InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Whispers of Memories and Promises Forgotten ❯ Finding Our Way ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Five
Finding Our Way
WARNING: LEMON Thanks for sticking with me. In the future, there will be edits of earlier chapters, so don't think that the story has had additions when those chapters are reposted.
Stars began to blink out of existence as the faintest rays of the sun leant its light to the darkened sky. Light never failed to chase away the darkness. For Inuyasha, that concept was nothing more than a lie. Somewhere, the darkness was spilling over into another realm. Somewhere, someone was dying, dying because the world thought so little of giving one morsel of happiness.
Though Inuyasha's eyes were closed, Sesshoumaru could tell he wasn't asleep. Cushioned deep within his fluffy pelt, he spooned Inuyasha, his arms wrapped tightly around his younger brother. He didn't want to let go, didn't want to watch Inuyasha leave for his companions. `I should be grateful for this one night.` And, what a glorious night it had been. If only he could stay like this forever, drowning in the scent of `His Beautiful One' and free from his daily burdens. However, that's not how life was meant to be lived. Relationships were never simple and clean cut. Especially for them.
Sesshoumaru buried his face in Inuyasha's long mane of white hair and breathed in his brother's heady scent, reminiscent of the crisp breeze that flew above the trees. `The wind on its way to…who knows where. And, if I let him go, where will he go? Will he come back to me, leaping from branch to branch in the highest treetops and drenching himself with the clean scent of the free wind?' He swallowed as he sternly repressed the feeling within that seemed uncommonly like hope.
Breath caught in Inuyasha's throat when Sesshoumaru nuzzled his hair. `Damn, I don't want to leave him, but…how can I stay? I can remember what it was like, and it seems that he wants that again. Hell, I want it again! But, I've changed. There's been so much hate and anger and I…I owe Kikyou and Kagome and…damn. I'm not free. I can't just leave.' He shifted slightly in Sesshoumaru's arms and pulled away from his brother a bit. `Does he really think I'll just go with him? I'm not a pup anymore.'
His heart ached from the yearning to have, yet knowing that, in the past, he had never been allowed to keep his heart's desires. `Why should anything be suddenly different now? Wishful thinking'. His heart was breaking all over again. Fate would never allow him to forget what he was. He could look, touch, taste, even feel, but never possess what he most needed—love. One day, he would learn to accept it, and that was something that would require giving up much of his humanity. But, not right now, his friends needed a protector. Once his job was finished, he could once again become the heartless half-breed required to live in an ever so cold and empty world.
The mounting tension in Inuyasha's body disturbed Sesshoumaru. It could not be interpreted as a good omen. Sesshoumaru's resolve to keep what he had gained, weighed heavily on him as he did his best to devise some way in which to convince Inuyasha to accept their relationship. `Perhaps, if I asked little and gave much, there would be a chance?' Tentatively, he licked a warm path up the backside of Inuyasha's left ear.
“Do not believe that you must give up your quest or your friends in order to be with me. I have proven my patience, have I not?” asked Sesshoumaru.
“Yeah, you waited a long time, but did you ever intend to do this? I didn't really wait, you just made a decision on the spur of the moment that you wanted me again,” Inuyasha replied without opening his eyes. `He could have done this so much sooner.'
Sesshoumaru thought for a moment. “That is true…to a degree. At times, there was a spark of hope. At others, there was no indication that re-awakening your memories was even a possibility, and therefore, a waste of time to bother contemplating. I learned to expect nothing.”
Inuyasha was silent, staring into nothingness while his mind whispered that it could never be. Despair filled his soul. This would be a failure, too. When would he ever accept his fate?
“I am here,” Sesshoumaru whispered in his hair as he tugged him closer. He understood that Inuyasha needed reassurances.
“How long, Sesshoumaru? How long before you leave just like everyone else?” Inuyasha questioned, knowing that even Sesshoumaru could not predict the future.
“How long would you have me, Inuyasha? I told you that you must make a choice to live for me, or to die for the priestess.”
`And take me with you to the grave,' he thought without daring to voice such a thing. It would not do to manipulate and that's exactly how Inuyasha would see it.
Sesshoumaru continued to make his point. There would be no second chances. He needed reassurances as well.
“I refuse to be a temporary respite in your life. All or nothing. Forever or never. I cannot watch you walk away this day without this decision.”
Inuyasha drew in a deep breath and released it slowly. “I'm afraid,” he whispered with a shudder. “There are too many obstacles for it to work.”
“As am I, but we have all the time in the world,” Sesshoumaru said, attempting to allay Inuyasha's fears. Though, he wasn't quite sure of Inuyasha's lifespan. Surely, he would live much longer than the humans.
“Keh! You? Afraid? That's hard to imagine,” chuckled Inuyasha, but there was no mirth to be heard.
“Have you no knowledge of the difficulty of even attempting this venture? Do you believe that I would ever love another? My heart is not impermeable, Inuyasha. Why do you believe I have so carefully guarded my emotions? You are rooted inside of me. You are the only one that can harm me. You are my greatest weakness.”
To Inuyasha's ears, Sesshoumaru seemed to be reprimanding him and he guessed that he deserved it. He didn't have to like it, though. Sesshoumaru had given to someone else what he had so desperately needed and it rankled.
“Rin is a weakness,” Inuyasha grumbled.
“You are being petty, Inuyasha.”
Now, Sesshoumaru seemed to be angry. Inuyasha wriggled around until he could stare evenly into Sesshoumaru's eyes. Breath failed him as he gazed into the face of someone he almost didn't recognize. Sesshoumaru's beauty could not be disputed. Inuyasha would have never imagined how it had become magnified when crowned with emotion, something so foreign, yet mind-numbingly alluring. He couldn't help but lift his hand to feel this new creature. Then his memories reminded him that this was not new, simply hidden for centuries, locked away because of him. How Sesshoumaru must have hurt.
`How could he do it, all of these centuries of being so lonely? It has been hard enough for me.'
He glided the softer, more sensitive backside of his index finger along the velvety stripes adorning Sesshoumaru's cheeks and observed the pink tint of blood rising to the surface of Sesshoumaru's skin. The fact that Sesshoumaru could display such emotion was a foreign and fascinating concept. He watched as Sesshoumaru's eyes slid shut and felt the shuddering breath that rushed between Sesshoumaru's parted lips. The heat and scent of his breath bathed Inuyasha in memories of their night together and before he knew what he was doing, he had rested his own lips against Sesshoumaru's; so warm, delicious, and ever so inviting.
`He's so hypnotizing,' Inuyasha thought while he reveled in the warm taste and heady aroma of his long lost lover.
`His memories have returned and I have reasoned with him, made love to him. Yet, he has not made his choice. Perhaps, he needs more time and I am selfish to refuse him time to consider his choices. It has been so long, so long. I never want to be without him again. It can't be helped. keep him, I must let him go. Must I be the one to make all the concessions…Yes, it is too new to him.'
Pain seared up through Inuyasha's abdomen as his chest and throat constricted.
`What the hell was that?' Inuyasha thought as he pulled away and looked down at Sesshoumaru whose eyes had taken on their familiar blank expression.
“You must leave, Inuyasha. Dawn approaches and your companions will soon rise.”
There was no emotion in that voice, or in Sesshoumaru's face, and Inuyasha could feel his heart speed up at the unwanted thought of leaving his lover. He sat up, furrowing his brow in consternation as Sesshoumaru's eyes closed. Once again, he felt that pain rise through him.
`Sesshoumaru! It's you isn't it? Shit! This is what you are feeling!' Inuyasha's eyes widened as he stared down with incredulity at the seemingly unaffected façade his brother was wearing. `Why am I feeling these things? What...what happened to me? Sesshoumaru...'
Even the pulse of the large vein in Sesshoumaru's neck was steady. `It is all an illusion. Has it always been? He's in so much pain. I can't leave him here…alone.' No, not now, now that he knew. He wasn't just a passing fancy for Sesshoumaru, a curiosity, or an experiment. Sesshoumaru really did love him. Was this also an intense need he was feeling, an insatiable craving? It didn't really matter what definition was used, he knew. Sesshoumaru would never leave him. It was Sesshoumaru's life within Inuyasha that ripped away the veil covering Sesshoumaru's outward appearance, revealing him in a way that Inuyasha could barely fathom.
“Sesshoumaru,” whispered Inuyasha as he slid back down beside his brother and placed his lips over the mark he had planted on Sesshoumaru's shoulder. He felt the trembling beneath him as his tongue slid out to bathe the mark and he couldn't bring himself to stop there. His lips trailed up the line of Sesshoumaru's neck, his fangs gently scraping along the way.
“Brother,” he murmured into Sesshoumaru's ear as he nibbled along the outer shell. “I love you.”
Sesshoumaru groaned as his heart slammed against his chest. `Has Inuyasha chosen?' He opened his eyes and gazed through a curtain of white as he felt Inuyasha's arms embrace him. When Inuyasha's lips found their way to his, he closed his eyes again. Tender kisses fluttered over his forehead, eyelids, and cheeks. When the kisses stopped, he looked up to find Inuyasha, a mixture of emotions staining his face, staring down at him. He was comforted in the knowledge that the most prominent was love.
`So what if it doesn't last forever. I have this now. I'll survive if it comes to an end. I always do,' Inuyasha thought to himself, his resolve to allow himself this one risk strengthening.
“I don't ever want to leave you, Sesshoumaru,” Inuyasha barely whispered before swooping down and taking Sesshoumaru in a soul-rending kiss. “Ever,” he moaned into Sesshoumaru's mouth.
The knowledge that Inuyasha had chosen him overwhelmed Sesshoumaru and freed his passion. He growled as he grabbed Inuyasha and rolled onto his back to drape Inuyasha's body over him. He embraced Inuyasha then swept his hands along Inuyasha's back, sides, bottom, and legs as he lost himself to the sweet warmth of Inuyasha's mouth. Someone whimpered. At first, he had thought it had been Inuyasha then realized it had been him. His display didn't matter. He had what he wanted, what he needed. 'He is mine to keep. To hell with pretenses.'
As though having heard his thoughts, Inuyasha drew away and spoke, “Yours…forever.”
Sesshoumaru's heart thudded against his chest so hard that he thought he would die. He was being overwhelmed. Everything, everything he had experienced had been worth it. Then Inuyasha was on him, nibbling and suckling the line of his jaw, the column of his throat, and the shell of his ear until he cried out in desire and need.
Sesshoumaru heard the whine that escaped Inuyasha's throat before he was straddled by Inuyasha. Warm kisses made their way across his collar bone and down his chest. When Inuyasha's lips surrounded his right nipple, his body went mad with sparking heat, bucking and writhing with each suckle, flick, and nip. He was given no time to breathe before Inuyasha attacked the other pink nub. A moan vibrated his flesh, bringing his own throaty groan. Skin slid against his now weeping arousal as Inuyasha made his way downward. Fangs scraped along the skin of Sesshoumaru's abdomen, trailing sharp lines of fire.
Inuyasha was not wasting his time. He wanted to taste his brother, to devour him, and to give Sesshoumaru the pleasure that Sesshoumaru had always given him. It was time for Sesshoumaru to be on the receiving end, for Inuyasha to demonstrate just how much he loved his sibling. There would be no distracting ear licking today. He rose up and for the first time really examined the proof of Sesshoumaru's gender. It was so thick that he couldn't believe that his body had actually accommodated it. He trailed his fingers down the shaft, noticing the soft texture despite the hardness. It jolted beneath his touch and Sesshoumaru arched his neck, throwing his head back as he groaned. Inuyasha smiled at Sesshoumaru's response. It bolstered his confidence and wrapped his fingers around the length. That extra bit of velvety pale skin rolled down the shaft as he stroked, completely exposing the tip, rose hued with the flush of blood.
While he swirled his fingers in the clear fluid seeping from the slit at the tip of Sesshoumaru's appendage, Inuyasha watched the many expressions of pleasure that graced Sesshoumaru's features. The muscles in Sesshoumaru's jaws clenched, his unseeing eyes were hooded, his lips parted and swollen, and his chest heaved as though he were starving for air. A satisfied smirk spread across Inuyasha's lips. He was doing well and there was more to come.
`So this is what it feels like to give another pleasure without taking it in return,' Inuyasha thought while enthralled with the beauty of Sesshoumaru's appearance in the throes of passion.
He never took his eyes from Sesshoumaru's face when he leaned down to taste that salty fluid and found the flesh surprisingly smooth and hot against his tongue. Pulling that extra bit of skin back, he ran his tongue around the smoothest surface he had ever felt. The taste of Sesshoumaru was enough to push him to the edge, but he held himself back. There was too much left undone. Sesshoumaru's back bowed with a grunt as Inuyasha slid his lips over the tip and proceed down the shaft, but only partially. It was something he would need to work up to, never having done such a thing before. Yes, they had been lovers as young adults, but had never taken things beyond a certain point. And it had always been Sesshoumaru who took the steps to bring about their mutual satisfaction. Oh, Inuyasha had touched him, had encouraged Sesshoumaru's release, but had never been the aggressor. Never had he gone so far as Sesshoumaru.
Inuyasha drew back to swirl his tongue around the tip before taking more of Sesshoumaru's length into his mouth and almost gagged when Sesshoumaru's hips bolted from the ground. He looked up to find Sesshoumaru's arms drawn up, his hands fisted while laying on top of the mass of silver, tangled hair framing his face and shoulders. As Inuyasha slid back down again, he could see the muscles in Sesshoumaru's arms and torso harden and flex from shoving his knuckles back into the ground and arching his back. When Inuyasha drew back up along Sesshoumaru`s erection, he suckled and squeezed his throat muscles in order to provide as much friction as possible. To his delight, Sesshoumaru nearly rose off the ground.
“Inuyasha, please,” Sesshoumaru gasped in want and intense need.
Inuyasha looked at him quizzically before pulling completely away from Sesshoumaru's throbbing member. He was presented with a groan of displeasure, but he quickly wrapped his hand around Sesshoumaru's shaft as he let his lips trail down to the hardened bulges beneath. He licked and suckled each side, occasionally trailing his tongue through the crease between Sesshoumaru's pelvis and thighs. It was a delightful sight, Sesshoumaru writhing and, it was all because of him. At one point, he had to grip Sesshoumaru's hips to hold him down so that his fangs wouldn't accidentally puncture the delicate skin.
When fire shot through his veins, Sesshoumaru's skin felt as though it would peel away from his body . It wasn't just the physical contact that was sending him higher, but the fact that Inuyasha was the one passionately loving him. He thought it couldn't get any better until Inuyasha shoved his legs apart wider then tugged at the seam separating the two jewels that had become tightened bulges between his thighs.
Inuyasha didn't stop there. No, he had learned a thing or two from Sesshoumaru last night. He allowed his tongue to slide lower, to that tight ring guarding the passage to that one place Inuyasha had never before explored. He made certain to be slow, gentle, and careful so that Sesshoumaru would have time to become accustomed to this new sensation.
At first, Sesshoumaru was apprehensive. No one had ever touched him there. No one would dare. But this was his lover and he needed to trust.
Inuyasha's tunneled fist glided with languid strokes along Sesshoumaru`s shaft, squeezing the tip on the way up, distracting Sesshoumaru while his tongue probed Sesshoumaru's entrance and occasionally swept up the thin seam of flesh.
`This is what it felt like for him, why he never asked for more from me. Just making him writhe and moan is enough to nearly make me come,' thought Inuyasha as Sesshoumaru's every moan, whimper and shudder caused him to ache with nearly unbearable need.
Sesshoumaru unconsciously parted his legs further, drawing them up to allow Inuyasha better access. He never imagined that he would allow someone to do this, nor had he pondered how wonderful it would feel; so unbelievably erotic, tantalizing, and inflaming. For Inuyasha, he would free himself; give up everything. Only for Inuyasha.
The world seemed to explode with color when Sesshoumaru felt Inuyasha's mouth glide down his shaft while a finger playfully nudged at his entrance. It felt odd, but incredibly pleasurable, most likely because of Inuyasha's previous warm tongue lathing.
Though Inuyasha wanted nothing more than to hear Sesshoumaru scream his name in release, he wanted every step to be nothing but pleasure. So he took his time, teasing and taunting Sesshoumaru's body, his own aching need happily neglected while he felt and watched Sesshoumaru tremble beneath his finger's gentle torture.
When Sesshoumaru's length hardened to that stage where the skin was so taut that the coursing blood could be felt as it ran through the veins, Inuyasha became a bit concerned that Sesshoumaru would give him no sign that he was ready. Nevertheless, he forged ahead, carefully slipping his index finger through the tight portal and into the hot welcoming walls of Sesshoumaru's body. There was no resistance, a sign of a job well done. Inuyasha knew from his experience with Sesshoumaru that the fingers are not near as smooth and sleek as the shaft he intended to replace them with, so he was gentle and determined not to take as little time as possible to properly prepare his lover.
It was almost too much for Sesshoumaru to contain himself. His body felt as though it stood in the center of the flaming sun; his muscles aching with the tension begging to be released. Everything burned almost painfully.
“Inuyasha!” he distantly heard himself cry out as his body accepted the digit that had promised fulfillment, yet his body silently screamed out to him for more. And Inuyasha obliged, inserting another finger, stroking the inner core of his now overly sensitized body. He could have sworn that every nerve ending was on the verge of exploding as Inuyasha slowly slid his fingers inward, withdrawing with the same torturous crawl. Then Inuyasha did something that had him standing at the edge of a cliff, ready to leap into that oblivion where the world disappears and all that is left is sensation. Inuyasha shoved hard into him, hitting a spot that sent chills up his spine that spread to the rest of his body and sent him writhing into bitterly frozen flames of fire.
Inuyasha was surprised at Sesshoumaru's reaction and he hoped he could see it again. As he dipped his head to take the full length of Sesshoumaru into his throat, he once again shoved his fingers into Sesshoumaru, hoping to hit that spongy spot that had brought Sesshoumaru's body off the ground.
“No more, Inuyasha! Stop…now,” Sesshoumaru gasped, reeling from the onslaught of such penetrating, earth shattering pleasure. Through the wash of pleasure inundating his body, he could barely breathe. “I can't…”
Instinctively, Inuyasha knew what Sesshoumaru needed. He removed his fingers and gave Sesshoumaru's pulsating member one last suckle then licked the tip that was now dripping freely the signature of approaching release. The wanton writhing of Sesshoumaru's body would have been too enticing to stop his ministrations, but Inuyasha wanted to give Sesshoumaru more before it was too late to fulfill that desire.
Lust clouded Sesshoumaru's vision, but not so much that he couldn't see the corded muscles rolling beneath Inuyasha's skin when the well-muscled body made a slithering crawl up his body, Inuyasha's tongue searing a path up his abdomen along the way. What a sight he made. He appeared as some predatory beast, about to devour his prey. Yet, at the same moment, there was a softness in his hooded eyes. Inuyasha was magnificent.
Inuyasha paused to suckle Sesshoumaru's hardened nipples and he allowed his abdomen to sink into the thick hardened arousal of Sesshoumaru's aching need. He was rewarded with a moan and the lift of Sesshoumaru's hips. Sesshoumaru's wet essence slid along Inuyasha's flesh as Inuyasha's tongue moved to lathe the column of Sesshoumaru's extended throat.
Sesshoumaru never dreamed that he could endure such wondrous torture, but he had managed. However, he knew he could wait no longer as Inuyasha's heated arousal settled between his thighs. Fisting his hands in Inuyasha's thick white mane, he drew the young man's lips to his own, devouring and plundering the juices of that sweet, wet warmth while he ground his hips upward. It never occurred to him, that he was begging; silently, wordlessly.
The promise of more when Sesshoumaru crushed them together froze Inuyasha's muscles into an aching mass of desire to be inside the heated depths of his lover. Nevertheless, his determination to see this through without causing Sesshoumaru pain tempered his actions and he forced himself to relax. He allowed all of his weight to freely fall onto Sesshoumaru and buried his hands into Sesshoumaru's silky tresses. When his hips rotated to find the exact position to enter, he crushed his lips to Sesshoumaru's mouth and dug his tongue into its roof then, in a carefully measured glide, slipped through the gates of heaven. The tight friction of Sesshoumaru's body nearly brought his aching flesh over the edge, so much so that he had to remain still in order to catch his breath and let the intensity subside.
“It feels so…incredible,” panted Sesshoumaru. Though the initial pressure had been uncomfortable, it had quickly changed to some fulfilling and satisfying. This was a much more powerful joining than he`d ever experienced. “Is this…what it feels like for you?”
“I hope you feel as much, brother,” Inuyasha replied. `I'm glad he didn't complain or stop me.'
“Make love to me, my beautiful one,” Sesshoumaru murmured as he cupped Inuyasha's face in the palms of his two hands and tenderly ran his tongue over Inuyasha's bottom lip.
Inuyasha took great care in lifting his hips, gritting his teeth as Sesshoumaru's walls gripped him when he drew back. He couldn't help the groan deep within his chest, no more than Sesshoumaru could help the whine that escaped his lips as his head fell back onto his fluffy white pelt. That simultaneously hot and cold, spine tingling fire once again shot through his body when Inuyasha thrust into his willing flesh.
“More,” he gasped, not quite sure what that meant.
However, Inuyasha knew. He withdrew himself again and without pause, shoved himself back in and pushed Sesshoumaru's body up the pelt as he buried himself deep into the gripping fire of his brother's searing chamber. A shudder racked him from the tips of his velvet ears to tips of his clawed toes. This was what Sesshoumaru had needed; deep and forceful penetration.
“Sess, I…can't stop now,” he muttered then pulled away and rammed himself into Sesshoumaru.
“Then don't,” gasped Sesshoumaru through the haze of the oncoming decimation of orgasm.
Sesshoumaru slid his left hand down Inuyasha's back. The feel of muscles undulating under the skin of the globes of Inuyasha's bottom only sped Sesshoumaru toward oblivion. Having Inuyasha inside of him was odd. His entire body seemed to filled with Inuyasha. The jarring of the movement only added to the tingling need in his muscles. All he wanted was more, more friction, more pressure.
Inuyasha's thrusts became more urgent and Sesshoumaru grabbed Inuyasha's left hand with his right and guided it to his aching erection. He threw his head back as purely animal sounds escaped him when Inuyasha's fingers wrapped around his aching member. With the combination of Inuyasha's thrusts filling him repeatedly while he guided Inuyasha's hand up and down his length, he knew his skin had to be peeling away in layers. He could swear that he could feel the fluids of his body drift into the air as liquid heat.
The heat of Sesshoumaru's depths surrounding and gliding along Inuyasha's now most sensitive organ burned his blood and turned his quivering ears the color of a blushing, crimson rose. With each thrust, each slippery glide along the flesh of Sesshoumaru's walls, the fire in his body burned hotter until he felt as though he were made of flame. The world blurred around the edges as he gazed into the lidded eyes of his unseeing brother. And Inuyasha had done this to his brother. He had brought Sesshoumaru to this place; this place that Sesshoumaru had always reserved for him. This was the moment he wanted to watch, the moment all of his work would draw Sesshoumaru into flight with him.
Sesshoumaru felt his eyelids drifting closed as his golden orbs slid upward. He no longer had any control over his own body. He had surrendered it to his brother. Soon all barriers would crumble and they would breathe as one, feel as one, and finally, be one. Freedom from the centuries of inner confinement was within his grasp.
Inuyasha's body was working on instinct alone as his hips rigidly tipped upward, seeking that one last rush of flesh against flesh that would release that building, aching tension. Inadvertently, the new angle he had achieved hit that spot deep within Sesshoumaru and a howl split the air. Sesshoumaru shuddered and stiffened before Inuyasha slammed into that spot again.
Inuyasha forced his eyes to stay open as Sesshoumaru snapped, convulsing beneath him. With his neck arched at a sharp angle, jaws slack and barely opened eyes, Sesshoumaru lost all concepts of space and time. Complete abandon. Only the pure sensation of exploding atoms were discernable to what was left of his consciousness.
This was the reason Inuyasha had held himself in check and it was well worth it. He watched as Sesshoumaru became utterly and completely a slave to the pleasure of his touch. Triumph coursed through him. He was satisfied and could now let go. As the ebb and flow of Sesshoumaru's orgasm gripped him, Inuyasha slowed his thrusts, burying himself deeper, borrowing Sesshoumaru's pleasure until it drew him along and slingshot him over the divide separating them. With a howl he joined his lover in an explosion of ecstasy that he had never before experienced. Euphoria captured him and had its way for what seemed an eternity until he finally collapsed, sinking into the still heaving body of Sesshoumaru. Sesshoumaru twitched, squeezing from Inuyasha a mewl as his body responded in kind.
Gasps faded to pants and gradually their breathing became steady. Though their hands were slicked with Sesshoumaru's essence, they embraced as though someone was trying to pull them apart. Now, they could rest in the knowledge that, no matter what, they would never be separated again.
“I love you, Sesshoumaru,” Inuyasha whispered against Sesshoumaru's chest as his ear flicked beneath Sesshoumaru's chin.
“And I you,” murmured Sesshoumaru before twining his legs around Inuyasha's and blowing his warm breath into Inuyasha's ear.
“Tease,” Inuyasha chuckled.
“You cannot deny that you enjoy it, my beautiful one,” said Sesshoumaru with a light smile gracing the lips that were still a bit swollen from the passionate loving they had received.
Inuyasha felt his heart skip as the unbidden thought of leaving to join his companions entered his mind. Involuntarily, he clutched Sesshoumaru tighter.
The meaning of Inuyasha's behavior was not lost on Sesshoumaru as he and Inuyasha were now two halves of one whole.
“Do not fret, Inuyasha,” Sesshoumaru murmured reassuringly. “If not in body, then in spirit, we will always be together.”
Inuyasha nodded and lifted his head to kiss Sesshoumaru beneath his chin. Except for his sigh, he fell into silence, only broken by the ritual morning chatter of awakening birds.
“Aren't you going to make me promise to never forget?” Inuyasha asked after some time had passed.
“There is no need,” Sesshoumaru replied.
Inuyasha smiled and nuzzled his face into Sesshoumaru's neck.
“Truly, your companions must be stirring by now,” Sesshoumaru whispered, running his hands in comforting circles on Inuyasha's back. His heart ached with the idea of Inuyasha leaving, but it was necessary.
“Yeah,” Inuyasha muttered under his breath.
Quietly, they bathed then dressed.
“When will I see you again?” Inuyasha asked, hoping it would be soon.
“Tomorrow night?” Sesshoumaru offered.
A grin stretched across Inuyasha's face. “Tomorrow night,” he affirmed, nodding his head.
Sesshoumaru reached out and cradled Inuyasha's chin in the palm of his hand then leaned down. Their mouths met in a tender press of lips. Inuyasha reached up with his right hand and caressed Sesshoumaru's cheek as he parted his lips to welcome his lover. Their tongues caressed one another as they took one last taste, a promise of things to come.
Home was in that kiss.
As they each turned and began down their separate paths, Sesshoumaru turned.
“Inuyasha,” he called.
Inuyasha looked over his shoulder. “Yeah?”
“Promise you will never forget,” Sesshoumaru instructed with as much seriousness he could muster.
Inuyasha gave him a rare smile. “I will never forget, Sessy. I told you, I love you.”
Sesshoumaru nodded, barely keeping the corners of his mouth from turning up into a slight smile.
“Until then, my beautiful one.”
Sesshoumaru turned and disappeared into the trees as though he were still the apparition that had haunted Inuyasha's dreams.
And Inuyasha hoped he would never wake up.
There is he possibility of a sequel, but I will not promise though...I do have a completed rough draft/outline. ^_^
Many thanks to my readers and reviewers
Thank you for reviewing and I'm so sorry that you had to wait so long. I hope you liked this chapter as well.
Thanks for reviewing! I think that you may be comparing this one to `A Day to Play' or perhaps `Torn'. Yes, this one is much softer. I haven't been making a lot of edits. Just fixing mistakes and adding a bit of description. No content changes at all. ^_^ I'm glad you've enjoyed it and hope you enjoyed this chapter.
I'm so glad that you've enjoyed the story. I'm not sure how the well this chapter turned out, but I hope you liked it as well. Thanks for sticking with me!
Thank you for reviewing again and I'm sorry this took so long to get up. As far as Inuyasha going back to the pack, that was never a part of this story, but enough people have asked for more that I have a rough draft for a sequel written.
Merely Truth
Thank you for reviewing again on this second posting, Mama. I'm so glad that you enjoy the stories. I hope this chapter was up to par, though I feel it is a bit dry. There will be updates to other stories coming soon. Bonjour! ^_^
Inuyasha and all associated characters are owned by Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan, Yomiuri TV, Sunrise, and Viz. I make no profit from this story, nor do I intend to. My only goal is to occupy my demented mind with delusions of actually owning a life-sized, anatomically correct Sesshoumaru.