InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Which Me Do You Know? ❯ One Angry Kikyo ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ch. 8: One Angry Kikyo!
The next day at school, Inuyasha sees Niruko in the hall; he strolls towards him and gives his rear end a quick caress when no one is looking.
“Hey,” Inuyasha greeted him.
“Hi Inuyasha,” Niruko answered sheepishly.
“So…how'd you like the movie last night?” Inuyasha asked.
“It was really good.”
“I thought so too. It was completely erratic…tons of intense moments…really enticing,” whispered Inuyasha. Niruko giggled at the fact that he knew he was talking about their sexy kiss - not the movie.
“How's your first day been so far?”
“Well, I don't know anyone but Hojo…I've gotten lost at least a dozen times…and a bunch of jocks locked me into one of the stalls in the locker room at gym. Sadly, the coach had to get me out, while I had nothing on but my underwear.”
“I was wish I was coach…I wouldn't mind seeing you in your underwear.”
Niruko blushed.
“Next time, if those ass holes even look at you wrong, I'll beat them so hard they'll be shitting out their fake, macho attitudes.”
“No problem. There's supposed to be this really awesome party on Saturday. Got anything goin' on?”
“You mind going with a certain fatally attractive, puppy-eared guy?”
“Well…I suppose I could.”
“Where you do you live? I'll pick you up at eight.”
“Should I bring a cover?”
“No, my parents know I'm gay.”
As time went by, Inuyasha couldn't stop thinking about Niruko. I'm not in my dark mood, but yet I was really attracted to him! Does this mean that I'm really gay!? Inuyasha thought. He's everything I could ever want in a girl: innocent, charming, smart, funny, edgy, and beautiful. Niruko's just like an angel. All my other girl friends were kinda on the trashy side, except for Kikyo.
A lump welled up in his throat; the thought of hurting her always filled him with guilt and pain. That's right! What about Kikyo! If she finds out that I have boyfriend, we'll never get back together. I mean, I really love her, but I'm so attracted to Niruko.
“Inuyasha, Inuyasha, INUYASHA!” Sango shouted.
“Um, yeah?”
“Are you alright? You hardly touched your food,” said Sango.
“Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just thinking that's all.”
“Thinking about your new boyfriend…Niruko?” Miroku asked. Inuyasha blushed.
“Yeah…I really like him. I mean, he's perfect, he's everything I've also wanted in a girl,” Inuyasha informed. “I just don't know why I'm attracted to him. I'm not in my dark mood.”
“Maybe you're just feeling what your heart wants you to feel. I mean, your heart doesn't go the outside or gender; it goes by how you really feel,” said Kagome.
Inuyasha smiled. “I guess you're right.” Although he was attracted to Niruko, Kagome had everything he wanted in a girl too: she was innocent, edgy, smart, funny, and beautiful. He was really confused.
__________________________ 7:50 PM ____________________________________
Feeling confident, Inuyasha strolled up to the house that Niruko had told him. It was a big house, it wasn't a mansion, but he could defiantly tell that Niruko's parents were people to be held in very high regard. He knocked on the door and waited for an answer. When Inuyasha saw the door to open, he straightened up a little. A woman who was probably Niruko's mother answered it.
“Hello, you must be Inuyasha, come in. Is that your car!? It's beautiful!” The woman exclaimed.
“No mam, that's my elder brother's car,” Inuyasha answered. “I'm fifteen so he's driving, along with his girlfriend.”
“Tell your brother to come in.”
Inuyasha did as he was told and Sesshomaru and Kagura entered the house with Inuyasha. Kagura was only posing as Sesshomaru's date because Inuyasha said parents liked their kids to double date better.
“I'm Eyame. My husband Kiroku will be out here in a minute. Just called us by our first names.” They shook hands and Inuyasha introduced Sesshomaru and Kagura.
“Oh, there you are old man; this is Inuyasha, Sesshomaru, and Kagura. This is my old, old, old, husband.”
“All these young one's are taking out our son, dear?”
“No, just Inuyasha. His brother and girlfriend are going with him.”
“Okay. It's nice to meet you young man, Niruko should be down any minute,” said the father while shaking Inuyasha.
“It's a pleasure to meet you too sir.”
Look at him…he is acting as some innocent loner, Sesshomaru thought. Very smart, Inuyasha. He grinned as he glanced at his little brother. Mr. Kiroku glanced out the window and said,” “Gorgeous Mustang. What is that, a '69?”
“Thank you, yes it is a '69,” Sesshomaru answered.
“1969, about as old as you,” Mrs. Eyame said to her husband.
“I beg your pardon,” he replied back.
“That car maybe older than you, and I, but its years sure don't show with that wonderful paint job, unlike you my dear.”
Inuyasha's laughed seized when he saw Niruko coming down the stairs. Inuyasha wanted to have him right then and there. He had on a semi-formal black shirt, with long, fishnet arm warmers, his nails were painted black, his hair looked great, he had in piercing, he wore black eye liner, and he smelt enticing.
When he noticed that Inuyasha was starting at him, Niruko blushed.
“There you are dear. Your poor dear old father is getting cranky, it's a bit pats his bedtime. You two have fun, I'm going to go make him his warm milk,” said Mrs. Eyame.
“Eyame…I do not have a bed time, and I don't drink milk. I'm not your father, dear,” said Mr. Kiroku.
“What have you got against my father?” She asked.
“We need a divorce…”
You need a botox injection…”
“Seems I'm not alone on that one.”
“Mom, we got to go,” said Niruko.
“Alright then, call me when you're on your way home.” Inuyasha and the rest filed into Sesshomaru's car.
“That is the last time I'm ever posing as your girlfriend,” said Kagura.
“Why, it is not like you had to do anything,” said Sesshomaru.
“I know…but it's just so weird.”
Sesshomaru was driving, Kagura was sitting in the passenger seat, and Inuyasha and Niruko were in the back seat. Inuyasha gently took Niruko's hand within his own.
“Yeah, baby?”
“Do you think the people at the party are going to stare at us because we're gay?” Niruko asked in a whisper, (although Sessh could still hear him I guess).
“I'm sure some people will, but I know for sure that there's gonna be plenty of gay couples there. I wouldn't have asked you to go if there weren't. I want to make you…as comfortable…as possible,” Inuyasha replied seductively before lightly kissing Niruko's hand.
The caress of Inuyasha's lips moved from Niruko's hand to his lips. Inuyasha gently massaged Niruko's lips with his teeth. Niruko's lips parted and they began a game of cat and mouse with their tongues. Inuyasha soon deepened the kiss and he unbuckled Niruko's seat belt, and swung him onto his lap.
“Sesshomaru…look at the kids; they're really going at it,” said Kagura, amused at the scene behind her.
“They're not naked are they?” Sesshomaru asked.
“Unfortunately not.”
“You are disgusting.”
“What your brother's hot and so is his boyfriend.”
Inuyasha placed his hands on Niruko's hips and lightly began thrusting his hips against Niruko's front. When Niruko responded with trusts of his own, Inuyasha deepened the thrusts.
“Pull your faces apart, we're at the party,” said Sesshomaru. Niruko hopped off of Inuyasha and got out. They all walked in to a huge foyer with tons of people loaded inside. Good rock music was blaring, flashing lights were so heavy that you couldn't see real well, and there was plenty of alcohol being passed around.
They saw Sango, Koga, Miroku, and Kagome.
“Hey. I see you brought your new boyfriend,” said Sango.
“Hey, I'm going to get some booze, stay here,” Inuyasha said to Niruko. He came back with a bottle of apple flavored vodka. He poured some into a cup and then filled the rest with cranberry juice.
“Drink this, its vodka and cranberry juice,” Inuyasha informed.
“Thanks…aren't you gonna drink any?” Niruko asked.
“I can't with the meds.”
“I don't drink in front of friends or boyfriends who can't.”
“Drink it, really. With the meds I already feel like I'm stoned.”
Niruko obeyed and he and Inuyasha started dancing. Niruko was grinding on Inuyasha and Inuyasha was ready to relive the hardness he was feeling.
As time went by, the group was having a great time. Sango and Miroku were dancing, Kagome was talking to some guy, Kagura was upstairs with someone, Sesshomaru was making out with a chick named Ayame he had met, and Niruko was drunk and amusing Inuyasha.
The drunker Niruko was, the gayer he got. Sadly the great moment was put to an end. Kikyo came charging up to Inuyasha with a scarlet complexion, and she wasn't blushing.
“What the hell Inuyasha! You're not supposed to be dating anyone!” Kikyo yelled. It was the wrong time to yell at Inuyasha; he was now in his dark mood.
“I don't want to hear, Kikyo. Go find someone and get laid. That's all you really want, isn't it?” said Inuyasha.
“Excuse me!? I want you, Inuyasha! I can't believe that you would do this to me.”
“Do what?”
“Cheat on me, again! You're supposed to be proving that you need me, not hitting on faggots!”
“What'd you say?” Inuyasha asked firmly.
“I said you're not supposed to be hitting on faggots! What are you, a flamer now?”
“Shut up,” Inuyasha demanded violently.
“No…I didn't know you were gay or bi…so, how's your little butt pirate in bed?”
“Kikyo…I'm warning you to leave, you're pissing me off.”
“Really? So does he have a prince Albert?” (That's a piercing down below on a guy, if you didn't know).
Inuyasha tenderly kissed Niruko on the lips, steeped away from him and shoved Kikyo eight feet back, and she fell to the floor.
“Inuyasha…” Niruko started shocked.
“She's a bitch.”
“Inuyasha, she may have been harassing you but you didn't have to push her. She got up crying,” Sango informed.
“I warned her to go away, but she didn't listen, so Despair took acre of her,” Inuyasha replied.
“Who's Despair?”
“The dark side of Inuyasha.”
“I like that name,” said the drunken Niruko. After they were all done with the party, Inuyasha called Ginko to ask if they could spend the night at his house, since Ginko's parents were gone. Inuyasha took Niruko home.
Acting as sober as he could, he asked if he could spend the night at a friend's house with Hojo. His parents called Ginko's older brother, who posed as a parent. When they approved, they drove their son to Ginko's house.
Ginko told Niruko's parents that his dad went to the store and that he would be back in a few minutes. When Niruko's parents left, Inuyasha and the gang came out of their hiding spot.
“Okay…Don't trash the house,” said Ginko's older brother and then he retreated to his room. Inuyasha and Niruko were busy making out and stripping off each other's clothes. Just when Inuyasha had Niruko naked and ready go, Niruko got a sudden urge to puke.
He held it in until Inuyasha carried him to the bathroom. Holding Niruko bangs out of his face, he watched at his boyfriend buried his head in the toilet and blew chunks. Inuyasha threw his pants on and put a towel over Niruko.
“Hey Miroku…”Inuyasha called.
“Get a glass of water, pepto, and aspirin and bring it here.” Miroku gave Inuyasha what he wanted and returned to playing video games with Koga. Sango had slapped him for groping her and was talking to Kagura and Kagome. Sesshomaru was with Ayame.
Niruko pulled his head out of the toilet long enough to take the meds and drink some water.
“I'm sorry,” said Niruko.
“Don't be sorry. I'm the one who let you get drunk. You're sexy when you're drunk,” Inuyasha said.
“Even when my head's in the toilet?”
“Of course…” Niruko smiled and continued puking. After Niruko had recovered, Inuyasha helped him put on his pants and Niruko fell asleep. For the rest of the night, Inuyasha and Kagome stayed up talking and getting to know more about each other.