InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Whisk me away... ❯ Whisk me away... ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Whisk me away…
By Raine Shinto
Kagome lifted her slender body out of the old bone-eaters-well. She felt the rain pouring down drenching her school uniform. It was night and the stars shone dimly in the black sky. A small sigh escaped from her lips as she rummaged through the giant yellow backpack for an umbrella, she had packed earlier. Upon finding the article and opening it up, she began walking towards Kaede's hut. A distinct clap of thunder was heard overhead. Kagome jumped and quickened her pace. Every since she was a little girl thunder had always terrified her. A bolt of lightning stopped her in her tracks. Her mind blanked out as she silently screamed.
She felt her hands clench soft fur, and the wind nipping at her creamy skin. Opening her eyes she found herself flying on a giant white dog. A red cloud was formed at his paws. Her umbrella lay forgotten next to the lightning bolt crater in the ground. He soared lower and finally touched the cold ground. They had landed in a small clearing filled with lush greenery. She slide down off his immense back and landed in a disgruntled heap. The dog turned his head to look at her, his red eyes gleaming. Kagome gasped recognizing Sesshomaru's demon form. As another clap of thunder boomed she dove for the nearest object being the killing perfection Sesshomaru. Kagome could swear she had heard a chuckle rumble from the great dog but her fear of the storm clouded her mind.
Her body shivered uncontrollably as the wind whipped at her drenched body. She sneezed pitifully and clung to his long fur. Sesshomaru wrapped his fluffy tail around her trembling body sending an apparent message. Kagome's breath evened out as she sleep in a fluffy embrace. Sesshomaru watched as the woman-child slept serenely her black curtain of raven hair sprawled about her. Her long black lashes fluttered gently covering what he knew to be chocolate brown eyes. Foe became ally as the storm of the century raged on. And all the great dog demon and human priestess could do was wait.
Kagome awoke to a wet raspy tongue mulled her slim body over. She looked for the owner only to see the clearing deserted. The sun peaked over the horizon and last night's rain clung to the trees in glistening droplets. She balled her fists and stretched finding her body rejuvenated from her peaceful slumber. Stretching silently she wondered if the flight in the sky had all been a wonderful dream. As she turned to leave a small envelope caught her eye. Kagome poured out a small note. It read “Until we meet again.” A muddy paw print was sighed at the bottom. Feeling extra weight in the envelope Kagome pulled out a simple silver ring with a sapphire gem. Inuyasha came crashing through the clearing and pulled Kagome into a warm embrace. Even though no words were exchanged, it was clear Inuyasha was glad to see her. She slid the ring onto her nimble finger and smiled happily. Sometimes the best of dreams are real…