InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where You Are ❯ Returning Home ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I own nadda.

The Ring Stone

"Yes. Yes. Yes. No, there's nothing to worry about. Yes, I'm sure of it; they'll be out of the way by the end of the week…"

Inuyasha's conversation was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Okay. Bye," he spoke into the telephone before putting it down and bidding whoever had just knocked on his door to enter. "Come in."

A man in a black suit stepped in still thanking one of Inuyasha's men for having showed him in. Then turning towards Inuyasha, as the bodyguard closed the door behind him; he spoke shaking Inuyasha's hand, "Thank you for seeing me Mr. Yamato. I'll only take a minute of your time. I would first like to express to you my most sincere condolences for the loss of your great aunt."

Inuyasha frowned, not knowing what the man was talking about, but nodded all the same, playing along to see what this was all about. He casually accessed the man before him, taking in everything from the man's graying hair to the expensive Cartier watch the man was wearing on his right hand.

The other man, taking Inuyasha's nod as a sign to go on, introduced himself and stated his business. "My name is Yuhi Kotobuki and I was sent here by your great aunt's insurance company, she made you and your older brother her heirs." (I'm not sure they're the ones who take care of the wills but let's just say they are.)

When Inuyasha said nothing the man continued in a business-like tone, "Now, in order for you and your brother to receive this inheritance you must return to your great aunt's home town in Mito to retrieve it. There some conditions however. To get the inheritance you must also attend your great aunt's funeral and promise not to sell her home in Mito."

"What if I refuse to respect the conditions?" Inuyasha inquired.

"Then the inheritance will go to someone else."


"I'm sorry sir but that information cannot be revealed. Will you accept?"

Inuyasha leaned back in his chair taking and took a deep breath before answering the man. "Yes. My brother and I will attend the funeral."

"Very good sir," Kotobuki said rising form his seat. " Thank you once more for your time. I'll see you again then. Goodbye."

The man left leaving Inuyasha with his thoughts.


"Hey fluffy. I have to talk to you." Inuyasha said as he entered his older brother's usually dark bureau.

"You could have knocked," was the reply.

"Whatever, did you know aunt Suzumi was dead?"

At the mention of the name of the woman who had been a second mother to him and his brother, Sesshoumaru's head jerked up, "What did you say?"

"I'll take that as a no. She's dead," Inuyasha, repeated still unable to believe it.

Sesshoumaru's face, after that brief display of emotion, had returned to stone. "How did she die?"

"I don't know any details. All I know is that we have to go back to Mito for the funeral. And that she made us her heirs."

"When do we leave?"


Inuyasha looked out the window, remembering the summers he had spent at Mito.

~Dream sequence~

"Hey, Inu, what are those stones? Do you know?" Asked a raven haired little girl.

"They're marriage stones." A thirteen-year-old Inuyasha answered.

"Really? I wonder how they did it."

"Want me to show you?"

Inuyasha saw the girl blushed a little at the look he was giving her, but nodded just the same.

"First you're supposed to run around the Ring Stone nine times. Come on," he said pulling her along.

"One two…eight, nine!" They counted together as they ran around the stone laughing.

"Now we have to join hands through the stone. Give me your hands through the hole."

As soon as they linked hands, Inuyasha felt the electricity begin to flow between them. He gripped her hands a little harder and leaned in to kiss her. He could feel her tremble too, they were promising each other something here, and he knew it would last forever.

"I love you, Kagome. I love you."

~End of dream~

His older brother, who had shaken him, waked Inuyasha.

"We've arrived little brother," Sesshoumaru said impassively.

"I guess it's time for us to face the past," Inuyasha said more to himself than anyone else.

A/N: Like it? Hate it? Review!

P.S.: This is going to be a really short fic.