InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Whispers of Memories and Promises Forgotten ❯ Whispers of Memories and Promises Forgotten ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter One
Whispers of Memories and Promises Forgotten
(This is a repost. The story is short and will involve only Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru. There will eventually be a sequel or new chapters added. Please than Periwinkle for help beta'ing this chapter.)
“You promised never to forget,” whispered the tall regal demon lord while he knelt beside the sleeping hanyou, his breath tickling the white tuft of Inuyasha's right puppy ear. “You promised, Inuyasha.”
Sesshoumaru gazed at the sleeping form of his half brother, the one he had shown so much hatred toward for the majority of the boy's life, at least in Inuyasha's memory. And that was the tickler wasn't it? Inuyasha's memory.
He looked so docile in his sleep, an innocent man-child, his little brother, his…one-time lover.
The figure clothed in red was half hidden by his long, thick, white mane. Untamed bangs half covered his face, hiding his eyes. Triangular, fur covered ears gave away the fact that he was hanyou, half human and half demon.
Sesshoumaru gazed at the claws. Inuyasha had proven himself a strong and worthy opponent as witnessed by their many battles and by Sesshoumaru's missing left arm. The boy had grown up, no longer a child. Sesshoumaru carefully plucked the bangs away from Inuyasha's face then ran the back of his index finger along his brother's left cheek.
“You promised, my beautiful one,” Sesshoumaru whispered close to Inuyasha's ear once more before disappearing into the night as though he were only a wisp of smoke from the campfire.
Inuyasha woke with a start, eyes darting about. There was no sign of his half brother, Sesshoumaru, but the scent lingered.
`He was here, damn it. What does he want? Night after night when I can't hold my eyes open anymore, he whispers the same thing. What the hell does he mean, “You promised”? What am I supposed to remember?'
And each time he failed to stay awake, it was the same thing. Why couldn't he stay awake? Had Sesshoumaru put a spell on him or something? Inuyasha sleepily clambered from his resting place beneath the tree at the edge of the campsite. Everyone in their small group of misfits was still sleeping. It was the perfect opportunity to take a walk and clear his befuddled mind.
`He's such an ass. Why doesn't he just come right out and talk to me? I guess that's just beneath him. He wouldn't want anyone seeing him talk to the dirty hanyou now, would he? Why would he do this? Did I make some promise to him? Yeah, right. Like I would ever do something that stupid.'
With no thought at all to where his feet were taking him, Inuyasha ended up at the hot spring.
`A nice soak. Yeah, maybe then I can sleep deep enough that I can't hear the bastard.'
Golden eyes watched from above the treetops while Inuyasha peeled off his firerat robe and his hakama. Swirling tendrils of incredibly long silver hair wrapped around the tall, white satin clothed figure hanging in the breeze like a wraith. The white rays of the moon made his already pale complexion seem ghost-like. But the deep blue crescent moon on his forehead and the two magenta stripes across each cheek lent solidity to his appearance.
It was time, time for the terrible spell, or curse, as Sesshoumaru considered it, to be overcome by time and age.
It was enough to be close to his little brother. For now. But he was anxious for the spell to be broken. Oh, how Inuyasha had suffered from so many who would wreak their terrible powers upon him. The miko he once loved pinning him to a tree for fifty long years, the witch who brought her back to life, and the dead miko's spell that wrapped his mind and heart around her. And finally, the new miko with her subduing spell that mercilessly crushed his young body into the dirt. However, before all that, the initial spell, the one that forced him forget, wiped clean his memories of their childhood, their secret trysts…
”Come on, Sesshoumaru. Father won't be home for another day. Mother is entertaining guests. Come on!” the adolescent child-like Inuyasha had urged him, tugging at the sleeve of his kimono.
He hadn't needed much encouragement since it had been him, Sesshoumaru, who had initiated their intimacy. Inuyasha's innocent love and adoration incited his craving for the boy, but he had waited patiently for the boy to come to him. Yet, it was he who had taken the first awkward step into physical intimacy. Inuyasha had ardently acquiesced to his carefully measured advances. It had been as though they were meant to be together, decreed by the heavens, approved by the stars, the moon, and even the sun.
Sesshoumaru casually strolled through the serene garden behind his excited sibling then followed a well worn path through the wild bordering forest. Deep within, a bottleneck in a brook created a deep, clear pool of water warmed by the summer sun.
Both boys, eventually stripped of their clothing, entered the water, Inuyasha with his enthusiastic leap leaving a violent wake behind while Sesshoumaru leaving only gentle ripples as he waded toward his excited brother. Even then, their differences were immeasurable. But each complemented the other. Inuyasha sparkled brilliantly in the life of the cold restraint forced on Sesshoumaru. And Sesshoumaru calmed the wild spirit of Inuyasha before it could get the boy into trouble.
Inuyasha swam up to Sesshoumaru, wrapping his muscular legs around Sesshoumaru's waist.
“A kiss, Sessy. I want a kiss. Please?”
How could he refuse such an innocent request? “You know the rules, Inuyasha. It is not accepted among us. I can only do this with your promise each time.”
“I won't tell. I never have. You know I won't.”
“And you will never forget. One day we may be forced to part, but you will never forget. Remember always.”
“No, Sessy. I'll never forget, promise. I love you. Can I have a kiss now? Please?” Inuyasha's playful, flaming golden eyes never ceased to amaze him. His own were the same gold, but never playful, never free.
A sad smile tugged at Sesshoumaru's lips when he leaned down and met Inuyasha's hungry lips. Inuyasha wasn't content with the feather of a kiss. He had to have more. Tugging at Sesshoumaru's neck, he deepened the kiss with a fiery hunger. Their warm bodies melted together while Sesshoumaru held Inuyasha in a crushing embrace.
“Mmm, Sessy,” moaned Inuyasha, a sound that never ceased to spark Sesshoumaru's desire for more responses from his young lover.
Always, he catered to Inuyasha's pleas before immersing himself in his own pleasure. He cherished every moment that he was gifted to gaze upon the effects of his own handiwork. Inuyasha's responses never failed to give him the fulfillment which he felt he didn't deserve.
Sesshoumaru nibbled down the smooth white line of the soft flesh of Inuyasha's neck, never failing to notice the way Inuyasha fully trusted him not to rip out that slender, white throat. Instead, Inuyasha tilted his head to the side, giving Sesshoumaru better access to one of his most sensitive areas.
Oh, and those soft, white ears atop Inuyasha's head. They were always the most tantalizing. Sesshoumaru could drive the boy insane by suckling the sensitive flesh and he never passed up the opportunity.
After one last gaze at Inuyasha's flushed cheeks, his small fangs peeking through full parted lips, and passion glazed eyes, Sesshoumaru cupped the back of his head and began the exquisite torture. It never failed to draw whimpers and mewls, trembling and twitches. Sesshoumaru fisted his hand in Inuyasha's hair, holding him immobile. With a gasp and tremor, Sesshoumaru knew Inuyasha's anticipation of what was to come next. Sesshoumaru ran his long tongue up the smooth, pink inner flap of Inuyasha's ear then nibbled along the edges.
Inuyasha gripped Sesshoumaru's body, his arms around Sesshoumaru's neck, and his legs around Sesshoumaru's waist. He rode Sesshoumaru's hips, grinding his arousal into Sesshoumaru's lean hard abdomen. Leaning his face into Sesshoumaru's throat, Inuyasha licked and suckled while begging for more.
“Mmmf, Sessy…please,” Inuyasha pitifully whimpered between pants.
Never to be disappointed, he whined against and nipped his brother's throat as he felt his ear encompassed in wet warmth. The suckling was what always did him in, what made him cry out in ecstasy, made him writhe shamelessly against his brother's body. Sesshoumaru, running his tongue along the inner flap at the same time he completely drew in Inuyasha's ear, always drove the boy mad with a desire that seared through his body and burned his skin.
Inuyasha couldn't think, see, or even breathe. “Ah!” he nearly shrieked in pure pleasure when Sesshoumaru's fangs scraped the delicate skin.
But on this day, this terribly dark turning point in their lives, his pleasure was to be short-lived.
Sesshoumaru caught the scent and stiffened as he let Inuyasha's ear slip from between his lips. Shifting his gaze to the familiar path, he saw the fierce glowing eyes blazing with wrath, searing into him with insurmountable disapproval. In an act of sheer rebellion against the man who had shown him no mercy, he curled back his lips and dug his fangs into his brother's soft flesh, marking Inuyasha as forever his.
His father might physically separate them, but they would be forever bound. Sesshoumaru had known this day would come, but hadn't expected it so soon and he wasn't willing to give up the only real love with which he'd been blessed. But he was fortunate. Inuyasha wasn't spirited away before he'd had the chance to bind them both together. For that, he was immeasurably grateful to whatever powers had given him this opportunity.
Upon receiving the bond, Inuyasha screamed before slumping against his brother, never having been aware of his father's presence.
“Sesshoumaru,” snarled his father. “You and your brother get dressed and meet me in my quarters immediately.” With that said, the Lord of the Western Lands stormed away contemplating all the different forms of punishment which he could visit upon his eldest son.
“Inuyasha,” whispered Sesshoumaru with trembling lips. “We must go, my beautiful one.” Tears streamed down his cheeks when he attempted with soft kisses to bring Inuyasha to consciousness. “Come, little brother. Our time has passed.”
“Se…Sessy? What happened?” asked Inuyasha, blinking away the stupor.
“Promise me, Inuyasha. Promise you will never forget,” Sesshoumaru seemed to plead.
Inuyasha gazed into pain filled amber eyes and could not deny him, not that he ever would. “I promise. I'll never forget. I told you, I love you.”
Inuyasha didn't understand and searched his brother's eyes for answers. He could smell Sesshoumaru's tears, see them trailing down those beautiful, striped, porcelain cheeks. It hurt his soul to see his lover in so much pain. But why?
“What happened?” murmured Inuyasha while he kissed and licked away the tears.
“Father found us and demands that we go to his chambers immediately. Dress now, quickly,” Sesshoumaru urgently, yet tenderly instructed.
“What will he do?” Inuyasha asked, beginning to feel fear at Sesshoumaru's reaction.
“I will be punished. But he will not touch you, Inuyasha. You will be fine. Do not be concerned,” whispered Sesshoumaru, already regaining his control when he slipped into his attire.
His clothing reassured him that no one could touch him in the places that mattered most. Only Inuyasha was allowed into that one well guarded area of his soul. He could take anything his father dished out as long as Inuyasha loved him. He turned once more to his now fully clothed brother.
“Promise you will always love me, forever, Inuyasha. Promise,” he whispered, cupping Inuyasha's face in his hands.
Confusion registered first in Inuyasha's eyes then determination. “I will always love you, Sesshoumaru. Always.”
He made it a declaration that would never be forgotten. It would echo in Sesshoumaru's mind, heart and soul for centuries to come, never to be forgotten.
“I love you, my brother,” murmured Sesshoumaru, dipping his head to taste Inuyasha's lips one last time.
Inuyasha closed his eyes, reveling in his brother's presence, still not quite understanding the implications of their predicament. But somehow he knew, yes, he knew; this would be the last time he would savor his brother's loving touches. Sesshoumaru's eyes said everything…..
“Sesshoumaru, a lord never takes advantage of the lesser, the innocent, the weak, the cripple, or the servant. You have dishonored our great house. I thought I had taught you these things. It is apparent that I was mistaken. This transgression against your brother cannot go unpunished. And to prove that this behavior will not be tolerated, that we can be trusted not to abuse our power, your punishment will be public. As for Inuyasha, I sent a summons to our healer. She is with Inuyasha now and will heal the damage you have wrought upon him. His memories of all your transgressions will be erased,” proclaimed his furious father.
Sesshoumaru stood there, letting his father's angry words wash over and behind him. Like the soft caress of the wind against his face and through his hair, he allowed it to pass. The anger did not belong to him, did not own him. It passed without touching him. When one could not change a situation, it was best to accept it and let the consequences be meted out. His father's anger was understandable, even warranted. For that, Sesshoumaru could give no argument. He only stood, so still that if one weren't looking right at him, they wouldn't even know he was there. Though his stoic demeanor held, it was only done so with all his reserves upon hearing that Inuyasha would forget.
`No, no, no,' his mind cried out, reeling at the crushing depth of his pain. `No hope. I will never be allowed to touch him again. He will never love me again. Alone…'
Dealing with his father's fury was one thing, losing the one who loved him, who could bring a smile to his lips, joy to his heart, was unbearable. His heart was viciously sliced to ribbons with a thousand knives. Bleeding to death. Dying a thousand deaths. Never would he live again. Never love again. And this knowledge somehow became his anchor, the rock that was to become his soul.
No one could be allowed to see his weakness. So he would face this alone, bereft, hollow, and he knew he would never love again. He would not allow it. Never again. And through it all, his expression remained unchanged, through the rest of his father's unheard droning.
His father would have been proud had he known how well Sesshoumaru masked the damage he'd just inflicted.
The courtyard was filled with servants and local inhabitants. Sesshoumaru stood at the top of the stone steps, hearing the proclamation of the crime he had committed and the price he was to pay. Of course, the details were omitted, but the accusation stood that he had taken advantage of his privileged position. It would not be closeted for an unsavory character to discover and use against the royal family. No, today would efficiently snuff out any future threat.
Sesshoumaru obediently followed his escort down the steps to the courtyard, did not struggle as his back was bared and his wrists chained above his head to a wooden pole. He never gave them the pleasure of crying out while the whip lashed through the tender flesh over and over until the blood poured from his back in such copious quantities that his remaining garment was dripping at the hems. The punishment would not stop until he had been totally and utterly subdued.
He had been left to hang unconscious until the sun set behind the great house. A reminder to those who were unable to attend the actual infliction of the punishment. Sesshoumaru proved his strength that day. They may have beaten him until his body succumbed to the darkness, but they could not break his indomitable spirit, and there was no heart left to be broken. He had not, and would not, ever be subdued, especially not by the one who had taken away his very heart…his Inuyasha.
There would never be another punishment. He would make certain of that. Having Inuyasha taken from him taught him a sobering lesson. A broken heart was much more painful than any physical injury. And he would insure that Inuyasha never suffered such an experience. Nor would he allow Inuyasha to be punished for any misconceptions concerning their future releationship.
Inuyasha's attempts to carry on any type of relationship with him were viciously rebuffed. It was the best defense Sesshoumaru had, not only for himself, but for Inuyasha. Inuyasha would learn to hate him. He would not suffer Sesshoumaru's fate. The boy would learn to fear intimacy from anyone. Sesshoumaru would personally see to that.
One would think that time could heal all things. But that is not necessarily true. And certainly not in Sesshoumaru's case. The memories faded, but scars devoured his heart, growing hard and unforgiving (both the scars and his heart become hard). At one point, he even came to believe that he hated Inuyasha. And that's how it came to be that the brothers were constantly at war. Any small thing between them was immediately viewed as a slight that had to be dealt with violently. It became somewhat of a welcomed ritual.
But then one day…
“Come on, Nii-san,” called the young boy before he dove into the lake, followed by an older boy who was at least four inches taller.
“Don't be so eager, little one. We have all day,” laughed the older of the two.
Sesshoumaru casually watched from atop a cliff while the boys laughed and played. He continued to watch until the two had exhausted themselves and shuffled out of the water to dress. They left happy and jovial. And Sesshoumaru sat there alone while the sun set on the distant horizon, wondering why he had been so captivated. As the moon replaced the sun, Sesshoumaru found himself remembering everything he had left behind.
`It was so long ago. Would he remember what we meant to each other? So much time has passed. He's grown and so much magic has been played upon him that maybe the old healer's spell is weak and can be broken. Do I want to break it? Do I want to risk losing myself again? Could I be such a fool?'
While the moon made its silent trek across the sky, its beams seemed to burn away layer after layer of the scar tissue encasing Sesshoumaru's hardened heart. It was a fight to the finish, Sesshoumaru's mind demanding that he cling to his defenses while his heart struggled to reach out and grab the moonbeams before they disappeared with the rising sun to be lost forever, taking with them the chance for his heart to be healed. In the end, Sesshoumaru remembered one important fact.
`No one has ever defeated me. I am no longer a child and have no master. I do as I please and what pleases me is to have my Inuyasha in my arms once again…It will be strange to hold him with only the one arm. Nevertheless, I will have him.'
Never had such a weight been lifted from his shoulders. For the first time since he and Inuyasha had enjoyed each other in their secret haunt, Sesshoumaru felt…emotion. And it felt good. He even smiled, a real smile, for the first time in centuries. Now, to find his way back into Inuyasha's heart…
Inuyasha's eyes fluttered closed as sleep overtook him. The water was so soothing and for some reason comforted him. He was too exhausted from his frequent awakenings in the middle of the night to question why.
“A kiss for me, Inuyasha? You promised to never forget your Nii-san.”
The softly spoken words drifted into his dreams and he found himself playing in a brook with his older brother, laughing, touching…kissing.
`Whoa, back up right there!' he ordered his dream. However, the dream refused to rewind.
“No, Sessy. I'll never forget, promise. I love you. Can I have a kiss now? Please?” The voice seemed faraway, almost too distant to hear.
Images flew by one after the other.
“You promised, my beautiful one.” Soft and tender came the coaxing voice, like a drifting mist overlaying the dream.
I will be punished. But he will not touch you, Inuyasha. You will be fine. Do not concern yourself.
Painful visions of hiding behind the drapery, staring out the window and wincing at the sound and sight of each stroke of the whip, each new gaping wound.
`Is that why you were punished? Did we really do all those things? Was it real or is this just some dumbass dream my mind conjured up because I'm lonely?'
In bracing himself for the sound of the next lash, Inuyasha found himself waking, his muscles bunched and stiff.
`Why is my chest aching? Why do I feel like crying? It was just a dream. Wasn't it? What if it's not?'
“Sessy,” escaped his lips in a soft sigh. `It seems so familiar, so…right.'
“I'm here.” The whisper was almost inaudible, but it was comforting for some inexplicable reason.
The rocks beneath him no longer felt hard and rough, but soft and giving. That just didn't seem right and prodded Inuyasha to at least attempt to open his groggy eyes. He would have liked more than anything to sleep off his exhaustion, but it seemed that even without Sesshoumaru's help, his dreams demanded that he suffer another night of wakefulness. He drew up one water-soaked, wrinkled hand to scrub his eyes and nose. Then it dawned on him. Not rocks. Skin!
Inuyasha's eyes flew open and stared directly into a mirror. No. No. He didn't have a crescent moon on his forehead or stripes on his cheeks. And, he certainly wasn't smiling.
“What the fuck!”
“Were you trying to drown yourself, little brother?” Sesshoumaru chided.
The tone was nowhere near threatening, but Inuyasha wasn't taking any chances and struggled to break free from Sesshoumaru's grasp. Sesshoumaru's legs wrapped around Inuyasha's in a vice-like grip while his right arm pinned Inuyasha to his chest. Waves rippled across the silent water. Wisps of steam writhed in the disturbance of the air.
“You promised, remember, Inuyasha?” Sesshoumaru said quite clearly, his voice serious, but soft.
Inuyasha's struggles ceased. “Never forget?”
“Yes,” Sesshoumaru murmured, licking Inuyasha's ear.
“Ni…Nii-san?” Inuyasha stammered, testing Sesshoumaru's meaning.
“Yes, my beautiful one,” Sesshoumaru whispered across Inuyasha's ear, lightly touching the finely furred edge.
“It…It was real, all of it. The brook, us.” He almost couldn't say it. “You were beaten because of it?”
“It is in the past, Inuyasha. In the past.” Sesshoumaru gazed down with solemn eyes. “It was not your fault.”
“But, why have you hated me all these years?”
“I did not hate you, Inuyasha. You would have been punished had I not spurned your attempts to…have me love you. They watched us closely. You could not afford to give them cause to believe that you would repeat what I…taught you. Not with me, not with anyone. Do you understand?”
Sesshoumaru's eyes seemed to be frantically searching for some sign that Inuyasha understood and forgave him. Inuyasha was still somewhat in shock and had difficulty even forming a coherent thought. His gaze traveled down to the reflective surface of the water while he furrowed his brow.
`It was real. He loved me. We were happy. And he didn't hate me? How is that possible? All this time? Why didn't I remember? What's happening? This is bullshit. But, maybe…if he kissed me, it would feel like it all really did happen…maybe…'
With each dreadful moment lost waiting for an answer, Sesshoumaru's countenance gradually eased back toward that cold dark comfort that waited to blanket the pieces of his broken heart. Then the silence was shattered into a million bright twinkling stars.
“A kiss, Nii-san? Please?”
Sesshoumaru's heart stopped, literally. They were in the water again and Inuyasha asked him for a kiss as though the centuries between this moment and the last kiss they had shared had never existed. The world stopped spinning on its axis and the edges of Sesshoumaru's vision blurred while golden eyes stared back at him from the darkness that was threatening to overtake him.
`It can't be real. No, it's a grand illusion meant to torment me even to my grave and beyond. Yet, what does it matter? I want this too much to pass it by. It's only one kiss.'
Inuyasha waited patiently, certainly not one of his normal attributes. Already the effect they once had on one another was clicking perfectly back into place. Inuyasha's breath quickened while painfully slow Sesshoumaru drew closer to Inuyasha's face, his eyes searching until they closed and Inuyasha felt the lightest touch of warmth upon his lips.
`So much like you to tease me, Sessy.'
Inuyasha gasped at the automatic thought as though he was back in time and it was true. It was all true. Images his dream never revealed, emotions, everything lost, came back to him in one blinding rush. He drew in air, more than he needed, but still he felt as though he were suffocating. He shoved at Sesshoumaru's chest. More room, more air. He looked up at Sesshoumaru silently begging for help.
`I can't…breathe, Sessy. Help me…please…'
At Inuyasha's shove, Sesshoumaru's hopes were dashed, and the cold harsh world began turning in its cruel climb toward the endless future. He disentangled himself from his brother, slowly backing away as though he could fade into the mist. He was never there. This never happened. The fates decreed that it was never meant to be.
Startled bewilderment stopped him in his slow retreat from Inuyasha when the young man flung himself at Sesshoumaru, grabbing for him in seeming blindness. Confused, Sesshoumaru wrapped his arm around Inuyasha's waist and held him while his body went slack, his head fell back, and his eyelids fluttered shut.
“Inuyasha?” Sesshoumaru questioned. Did the old healer curse him to die if he ever remembered? Now panic reared its ugly head.
“Inuyasha!” Sesshoumaru shook him; Inuyasha's swaying white hair mocking Sesshoumaru while his head lolled back and forth.
The great Sesshoumaru never swore, but swear he did and mightily at that. He had regained everything. Now he was losing all over again. This was just not going to happen.
`No! Not again! Never again!'
“Inuyasha! Damn you! I will not tolerate this fucking behavior. You will not leave me. Through the seven hells we are bound! WAKE THE FUCK UP!”
Sesshoumaru was trembling, no, shaking. Every muscle in his body tensed with the desire to leap into that place into which Inuyasha's soul had disappeared. Not knowing what else to do and not taking the time to make Inuyasha more comfortable, Sesshoumaru drug him to shore and quickly laid him on the ground. Inuyasha's body had already relaxed to the point that his eyes were open and staring blindly.
Sesshoumaru pressed his lips over that big pulsing vein in Inuyasha's neck, only it wasn't pulsing at all. Enraged, that's what he was. He couldn't be completely certain now whether or not Inuyasha had rejected him, though it appeared that Inuyasha had fully accepted him. And even if Inuyasha had rejected him, he couldn't just leave him to die. They were bound, forever. His to love, his to hate, his to kill. HIS!
“FUCK THIS! Fucking Sonofabitch!” Sesshoumaru swore while he lifted his arm and brought his fist down on Inuyasha's chest in one mighty swoop. Blood shot from Inuyasha's throat and his body jerked from the blow.
Well, hyperventilation and shock might have killed him, but smashing his heart didn't help matters in the least. With the rush of adrenaline, Sesshoumaru had miscalculated the force he needed to jump start Inuyasha's heart. There was only one solution left to Sesshoumaru and he hoped to the seven hells it would work.
`If you had any mercy in your heart father, you planned to allow for this possibility, you fucking sonofabitch! Don't disappoint me!' Sesshoumaru demanded.
Sesshoumaru's eyes wildly darted about the area looking for his pathetic sword that couldn't harm a soul. In this situation, it was the perfect tool. When he spotted it several feet away, he let out a breath he hadn't known he had been holding. He strode to Tensaiga and angrily yanked it from its sheath, testing the weight of it in the palm of his hand.
“Don't let me down,” he muttered as he hurried back to stand over Inuyasha's lifeless body.
There was no pulse of life in the sword, no visions of the hellspawn that were definitely surrounding Inuyasha in anticipation of taking his soul to the other side. All the anger drained from Sesshoumaru while despair flooded his heart. His sword had not heard him, would not save his Inuyasha.
“No, I won't accept this. I won't. You won't take him from me again,” he whispered, clutching Tensaiga desperately and leaning the flat side of the blade against his forehead. Tears fell down his cheeks to rain like sparkling diamonds and finally to splash onto Inuyasha's immobile chest.
“Don't do this to me, father. You had to account for this eventuality. You wouldn't let him die, not for my transgression. You loved him too much. But never as much as I do and you know it. You always knew, you bastard. Please, please…”
A familiar tingling sensation shot through Sesshoumaru's hand and traveled up his arm. His heart leapt and felt as though it would burst from his chest. He gasped at Tensaiga's first pulse and opened his eyes to glare at sickly green creatures milling about, touching His Inuyasha, His lover, His brother. He stood slowly with menacing purpose, a wicked smirk promising death, solidly lodged on that beautiful porcelain face.
“MINE!” Sesshoumaru roared when he swung Tensaiga, reclaiming Inuyasha from the grave. Never before had he wielded his sword so fiercely. His actions gave new meaning to the word `vengeance' when his body was flung into a spiral, whipping his ankle length, silver hair around his tall naked form. Were it not for the fact that he had the ability to defy gravity, he would have landed neatly on his ass. But the beautiful Sesshoumaru was the art of grace in motion. His perfectly proportioned body just as perfectly landed on his feet when he came out of that dizzying, powerful whirl of beauty, unraveling like an angel unfolding its wings. As though on strings, he elegantly dropped into a crouch over Inuyasha.
“Breathe, damn you, breathe,” Sesshoumaru whispered, his heart in his throat.
If nothing else could revive Inuyasha, one would think that only the intense pull of his gaze would force Inuyasha to obey. His will was fierce, demanding, and refusing to take `no' for an answer. He never lost a battle and he would most certainly not lose this one.
Sesshoumaru was nearly nose to nose with Inuyasha when that first gasp of air was drawn into Inuyasha's lungs and exhaled with a groan.
“Inuyasha,” whispered Sesshoumaru as though afraid that the slightest movement of air might carry Inuyasha away from him.
Inuyasha's eyelids closed, then slowly opened, revealing life in their golden depths. He blinked again, attempting to dispel the blur.
“Yes…Nii-san,” Sesshoumaru affirmed, sighing in relief and carefully leaning his forehead against Inuyasha's while closing his eyes. Perhaps now everything would fall into place. Maybe he could once again feel his heart, his life, live as he once knew it. “Never leave me again, my beautiful one. Stay, Inuyasha, stay…”
Inuyasha could feel tremors wracking Sesshoumaru's body. He slid his hands up over Sesshoumaru's shoulders and around to his back, drawing comforting circles.
“Why didn't I remember?”
“A healer's spell. Father ordered it. I'm sorry. Nothing I could do would have prevented it. Forgive me, Inuyasha,” he whispered while he nuzzled his nose into Inuyasha's hair.
“There's nothing to forgive, Sessy. I love you. Kiss?”
Sesshoumaru smiled and lifted himself to gaze upon the face of his revived lover and to savor the resurrection of the love beaming from Inuyasha's eyes.
“Always a kiss for you, my beautiful one. Always,” breathed Sesshoumaru while he leaned forward and gently placed his lips fully on Inuyasha's.
Inuyasha and all associated characters are owned by Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan, Yomiuri TV, Sunrise, and Viz. I make no profit from this story, nor do I intend to. My only goal is to occupy my demented mind with delusions of actually owning a life-sized, anatomically correct Sesshoumaru.