InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Whimsical Wishing ❯ Chapter 1
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Story: Whimsical Wishing
Pair: Kagome x ? & Maybe Jakotsu x ?
Disclaimer: No own.
Chapter One
Desires of the Heart
"That last kill was delicious wasn't he?" said Jakotsu while he gingerly touched the edges of Jakotsutou with knowing fingers, teasing the blood that stained the sword. How beautiful the ruby colored liquid really was. When it was spilled on the dirty and welcoming ground. The remaining few members of the Shichinintai had come across an army ofwarriors marching their way to a battle.
The mercenaries had decided to relieve the massive group of men from their anxiety. Now the soldiers were no more as only dead bodies laid on the ground. A filthy stench of blood polluted the once clean and crisp air. The day had been quite lovely with a clear sky and chirping birds. If the Shichinintai had not struck, then all would still be at peace.
"I guess their opponents get a lucky break today. Anyways, the exercise was good."came the words from a smug looking Bankotsu. No remorse at all traced after his voice. The ruthless leader slung the massive Banryuu over his shoulder and started to leave the ground which was littered with decaying bodies. "C'mon let's get to where Naraku wanted us to investigate. He thinks there's another kakera up ahead." The other members consisting of Jakotsu, Renkotsu, Suikotsu, and Ginkotsu followed after him.
"Eh, kakera? Then maybe we'll even meet InuYasha!" an excited Jakotsu exclaimed, hands clasped accompanied by eyes of stars. Bankotsu who leaded the men studied the colors above the group. He raised a hand and shook it in the air to Jakotsu's display.
"We might. If we do, I'll kick his ass again." the leader sneered with excitement as he remembered the previous battle at Mt. Hakurei. "Not to mention that wench who purified my arm." Jakotsu pouted, his hands curling into fists.
"But I want to be the one to slaughter him! I mean with that little miko whore I don't care who kills her, but I-want-InuYasha!" Bankotsu shrugged at his comrade's reply.
"If you can find him first, he's all yours." Jakotsu sighed with his hands holding onto the sides of his face. If only he could be near that spicy inu hanyou every day. He wouldn't mind the seductive houshi either. Jakotsutou's master frowned deeply. Those two damn girls. The tajiya and miko shouldn't be allowed even to eat with InuYasha and the houshi! A sigh escaped his lips.
Oh that seductive hanyou, and how much he would enter the feminine man's sadistic mind. The first time Jakotsu's weapon had tasted the red clothed boy's blood, it desired for more. And before long thoughts intruded the undead man's mind. Visions of pleasuring himself by InuYasha and then cutting little slices on the body with tortorous pain.
That beautiful InuYasha...he then crossed his arms. If only I could be with him every single day!
"I told you, you can't survive in a battle by yourself for very long." teased heavily an inu hanyou. The offended girl dressed in a white and green attire grimaced at her dislike for those words that boy had spoken. She absentmindedly blew up her cheeks for a second or three before placing her hands on her hips.
"Well I'm sorry if no one else had the chance to get to the demon's leg where the kakera was, and that I managed to retrieve it!" Her enemy in the debate mimicked her actions and placed his own hands on his hips.
"You're always in danger all the time. Just at least try to survive on your own!" he said with a tint of advice. InuYasha then walked away, his silver hair billowing behind him. Kagome sighed. Her friend was only worried about her, and what he had a way it wasn't all wrong.
How would she get stronger though? Her eyes scanned the beautiful sky and her body studied the generous breezes. She put her hands together as if in a praying position as she closed her eyes in deep concentration.
Dear Kami-sama, if you're listening right now, please hear me out. I wish I didn't need savings like I do quite...frequently.
"What do you think Aphrodite-sama?" a servant with wings placed on her back questioned the great Goddess of Love. A royal chair turned around to reveal a woman with lovely purple eyes and hair, her sneaky smile not unnoticed.
"If those wishes are really the desires of their hearts, then let it be." the smooth and elegant voice spoke with no mistakes or second thoughts.
"Hai, Aphrodite-sama!"
If you have any ideas on the pairing thing be sure to review. And please do leave a review, I would love to hear how you think of my writing, really! Thank you for reading and please if there are mistakes, inform me if you will! Thank you and good night!