InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Whispers Of A Treasure ❯ A way out ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/N: Hi Hi it's me again!! Just wanted to comment on some latest reviews I've recieved so far.

Snowecat: (heheh) opps..well yeah i realize i shoulda just used spider youkai...guess i was just thinking turantula after i saw that weird movie 'Eight legged freaks'. and Amazonian women is not a native term used is Japan , but i got the idea from reading Ranma 1/2, Shampoo's one from china and well although my setting is somewhere in Japan, Inuyasha only thinks the girl is Amazonian for a reason, i'll explain later in the next chapter. Dont wanna give too much away yet. (hehehe). Thanx for reviewing means alot to me.

Scarlet lover: you're so sweet!!! thankx. im glad i thought my first fic would of been boring ...but now im happy and for that here's the new chappie. Enjoy!!

Disclaimer: I own Inuyasha.....well the plush toy, key chains and movies that I bought with my birthday money. But otherwise Inuyasha, the real him, belongs to Rumiko Takahashi. sigh...(keep dreaming Babydragon)

Chapter 3------ A way out.

" I'm sorry princess please forgive us", a wolf demon with bushy, untamed haired whimpered as another smack met with his head. He winced at the impact, "Please have mercy we didn't know it would cause so much problems". The princess sighed and paced around the room nervously, " Now there is one of them in my forests and soon there will be many more out there in search for for him. Just what is the wolf clan thinking? Your sworn duty is to protect my people. Not endanger us all!", she yelled fiercely, bringing down her staff hard againts the polished, bamboo floor.
An hollow echo resounded in the still and apprehensive air, and a small indent had formed in the spot where she had brought down her staff on.

"Y-y-yes my p-princess, but you see there was a large group of men, an army perhaps, passing through very close to the village, and we couldn't let them we tried to... stop...them", he winced when he imagined another blow from her staff coming.

But instead she shook her head in dissapointment.

"Do not lie to me for I can smell the fowl, intoxicating scent of your deception clearly from here. You wolves are aggressive and take thrill in the hunt for man's flesh. Truthfully it is very disgusting and dishonorable towards our way's and I will not have any of this nonsense from the wolves. Now bring me Prince Kouga of the demon wolf clan immediantly!".

"Y-yes my princess I shall fetch him at once", the wolf demon clambered out quickly and tripped on his way out of the large hut, and went flying straight into the tall grass.

The princess sighed when she saw the wolf demon act like a fool.
A warm hearted chuckle disturbed her from her gloomy thoughts and she turned to the elderly lady beside her.

"Princess ye should of not been so rough with him, he is only one pf their messengers".

"Yes I know my Lady, but if you do not put fear into those wolves they shall just walk all over us and make fools put of us. Besides they are ruthless and can handle pain quiet well", she shook her head.

The lady was about to respond when the bamboo reed that covered the hut's front entrance was lifted and a tall, strong looking wolf demon, with piercing grey eyes, and his jet balck hair done into a ponytail entered through the doorway.

"Did someone of gracious beauty send for me?", a cocky smirk played dangerously on his handsome face.

"Kouga you filthy mongrel was it you that made the order for your wolves to attack one of the city people's armies?", the princess snapped.

"My dear,dear Princesss calm yourself. It wasn't me who had ordered that attack you know very well that I wouldn't do that. It must've been one of our neighbouring tribes that did it. But you know how they are, they are wolves and they gotta feed" he shrugged carelessly.

"Yes, but are you not their leader? Do you not set the same set of rules as you do with your own tribe, or is your control limited?", she stated firmly.

Kouga felt humiliated and he did not like it one bit, " Of course I have control over my own wolves. But we are wild and untamed like the wind, and if they feel like a good hunt then why stop them. Besides those humans, from what I heard, were pretty darn near the village and it's a good thing they were driven off in time.".

"That is enough Kouga of the wolf clan! If I ever hear again that you or any one of your wolves have attacked the city people without cause, I will personally kick you all out my forests! Is that understood?", she growled.

Kouga gulped, knowing that she alone had enough strength to do alot of harm, not even including what the people of this village could do. "Yes my princess'', he bowed meekly, not wanting to enrage her further. But he couldn't help saying what he wanted her to keep in mind for the next couple of days.

So he smirked playfully.

"Don't forget my princess that in one week's and I shall be having our little battle".

The princess pursed her lips "Well then I suggest you go and train then,".

Kouga huffed, not exactly the answer he was looking for but it would have to do. Just before he left he had one more question that he was curious to ask.
"And what about the one that is in 'your forests', what are you going to do with him", Kouga smirked, hoping that she would allow the wolf clan to do just whatever to him. Personally, he could make a tasty meal.

"Well, considering you wolves will obviously can not handle the situation properly. I will just have to lead him out of the forests myself."

Kouga snorted, "Fine, do as you please. But I'm telling you that you're making a mistake princess", he huffed as he let the bamboo covering swinging for a couple seconds when he left hastily.

"Urgh!", the princess raged under her breath. "That infurriating wolf!".

"Do not fret my princess, he is only acting so because he is nervous about the battle. Besides ye knows very well that he has had his eyes on ye since ye was a tiny child."

"Yes I know my lady but he just makes my blood boil. I will make sure he does not win during our battle, otherwise who knows what types of foolishness he shall bring to our humble village".

"Many of the elders think the opposite, they say he is a great assest to our village".

The princess shook her head furiously."No. No. No, I shall never want a man such as him to be my champion. Ever. He just does not understand who I am. Besides he is power hungry and a lazy ruler. Think of how his leadership will affect the people of this village. I can not even bare it! I may not be able to turn down the battle, but that most certainly will not mean I shall lose.", she nodded in determination.

"Oh child, sometimes I worry for you. It is not proper for such a young lassie as yourself to train so hard as a man would. Maybe it would of been best of ye would of really been born as a dragonfly. Then ye would always be graceful and beautiful."

The princess giggled, " My lady do not tease. I love what I do and if I did not train properlly then I would have no honour bearing my father's title for the time being. The title would of been Souta's and he is a lost cause for he is even too shy to make speech anouncements, let alone speak to the elders."

"Yes ye does have a point. And don't ye forget he is better at hunting than solving problems with his head", the elderly lady chuckled. "Now off ye towards home, and do not ye forget to take off the pellet. For it needs a brushing", she shooed the princess away.

"Aw!, but Lady Kaede, I need my pellet to keep me in comfort as I go off into the forest to aid the lost city stranger".

The Lady rolled her eyes,"All right, but ye shall take it off as soon as ye comes back. It is starting to tangle with leaves, and who knows what other things, does ye hear me'', Lady Kaede yelled after the princess that was already running off faster than Kaede could finish her sentence.

The Lady sighed, "Well I tried, wait till she starts finding bugs in that pellet of hers. Then she shall come running to me for a brushing".
"Fuck!", the hanyou bellowed for the tenth time in the evening. He was just having no luck fishing with the damned spear. He tried catching them at first, but the things were as slippery as soap. Then he tried using the spear, that was no help either because his aim was horrible.

'Damnit if only I had my claws. Then fishing would be alot easier', he thought miserablly as his stomach growled once more, even louder than it had a couple of minutes before.

He was tired, hungry, miserable, and frustrated. But hey, the water had at least gotten him clean , so he wasn't too worried about stinking now. At least he wouldn't be able to say that he had attracted a demon because of his stench.

After finally settling down on the forest floor, and setting his Tetsuiga and spear nect to him, he leaned back againts a log. After a moment he yawned loudly, and felt his eyelids begin to grow heavy. He shook his head voilently and scolded himself for even thinking of sleep, ' I was lucky to tempt fate for one night, but I won't risk it a second time'.

He fought an inner battle, and one at which he was loosing horribly.
Pretty soon he began to feel the grass underneath him soft and comforting, and let his eyes close.Thinking that he would probably hear something approach anyways, and that he would wake the moment it neared.
The next morning Inuyasha woke with an abrupt, clearly startled and confused.
He thought that he had heard light footsteps and a tree rustling nearby.

He then knew he was definately not imagining it when he noticed two large bundles made out of very rich, deep green set of leaves. The design very interesting was very interesting like a beautifully weaved basket of leaves.

' A gift...but from who?'

He shrugged when he decided it didn't really matter at the moment, he was even more curious as to what was inside the bundles.

His eyes widened as big as saucers, while his mouth began to drool uncontrollaby when he saw the surprise hidden in the first big bundle.

Deliciously, fresh cooked rice with a grilled fish on top, covered in a rich, creamy sauce.

To his surprise there was even a set of chopsticks with strange indents at the top, and carved from the wood of bamboo, placed right inside the bundle, along with the heavenly food.

Whether it was poison or not? he didn't care. He just dug into the fine food as if it were the last meal of his life.

He almost choked on a couple of fish bones, but it was worth it. The meal was exquisite, and the spices that were used gave it an appetizing feeling, making Inuyasha craving for more. Or was it from the lack of food during these past two days?

Whichever it was he eagerly opened the second bunde hoping that it was something he could eat for he was still terribly hungry.

He almost cried out in happiness when he opened the second bundle.


The second that thought entered his mind, he had already scarfed one down entirely.

'Who knew I would get such a good meal out here?', he sighed in compete contempt.

'At least I wont starve now', he thought as he licked the juices from his hand where the meat from the potato dumpling had dripped.

He never had such a dumping made so deliciously, he wanted to thank the chef, but as he observed his surroundings carefully, he cursed at his lack of abiity to be abe to sense anybody out as he did in his demon form.

All he could hear with his human ears was the sound of the birds chirpping their early morning clouds, and the buzzing of nearby insects.

'Perhaps it was that gir from yesterday', he thought back to that gorgeous looking girl sitting by the brook yesterday.

She was the ony being he had seen so far, so it was most ikey it was her. There couldn't be anyone else out here...can there?

He shrugged as he placed the rest of the dumplings inside his haori, for later. Because who knew when he would have good food like this again so long as he was stuck in this damn forest.

He got up and stretched his muscles before he bent down to pick up his sword and spear.

He scratched his head in confusion when he noticed the spear placed a little farther than where he had tucked it last night alongside his sword.

Now it was out in the open as if pointing in a direction in which the messenger had wanted him to go.

He had nothing to loose really. It was either trust this person completely or stay in this forest forever.

Picking up the spear, he then decided to take the risk of trusting the unknown messenger. He or she couldn't of been so bad considering they had provided him with a meal already and had decided to let him live, instead of killing him.

By late mid afternoon he was munching on one of the dumplings he had saved, when he noticed an odd sign that had captured his attention.

There was a white ribbon drifting loosely in the wind that was tied to a branch.
He approached the branch and untied the white ribbon carefully, so as not to rip it. With his human nose he took a big inhale of the ribbon, wondering if he could catch some sort of scent on it.
A faint trace of honeysuckle still lingered on it, and one did not have to have an advanced sense of smell to catch it.

His suspicion only grew more now as to who this mysterious person was that was helping him find his way out of the forest. This same person had probably also made that good meal that kept invading his mind all day, as he tried to remember what those spices were that had made it so tasty.

Continuing on his way he soon began to notice that nightfall was beginning to approach once more.
He came upon a giant grove engraved on the side of a willow tree. He thought it was best to camp here for the night considering it was way too late to see anything anyways. Plopping down comftorably on the soft grass that covered the ground inside the willow tree he took out the small bundle of dumplings that he had been slowly munching throughout the day.

He sighed when he realized that there was only one last dumpling left. For some unkown reason he had failed to notice to limit his portion intaking because who knew when he woud come across food again. But he couldn't help it, his human body was hungry from all of the walking throughout the day and he kept eating the food that should of lasted for another day or so. He doubted that the person trying to help him out of the forest woud want to cook another deicious meal for his unworthy ass.

With a feeling that he would regret it later, but didn't care at the moment he ate the last of his dumpling slowly, to savour each bite. Once it was gone he licked the leaf, in which the dumplings were contained in, slowly and greedily. Heck, he even almost ate the leaf itself.

'Hopefully I can get the hell out of here soon so I can get myself four heaping bowls of ramen', he thought as he laid the spear and Tetsuiga to the side. Sitting up in indian stlye position, he leaned againts the tree bark's smooth, innner edge and closed his eyes.
' I've slept as a human these last couple of nights out here in these forests, and I think I've tempted fate long enough to know that I wont die.', with that last thought, he slept with a confident feeling that whoever was out there would also make sure that no harm came to him. 'Because I think this person to live'.
A flash of white crossed the small distance from where she had been patiently waiting in the trees. Waiting for the strange human to fall asleep.
As she landed gracefully, her pellet settled on top of her ravenous locks once more, and she crept slowly towards the overly exhausted human. When she approached closer she studied his features a bit more slowly this time, since this morning she had almost startled him awake with her nervous rustling and she had to dash off quickly before he had spotted her. She noticed that the rude man she had encountered a couple of days ago was different in character when he was sleeping. He had no scowl on his face and he seemed to be at peace, but with an air of sadness which she sensed that surrounded his form.

Gently placing a hand over his cheek she made a small prayer for him so that he would be blessed with luck.

After she had finished she felt him stir slightly under her touch, and she stiffened, her body ready to flee if he were to waken.
Fortunately for her he just moved his head slightly towards her touch, as if silently begging for more of her gentle caress.

She smiled to herself, 'Poor guy, out here all alone, and not one person has yet to come search for him. Has he been abbandoned by his own people? I swear those city people can be just so heartless sometimes'.

After removing her hand from his cheek she searched inside her small bag for the small bundles she had brought. Placing the two large bundles near his head, she then dug into her bag and pulled out an even smaller one that was neatly wrapped in rice paper, and placed it just on top of the larger bundles made out of leaves. With that task done she took the spear that she had first used to kill the spider youkai with, and scare him as well, and placed it's sharp point in the direction towards the cursed town.

'Where that blasted women lives!', she tried not to growl at the thought of her enemy, otherwise the stranger before her might wake. 'I hope this man realizes his mistake and leaves the town of Magasaki as soon as possible', and with that she walked out quietly and bounded into the trees. Where she would rest and wait patiently till he woke the next day, and see to it that he makes it out alive. So far it had been simple enough. There were only small, weak demons that had wanted to feast on the human's flesh, but she had killed them quickly before they even approached him. She would be damned if she let this human die and thus allow Kouga and his wolves smell her failure, making her seem weak. She would be anything but weak, so evenif she had to cook for the human to keep him alive then so be it. As long as he makes it to his destination safely.

'Besides he is not half least he liked my dumplings'.


It was a couple of hours before dawn when Inuyasha stired from his sleep. He wasn't one to sleep in too late no matter how tired he still felt. It was just a habit of him being able to stir bright and early, even after many years since he hasn't had to from his army training.

After yawning and stretching he touched the side of his face where he had dreamed someone had gently placed their hand on. The touch may of been gentle, but he knew that someone had done it, he could still almost feel the gentleness of the caress. Almost like a whisper in the wind one would understand if they strained to hear it.

When he decided to let the idea of someone touching him last night go, he finally noticed another set of bundles placed near where his head had been. With eagerness he quickly opened one of them already expecting food. He pratically wolfed down the food without breathing when he saw the delicious piece of meat covered in a sauce, on top of freshly cooked rice.

'Man I swear this person can cook', he thought as he finished the rest of the contents in one gulp.

Instead of throwing away the strange set of chopsticks he decided to place them inside his haori for later examination. He felt that today he would be reaching the town, because his demon powers would be returning soon, and would allow him to actually get there faster.

He was curious as to what the other package held, and even more so what the rice paper packaged, wrapped with care, held.

Leaving the mysterious one for last he opened the second bundle of leaves and grinned when he saw more dumplings.

After taking a bite out of one of them he noticed that these ones were different, they had both meat and vegetables.

He didn't mind they were still as tasty as ever.

Finishing the rest off quickly, not caring to even save some for later, he took the last little package and unfolded the corners carefully as to not rip the paper.

Confusion hit him like a brick in the head when he saw the strange looking, dark coloured item. At first he didn't even know why would someone want to give him this in the first place, but then he thought back to how the person had been nothing but generous towards him and he owed this person alot. So questioning the strange object was out of the picture. Inuyasha just had to accept the fact that it woud probably be better if he just shut up and try the weird looking thing.

And if he died or got sick, then so be it. At least he wasn't ungrateful towards the person. He took a cautious sniff at the dark object and noted that it was sweet smelling.

'Oh ta hell with it there's only one way to find out if I have to eat this thing or not', he menatlly berated, as he broke off a piece of the dark coloured item.

Placing it in his mouth, he held his breath not really knowing why, but instinct told him to first get accustomed to it and then swallow it quickly so he wouldn't taste it.
He was surprised when it quickly started melting in his mouth, and finally giving in he let the rich texture quickly sink in to his buds. A grin played on the corner of his mouth as realization hit him full in the face. It was sweet as candy.

He had to have another taste of the addicting substance, so he broke off another piece and popped it even more quickly into his mouth than he did the first time. And then let it melt on his tongue, as a complete wave of ecstasy washed over him.

'Now this is something Sesshomaru woud have a hard time resisting', he almost smirked at the thought of his brother going hyper with the sweet tasting substance.

Resisting the temptation of eating the entire thing, he placed the rest in his haori. He just had to show Miroku this stuff, he might figure out what it is, he always knows about these things.

Getting up from his spot, he noticed direction in which the spear was pointing in and decided to follow that route when he was ready to journey once more.
He felt lighter in his steps when he felt the blood in his system thickening. His youkai powers were slowly beginning to return once more and would be transforming back to his old self anytime soon.

As he walked at a faster pace he could hear loud noises up ahead of him, and was beggining to think that he had finally found his way out of the forest. After deciding to sprint the rest of the way, he came upon a vast clearing in which cows and other cattle were grazing in the fields. There were also farmers working the large fields of rice currenty about, and merchants driving their wagons towards what seemed a giant fortress.

There it was Magasaki town, Inuyasha peered at the place where he had been assigned to find out more about this gold business with someone named Tsubaki, and then bring back the gold to the emperor. When Inuyasha was informed that the town was surrounded by a high fortress he didn't really believe it. Why would a town do that to itself? But now as he stood at the top of a hill he could definately see the truth quiet well.

Wooden poles lined each other neatly from the bottom to the very top, where the tops met in sharp ridges, preventing any enemies to climb over the safe guarded walls. While the very front entrance held many guards in position checking the passing by merchants on their way to make a sale in the market. What even amazed Inuyasha was the sixty feet gate that hung so carelessly in the air held by powerful chains to keep it from crashing down on everyone.
'It would take at least twelve strong men to close that gate', Inuyasha thought shrewdly.

He could already start to hear the morning noises coming from the city's inner square, meaning the people were just starting to wake, and that Inuyasha's senses were becoming more acute.

He then turned and bowed towards the forest respectfully, wondering if the person who had aided him out of the forest was watching somewhere still.

He was about to make his way towards the town when he heard a sight tinkling of bells and saw a quick flash of white retreat into the forest.

'I my suspicions were correct. It was you who had helped me to survive in the forest. Well then... I shall be forever indebted to you girl. On my word of honour.' He silently promised as he made his way towards the town, noticing that in just a few minutes he would no lomger be a human for another month's time.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~< br>
Allrighty here's chapter 3 done. I hope you guys enjoyed this me it was a filler and i strained to make ends meet, and i tried to keep my eyes awake. oh my it's late now so i gotta go to sleep cause i have to work today in a couple of hours...eee!
Well love you guys and review...must know people's opinions so i can formulate this story to my loving fans liking.
Ja ne
and for me anyways its goodnight,
