InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Whispers Of Elysium: The Child The World Forgot ❯ Prologue ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
The blood red clouds painted the sky in an eerie light as she watched the golden orb sink lower along the horizon. She’d been standing there for awhile now, just watching the world around her. Her servants couldn’t move her, nor get her to speak. She said not a word, her eyes never moving from one particular spot on the horizon. The light of the bloody sunset made the White City glow in an eerie light, as if it wasn’t real but a mere illusion. Her bright blue eyes twinkled sadly with unshed tears that she would not let fall and risk making her look weak. A summer wind began to blow from the west, making her thigh-long, blonde hair begin to dance quietly. As she stood there in what seemed to be thought, her long time friend and personal guard stood behind her. His midnight blue hair danced as her own blonde hair did. For many years he had been with her, watching over her. Friends since childhood, their families were both highly respected and close to one another. But in all the wonderful years he had known her, his Lady had never shown this much distress.Her aura flickered with a foreboding light, as if she could somehow tell something was wrong beyond the borders of the city. But then again, maybe she could tell. Her people were known for their unique abilities, each person with their own specialties. But Lady Suki had always been a beautiful collaboration of both. Her power was rivaled by none of their people, demons, or humans. She had always been kind and just, even more so than the people she ruled over. Maybe it was in the nature of the Arc Angel, or maybe her soul was just too pure to be tainted by the world around her. The guard snapped back to reality as the large wood doors opened behind him, revealing a small child. As she walked quietly in, he couldn’t help but smile at her. Her little blue wings were folded against her back, slightly fluttering in the small winds. He kneeled as she walked over to him, her blue and white dress dragging on the ground slightly as she approached. She smiled brightly at him as she tucked a lock of her raven hair behind her ear, keeping it separate from her shockingly bright blue bangs.“Hello little one.” Her smiled widened as he spoke quietly to her, his deep, velvety voice echoing along the open hallway.“Akito, will you come play with me? I can’t find anyone who will play, and Fluffy isn’t here.” Akito laughed at the little angel’s nickname for her playmate, who was far from fluffy. He felt blessed to be one of the few true youkai welcome in this sacred place, truly meant for only his Lady’s people. “I am deeply sorry little one, but I must stay here with your mother.” The little girl pouted sadly as she looked over at her mother’s graceful form that still stood on the balcony where she had been all day. Akito saw sadness in the child’s eyes, and he realized she disliked her mother’s behavior as much as he did. “Will mommy play with me?” He shook his head slowly as he ruffled her long hair slightly.“I’m afraid not. She’s very...well let’s just say she’s got a lot on her mind.” He stood once more and walked towards his Lady’s form, motioning for the child to follow. As he reached the balcony, he could smell her unshed tears. But as he reached out to touch her shoulder, the scent disappeared and his fingers met her shoulder.“Lady Tsuki, your daughter is here.” To his deep surprise, she turned around with a small on her face, but a despairingly sad smile at that. Her bright blue eyes danced as she smiled at him, the same eyes he’d known for three centuries.“Akito, my brave tiger, will you go find Taihen-sama for me?” The tiger youkai nodded before disappearing in a whirl of snowflakes, leaving the small child alone with her mother. Tsuki kneeled as her daughter came running at her, slamming into her mother’s larger body with all her strength, nearly knocking them both over. Tsuki stood, smiling down at the seven year old.“How has your day been my little tenshi?” She searched the child’s aura, trying to discern the little girl’s thoughts.“Boring. Nobody has time to play with me, and I’m mad at dog breath because he’s not here to play either!” Tsuki laughed quietly at her daughter’s remark.“Aleeria, he is a very busy young man. Not to mention he must remain at his father’s palace. You see, Sesshoumaru’s father is out there right now with your father, fighting to protect us all.” The little girl nodded, a frustrated pout still on her face.“That’s stupid. I wanna go see fluff head, he’s more fun than the servants here.” Tsuki laughed once more at Aleeria’s antics. Her daughter’s soul was indeed a rebellious one. It shined brightly in the darkest of times, a beacon of purity and life. But she couldn’t help but think her daughter’s vibrant spirit may get her into trouble some day.“Aleeria, you’d better not call Sesshoumaru by those names. I’m sure even his incredible patience would wear thin if you did. Plus, once your father returns I’m sure...” But Tsuki stopped talking as the large wooden doors swung open, revealing a very distressed looking Taihen. His emerald green hair was unkept looking from the wind, his gray eyes standing out against his paled cheeks. Tsuki rushed foward, motioning for Aleeria to stay where she was.“Taihen! What has happened to you?” Her voice sang with a quiet urgency as she placed a hand over her mouth in shock. She stared at his outstretched wings, their emerald green feathers ruffled as if he had been flying. “My Lady, I went...went to receive a report...from your Lord....” He spoke slowly, and took deep breaths between several words. Something was definitely wrong. His aura sparked with distress and disbelief.“But the was...was...” His voice began to become quieter and quieter until he was whispering. But he started when he felt Tsuki’s fragile fingers on his shoulder, her eyes staring into his own, burning with a deep need. A need to know the truth. So as he stood upright, he clasped her dainty hands between his own and searched her eyes as he told her.“My Lady...Lord Taiyou’s fortress...has been destroyed...there was nothing left but bodies and...My Lady, there was no sign of Lord Taiyou. All I found was this...” She gasped as he pulled a long gleaming sword from the scabbard at his hip, it’s intricately sculpted blade gleaming with a small trickle of blood.“It can’t be...” Tsuki reached out and took the sword from her Lord’s advisor in disbelief, not thinking it was real until it’s light weight was pressed into her dainty little hands. The tears she’d been holding finally came, but this time they simply fell with no holding back. He had known the whole time, her Taiyou, he had known this would happen.“My Lady, is there anything I can get you?” Tsuki heard Akito’s voice, but she simply lowered her hand as she clutched the sword to her chest, slowly sinking to her knees as Aleeria walked quietly towards them.“Mommy...” “Akito, please gather what I told you before. Lord Taiyou’s last wishes will be carried out.” The arctic tiger nodded before once more disappearing in a whirl of snowflakes. Taihen followed suit, spreading his great wings and flying out off the balcony, taking to flight against the blood red skies. Tsuki stayed where she was, trembling as the fear and sadness overwhelmed her. How could this have happened? Where was InuTaisho? How did Taiyou know this would happen? All these questions and more echoed in her mind, whispering over and over as if on constant repeat. But the eerie whispers were driven away as a child’s hand came in contact with her shoulder.“Mommy?” Tsuki looked up, coming face to face with Aleeria’s ice blue eyes. The small girl was kneeling before her, the small dress she wore was spread around her on the smooth stone of the hall. Tsuki felt her heart break all the more as she looked into her daughter’s eyes, and she knew...Aleeria would never know the truth. She would make sure of it.“Aleeria, do mommy a favor. Please go to your room and get dressed in that pretty little outfit daddy gave you. You know what one I’m talking about, don’t you?” Aleeria nodded and Tsuki smiled sadly as she got up and ran out through the open doors and to the right, her light footsteps echoing back to Tsuki’s ears as she too stood, the sword still clutched to her chest. With her head held high, Lady Tsuki walked through the doors, simply disappearing a small whirlwind of sakura petals. Meanwhile, Akito was walking up the stairs to Aleeria’s room, already knowing the little girl was there and probably in need of assistance. So he walked in, nearly wanting to laugh even in his morbid mood. She had managed to get the large white hakama and the white and blue haori on, but as she tried to put on the small amount of armor her father had given her, she grew frustrated and threw one of the knee guards on the floor, giving it an evil glare, which only made Akito want to laugh even more.“Aleeria, are you in need of assistance?” Aleeria looked up and stuck out her tongue at him, this time throwing the other knee guard at his head, which he simply caught with his clawed hand. He simply shook his head and motioned for her to sit on the edge of her bed. It, like most things in her room, was not like other beds. It was rather high off the ground, a small stool standing on one side to help her up. It was a four post made of solid wood with an oak finish. He walked over to her and she flopped onto the sky blue blankets and pillows that matched the beautiful mural on her roof and far wall. “Akito, why is mommy making me wear this? I like it, but she doesn’t like me wearing it, or does she?” Akito smiled as he kneeled and began to put on her armor. His blue hair danced with hers as the summer wind blew through her open balcony doors, and she giggled as he brought his white, striped tail up to her cheek and tickled her. He didn’t have typical tiger colors, but then again he wasn’t an average tiger. His white tail was striped with midnight blue instead of the usual black, which he was always proud of.“Aleeria, this is very simple armor. Surely you would not want to try and assemble mine.” Aleeria shook her head vigorously, making some of her hair tickle his nose. As he sneezed lightly, he felt the presence of Tsuki’s power as she stepped into the room wearing armor similar to Aleeria’s. But as he looked up at her face, he saw something was off.“My Lady?” “Aleeria do you still want to play a game?” Aleerai nodded as her mother walked over and sat next to her. Akito simply watched as Tsuki lifted Aleerai onto her lap and began to draw pictures in the air with her hands. But unlike normal people, her pictures came to life. Or, at least somewhat alive. Glittering butterflies began to fly around them both as a silver mist began to haze around Aleeria, her bright eyes drooping until they finally closed and she slumped against her mother’s chest, the pictures instantly disappearing. Akito finally realized what was happening, and he watched on hoping that Lady Tsuki was doing the right thing.“Let the past be gone, put this child's heart to the test. Let the truth and the lies all be put to rest.” A blue glow came from inside Aleeria’s body, gathering in the middle of Akito and Tsuki. Akito watched in awe as it materialized into a blue crystal sphere. “Akito, no one must ever find out about Aleeria’s memories. Her memories, along with her powers, have been captured within this orb.” Akito nodded as Tsuki held out her hand, allowing the floating orb to rest in her palm."My Lady, you said Aleeria’s powers are captured as well. Does that mean she’s human?” Tsuki sighed quietly as she stared into the glowing depths of the sphere. Then, she nodded slowly.“I will follow my Lord’s last wishes and take her away from here. Tell me Akito, do you know the location of the Bone Eater’s Well?” Tsuki stood as he thought, picking up her daughter’s limp body as they walked towards the doors.“Yes, I know of it. It’s supposed to have strange powers. Why do you ask?” They left the room as they spoke with Tsuki leading the way. They headed to the left, walking towards another open balcony at the end of the hall.“I have also heard of it’s powers. However, I have also heard that it has the ability to move beings through time. If this is true, I’m going there. But even if the rumors are false, I have enough power to make them truth.” Akito nodded as they stopped on the balcony. Tsuki turned to him with a sad smile on her face, her eyes once more twinkling with unshed tears.“Akito, I’m afraid this is where we part. Taihen will be the temporary Lord of our people whilst I am away. Please, remain here so you can observe everything that happens here. I may visit from time to time, so be sure to keep your watchful eye out for anything suspicious.” Akito nodded and Tsuki turned once more with Aleeria still in her arms, speaking the incantation to remove her concealment charm as she walked toward the railing of the balcony. But as she spread her revealed wings, glorious white wings, she stopped at Akito’s voice.“Tsuki, what shall I tell InuTaisho and Sesshoumaru? Surely they will search for you.” Tsuki was surprised to hear him use her name after all these years, but her shock was gone as concern replaced it. Their friends to the west would definitely be worried, especially Sesshoumaru. But, his concern was pointless. They would be safe, and Aleeria would be free of the world she was born into.“Akito, tell them the truth. But also tell them this; Aleeria’s memories and powers shall be returned to her only if my spell is removed or if I die. Tell them that they may never see us again, and if they do, there is a possibility that Aleeria may not remember them at all.” Akito heard the hidden message in her words, and realized the true reason behind her leaving...There was a traitor amongst the angels...“Yes, I will do that. Then I bid you farewell.” Tsuki nodded before flapping her great wings and taking flight, knowing this was probably the last time they’d see one another for many years. But it wouldn’t matter, a century was nothing to her. So, she flew on towards her destination, already knowing where they would go.Soon the whispers of Elysium would spread and she would be searched for, but no one would ever finds them. Not even the one person who knew her daughter better than anyone else...