too old to be acting like a pup, but he was still too young to care.
“Well, you got drunk again, tried to cop a feel, again, then just let her run out of here without going after her, again. And that's only for starters. I am going to love seeing the wrath of Sango brought down on your mangy hide when you try and get Kagome back from that house.” InuYasha just loved this too much. Any time he could see his aniiki in a situation like this, it just plain made his day.
Miroku often wondered what god he had pissed of in this life or a past one that decided to curse his life. There he sat, on his own couch, in his own home, with two women. Normally, any man would be overjoyed at the prospect of having two women all to himself. However, he was no normal man. His fiancée looked as though she might go on a murderous rampage at any second, and his best friend looked as though she had a quick run through the local automatic car wash. This was just going to be a messy day, and he wasn't looking forward to it. Damn Sesshomaru and his drinking. Damn him to the mighty pits of the hells.
Kagome was lying on the couch with her head in Miroku's lap. Normally this would be seen as a promiscuous situation, however, she was his best friend and the heavens help him, there was no way he was that numb in his head to lust after the girlfriend of a Taiyoukai. She was still crying over last night. `That damn dog had better get here soon.' Miroku thought. His girlfriend might go looking for him and kill him if Kagome wasn't there to stop her.
Finally there was a curt knock on the door. Miroku sent up a prayer to any god that he knew would care for dogs when he saw who it was. He was mildly shocked to see Sesshomaru look almost sheepish. The Ice prince never let anyone but Kagome see his emotion. It was… terrifying. Miroku could see that the effects of the alcohol and ensuing hangover had worn off. He was his own self again and with that Sango started in.
“You rat bastard. You mother fucking moron. You traipse in here at 7 o'clock in the morning and to do what may I ask? She will not be seeing you today, or any day for that matter. You and I will be talking however. Let me rephrase, you will be listening while I talk. You will mate her. You will treat her with the respect she has earned after four damn years with you. You will pass my test to ensure you are right for her. One wrong answer and you are HISTORY. End of story.” Sango positively had smoke and flames coming off of her while she lashed out. Her voice never rose past a dangerous whisper for fear she would startle Kagome. She knew he heard every word of it and may have even been mildly taken aback by the venom laced words.
However, he was not about to pass any test that she put him through. He respected the girl well enough, but he was in NO mood for her today. He had listened though when she had mentioned the mating. That was possibly the best idea any ningen had ever had in his presence that wasn't Kagome. He was done looking for a mate, what was he afraid of? The only thing to fear was fear itself, or at least that was what some president of the USA had once said. He was afraid of rejection, but damn it, even if she rejected him the first time, there was no way he was going to take no for an answer. Just try and see what it would be like to tell a nearly 7 foot tall demon no. HA, it was almost laughable.
Kagome was staring him in the eyes the entire time. She had puffy red eyes that were still letting tears seep out every now and then. Each tear cut him to the quick. She was suffering because of him again. Well, time to end that. He simply walked past the glaring duo of humans to his woman. He scooped her up in his arms with practiced ease and simply strode out of the house to his awaiting truck. He plopped her in the passenger side without a sound out of her. He buckled her in and shut the door. He tossed a look toward the open door to the house that said thanks, and got in himself to drive them home.
Their home was a large estate outside of town. He demanded the best and got the best. It definitely helped he was here long before any of the people in the small town had been born. It just made things easier. He pulled to a stop in the driveway. Their large home, built with the hopes of filling it one day with hordes of pups awaited their return. He was glad to be home, he had Kagome all to himself again and was ready to talk to her.
“Kagome, we need to talk. Come with me.” He held out a hand and she hesitantly took it. He pulled her into his arms again and carried her into the house. Jaken was thrown the keys to the truck without a word and the couple ascended the stairs to their private wing. He smelled salt in the air and deduced that another night of drinking had taken its toll on poor Kagome. `Poor girl, she deserves more respect.' The old toad thought as he walked out to move the vehicle.
Nudging the door to their room open with a knee, Sesshomaru settled his Kagome on the bed before removing both of their shoes and socks and depositing them away from the bed. They still reeked of the firehouse and he didn't want a distraction in his room from her enticing scent. He sat on the bed across from her and deliberated on what to say. Then he just started speaking about what was in his heart.
“Kagome, you are it for me.” He looked her in the eye, and seeing the look change to incredulity, continued on hoping she would believe him. “I love you more than anything. While Sango was kindly railing me for last night, she stumbled upon an idea that I want to entreat you to consider. She wants us to mate. I think that it is the answer to our problems. I have wanted to go through with it for some time and just feared your reaction. Please consider my request. I want you by my side for eternity. Please.” With that he sat back leaning against the foot of the bed rubbing his foot against hers.
She was quiet for what seemed like an eternity simply staring into his eyes. She seemed to be staring into is soul as she weighed her options. She loved him, no questions, she would be his mate, and she just wanted to let him stew for a few minutes. After what seemed like a year, she opened her heart to him. “ I love you more than life itself. I want nothing more than to be your mate. Please, make me yours.”
He deflated for a moment almost slouching as he let go of the breath he didn't know he was holding. She crawled to him intent on closing their deal with a kiss. After four years she had almost given up hope. But here he was professing his love and finally, she was going to be his, forever. His lips closed over hers as he pulled her to him cuddling her in his lap. He was content however, to take them both to the shower so they could cleanse the stench of fire from themselves. He wanted to wait until the crescent moon had risen to make love to his goddess. They would relax for the rest of the day and he would ensure she had her strength before night fell. It would be a long night for her.
~*~ Lemon Warning ~*~
There had been many women in Sesshomaru's past. He was a lord. They wanted his title. He never got close enough to one to want to make her his mate. He used their bodies for as long as was convenient for him, then continued on with other affairs. However, since he had met Kagome, he was celibate. They had never made love. He wanted her to be sure before he took her to his bed to mate. She was untouched. Of course there had been intimate times between the two of them. She knew pleasure at his hands, and mouth, and he at hers, but they had never made love. Tonight was to be their first time together, and he hoped he could keep it together enough to make it pleasurable for her. This would be a long night.
When Kagome stepped out of the dressing room in her nightclothes, Sesshomaru was already on the bed. He was reading a contract. He wouldn't let her know yet that it was the bonding ritual that he would recite to her before he marked her as his. He had written it himself when he met her, and was intent on finally getting to read it.
As she sat next to him on their large bed, he read to her from the paper. “Kagome, love of my life, completion of my soul, I found you on this day. You were so small and fragile, yet you beguiled me and there was never a question in my mind that you were the one for me. You are the one who will make me whole and the one whom I will mark as my own one day. We will live for eternity in the embrace of each other's love, and bask in the glow of our happiness as we watch the world go by. My love, I pledge myself forever more as your other half, the yin to your yang, and the love you dreamt about as a child. We will forever live together as one. I love you.”
He looked to her and watched as happy tears flowed from her eyes down her face. She took the paper from his hand and ran her fingertips over it as if to make sure it was real. As she read and reread the script, she held his hand and kissed the back of it letting her tears fall on his hand. She was too overcome to say anything other than what was in her heart. “Sesshomaru, I love you, and you are the love I dreamt about as a child. I will be yours forever and a day.” She leaned in and kissed his lips softly before turning and setting the paper on the stand beside their bed.
Now that his declaration was out of the way the fun was to begin. As she was turning around to face him, he took his moment and pounced on her. He was smirking at her small `eep' as he pinned her to the bed. Then his lips were on hers in a passionate kiss. After tonight there was no question as to whom she belonged to and who he belonged to.
His hands started to rove her body. The satin nightgown was so pleasant against her skin, but it needed to go so he could further explore her. In a movement faster than she could comprehend, her nightgown was slipped over her head and an appreciative male grunt was heard from above her. She had strategically decided to wear the thong she owned with white dogs on it. He smirked as he perused the lingerie, but alas those had to go too. He picked her up again and within seconds she was as naked as the day she was born. After another few seconds he was as naked as she was and they began to explore in earnest.
His head descended to her breast as he attacked it with a vigor that even surprised himself. It was like he was starved and the only way he could survive was to suckle from her breast. He nipped at one as he massaged the other. She was already in a pleasure-induced world of sensation. Kagome touched every part of his body that was in reach. She soothed down his arms only to rake back up them. She knew what he liked and enjoyed the rough treatment she was allowed to give him.
As Sesshomaru moved further down she lost touch of him. She was left gripping the top sheet as he assaulted first her navel where he plucked at her belly ring with his fangs before moving down to the neatly shaven nest that covered his treasure. He kissed down the inside of her leg, then back up the other, relishing the clench she had on the sheet and mewls that she emitted for him. He finally settled over her flower merely breathing on it for a time as she anticipated the first lick. He smirked as she tried to not buck her hips up to him; it was a rule he had started when they had their first intimate encounter. She was not allowed to buck into him, and the same was the rule for him. Finally, he couldn't take the scent anymore and dove in like a starving man. He separated her lips and licked her from her flower to her bud, eliciting a low near-growl from her. He repeated his motion again, this time when he reached the top, he growled lowly, letting it vibrate into her. She positively screamed, nearly deafening him. He would remember that for the future. He then went in for the kill. He lapped at her with more and more speed, adding first one finger, then two, then three. Hopefully he would stretch her out a little before he made his appearance. She was tightening unmercifully around him when he stopped, much to her disdain. She wouldn't have long to complain though.
As she returned to the earth, she noticed him smirking up at her. In return she rushed at him in a linebacker move and ended up on top of him. His more than hardened member resting against her dripping flower. He shut his eyes and groaned at the feel of her so close. She was going to repay his favor. She worked her way down his body, emulating his treatment of her body, starting at his nipples and working her way down. She paid special attention to the markings along his hips, close to his member, but not nearly close enough. He growled, and she giggled, giving herself away as the tease she was. Finally, she rested over his manhood, breathing on it in short pants. He struggled to not buck, but lost the battle. As his hips rose of the bed, she caught him in her mouth, and he groaned in satisfaction as she paid homage to him. She nipped and teased until he thought he would explode, then he pulled her up flush to his body and kissed her hard.
He flipped them so he was on top. He again loved her breasts. As she lay back enjoying the attention, he positioned himself so that he was between her legs and able to rub himself against her to moisten his enlarged member. Moving back up to her mouth, he kissed her hard. He explored her mouth and imitated what he was going to be doing shortly with his body. He pulled back and looked her in the eye, not speaking a word. She nodded. He kissed her hard again, this time plunging himself in fully, it was easier this way. She squirmed as he broke her virginity, and tears rolled down her face. She was in pain and he stayed still. She was so tight and hot he shut his eyes and let them roll back in his head. God she was so hot. If he moved right then, there was a good chance that he would lose himself and come long before her.
He wouldn't let that happen so he stilled for a good five minutes before she moved and let him go. He slowly started to slide in and out. A maddening pace for sure, but he wanted her to adjust as well as she could. Finally, she moaned in his ear, “Faster, please, faster”. He complied grinning. He started faster and harder, grinding into her, feeling her tightening around him. She was closing in on her orgasm, and so was he. He sped up again, lowering his head to her pert peaks, and sucked. Kagome meanwhile was squeaking her approval as her stomach tightened. When she couldn't take it anymore, she let go and let out a long groan announcing her climax. Sesshomaru watched her face, and as she groaned he bit down on her neck and let his own orgasm go. It was mind numbing and the blood was delicious. He had never felt so good, or so drained.
He let out a small puppy-like whine, and rolled, situating her on his chest as his body refused to let her go. He would let her stay there all night, not letting go. If she moved, she would only stir his manhood again, and it was not an idea he didn't like. But for now, she had passed out on his chest and he laid in wait of her eyes to open again. His life had just gotten better as he looked down to see the crescent moon shape appear on her shoulder where he bit her. She was his as he was hers. Next time around, she would have to mark him in some manner, but that could wait until she was ready to have another go. Now they needed to rest, the night was still so young.
Whew, that was hot. Glad the fan is on! Hope you enjoyed, it was my first Sess/Kag fic. Read and review!