InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Whispers Of A Treasure ❯ My Name ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Thank you to all those who have reviewed so far. I really love you guys and you are all an inspiration. This one goes out to all those who are on my Babydragon fanfic forum, and Cwilia in answer to your question…no Sesshy won’t be in this fanfic, although he is mentioned a couple of times. I am so sorry, I wish he was in here myself I like his character, but I do not know where to fit him at all. But if I could I would…so we shall see. And yeah Inu and the princess do have a lot of walls around them…but ah where would a story be if it weren’t suspenseful? I am evil after all.!! (mad, insane laughter in the background)

Disclaimer: Inuyasha isn’t mine…he’s Rumiko’s to torture and play with. Oh the woes of life!

Chapter 9~~~~~ My Name

“Noooo!…Let me go, I don wanna go”, came the high pitched shriek of a small child, whom was currently clutching madly at the General’s hair.
The General flattened his ears against his head to drone out the high pitched wails of the small boy,the seemingly high tone of his screams threatening to burst his sensitive auditory canal.

“Come on down son, you can’t stay up there forever”, the seemingly young looking women, with dark wispy hair and a haggard look, placed both her hands on her hips firmly.

“Yes I can”, the child wailed, and buried himself into the General’s long mane of hair, with a defiant look on his face.

The mother let out a sigh of defeat, “I am so sorry about this, he usually does not act like this…honestly. Please forgive me”, she bowed nervously before them in a humble manner.

“Do not apologize about this my dear Lady Azura. I am very sure that the newcomer does not mind at all. Am I not right stranger?”, she held back a small giggle as she acknowledged the man beside her.

“Yeah…sure, not a problem at all”, he replied with a small twitch in his right eyebrow, and with a tone that dripped with sarcasm.

“Oh my now really, you sure are a dear to be able to handle all of them at once. I just do not know how you do it”, Lady Azura replied not noticing the sarcasm. “Come along now son, supper is getting cold and you need to wash before you eat”.

“Agh!”, the child mumbled defiantly underneath the General’s mane.

The mother frowned and moved to where her child was hiding and grabbed him by the legs.
Realizing he was about to be taken away from his new friend, the child then quickly latched onto the General’s ears and began to hold on for dear life.

“No. No . No!”, he screamed as loudly as he could, making a couple of neighbors turn in their direction curiously.

Inuyasha bit down on his lip hard to keep from yelping at the pain he felt, and dug his nails into his palms to refrain from tearing off the boy from his head roughly.

The Princess acted quickly when she noticed the trouble the newcomer was in. Reaching into her basket, made from the finest straw, she pulled out a small, white parcel and waved it in front of the small boy.

The child eyed it greedily and released the General’s ears in the process of grabbing the small gift from the Princess. He then hugged it close to his chest as if it were the most important and precious item in the world.

“I am sorry did he hurt you?”, the lady took the child into her arms, away from the mistreated newcomer.

Inuyasha crossed his arms in a signature fashion, and with a scowl on his face he mumbled “no”.

The princess chuckled lightly, “We shall be heading off now. I do believe it is getting late, and for allowing me to look after your son today I am more than happy to give you this small gift”, she then took out another small, white parcel.

“Ah! Princess your heart is too kind. Believe me you may take my son with you for the day anytime. It brings me much peace to know he shall meet other children and will be well protected with you”.

The Princess bowed humbly, “Your kind words touch me deeply Lady Azura. I bid you a good evening then. Until next time then”, she bowed once more and began to depart.

Inuyasha followed in tow after her, rubbing his ears and mumbling sourly to himself.

“Bye, bye doggy man. Good bye”, the small boy called out happily, waving his tiny hand in the air innocently as his new friend departed.

“Doggy man?”, Inuyasha turned his head back with an annoyed scowl on his face.

“Come on, let us be on our way”, the Princess giggled, “After all the children really do admire you and they do not mean any harm”.

“Keh!”, he turned away blushing and began to scratch the back of his head casually.

He then suddenly let out a sound of disgust.
“Gah! What the hell is this stuff? It’s all over my head!”.

“It will not come out, I can assure you of that”, the princess looked away quickly, trying to suppress a chuckle.

“Are you serious”, he asked in disbelief.


“You’re not pulling my leg…right?”.

“No, I am not”.

She sounded very serious at the moment that he actually believed her for a slight second, until that is, she started bursting out into an uncontrolled laughter.

“You…you should of seen the…look on your face”, she gasped, “I was not being serious at all”.

“Ha, ha and I just find that highly amusing as well!”, he snorted roughly through his nose.

She continued to lightly chuckle, while he continued to scowl at her throughout their walk back into the middle of the village.

They neared the dinner hall just as many of the warrior hunters were coming in for their last meal of the day. The princess stilled slightly when she noticed a familiar warrior dressed in white approach around the corner of the vast hall. She then visibly relaxed when she looked upon the warrior’s face and realized it was none other than her closest companion and most trustful warrior.

“Souta, It is a surprise to see you here. I assumed you would of joined Lady Kaede and I tonight for supper?”

The tall, youthful warrior with short, spiked hair scratched his chin nervously before he replied to her question.
“Yeah well…Baba is scary right now. She’s threatening to hit me with the whip if I come home late in the evenings again”.

The princess shook her head in a negative manner, “Serves you right for having to make an elder worry over you!”.

A small, mischievous smile crossed over the youthful warrior’s face as he advanced towards the princess.
“What is that wonderful smell? Don’t tell me you were trying to hide the Choco from me. You know better than that…I am you’re elder brother and you must share everything with me. Baba said so!”, he grabbed her basket in a quick flash and began to rummage inside it.
“Hey! Give that back! I demand you Souta, primary leader of the hunters, to give me back my basket right this minute!”.

Souta stuck out his tongue childishly and dodged every swipe the princess threw at him with her hands.
“Neh! No way you brat!”

Inuyasha looked on in amusement, even though she had threatened him…she seemed to be having a carefree time with her elder brother, as siblings always do.

So this guy is her older brother…and he’s the top hunter of the village. That explains the white clothing, which was meant to set the leaders apart. But what about that guy Bankotsu, is he another one of the top leaders of the village as well?’

“Souta! Give it back!”.

“No!”, he ducked once more as she swung at him, “Hey guys the princess made more choco and says that it’s for everyone”, he then yelled loudly inside the dinner hall.

A couple of the warrior hunters came running outside the hall quickly, stumbling over one another as they approached the horrified princess.

“ I shall kill you slowly for this later”, she whispered under her breath innocently and too sweetly for him to just take so lightly.

Souta gulped and then shrugged his shoulders, “If you do then I won’t give this back to you then”, taking a small bite of the unwrapped choco, while he grinned evilly.

“Hey it’s not hard like the last batch you made sister, and this one actually tastes sweet too”, he exclaimed.

She pursed her lips slightly, “Humph!”

“Hey everyone this isn’t hard like the last batch we had”.

A couple more men came running outside to help themselves to one of the small packages of the sweet, dark colored treat.

The princess crossed her arms and fumed in her own anger as her wonderful supply of choco was quickly consumed by many warriors, thanking and nodding in agreement about how delicious the new batch was.

“Whoa! What happened to you Inuyasha?”, Souta finally noticed the newcomer presence after he had finished off his share in choco. “Looks like you got mauled by a bunch of kids”.

The weary looking General, with dark hand prints in his tousled mane shrugged casually. “You could say that”.
“See that’s why I’m a hunter and not a caregiver”.

“And you still do a rotten job of it”, the princess snatched her basket away from the unsuspecting warrior.

Souta gave her his best innocent look, “Aw...don’t be so mean sis”.

She growled slightly at him and was about to respond to his comment, when she noticed the one she had been trying to avoid all day.

It was Bankotsu, whom was currently walking towards the dinner hall, and with one arm hanging forbiddenly close around a girl’s shoulders, near the chest area. A young girl at that, and wearing a large, rather overly decorated mask that was suppose to resemble a simple, unique bird.

Inuyasha quickly noticed a slight change in the princess’s posture and looked towards in the direction she was currently eyeing.

“I must leave Souta. I have many duties I must do before the day is over…excuse me”, she replied quickly and turned to leave.

Souta noticed her hurried departure and stared after her retreating form confused.

He then turned to Inuyasha who was also staring after her with a worried expression.

“Care to join us tonight for supper Inuyasha?”, he shrugged off the confusion and focused on a different change of topic.

“Um… you go on ahead. There’s something I gotta do first”, he took off at a full sprint, leaving a slightly confused warrior behind.

‘Is he…going after my sister?’.


‘Damn can she ever walk fast’, Inuyasha frowned as he neared a corner and sped up. He didn’t find her till she was half way across a clearing, and nearing a large weeping willow tree that overlooked a small, natural pond.

“Princess wait!”.

As usual she didn’t stop in her hasty attempt to escape from the General, nor did she acknowledge that she had even heard him at all.

He would of turned back if it were any other moment, for he didn’t care about the problems that went on with the princess or not. He could of easily stopped in his tracks, turned around and headed straight back to the dinner hall, where he could of listened to the interesting hunts of the say from different warriors. But no, none of it seemed to matter at the moment. The Princess was all alone out here with no one to turn to but herself, feeling neglected and hurt.

He would rather stay and comfort her.

Even if she does not want him to.

She reached near the edge of the gigantic willow tree and sat on top of one of the protruding, large roots.

He approached her slowly….calmly.

She sighed and placed her basket near the trunk of the tree. Never once turning to acknowledge the General slowly approaching her.

“Let me be…I do not need anyone so just leave”, she sniffled lightly.
Bringing her knees upwards towards her chest, she sighed heavily and buried her self between the small space, created when she had brought her legs up.

Taking a light sniff of the air around him, he smelled the salty tinge of tears and another slight intriguing scent, that he could not quiet put a finger on at the moment.

He didn’t budge from his spot, nor did he intend to, she was clearly upset and if he advanced towards her any more so…then who knew if she happened to decided to take her anger out on him.

And he would never be able to defend himself against her. He would not dare to raise a hand towards a women, more so a princess.

‘Why will he not leave…can he not understand that I need to be alone. Stupid baka! He just does not get it does he’.

“I believe…I know why you’re upset…princess”, he took another step closer to her.

An audible growl began to emanate from her and she turned her head sharply towards him.
“You know nothing about me stranger so do not assume such things!”, she snapped.

He held up his hands in front of his chest in a placate manner. “That’s not what I meant. I mean it is and it isn’t”. He wanted to physically slap himself upside the head for being an idiot at the moment.

“I do not understand you stranger”, she turned away and decided to settle upon viewing the calm, surreal pond before her.
“Sorry”, he mumbled and went to go sit down on lush, green grass beside her. “What I meant was…he upset you didn’t he? The warrior named Bankotsu, am I right?”

“Just drop it all right. I do not even want to think about him at the moment”.

Inuyasha sighed, ‘Guess she’s not going to tell me after all’.

It became silent between them, and it began to irritate the General when she did not say anything further, and just stared at the calm scene in front of her.

“This village is different…there are a lot more people who seem to be accepting of…well everything’, he finally added when the silence became unbearable.

He causally picked up a smooth rock beside him and gave its unique designs and patterns a couple of glances before he chucked it into the water.

A small ‘plop’ noise followed when it made contact with the sheer, glean surface of the water. Tiny ripples expanded from the center of the small void, making nearby lily pads bounce from the slight vibration.

“I am also trying to locate the treasure that Tsubaki is after. I’m already familiar with the grounds in this village, and I’ve searched everywhere I could think a person may hide something valuable. But I’ve had no luck so far, and I was thinking of maybe moving my search to the deeper parts of the forests”.

‘If anything I thought that would probably get her to talk. Heh, stubborn woman!’

“I want to help your people so with your permission, Princess, I believe that if I searched the deepest parts of the forest…I might be able to find that treasure everyone dreads here”, he continued.

He sighed when she didn’t respond to that either. ‘I might as well be talking to myself’

He was surprised when she turned her head to meet his and smiled, a soft and yet genuine smile.

“You are different than most city people that I have heard rumors about and have meet”, she peered down at the grass in front of her and studied it odd geometrical shape.

“I thank you for caring and for helping us all”.

He blushed slightly at the praise he received from the princess, and for some reason it just felt as if he had finished a race, his heart was beating so hard and fast within his chest.

“Keh, well it’s no big deal”, she gave him another large smile, and he gulped, “I mean…its all right I guess”.
She nodded and looked up towards the sky, it was beginning to grow dark and the sun was just settling behind the giant mountains in the far distance.

A soft curtain of dark reds and oranges settled upon the world, enveloping it into its own cloak of mystery.

“Will you forgive me stranger?”.

Inuyasha frowned for a slight moment and then relaxed his features into a look of confusion.

“For what?”

“For having of treated you very horribly from the start. It was wrong for me to have believed that you were no better than all of the other city people from Magasaki town.
And….I was lying when I stated that you smelled of city filth”.

It was Inuyasha’s turn to become quiet now, and for the longest moment he actually didn’t say anything, nor did he mind the awkward silence between them.

“You don’t smell too bad either…I lied too”, he blushed an even darker shade and forced himself to look away before he permanently stayed the color.

“Thank you stranger”.


“Tell me… what is it like in the city, I have never been there and the only one time I have, was quick and blurred with anger”.

He scratched his chin thoughtfully, “Well let’s see it’s not so bad when you become use to it after a while. And there’s running water for sure”.

“Running water?”, the Princess asked confused.

“Yeah, it basically comes from a pump so you don’t have to be hulling these big buckets back and forth. It’s quicker that way and a lot less work”.

“Interesting, such as in a waterfall?”

“That’s a perfect example to describe it, see now you’re getting the picture”.

She smiled, “Please tell me more about the life of the city people”.

“Well, there’s a lot of things here that are as similar to how things are in the city. Like the merchants in the village, we have a lot of them that sell products or gain merchandise. The only difference is that the one in the city are a lot more aggressive, and are corrupt by the idea of money”.

“Oh sorry, guess you’ve never seen money here have you? Its just little pieces of metal that we use in order to obtain items such as food”.

She nodded her head in understanding, although it all did sound very complicated to her.
“The Lady Kaede, whom often visits the city once every year to exchange some of our products for others, states that there are places that will just bring tears to one’s eyes. A few of the people are often found in the city and brought here, they all just want a different life. A life away from there.”

Inuyasha folded his arms in a defiant manner, “Not all places are exactly bad. In fact there are places there that are just amazing that even you will be surprised”.

“I shall take your word for it then. I mean there are a lot of people here from the city and many of them have good hearts, so my guess is…not all things seem to be negative from there”.

‘Damn it all, she just looks so gorgeous when she’s happy. What the hell is wrong with me, why do I feel…this way?’

“Yeah”, he replied in a daze.

She turned to look at him and cocked her head to the side cutely.

He gulped hard, and shook his head slightly, pushing back unwanted feelings to the back of his mind.

“I hope to visit the city one day and see the many intriguing and wonderful places you speak of stranger. That is…never mind”, she shook her head in a negative fashion and looked away.

“What’s wrong?”.

“Nothing do not worry yourself”.

“No, something is wrong. What is it?”.

“It is nothing just as I have said. Now please drop it”.

Inuyasha sighed, ‘Wow talking to her is like picking rice from a pile of sand’.

“You must have it pretty hard, you are a Princess after all. I bet the responsibility can be so overwhelming at times.”

She turned to look back at him, ‘This stranger….why is he acting so? Never has anyone spoken to me like he does.’

“What makes you say that stranger? I have already told you that there is nothing that you know of me so do not assume.”

“I’m not assuming anything, I’m just stating the obvious. Besides I have a big responsibility and expectation to live up to as well, so I know how you must feel at times”.

She bit the bottom of her lip lightly, “Then you must live quiet a life stranger’.

“Probably not as complicated as yours Princess, you’re treated with respect everywhere you set foot in the village, and your people worry for you all the time”, he scooted closer to her

“My people worry over for me…because I am the last of my race. Nothing more”, she mumbled.

“The last of your race?”

“Yes, I am the last of the ancient, White wolves , and if I were to die then my people would panic”, she huffed.

“They would, but for an entirely different reason that you believe in, Princess.”, he wanted to inquire more information about her ancient race, but decided to save those questions for another day. Right now she was just barely opening up to him.
“You’re people really do care about you in more ways than you think”.

“After a short while, you seem to know a lot about my people”.

“Yeah and I know that there’s some pretty crazy things that I still do not agree on yet, especially the way women have to fight mean for something stupid”.

“And you never cease to speak about it either”, she chuckled lightly.

“What is that suppose to mean?”, he half growled.

“I mean that you will never let up the fact that our ways are different than yours, but we have a very good, logical reason for everything”.

“I’ve seen the way you fight, and I must say that I’m impressed, but no offense I just find this whole tradition of yours a bit irrational. Is there no other way to settle this than to have a king change the rules?”.

She shook her head in a negative fashion, although she never did let the smile on her lips falter one bit.

“And it doesn’t bother you one bit?”, he asked surprised.

“In a way it does, I would like to have the chance to say yes or no to a fight. But I can not for that is unacceptable to all women here in this village”.

“Such a harsh rule if you ask me”, Inuyasha grunted and let a deep frown mar on his face.

“We have become accustomed to the rule, so it does not bother anyone here anymore as much as it use to”.

“I see. So where did you learn to fight like that. You do have some strong maneuverability and tactics that you use”.

“ I was taught at a very young age by my father. He trained both Souta and I his way of fighting every day from dawn to dusk for years. Afterwards, I then began to seek out my own skills amongst others by secretly watching them. For I was not allowed back then to be amongst my people as I am now”.

“Really, how come?”.

“It was because I was a girl, and my father’s only blood related child. Everyone treated me as a fragile piece of jade, and I loathed the feeling of being kept indoors all the time. It was only then that one day my father had spotted me looking longingly outside, while the children played, that he ordered for me to do as I wished. And the first thing I decided to do was to finally step out and be amongst my people for good. Till this day, I thank my father very deeply for having cared for the welfare of others and myself”, she said her last words with a sigh and brought her arms around her waist as if to comfort herself in some way.

“Princess…if anything, I promise you that I shall find that treasure and end this conflict with that woman Tsubaki”.

‘What the heck am I saying?…snap out of it you fool, this is going in way deeper than I had expected’.

“And I will help you to avenge the death of your father and many others who had died in vain because of Tsubaki”, he continued with the same tone of audaciousness as before, without a single waver in his voice.

‘I can’t just ignore her now that she needs as much help as she can. I won’t allow Tsubaki to continue to torture the lives of these people. Even if I have to give my own in return, just to stop her destruction for these people’s lives. And for her’.

The princess giggled lightly, “Stranger you do not know what you are getting yourself into, but still I must thank you for your bravery and acceptance of this whole ordeal. It comforts me to know that there are some people out there that will strive to do justice, and you stranger are one of them”.

His face had been his regular tone of color for a small amount of time, that is…until she had spoken those words of praise to him.

Blushing, he looked away so she wouldn’t see that he was embarrassed by her words.

“You have brought this heavy burden upon yourself stranger, and have asked nothing in return. Please do not hesitate to ask if there is something that you wish, just ask and it shall be granted. I give you my word”.

“There is, one thing that I wouldn’t mind having you do for me”, he stated calmly.

She panicked, just slightly for a small moment between his spoken words and pause.
‘Maybe I should have not have given him such a retribution. What if he asks for something that is far beyond my control?’.

A thousand thought were going on through his mind in the mere moment of his silence. At first they were demanding, then perverted, followed by greed, and ending with perversion once more. He just couldn’t help himself, here was this beautiful, young maiden that he could easily ask anything of, or take and no one would be able to stop him if he decided to do so. But then reality hit him hard, and he had to shake those unwanted thought away from his mind. He couldn’t ask those things of her, she is a Princess for crying out loud, she was way out of his league…and there was also the fact that he was married. To a woman he didn’t even care for that was, but yet still married none the less.

“Tell me your name, Princess”, he finally stated.

She was taken back slightly by such a request, but none the less very surprised.

“My name? Why would you like to know that?”

“Because that’s what everyone here calls you and not once have I ever heard anyone say your given name”, he shrugged as if it wasn’t a big deal.

She looked at her hands for a mere moment until she looked back up at him.
“I guess it will be all right….my name given to me by birth….”

She went quiet for a moment before she continued.

“Is Kagome”.

“Kagome’, he repeated quietly to himself. He liked it, and it really suited her personality, she just looked and acted like a Kagome.

“Keh, its no wonder everyone here calls you Princess, the name Kagome just sounds like a type of fish”.

Her temper flared and the scent in her aura spiked up immensely,
“What did you just say stranger? Take it back or else!”.
He laughed hysterically, and clutched the side of his stomach as he tried to remain sane while he talked. “Or else what? You going to drown me?”, he continued hollering in laughter.

She huffed and crossed her arms defiantly and turned her whole frame away from him, “Well you were the one who wanted to know my name, so that does not mean you have to be a baka about it”.

“Don’t tell me you’re upset again. I was only teasing you ya know”, he got up and sat down right next to her on the same large, protruding root of the weeping willow.

“You are a mean person you know that”, she tensed slightly when he came near her.

“I was only joking all right”, he grabbed her arm gently, “Besides I’m not the one who started it remember”.

“Oh, and are you assuming that I did?”, she half growled at him.

“Yes, I am”, he smirked.

“And mind telling me how was I the one to start this all, stranger?”.

“Very well, we can start off by the name that you have titled me since the beginning. My given name is Inuyasha, not stranger”, he grabbed her opposite shoulder and turned her whole frame around so that she could look at him as he was speaking.

A small spark of electricity shot through him when her large, dazzling eyes of adamant looked deep into his very soul. He shivered then, just slightly, and forced the feeling of his desires to an unknown destination in his mind.

She ‘humph’d’ and pulled back slightly from his grasp, “well then Inu…yasha as you would like to be called, have a pleasant evening. I am going home”, she rose up quickly and stomped of in the direction of her home.

“Are you still upset?”, he shouted loudly after her.

“No, I am not upset. I am angry with you”, she shouted back and continued on her journey home.

He had to smile to himself, ‘well at least that bastard Bankotsu is gone from her mind. That’s what matters most anyway.’

He went into deep thought about the princess for a moment, thinking of how beautiful she looked with all the colors from the setting sun that cloaked around her delicate form with a surreal glow.

His stomach gave an audible growl to his sensitive ears and he then remembered that he hadn’t quiet eaten since mid afternoon.
Not that it mattered really, he didn’t give food a second thought when he had followed the upset princess.

‘Not the Princess…her name is Kagome, like she said it was’.

“Kagome”, he quietly whispered once more to himself and looked upon the direction where she had last taken.
With a small shake of his head, he then headed off back into the middle of the village and towards the dinner hall, where he would get some food before it all disappeared.


Just as he was leaving around a bend, a figure dressed in white, stepped out of the dark shadows of a large bush.

He scratched the underside of his chin and looked deep in thought.

‘There is something more about the son of Inu No Taisho than I had first expected. Could it be…that he has fallen in love? I will keep a close eye on him for sure. Who knows he could be a better match for her than anyone in this village could ever be. Even her first fling, Bankotsu’

He dusted himself lightly and headed back into the middle village, but took a familiar route that lead to the dinner hall easily.

He didn’t want anyone to get suspicious of where he had been.

Especially the one who had been comforting his sister.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

Please review people, and tell me you’re honest opinions so far. Thanks and love you all.

