InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ White Fleeces ❯ White Fleeces ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

White Fleeces
The bunny wanted to be with the dancer but the bit of sanity held her back. She wondered how long it would be until she loses it.
Disclaimer: Fran is from the game, Final Fantasy XII, and Kagome is from the anime and manga, InuYasha and I own neither.
She did not know why her heart beat wildly when she, the beautiful dancer, had came into her line of sight. But she did not care, since it is natural for female vieran, even for outsiders like her, to have a female lover since the male vieran, however rare they are, are very useless, even for reproducing. Often enough, the female vieran tended to turn for a female lover for having a child instead of the males, like most of races had done. (*1)
First time they met her; it was when they were somehow trapped into cage deep inside of a cave. Out of nowhere, when they were panicking when they discovered that there was no way out of the cage, she had pounced onto the top of the steel cage, quite like a cat pouncing for a prey. She had the key and she opened the cage for them, freeing them and then vanished.
Balthier had mentioned that she looked familiar. Perhaps a wanted pirate?
But soon as they tried to find their way to exit the building and keep getting lost, they met a young redheaded boy with strange features. He had a pair of pointed ears, his hands and feet are orange paws rather than normal humanoid kinds, and a red rusty colored fluffy tail. His eyes were the color of the forest and his skin was pale yet sun-kissed. He seemed young but she can smell mist strongly off from him.
He was a fox, a demon to be exact, and the woman that had saved them was his surrogate mother, the exiled ex-guardian (*2), which explained her warrior grace and movements. He agreed to help them to find their ways out of the cave if they could help him destroy the dead soldiers that were blocking the routes to the farm that he and his mother were tending.
They agreed and they all had done as they both asked each other to do. They had killed off the dead soldiers and he returned the favor by guiding them to the exit. There was the same woman, standing there, just smiling.
She supposed that was when she first felt her heart rapidly beating. By the sight of her seductive smile. By the sight of her dancing. By the sight of just her.
After a while, she was hesitated to join, but when the evil guards actually decided to targeted the orphan children to just to spite her, due to her infamous duties to protect the children, which that had sent her to be exiled. She was angry and decided to join if that helps to save the children. It did.
Though she was reluctance to leave the children behind, she knew her friends, Miroku and Sango, will helps take care and protect the children for her. It made her falling harder than she expected when she see her with the children, giving her love for each individual children. It made her think that she is being so good with her own children that she would have with her. It made her blushed.
After the defeat of the Empire, when they all had split up, she left Balthier (which he had a bit of the tantrum at) to follow her, she followed her home and had seen her danced for in need of money. She couldn't help but to daydream daily about her and she dance into an intimated way.
It made her a bit of hot and bothered.
After few months seeing her taking care of care of the orphan children and dancing, she felt like she can't take it any more. She wanted her so badly that it hurt her.
She walked in the tavern that sometime held the dancing entertainments; she saw her dancing in lead, her breasts bounced and naked belly moved like a snake, enticing her. She felt her lower area almost damp and her lungs held air, unable to release them.
She moved around to take a seat, watching her move her body. She'll wait until she's finish with her works. She needs her so badly.
The disappointment overtook her body, as she finished, letting another dancer to take her spot. She wanted to see more. “Hello, Fran!” A familiar seductive voice chirped next to her rabbit ears. Startled, she sat up; the embarrassment shades her dark skin darker. “Oh, hello, Kagome-sama.” She watched the sweat practically drench her body; a drop had slowly dropped into the deep valley of between of her breasts, almost taunting her.
“Well, since you're here, I can assume that you like to talk about something. Hey, let's go my home to speak about it, okay?” Kagome said, though Fran thought she was practically purring.
“Yes. So should I walk with you there?” Fran almost fringing with her long white hair, watching her blackest of the black strand of hair sneaked onto the top of her breasts. “If you like, then you can walk with me. I just need to pick up some money then we'll go.” Kagome said, her finger twining that same strand of her hair.
“Okay then, I'll wait outside.” Fran nodded, feeling lower area dampen even more and she's very nearly let out a moan when Kagome smiled and her long black hair accidentally brushed against her bare thighs, dangerously close to her lower area, as she left to the backstage.
She quickly walked to the door, exiting, almost made a mad dash. She didn't want anybody smelling her arousal, even if the customers don't have a good sense of smell.
Fran gasped a bit as she stopped near the short fright of the stair and sat down. All of the daydreams she had were all coming back to her now had taunting her for not having her yet wanting her so desperately. She sighed, wondering why she wasn't herself when the seductively beautiful dancer was around.
Fran was supposed to be wise! She was supposed to be uncaring! But when she was around, she had totally lost that! She frowned, shifting her legs, only to realize that it was really damp. Thankfully, it was leather so no one could see her shames.
Her rabbit ears shifted as she heard the door opened and closed and felt her hand trailing around on her dark shoulder, almost teasing her. She nearly groaned but quickly stopped herself. “Okay, Fran. I got the stuffs so we should be going now if you want to go now.” Kagome chirped, removing her hand while another held a bag.
She numbingly nodded. Her hands twitched. She wanted to touch her… But she kept them to herself as she stood up. “Yes.”
Kagome smiled and walked toward her home. And Fran followed, trying to not watch that sexy behind beneath that dark orange cloth that was a pair of short pants. The sky had gone to black and her house had appeared in their line of sight. “Oh, yeah! I forgot! Shippo and kids won't be there for a week or so. Sango and Miroku had decided to take them for a trip around the world. So you can sleep anywhere you want if you are planning to stay for a night.” She said.
Fran hid a happy groan. No kids to see her maturating herself!
They arrived and Kagome opened the door. She said she'll cook the dinner for both of them.
After they ate their dinner, which was delicious. Fran still feel a bit hungry for more but decided to keep it to herself. But eventually, she gave it up when she saw her naked, just out of the shower. The hot streams from the shower seemed to follow her as the small white towel barely hid her body from her, only to drop it.
“Oh!” She blushed as she quickly picked up the towel and hides her body with it but it was too late. Fran had seen it all. She let out a groan. And Kagome had heard it and smiled.
Kagome walked over to Fran who was sitting on the chair in the kitchen and dropped her towel onto the marble floor. Fran gasped loudly as Kagome moved to saddled on her legs. And Kagome moved her face closes to her, their lips almost touching. “So how long did you desire me, Fran?” Her warm breath warming her already hot face.
“Um-uh… Since we first me-met…” Fran's voice was shaking with oozing desires. Kagome chuckled a bit, “Heh. I see. So shall we get started?”
Fran gasped and groaned as Kagome rained kisses on her dark throat. Afterward, she didn't remember much, only pleasure that she had given her. When she woke up in her bed and saw her sleeping right next to her under the heavy blanket, both naked and drenched with sweat. She smiled, happy that she got what she wanted.
“Fran?” Her rabbit ears twitched, heard her lover murmured in her sleep, “Your hair is like that soft white fleeces I like…” She smiled. She'll show her the white fleeces.
(*1) I never have seen any males in the game so my opinion was that they probably could reproduce without needing male to do so. Maybe with female lover instead of male. It's just my opinion.
(*2) Guardians were obliviously the protectors so let's just say they protect people or important items. Kagome probably got exiled because she probably broke the rules of the guardian to save the children. Confusing, I know but make up your own story about how or why she got exiled, okay?
Author's Note: Err… I happened to like the shoujo-ai/yuri pairings so since Fran and Kagome were my most favorite female characters, I thought, why the heck not to make the oneshot about them? I personally like this one. Hope you guys like them!
Also, please review about what do you think about this Fran/Kagome pairings?
Yes, I know Fran were a bit of ooc but that's what happened when you're in love/lust with someone!
If you were wondering why some of the `her' and `she' were italic, it mean that it was talking about Kagome. I don't want some of the `her' and `she' to be confused with Fran, who were `her' and `she' actually in normal version instead of in italic.
-The Gravedancers