InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Whispers Of A Treasure ❯ The Village ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Hi there everyone. Today is a very sad day for me... I feel so depressed. My best friend currently known as EVE on has finally left to Edmonton. Gone.
I started crying once we drove away from her house. I never knew she could make me cry like that, i felt torn, she's like my sister and alot of people mistake us for sisters too. Even our old high school teachers...ah the memories. Neways thanx for the reviews everyone. you have lifted my spirits up and i feel a bit better knowing we shall one day see each other again.

In dedication this chapter goes towards EVE (JDC) ...her initials.
Be safe wherever you are now my good friend y que Dios siempre esta en tu corazon.


Inuyasha and company do not belong to me...they belong to Rumiko Takahashi. I'm just borrowing them in my mind so I can use them for my evil purposes. (mwahahaha)

* Warning there is lime in this chapter. Do not read if you are younger than the intended age. Thank you.

Chapter 6~~~ The Village.

"Hey kid...are you sure you know where you're going?", he huffed as he bent low over a branch, "You aren't getting us lost now are you?".

"Nope, don't worry I know the way", the kitsune piped cheerfully.

"Feh. All right then", Inuyasha exclaimed.

He then looked down at the girl in his arms and studied her features carefully. She was badly bruised, but under all of it, her skin seemed soft and supple. Taking in a small sniff of her scent he noticed that there was something odd about it. Although it was quiet nice in how she smelled, he still couldn't help but detect something that made his nose twitch slightly. Almost as if this girl wasn't what she seemed to be.

His analysis of the girl's scent was halted when he heard the low, rising pitch of a wolf's howling in the distance.
The General's ears began to twitch furiously when the distracting source of the sound was almost upon them.
Just then the girl in his arms began to stir lightly and he stopped in mid step just to bend down on one knee and place her gently onto the bare forest floor.

She raised a hand to the side of her face and began to sit up slowly, letting out a small groan as she felt a jolt of pain through her midsection.
"Wha-...what happened", she almost whispered.

His sensitive ears caught the sound of her words easily and he began to feel slightly excited that she was going to be all right.
He stumbled in his words for a bit before he was able to answer her question.

"Y-you passed out after the fight. So I took you away from the place for your own safety", he exhaled gently when he finished. For some reason this girl was making him nervous, but he didn't know why?

"Urgh", the girl growled and then shoved him back hard.

He fell on his bottom roughly, suprised for a moment by her actions and for being caught off guard.

"Hey what the fuck! What's your problem wench I just saved your ass, is this the thanks that I get?", he yelled.

"Stay away from me!", she snapped, and started walking away when she placed an arm around her stomach and doubled over in pain.

"You're hurt stupid so just let me help you out..".

"I said to stay away! I never asked for your help", she winced before she got up and started walking away slowly once more.

"Shippo let us go from here", she stated towards the small kit who was looking confused at the moment.

He nodded and bounced off of the General's shoulders and scrambled towards the girl's side.

Inuyasha got up from his spot abruptly and dusted himself off, mumbling foul curses under his breath.

The warrioress ignored him and placed two fingers on her mouth and blew on them, letting out a small, high pitched whistle bounce off in all directions of the forest.

The howling was almost deafening when the wolves jumped from right behind a thick set of bushes.

Four large, white wolves turned in the General's direction and began to growl dangerously at him.

Inuyasha frowned at the wolves and stood his ground defiantly, daring them to approach him and attack.

"There there is over", she cooed as she nuzzled into one of the nearby wolve's mane.

The wolf with the dark red, piercing eyes snorted disdainfully at the general, and sent a small spray of snot water in his direction.

The general wiped the snot from his chin with a scorn on his face.
'Stupid mutts!'.

"Let us be on our way", the pincess indicated to the wolves as Shippo launched himself onto one and instanlty began to fall asleep. Tired from the day's events.

It was only when she had said this that she began to stumble, her world turning into dark shapes and spinning rapidly around her.

Before she fell completely a pair of strong hands caught her and picked her up bridal style.

"Stupid girl! Can't you see that you're injured and need help. Quit being so damn stubborn".

He heard the wolves growl beside him, but he ignored them for the time being. They may be intimidating, but they would only attack if the girl gave the signal to, and at the moment he doubted she would try to do so.
'Not in her condition anyways...hopefully', he gulped slightly when one of them began to pratically breath hard againts the back of his neck.

"I said to leave me alone! I do not need your help. So just let me go already!", she growled and began to thrash in his arms.

He struggled to keep her calm and was careful not to drop her. But it was growing hard to maintain the stubborn girl in his arms when she kept slapping and punching him in the chest.

"I said to let go!", she yelled before she sunk her fangs into his right arm, bitting down hard.

His right eye twitched for a second or two, before snorting lightly.
'He'd had worse pain...this is just like an irritating bee sting'.

She frowned when he didn't just drop her and it seemed that he wasn't even bothered by her infliction of pain at all.
'What is with this he really just trying to help me?...But why?'

A whine formed in the back of her throat and she carefully pulled out her fangs from the man's arm. She then lapped at the dark blood stain on his red haori, hoping that it would somehow take away the wound that she had made.

Even though the thick material of his haori created a barrier againts his skin, he could still feel the hot, slick wetness from her tongue easily. A jolt of electricity shot through his entire being and he began to feel overheated. After a slight blush had crept through his cheeks, he shrugged his arms and sent the girl wildly clutching at his chest, suprised for a moment that she was going to fall so suddenly.

She growled up at him for the false alarm he had created, 'If he was going to help her than help her, but if he was being stupid then he should just leave her the hell alone', she thought irritably.

She was suprised when he started growling back at her as well.
'Stupid girl, she better not try that again...or else I won't be responsible for my actions', he growled even louder at her till she just huffed and turned her head away from him.

They walked on in silence, her head always nodding to the side, until she would shake her head and resist the sleep that tried to overcome her. The wolves walked close by always keeping a sharp eye on the man that held the warrioress in his arms. Ready to attack if he dared to make a sudden, wrong movement.

Eventually the clearing in front of them began to glow an eerie greenish blue, as the first rays of the sun began to peak over the curves of the mountains in the distance. He didn't know which way he was going as he ventured deeper and deeper into the forest. The wolf carrying Shippo was leading the way, and every so often it kept shooting glances behind him, making sure that the General was following closely behind.

He sighed in relief when his sensitive ears picked up the sloshing of water againts rock ahead of them. All this walking was making him thirsty, and he was sure that the girl in his arms was feeling the same way when she raised her head in the direction of the flowing water.

As they neared the small creek, the wolves gathered around it to lap at the water, while Inuyasha placed the girl gently onto a flat boulder. She was grateful to stretch her legs, but winced slightly when she tried to move from her spot.
That's when he noticed the cut on her thigh reopen, and a new flow of blood creep down her leg and land onto the dry boulder.

'Damn it! She's still badly injured', he thought as he shrugged off his red haori.
Taking one of the sleeves of his long, white juban,...he tore it. He then repeated the process for the other one, leaving him with two long strips of cloth.

She looked at him curiously as he set his red suikan aside and headed for the stream. He bent on one knee and dipped both cloths into the cool, crystal clear water. When they were thoroughly soaked he lifted them out of the water and rung them, where he then folded one of them neatly.
He approached the girl carefully, making his intentions towards her known.
She tensed slightly as he neared her, and even more so when he grabbed her leg, pulling her closer towards him.

She yelped in pain and kicked him unintentionally in the chin. He grunted and let go of her leg quickly, where she then scrambled away from him.
"Get away from me!".

"Look I was only trying to help!", he snapped
He massaged the underside of his chin where she had kicked him.

"Do not bother, I can take care of myself".

"Dumb wench you've been nothing but a pain in the ass this whole time", he stated as he had shot forward, grabbed her by the waist, flipped her onto her stomach, and sat on top of her, facing her legs.

"Urgh! Get off of me!", she shouted, and thrashed her legs wildly, trying to knock down the man currently sitting on her backside.

He grabbed both of her ankles and held them in one large, calloused hand, while he used the other one to clean out her bleeding wound with the cloth.
She began to whimper and yell at the same time as she squirmed furiously underneath him.

"I am going to kill you!", she screamed in vain, making his ears flatten slightly from the high pitchness of it.

After he had finished he deftly tied the other strip of clean cloth around her thigh and tucked the end of it in the wrap. He was careful not to hurt her with his claws the entire time, even though she herself was making it difficult to do so.

When he had finished he lifted himself off of her and flipped her into a sitting position, mindful of her wounds.

"There. Finished. Now are you happy?", he snorted.

"You! How dare you touch me! How dare you even try to come near", she growled dangerously as she launched herself at him.

She tackled him to the ground, going for his neck with her hands till he flipped her off and over him.
She landed with a thud, but quickly bounded on her feet.
Inuyasha rolled to the side before she could kick him, and he used the opportunity to get up off the ground, using the power in his legs instead of his hands.
He wasn't quick to react as she launched a kick at him in the chest and sent him flying a few feet back into the ground.
When he made impact with the earth a grunt escaped his throat.
The next thing he felt was the weight of a foot on his chest, pushing him down hard into the ground.
"This is where it ends stranger, either you stay away from me or I shall kill you here and now!"

Inuyasha huffed at her threat, "Then do it you stupid, ungrateful woman! I was only trying to return a favor in which you did for me months ago", he snapped.

"I recall no such favor", the warrioress pushed him harder into the ground.

His hands shot around her calf, holding her firmly so she wouldn't try to break his lungs with all of pressure she was applying to his chest.
'Heh!as if this girl could anyways.'

"Oh really? So you mean to say that you weren't the one who lead me out of this forest when I was lost in it", he pratically yelled at her,'Come on I know it was you. There was no mistake about it'.

She gasped,''But were...that person was..."

"A human."

" that means that you are..."

"A half-breed", he snorted, cleary annoyed at how he could even admit what he was without his usual gruff againts the slandering title.

For a moment she seemed to be taken back by the word, and he wondered if it was foreign to her, but then suddenly her brows furrowed back in anger.

He expected to be called a lowlife or a filthy waste of time at any moment, but it never came.
The girl just quickly recoiled from his grasp and walked away from him, not even uttering a single word to him.

With great pain, she hoisted herself onto one of the wolves and held on tightly with one hand, while the other circled around her waist.

"Hey where are you going?", Inuyasha yelled, slightly confused by the whole ordeal. 'Why didn't she say anything, and she looked...well repulsed by the word. Did I do something wrong?'

"Listen to me carefully stranger. You should turn around and head back to your town. You have already completed your task, so just leave. I shall not be held responsible for your spilt I make myself clear?", she called back behind her.

Inuyasha just snorted, "As if anything in these woods can stop me. Personally, I don't give a damn I'm tough and I can take on anything".

She frowned at him, "You have been warned. What you decide from here is your choice. But do not dare to follow after me or I will not hesitate to kill you this time."

With those final words she leaped off into the trees on her wolf, and dissapeared into the deep, thick woods.


He snorted mildly at her retreating form, 'Darn, stupid girl. She's so irritating and impatient. I don't know why I even bothered to help her in the first place'.

He stood in the exact same spot for a couple more minutes longer, contemplating on wether or not going after her and making sure she was okay... or to just screw it and head back to the town.

'She was badly injured...what if she passed out again or encountered a demon that would smell the blood on her and then she would be in deep, serious trouble.'

'Ta hell with her threat', he snorted,'I just have to follow her and make sure the wench will be all right', he thought as he sprinted off into the woods in the exact same direction in which she took off.

'She took care of me the whole time I was is only right I do the same for her.'

'Even if she doesn't want my help...she'll still be safe damnit!'

Her scent was dissapearing as he went deeper and deeper into the forest. Even with her open, cut wounds it was still hard to track down her scent with all the mingling smells of the trees in the air.

After running endlessly into the forest, her scent just dissapeared. Vanished without a trace.
He had to retrace a couple of his steps back and began to sniff the ground curiously, trying to catch the scent of her blood or the wolves that were with her.

It was there, but faint.
A small trace of her blood still lingered onto a leaf. He wouldn't of have caught her scent at all if he hadn't of retraced his steps. The forest was too thick to discern certain smells, even for a full blooded demon. But with his determination and luck, he was able to find her trail once more and sprinted off after her.

"Damnit!", he cursed out loud once more. He had lost her trace once again and was cursing at all of his surroundings for his frustration. After he had run a hand through his hair, he bent on one knee and began to sniff the ground like before.

In all of distraction of trying to sniff out the girl's scent, he didn't realize that he was being watched. He also didn't notice when one of the watchers closed in on him carefully and quietly.

It wasn't until Inuyasha had been hit hard in the back of the head that he realized that he was being surrounded.
But then it was too late, as he swung around once and the figures in front of him blurred and faded into nothing but black.

"He's one of them...just check out his clothing".

"Hmph and he reeks like them as well!''.

"Well whatever. What should we do with him, should we take him to the elders?''

"No it's to early to be bothering the elders, you know how grumpy those old men can get if they're awakened from their sleep at this time of hour".

"Then what do you suggest Kaiboto?"

"Let's just throw him into the centipede's pit. Those things seem to be hungry anyways."

"Pity for him. I just wonder how he even got close to the village anyways?"

"Dunno beats me."

They started dragging the man that smelled of the city towards the centipede's pit, when he suddenly let out an irritated groan.

His whole head felt as though it would explode any minute, he knew he was going to have a killer migrane later.

"Hey he's awake Akio. Let's ask him how he found out about our village before we throw him into the pit", the tall, lanky looking warrior suggested.

The bigger and more stout looking warrior just shrugged his shoulders as he hoisted the man onto his knees roughly.

Inuyasha felt a sharp poke in his side, he wasn't suprised that he was tied up and blindfolded at the moment, he was just pissed at how easily he was captured when he had only let his guard down for a slight moment.

"Hey you, city demon. How is it that you knew where our village was? Who told you?", the stout man snarled.

Inuyasha huffed, "No one told me, I was just following this girl to make sure she was all right".

The tall, lanky warrior scratched his chin thoughtfully,"Was this girl that you mention dressed in the ancient clothing of the high Wolf guardians?"

He was about to answer when the man beside him, that had been poking him with a sharp object earlier, gasped, "Do you mean the princess! What have you done with her you city demon?."

"Calm yourself Kante I am sure the princess is all right".

"Yeah! you know our princess she is the strongest in the village", a tall, well chiseled warrior boasted.

"Then why does this demon exclaim that he was following her? You know as well as I do that no good can come from the blasted city", the one known as Goro, the large and stout man, snarled.

"Yes, but what if he knows the whereabouts of our beloved princess and then we kill him? Then we'll never know where she is being kept and then we'll surely be the laughing stock of the village", the one known as Kaiboto huffed.

All four men scratched their heads thoughtfully as they pondered on whether to kill the man before them or not?

The General couldn't help but get annoyed at the idiots, and he started growling at them to show his irritation.

He could hear one of them cough nervously. 'Damn it can't they just hurry and make up their damn minds. Sheesh! my legs are starting to cramp'.

"Well we could always take him to the elders", one of them suggested when it became too quiet once again.

"Idiot you already suggested that!", one of them snapped.

Then they began to argue amongst themselves once again.

"Someone kill me please", Inuyasha moaned when they started talking about the exact same things as they had a few moments ago. While they were distracted though, he began to slice off the ropes that were bound againts his wrists with the sharp edge of one of his claws.

The four men then suddenly stopped talking all at once and Inuyasha could hear them shuffling madly around him.

"Princess you're back!", they all exclaimed excitedly.

The princess froze in midstep, and a small, cold shiver ran down her spine.

"Explain to me why this stranger is in the village!'', she demanded.

The men looked at each other nervously, hoping one of them would at least have the guts to speak up.

"Well you see...we um, uh," Goro, the big and stout one began.

The princess growled, sending them all taking a step back. She then walked foward and pulled off the cloth that had prevented him from seeing anything.

His heart skipped a beat when his eyes landed on the girl dressed in white before him.
'He knew she was the one that had helped him out of the forests, but for her to be the princess...he just couldn't believe it.'

"You're the princess?", he asked, voicing his disbelief.

She frowned and ignored his question,"Did I not advise you to not follow me. Just what are you doing here?", she snapped.

He frowned at her himself, " What do you mean what am I doing here. Isn't it obvious! I'm being held againts my will by a bunch of idiots that can't even make up their own minds in how to kill me. But I'm guessing that they are definately favoring the centipede's pit with the rate they're going".

"You deserve such a fate for having followed after me here".

"Keh! You think a bunch of mere worms will be able to stop me. Think again just don't know who you're dealing with", he snarled as he hacked at the remaining ropes that bound him and sprung up from the ground to come face to face with the girl.

The four warriors immediantly sprung into action and raised their spears in the air, ready to attack at the demon who dare to approach the princess.

The princess smirked as she stood her ground, not in the least bit intimidated by the hanyou before her.

"You have courage that I agree with. But it still does not excuse the fact that you followed me here".

"Like I said it wouldn't of happened if your men hadn't of captured me. I only planned on going as far as to see that you were safe".

The princess couldn't help but smile at that, 'he had risked his very own life...just to make sure that I was okay'.

Her smile had caught him off guard slightly. Even though there was very little light out, he could still see that enchanting smile of hers with his enhanced vision.

"Well then, because you did not heed my warning, all I could say for now is that you do not leave this village...until it is decided of what is to become of your fate."

"And what if I don't agree to your terms? What makes you think that I can't just simply escape from here".

The princess smirked slightly, "Do not agree?...then you can just suffer with the so called 'worms'...and as for trying to escape from here, do not count on it. I shall hunt you down myself and kill you off before you even make it back to that town of yours. Do I make myself clear stranger".

He snorted, "Oh yeah...crystal", he replied sarcastically.

"Good...then I advise that you rest for now. Your fate will be decided upon after the sun in the sky is high, and who knows what you may have to go through then", and with that she turned and started walking away.

"Take him to Bankotsu...he shall know what to do with him'', she called out before she rounded a hut and dissapeared.

The four warriors nodded and pushed him slightly to get him moving in a certain direction into the village.

'Just what the hell have I gotten myself into this time?'


"This can turn to our benefit my love", the dark haired woman, with bruises on her once unblemished face, cooed.

"Indeed it can, and in time that treasure shall be ours Tsubaki".

The woman grinned playfully, "My cousin believes that we are on this expedition for his benefit. But the fool doesn't know our intentions".

The man beside her wore a dark cloak, and a set of dark purple hakama pants, with a matching coloured haori. His hair was long, and slighty curly, which he kept tied with a band at the base of his neck. The dark eyes that looked deep into the woman before him, showed a glint of mystery and lust.

"You, my little pet, are indeed evil.", he smirked playfully as he moved closer to her on her bed.

"Only when I'm around you my darling", she gave him a toothy grin.

He chuckled boyishly as one of his long fingered hands moved closer to her voiet coloured robes.

"Come here my little pet", he whispered hungrily into her ear.

She made a small moan when he bit the bottom of her earlobe and pulled it with his teeth gently.

"Don't tease", she slapped him hard on the chest.

He stopped with what he was doing and stared down into her eyes, "Then what is it that you want me to do to pet?".

She licked her lips hungrily and indicated with her eyes towards the bottom of her own robe.

He fought the urge to shiver in disgust when he took the hint of what her intentions were.

'Until I can get this woman to do my bidding, I shall have to keep playing the fool.', he took a deep breath after he untied the sash to her robe.

Little bumps aligned themselves on the ghostly, paled coloured skin when it became exposed to the chilly air.

"Hurry up, its been weeks since I've had a good one and I'm desperate!", she huffed.

"Patience my pet. Patience.", he hooked his long fingers on the sides of her pale coloured underwear string and pulled them down.

A mess of dark curls arose from behind the garment and he took his sweet, agonizing time to pull off the rest of the remaining underwear down her legs, and over her toes.

"Damnit can't you go any faster", she hissed as she bucked herself into the air, indicating her impatience.

The man that was slowly torturing her, sighed as he bent his head in between her legs.
'The things that I have to do for this damn woman!'

Having enough of his dawdling, she hooked his neck with the back of her heels and brought him foward to her hot, dripping want.

He nearly gagged when his face was forcibly pushed into the mess of curls, and even more so when she dug her heels into his back, hard. Tsubaki ignored his clumsy struggling and let her head fall back in ecstacy at the pleasurable feeling of having him in between her legs.

She moaned hard and loud when the man in between her legs started complying with her terms.

'I swear I shall kill this bitch if she doesn't give me what I want this time. It is so fucken frustrating to only have to pleasure her...while my needs go unattended.', he thought miserably.

Tsubaki gave out one final last scream when he hit her most sensitive spot and sent her reeling in waves, as she gasped through her orgasm.

"Oh fuck! That was lovely", she grinned lazily.

"Of course. But it would of been much more better if I was inside you, my pet."

Tsubaki grinned playfully as she reached out and grabbed at the growing lump in between his legs.

"You know better than I do that if this goes wrong...I can end up pregnant", se raised one of her eyebrows playfully.

"It never hurts to try", he gasped at the incredible feeling of her hand working at his growing hardness.

"You are naughty", she giggled.

In answer to her statement, he slapped her bottom playfully.

She squealed and tackled him , positioning herself over his lean, muscled body.

"I will agree to let you enter me on one condition", she bucked into his growing hardness

He hissed at the feeling of her wetness so close to his hard erection. "Name it! Anything you ask for damnit!", he pratically yelled in anger.

"Good", she smirked inwardly at the reaction she was able to create in this man before her. "Then tell me more about this treasure I am wasting all of my time in these damn forests for. Surely you can't be serious that this gold can grant any wish it's master desires".

The man frowned slightly for a second until his features turned into playfullness once more.

"Is that all you ask of me?"

"There is something else that you're hiding from me now aren't you...about this damn treasure?"

"I have told you everything that I know. I discovered the treasure long ago when I so happened to encounter their village. I knew from the moment that I had spotted it over fifteen years ago, that it was the one that had gone missing. Before that woman Midoriko ran off with the blasted demon Raikon. Since then I have tried to convince the emperor into granting me access into these lands once more in search for the treasure. But I couldn't of have done it without you and your position in the emperor's little pet. Because of you I was able to come back here and search for the treasure once more", he grinned.

Tsubaki snorted, "And what exactly does this gold look like?".

"You'll know it when you see it. I can assure you of that because it is the brightest treasure that you have ever seen or owned".

Tsubaki smiled evilly, " don't say. I could use a rare piece of jewellery like that amongst my collection".

He resisted the urge to slap her face for being such a spoiled brat and an idiot.
'Keep your temper in check or this thing will just slip out of your control'

"Yes...well, what will your cousin say if he sees you using his treasure as a piece of jewellery?"

"I thought we agreed that we weren't going to tell my idiot cousin, the emperor, our secret little plans?", she huffed, making her breasts bounce playfully.

He shrugged his shoulders, mildly distracted with the set of soft tissue before him. "Not if you're going to use it for some stupid piece of jewellery".

She pouted her lips,"Do not be angry my love...I was only teasing. Besides I know when to put something to good use when I see it", she squeezed his chin playfully.

"That's a good little pet. Now...did you not agree to my terms if I agreed to yours?".

Tsubaki threw back her head in laughter, "So has that been on your mind all night?. explains why you have finally shown up until now", she bucked into him, earning a small groan from his lips.

"Damn woman...I just want to fuck with you so bad tonight", he hissed pleasurably.

Tsubaki let her robes slip of her shoulder and began to undress him, slowly and as agonizing as he did to her.

He grabbed her hand roughly, when she began to untie the string to his pants, and pulled her onto the bed. "Don't make me wait", he sneered as he quickly got onto his knees, yanked the ties to his pants off and pulled them down. She gasped when he grabbed her legs roughly and spread them wide and apart.

"Oh yes! I love it when you're like this my love", she panted as he placed himself at her entrance.

He pratically glared down into her dark orbs, never once breaking eye contact with her as he pushed himself inside her hard.

She let out a loud scream of pleasure as he steadied himself inside her, before he lost it.

He set off at a fast pace, roughly grunting as he slammed inside of her over and over.

After just a few minutes had passed, he hunched over as the first spasm coursed through him, and he fought madly to stay in control for a bit longer.

Tsubaki groaned under him, not of pleasure, but of dissapointment as he collapsed on top of her, breathing hard.

"Oh that was no fun", she huffed, pushing him off of her body.

"Sorry...just give me a second here to catch my breath and then...we'll try again", he huffed.

Tsubaki snorted in an unlady like manner and got up from her bed hastily.

"I got more important things to do today than to screw around with you", she snapped.

"Wait my pet, I'm sure that if we tried again I will hold out much longer, so don't leave yet", he whined.

"Save it!', she stormed off to her dresser and pulled out a dazzling, dark blue yukata and a lighter blue sash to tie around her waist.

Taking the clothes she began to dress hastily, all the while ignoring the man's calling back towards the bed.

He sighed as he got up from the bed and drapped his arms around her form and brought her closer to his chest.
"You were just so damn good that I couldn't help it", he whispered into her ear, sending shivers down her spine.

He grinned when he noticed the reaction he got out of her, 'Good now I have you were I want you'.

"You know, maybe when we get the treasure you ought to use it to last longer in bed", she snapped, irritated at how easily he could pursue her to do his bidding.

He chuckled the same boyish laughter that sent her knees shaking.

'Oh I'll use the the treasure all right...but certainly not for that', he thought as he pulled off her yukata and had her bare naked form before him once more.

"Let's go try again", he nipped at her earlobe with his teeth, while his long fingered hands grabbed roughly at her small, but still handfull shaped breasts.

"Oh...", she moaned,"You certainly are naughty...Onigumo".


Okay we now know who Tsubaki is working with here and its definately someone who is related to Naraku. Onigumo.!!
I just had this chapter written out so long ago that when I reread over my old work I was slightly dissapointed with it. This scene with Tsubaki and Onigumo is suppose to be like a 'oh I see' type of thing. But it didn't quiet go that way in my original there was also a scene after this were Miroku (hehhehe) is watching these two and hears everything they have just said. Then he gets disgusted by Onigumo's lack of control, and then he thinks of Sango's tight tush.
I wanted to write that part because I thought it was funny, but more so I rewrote this scene because I had to get some things straight with my characters. There will be more things that are discovered as we get into the story, but for now I shall leave all of you wonderful readers in suspense...because that is my specialty!!(mwuahhahahah) - a purely evil laughter echos through the room as she passes out on the floor from insanity. (Yes....I am quiet a sad little one).

Till next time.

