InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where Will You Go ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Where Will You Go?
Summary:Kagome finally realizes that sometimes things dont go the way you plan...and some time telling people the honest truth helps aswell...Kikyo and InuYasha both get whats coming
Rating PG13
Lyrics..Evanescence: Where Will You Go?
<You're too important for anyone
You play the role of all you want to be>

"Kagome what took you so long?" He seemed to sigh
"I was helping Gramps with the cleaning. Gotta problem?" I sorta snapped I didn't mean to so I continued. "Why ...didya miss me?"
"Yea" he sorta coughed I knew I wasn't supposed to hear it but I did and I couldnt play it off like it wasnt heard.
"Really what?"
"Did you really miss me?"
"I uh...."
"Well ..."
"Oh I see you only miss me because I remind you of Kikyo and now that she's gone I'm all there is" I was pissed I know it showed
"Kagome its not like that,...."
"I know wanna wish her back ...well you can when the shard is complete but until then forget it."

<But I, I know who you really are
You're the one who cries when you're alone>,

"KAGOME , DAMNIT LISTEN TO ME, I MISSED YOU NOT HER" he shouted in my face and ran off.

<But where will you go
With no one left to save you from yourself
You can't escape
You can't escape>

I stand in utter awe. 'He didn't just say that?'
I wanted to shout his name but I couldn't force myself to.
I begin to chase after him.I know I won't be able to catch up to him. InuYasha please wait for me.
After at least an hour of running I find him sitting next to the lake.
"InuYasha ...why did you run away ....from me?" I look almost pained.
"Leave Kagome"
"What ...why?"
"You shouldn't be here .."
"InuYasha ...why?"
"Just do as I say"
"I want to know whats wrong...why did you leave me"
"I didn't want to face you"
" I that repulsive? Do I make you that sick to be around me?" I almost begin crying
"No " he says simply as to answer all my questions

<You think that I can't see right through your eyes
Scared to death to face reality
No one seems to hear your hidden cries
You're left to face yourself alone>

"No Kagome. Your'e the most beautiful person in the world and I always want to be with you. I just didnt want to face rejection"
"InuYasha .I would never reject you..I just... wish you would have said something sooner"
"What ..your'e allready with some one else? Is it Kouga?..Hojo"
"No noone ..."
"Then you don't love me the way I love you"
"InuYasha I.."
"I see its because..."
"DAMNIT INUYASHA ...ITS BECAUSE THE JOURNEY IS ALMOST OVER AND ..." I stop for a moment to whipe the tears away and continue" .I know ..we can never be together"
"Kagome...why not?"
I can't even answer I just run....I hated to realize the truth but thats just it...thats the truth. we cant

<You think that I can't see right through your eyes
Scared to death to face reality
No one seems to hear your hidden cries
You're left to face yourself alone>

"KAGOME WAIT" he shouts but I keep running
I run for endless periods of time.
I cry so I can't see but I persist in running as far as I can.
I can't believe he would wait and tell me when he knew I would leave soon.
InuYasha sat in that same spot till he came to a conclusion.
"I have to find her...I have to keep her here." that was all he said before taking off.

<But where will you go
With no one left to save you from yourself
You can't escape the truth>
InuYasha had caught up to me in no time as usual.
"Kagome please...we can make it work cant leave"
"InuYasha we live in different times we can't " I rush saying before jumping into the well for my time .
I run into my house.
"Kagome dear whats wrong"
"Its InuYasha he keeps making it impossible for me to move on"I scream in one breath.
"Kagome did you ever think you're with who denstiny has fated you to be with?"
"Mom we can't ....we live in two different times would never work" now I know I'm crying
My mom pulls me into a tight embrace. "Kagome...its ok sweetie...just worry about it when it comes time....dont worry yourself over it now"
"Mom....I'm afraid"
"Of what dear?"
"Of falling so deep that the only way out is to get hurt.....I love him allready I can't bare to lose him....and if I get anymore attached....I'll ...die"

<I realize you're afraid
But you can't abandon everyone
You can't escape
You don't want to escape>

"Sweetie if its'll work."
" Right.....thanks mom" I began crying.
I gave her a hug and went off.
************************************************************************ *
InuYasha was waiting on the other side of the well.
"Kagome...your back early" he said shocked
"What you didn't want me back?" I was hurt
"No I just thought I'd have more time..."
"Time.." and then I begin to think ...'Time..its only a matter of time before its over' and I continue with that thought. " ..look we just need to get the remaining shards..."
"And after that?"
"After that...I uhh..."
"We go back to normal?"
"Do you...want to?" he asked.....I couldn't tell how
And as fate would have it Kikyo came,,,
"InuYasha...I see you want to live with want me to leave....
ok then I will can go now..Im going for a walk"
"Kagome ...please"
"InuYasha ....all I wanted to say was I love you and I'm afraid of what happens next......even though I allready know"
"What's that supposed to mean Kagome?"
"You should....know" I try to choke back a cry.
I ran off as quick as I could to leave him with Kikyo.
************************************************************************ **********
I ran to the Goshinbuku as usual when I upset....
My mother was right..if it was meant it'll find its own way.....although Eerie once told me that opportunity doesnt always knock...sometimes you gotta kick that door down and pounce it in the street.....or something like that...

<I'm so sick of speaking words that no one understands
Is it clear enough that you can't live your whole life all alone
I can hear you in a whisper
But you can't even hear me screaming>

I have to go back...I have to tell him exactly how I feel...I have to tell Kikyou to go to hell and stay there.
************************************************************************ **********
I run up on InuYasha and Kikyo....their just talking....
Hmmm oh well still need to say it.
"Kagome you're back!!" he said happily
"Shut it lemme say this..before I lose my nerve."
"YOU INSOLENT WENCH DON'T YOU DARE SPEAK TO HIM LIKE THAT" Kikyo yells at me and before InuYasha reacts...I do
Kikyo looked at me in uder awe....
InuYasha looked at me slightly....confused
"InuYasha l Iove you.....and I wanna stay here but only if its with and noone else."
"And Kikyo has got to go no sneaking around with her"
"And....why are you so agreeable?"
"Because I want it too"
"Really ..."
"Yes...didn;t I make it clear?"
"Well not really"
"Well I am now"
He leaned in a kissed me . passsionately ,....thank goodness it was my first kiss..i swear if he knew I had held out for him...he might have laughed.I also just realized Kikyo was there for our kiss...and left of course...

<Where will you go
With no one left to save you from yourself
You can't escape the truth>

He began chuckling for a moment
"Whats so funny?" I am annoyed...maybe...he...yep he knows
"What were you so nervous for?"
"I uh...."
"That was my first kiss ok" I laugh turning away from emmbarrassment before saying...."I know you don't understand seeing your was probably with Kikyo,
"I never kissed kikyo....and why do you automatically assume that I did?"
"I don't know you two were always together and well.....ya know what this isnt worth fighting over," I say leaning into kiss him again.
He grabbs my arms and holds me away..
"Yea lets not fight..just talk about that" he says sternly
"Seriously do you think im the kinda guy to just mess around with every woman who comes into contact with me? Cuz I'm not Kagome..."
"I know I just..."
"Just what....dont trust me Kagome I waited along time for you....I realized Kikyo wasnt meant for me when I met her but when I met you I realized you were ...? "
"How did we get into this.??? " I say crying slighlty
"You brought it up"
"That one comment Kagome..."
"Fine then I'll never say anything to you again if it keeps going back to Kikyo....waite why are we even fighting ...I just told you I loved you damnit and then we get into a fight.." Im shaking my head,

<I realize you're afraid
But you can't reject the whole world
You can't escape
You won't escape
You can't escape
You don't want to escape>

InuYasha grabbs my arms before I can leave..
"Your right I dunno what came over me I'm sorry ...I love you Kagome"
I didn't reply
"Uh Kagome this is the part were you say 'I love you too"
"I'm sorry InuYasha but if your going to pick simple fights ...then I have to leave...I love you dearly InuYasha but I can't deal with this"
I walk away ...
He stares at me confuzed as I walk away./
I look back for a second then jump down the well

<Yeah yeah
Yeah yeah
Yeah yeah
Yeah yeah
Yeah yeah>