InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Whispers Behind Rice Paper Walls ❯ chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 2: A night in silken bedding.
The young youkai blushed.
If his Mistress had told him how this particular mission was going to turn out, he would probably have hesitated to flee screaming bloody murder. He was only a century old, for all kamis in Heaven's sake!!
But what his keen hearing was providing him with was in no way what his Mistress had expected. A deep moan of pleasure, followed by shallow pants, resonated in the room he was currently spying on.
The small canine youkai blushed again, and stifled a whimper. Perhaps they would speak... after? He had to stay. For his Mistress. For his pack.
§§§§§ ;§
In the meanwhile, in the Lord's chamber, a young miko was having fun. However, it was not the kind of fun any one listening nearby would suppose.
“Oooooooh Yes my Lord, just there... Ooooooh Please.... Nnnnnnghhhh....” she mewled, her pants and moans increasing in level and rhythm.
Wiping the sweat from her forehead and frowning in concentration, she looked at her partner in crime, namely the Western Ruler, stoic and Icy Daiyoukai, and blew a strawberry at him.
He smirked slightly, but his elegant clawed hands resumed what he was doing before the loud exclamation of his current bed mate had interrupted his activities.
'You are getting good at this, little miko. Who could have known?' He wrote.
She sneered at him.
“My Lord!!! Your cock is soooo big!! Please, allow me the honour to pleasure you with my unworthy mouth...” Her voice was muffled when she began to lick and suckle her little finger, purposefully choosing the smallest of her appendages in a direct jab to his male pride, staring at him intently.
He grunted. Somewhat, a secluded, hidden, far away part of his treacherous self was disappointed that they could not indulge in this game in a more realistic manner. Just so that he could prove to her how much her estimation of the size of his heavy girth was erroneous. He gave his male pride a sharp kick, and it yelped in pain, fleeing his mind... for the next second or so.
'Do you have any valuable information for this Sesshoumaru?' His handwriting was sharp, but graceful. A graphologist would have had no difficulties in knowing who it belonged to.
'They are a bunch of lazy bitches that are so sexually frustrated that all their brains are gone between their legs most of the time. I'm amazed the house is still standing, considering their organisational skills. Are you sure they are all of noble birth?' She wriggled her nose distastefully, a moan of faked bliss escaping her mouth as she wrote.
'Do try not to forget why you are here in the first place, human,' he growled at her.
But she seemed to have been hit by a troubling epiphany. She groaned, blushed deeply, and looked at Sesshoumaru, who was currently lying too close to her for her own comfort. Signalling she was over with the transmission of information for now, she tapped her nose with the tip of one finger, gazing in his golden depths, praying he would understand.
And understand he did, as his eyes widened minutely. She was one clever human, he thought. How could he have forgotten this? Taking in the stubborn set of her jaws albeit the evidence of her uneasiness, he turned over on his other side, sighing silently.
What indignities he was reduced to bear because of the treachery of his court... if it hadn't been for the decorum he had to submit himself to as a Lord, he would have beheaded each and every one of those parasites named “courtesans” long ago. He hadn't even touched any of them, preferring a little romp in the woods with a lone demoness from time to time to the grovelling of those sick females. He preferred them true to their youkai nature, feisty but still submissive to their Alpha, seeing him for the powerful male he was, not for his power as the ruler or for the wealth he possessed, but for his own strength.
“Haaaaa... Take me My Lord!! Fuck me hard!!” The miko screeched huskily, reaching a trembling hand into her pyjama pants. Of course, she had pleasured herself before, but never had she done it with a male so close to her.
If someone would have told her she would indulge in such activities with Sesshoumaru in the same bed, doing probably the same thing as her no less, she would have laughed, cried, and call the Men in White so that they could take the demented fool out of her sight.
In a flash, the features of a little girl appeared in her mind's eye, her young eyes glazed as her brother raped her sister in front of her.
However, the awkwardness of the situation excited her somehow, and she couldn't suppress the moan or true pleasure that escaped her lips when her finger found her small bundle of nerves. She teased the centre of her pleasure, flicking the increasingly hardened flesh and sliding her hand lower to meet with her now dripping womanhood, her hesitant appendages thrusting into her own moistened cavern as her thumb still rubbed against her clit.
Her rhythm increased as her mind blanched, the sensations making her forget where and with whom she was, her body arching and writhing as she whimpered. She needed something else, something to fill her, her muscles clamping helplessly onto her fingers, searching for more.
A waft of female arousal reached his senses and Sesshoumaru shivered, repressing the wave of lust that coursed through his heated body. She was human, for Kami's sake, and it should never be permitted to smell that good! Clenching his teeth forcefully, he grabbed his already engorged length with his right hand and pumped up and down, all his muscles tensing in anticipation.
Their growls and groans were now far from faked as they reached their peaks together, Kagome screaming his name for good measure, him only grunting as his seed coated the silken white sheets.
“That was wonderful my Lord,” she breathed in her sexiest tone of voice.
“Hn,” was his only reply. After all of this would be finished, he would have to find a way to guarantee her silence about all of this. Perhaps blackmailing her would suffice? He had the option of disembowelment, but he surmised his ward would not be pleased with him... Oh, well, he'd see later.
A soft tug at his yukata made him look at the now fully clothed young woman beside him. He allowed himself to wonder at the flame burning in the back of her cerulean gaze. This, he knew, was the look she had had before sending Naraku to his demise with her purifying arrow. Taking back the parchment and the quill they had been using, she wrote again, her hand unwavering.
'I need a knife.'
He lifted an eyebrow in silent inquiry.
'They all know I am a virgin.' She looked right into his golden gaze.
A little bit of respect for the miko joined the growing number of his friends in the mind of the Daiyoukai. The woman was simply astounding. She was so far from the mindless twit he had thought she was in the first place, that he was almost ready to admit to himself he had been wrong in his appraisal of the little priestess. Almost. For he, Sesshoumaru, was never wrong, after all.
He showed her his clawed hand, reaching for her forearm.
'There shouldn't be any scar, that would be suspicious,' she wrote quickly, looking warily at his sharp talons.
He sighed, audibly this time. Who in the seven layers of Hell did she think he was? Silencing her protests with a glare which held the promise of many scars to come if she didn't shut her mouth, he sliced her fragile skin with a flick of his wrist, and let the crimson liquid of her blood drip onto the evidence of his previous release. She didn't even flinch as he cut her, but she gasped when his rough tongue dragged across the small injury on her arm as he sealed the wound with his saliva, leaving no trace of it on her smooth skin.
'Would it be enough if we just sleep in the same bed for us to smell like each other?' she scribbled again.
'Miko, have you done this before?' he replied, still using the bit of scroll.
She glared at him. If she didn't know better - it was Sesshoumaru, after all - she would have thought he was laughing at her. But the cold youkai in front of her was simply devoid of any sense of humour, or she had been sure of it before the ghost of a smirk had graced his thin lips.
'I'm a James Bond fan. Just answer my question.'
He sneered in his “How dare you order this Sesshoumaru!” fashion, but couldn't suppress his curiosity at her mysterious first sentence.
'Yes. And what, pray tell, is a “James Bond fan”?'
Unexpectedly, his inquiry made her giggle lightly, her eyes shining with merriment, but also with a dull light he couldn't quite decipher. It looked like a taste of things long lost.
'Future stuff,' was her simple reply, but then she gave him back the quill and turned her back to him, crawling as far as she could from him on his huge futon.
Ah yes... the future. The ludicrous notion of her origins had reached his ears during the years he had been the reluctant-almost-ally of the Inutachi, and had he not witnessed it himself, he would never have believed it. But now, she was separated from her family on the other side of the well, and he understood the longing she must be experiencing. And as the scent of salt reached him, his hard gaze softened minutely. After all, even the fiercest of warriors needed to have a home, a haven for them to rest in, and even if she was human, she was a fighter too.
§§§§§ ;§Â§Â§Â§
“You are honouring your mother with your presence at last, Sesshoumaru?” the beautiful silver haired youkai drawled to her male look-alike.
“Good morning, mother,” the inu responded in his emotionless tone.
“And how, pray tell, may this Sumire be of service to you, My Lord?” She was sitting regally on a marble throne, surrounded by the purple silk drapes she seemed to appreciate so much.
“It has come to the attention of this Sesshoumaru that the household of the West is in an indescribable state of utter chaos.” As usual, the interrogation sounded like a statement.
“How is it, my son, that even if you have only spent a little more than a week here, you are already aware of the whereabouts of this castle's servants?” She raised an elegant eyebrow at him.
“Mother,” he growled threateningly, “Even if I am not within these walls most of the time, do not delude yourself by thinking that this Sesshoumaru can be fooled this easily.”
“But of course, My Lord. However, may I attract your attention to the fact that your concubines suffer from the lack of care from their Lord. How is it that My Lord didn't even touch any of those exquisite creatures your allies have provided you with?”
“You may not. I would appreciate it if you could mind your own business, mother,” he sneered.
“Now, now, Sesshoumaru. Are you angry at your own mother? This is uncouth for one as such as yourself.” Her bored expression didn't even waver under the deadly gaze he gave her.
“Whatever you say, mother. This Sesshoumaru, however, would remind you of your role in this home, as you are responsible for its functioning. Should there be disorder in its heart, you would be the one to bear the responsibility, and the consequences.” His tone was even, but she knew better. He was warning her.
“How ungrateful of my own son. The last time we saw each other, I helped you revive the human girl following you. And now you would exact punishment on your own flesh and blood?”
“I will only do what I have to, mother. However, know that this Sesshoumaru would rather punish the true culprits than his own parent.”
“Is this your own twisted way to ask for my assistance in something, Sesshoumaru?” the elegant youkai smirked.
“This Sesshoumaru does not need your help. However, I trust you would inform me if some knowledge of importance reached your keen ears.”
“How is it that you suddenly show interest in the events unfolding in your estate, when you never showed such in the past? Is it because of that human woman you introduced among the courtesans when you arrived? It's the first time the walls are graced with such... passionate sounds... since your father's departure.” She smirked when a scowl marred her son's features. He was not one easily riled up, but it was a feat she found quite entertaining nonetheless.
“I would forget the nature of this conversation I am just having with my own mother, if you would try and remember to whom you are speaking. You are overstepping your bounds, mother.” He gritted his teeth in annoyance. A sense of foreboding made the hair on the back of his neck rise, as a familiar scent hit his sharp nose.
“So I am right, aren't I? You are just like your father, allowing a lowly mortal into your bed. And what if she bears a hanyou pup? Would your heir be a half breed? Your father, at least, had a sense of propriety; he impregnated a youkai before tainting his pure line with human filth, thus allowing the West to have a pure youkai ruler.”
“Mother...” he growled louder, sensing another unwanted presence at hearing distance. This was not going to end well...
“I'm astonished the inhabitants on the continent didn't hear you last night. The entire castle resounded with her screaming your name. But why, Sesshoumaru, why a human? What's her name, Kagome? It sounds familiar. Wasn't it the one with your half-brother, the Shikon Miko? It was acceptable for you to seek the Fang in his possession, but to steal his woman?”
“Mother, you should know better than to question this Sesshoumaru's judgement. I have a purpose, and I do not need to explain my actions to you.”
“Hell you don't!!” came the expected outburst from the arriving red and white bullet. “You bastard! What're you doing with MY Kagome?!” He stood in front of Sesshoumaru, forgetting the youkai female in the background, his fists clenched by his side near the hilt of his sword.
“Your miko is well taken care of, little brother.” His clawed hand reached Bakusaiga in a silent threat.
“I don't give a shit! You give her back to me now, or I'll beat you to a bloody pulp!” the irate hanyou snarled.
“Manners, brother. She is of service to this Sesshoumaru for the moment. You can retrieve her once she is finished with what she has undertaken here.” He stayed collected, but his hand itched to hit Inuyasha's face, as he was accustomed to doing each time he was acting like a stupid brat.
“What service?” Inuyasha spat.
“She is currently one of his concubines. It should be obvious, what kind of service she would entertain her Lord with,” the female said, a bit flustered by the lack of recognition from the half youkai.
“WHAT THE FUCK!?” he screamed, crimson bleeding into amber.
But, before all Hell could come loose on Earth, a small timid voice froze everything into place.
“Inuyasha?” the little miko whimpered, before all went dark as she fainted.