InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Whisper ❯ Whisper ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Summary : Kagome is suffering on the inside and InuYasha only keeps making it worse. This story was influenced by the song WHISPER by EVANESCENCE
Rating: R suicidal teenage type things.
Something Im dealing with right now
/ Catch me as I fall, say your here and it's all over now/

Kagome trudged trough the woods mournfully.
Sango had been suffering and she didn't know how to help her best friend.So she trudged on.

/Speaking to the atmoshopere, noone's here and I fall into myself/

She could still hear the mourning wails of Miroku as Sango whispered her final goodbyes and I love you's to them.
She desperately wanted to escape this horrid memory, but she couldn't go home as she usually would have.
Her mother had died of a massive heartattack while she was gone to the fuedal era.
Her grandfather had died a few months prior to the accident when Sota tripped on the train tracks and got caught as the train came by, decapitating his head.
This had all happend so soon she had never expected it.
First her mother, then Gramps and then her baby brother.

/This truth drives me into madness
I know I can stop the pain if I will it all away/

The only good thing was Kikyo had allready been slain by Naraku, finally that basterd had some use after all.
That was one imparticual death that noone felt remorse for, suprizingly not even InuYasha felt the slightest sympathy.
InuYasha, that was one person who remained by her side all the time, but all the time became lessend .
He managed to find away to get away from her.
Some how she believed InuYasha brought her back.
her suspisions were correct, as she found out when she trudged through the woods she heard the two un-mistakeable voices. she looked to see him with her holding her tightly

/Don't turn away
Don't give into the pain
Don't try to hide
Though there screaming your name
Dont close your eyes
God knows what lies behind them
Don't turn out the light
Never sleep never die/

'InuYasha' she thought crying heavily
"Kagome's here" she said smelling the air
"Kagome what are you doing here?"
"Leaving" she said crying
"Kagome wait!!!!!"

/I'm frightened by what I see
but somehow I know that theres much more to come
Immobillized by my fear
and soon to be blinded by tears
I know I can stop the pain if I will it all away/

She didnt reply but she left quickly
"Kagome I'm sorry please wait"
She stopped and turned around quickly
"Stop! I'm sorry please no your not!!!!
I have lost everything I have nothing to live for I thought I could live for you but no I can't because you love that damn claypot Kikyo and I can never take her place in your heart and I don't want to I want my own place"

/Don't turn away
Don't give into the pain
Don't try to hide
Though there screaming your name
Dont close your eyes
God knows what lies behind them
Don't turn out the light
Never sleep never die/

"Kagome what?"
"I saw , you wished her back, you were holding her, you love her. And not me. thats fine its not like I have no where to fucking go..oh wait I DON'T MY HOME WAS DESTROYED AND I LOST EVERYONE I EVER LOVED!!! AND IN BOTH WORLDS TOO!!!"
"Kagome I'm sorry "
"Your sorry? If you were sorry you would never have wished her back in the first place"
"No don't say my name........ever again."
She said walking away.
She ran and reached the forest , she grasped her knife that Sango had given her a while back.
She studied the texture of the blade and sheath.
The blade wa an amazing silver with inscriptions of "STRENGTH" on the blade.
The sheath was red and vlack with flames enclosing a heart and arrow. Sango said the arrow and heart reminded her of how Kikyo pinned InuYasha and the flames represented his love for Kagome rather then Kikyo.
she touched the tip making her finger bleed.
"Kagome please think about what your doing"
he said in a coaxing voice
"InuYasha I have thought about this for along time
and now it's over" she thrust the knife into her chest, letting out an earth shattering scream

/ Fallen angels at my feet
Whispered voices at my ear
Death before my eyes
Lying next to me I fear
She beckons me shall I give in?
Upon my end shall I begin
Forsaking all I've fallen for
I rise to meet the end/

"KAGOME!!!!!!!!!! WHY DID YOU DO THAT??? why did you let go? " he cried out

/Don't turn away
Don't give into the pain
Don't try to hide
Though there screaming your name
Dont close your eyes
God knows what lies behind them
Don't turn out the light
Never sleep never die/

"Inu...Ya...sha ....I'm"
"" she struggled to say
"I don't ....feel...any...more pain.....its all...over "
tears streamed her eyes and his aswell
"I love you Kagome" he whispered before beckoning the same fate to himself that both women had fallen for him.
Sorry yall sad story but I have had suicide on my mind allot lately any way had to let it out hope ya like