InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ White Lie ❯ Bad Seed ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

White Lie

by White Trinity

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(A /N:) I'm back with the firts chapter of 'White Lie'. Just so guys undertand, Kagome is retelling her story okay? I wanted to clear that up before anyone asked. So, here's chapter 1 everybody!

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha and co. But I do own this plot and my characters. And I don't own 'Numb' by Linkin Park.

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Chapter 1

Bad Seed

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"Not again!"

I rolled my eyes at my mother's whiny voice. Man, I really didn't need her shit right now, "It wasn't me." She looked at me pitifully, wiping the tears from her eyes. She was probably wondering why she had been plagued with such a bad child.

Me. Ishikawa Yumiko.

"Please don't lie to me, Yumiko. You know what lying has gotten you into." I shrugged off her comment, completely unwilling to take it to heart. She always said the same thing, put on the same sad face every time I was escorted home by a police officer.

"Ishikawa-san, I don't know how many times we've gone over this," the police officer told her, shaking his head disapprovingly. "If she doesn't stop this, we'll really put her in jail."

He placed his hand on my shoulder but I shrugged it off. Stepping away from him, I kicked off my black boots and went up the small step to lean against the wall. My mother watched me and I only stared at her blankly. It wasn't like I cared what she thought. She was just a woman I was forced to live with, nothing more.

She turned back to the officer, "I understand that we can't prolong this. My husband and I are terribly sorry for our daughter's foolish behavior." The next sentence she spoke was directed to me,

"She should understand by now that she needs to grow up."

I frowned. What a bitch! It wasn't like I couldn't hear her!

"Yes, but I doubt that'll be enough." he replied, glancing towards me. I looked away; I didn't another adult breathing down my neck. He sighed and bowed respectfully at my mother, "Sayonara, Ishikawa-san." He unlocked the door before leaving.

My mother followed and watched him back out of our driveway. When she was sure he had left, she closed the door, locking it quickly, and turned to face me. The dissapointment in her face was gone, replaced by anger. She took a step towards me, "Yumiko! How could you?!"

I kept staring and she seemed to realize that I was only doing it to annoy her further. She huffed and crossed her hands over her chest, a lame attempt to show her authority.

"I cannot believe you tried to rob that store again!" she yelled. I frowned even more at her words, "Woman, are you deaf? I told you it wasn't me!" She didn't seem to believe me, but I knew it was true.

A slight feeling of despair came over me; this was like the boy who cried wolf. Even if I told the truth, no one would believe me because of my bad background. I was the bad girl, the bad seed in a supposedly good family. At school, I was known, not really as a troublemaker, but more of a back-talker with no respect for the authorities whatsoever.

Most things people said about me were true. I smoked and drank, and I had my belly button pierced. I had three tattoos; one snake on my ankle, and angel on my left arm and a dragon on my back. I usually wore dark clothes, but I wasn't a goth; that wasn't really my style.

I listened to visual-kei and American rock. I was a straight A student, but I was rude and obnoxious to my teachers, which didn't help. I was usually suspended from school for smoking or breaking something. And as if that wasn't bad enough, my parents were mad at me for regurlarly getting kicked out of their prestigious country club, which I had recently been banned from.

They were so obsessed with being perfect, but I was the one who killed their perfection with my rude behavior. I actually enjoyed their discomfort. This was their reality check. They couldn't mold me into whatever they pleased; I was no pushover.

My mother frowned, "I told you not to lie to me, Yumiko." I gave an angry sigh, "I didn't do it. It was all Tsubasa and Shunsuke." She shook her head. "Then why were you escorted back?" she asked. I shrugged, "Because cops are stupid."

She groaned loudly and yelled, "Asuka!" Our maid Asuka, whom I referred to as Suka-chan, ran to my mother. She obviously believed that my mother was in some sort of trouble, "Yes Ishikawa-sama?" My mother shoulders slumped.

"You'll bring Yumiko her dinner in her room tonight," she said coldly. "And you Yumiko, you're grounded. No cell phone, no car, no TV, no computer, definitely no cigarettes and no friends."

I stared at her wide-eyed. It was one thing to cut off my car privileges, but no cigarettes?! That was just evil! "Why the hell would you cut off my smoking?!" I all but shouted at her. She began to walk towards our large living room, "Because it's bad for your health and your father dislikes the smell."

I stuck my tongue out at her retreating figure, and stomped all the way up to my room. I knew it was quite a childish thing to do, but even now as I was seventeen years-old, I still acted so. I continued down the hall, all the way my bedroom door which had a poster of Aikawa Nanase on it. At the bottom, I'd written my name with a black marker.

I entered the room and headed towards my stereo. If I couldn't bug her outside of my room, I'd bug her from the inside. I pressed 'play' and suddenly my room was filled with excessively loud Linkin Park music.

I'm tired of being what you want me to be
Feeling so faithless, lost under the surface

The lyrics to this song, 'Numb', always felt right to me. I always felt as if it was describing my life, no matter how things would turn out. It was true, my parents were perfectionnists, hell bent on conforming me to their ways. That angered me; they had never asked me how I felt about their decisions regarding my life. They thought I would agree to everything and I was sort of glad I could get under their skin and piss them off to no end.

I walked over to my desk where lay an old family portrait. There was my mother, me and him. He was even worse than my mother. Because, deep deep down, I knew the woman who would constantly scream and yell at me wasn't her. It wasn't my mother anymore.

All because he didn't see me as his ideal child. Even when I had tried to please him, for my mother's sake. But of course he had taken my dedication for granted because there was no way in hell that I would ever go back to the way I had been before. Never would I smile up at them, my mother and step-father. Never would I wake up cheerful and excited for a brand new day. Never would I thrive in everything. Never would I go back to the way I was before.


Don't know what you're expecting of me
Put under the pressure of walking in your shoes

I grabbed the small frame tightly and stared hard at it, before throwing it across the room. It shattered loudly against the wall but I didn't flinch. I only grabbed the large bottle of whisky off my nightstand and took a big swig of it. It tasted good against my throat. I put it down and walked over to my closet. I had no idea why I was going there and I suddenly stopped.

My head was spinning and for some reason I grabbed the bottle again and drank some more. I felt angry and the need to break something was growing inside of me.

Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow
Every step that I take is another mistake to you

I chugged down the rest of it and frantically searched the table. That was a difficult task since my vision was blurring and the music was making my head hurt.

My hands touched a small carton and I shoved it in my jeans pocket, instinctively knowing that it was my cigarette pack. I fingered the car keys in my other pocket and momentarily wondered what my body was going to do next because I certainely had no idea.

The next thing I knew, I was outside in the back garden. I'd probably climbed down the siding from my window and gotten there. I made my way to my black Lexus and after a few minutes, I got the door opened.

Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow

I tried to focus my blurred vision long enough to start the car. I did so, and after a few woozy attempts, I got the key into the ignition. I turned slowly and the car came to life. It hadn't occured to me that I had to put my seatbelt on. I just put the car in reverse and baked out of the driveway, nearly running over the neighbour's cat. Not that I liked the cat, anyway.

I reached into my jeans pocket and pulled out a cigarette, switching hands to reach into my other pocket for the lighter. Now, I was going really fast, and I had just turned onto the Shizuka Highway. My bleary eyes managed to decript some of the blurred writing on the big blue sign. It read : Tokyo.

Tokyo? Why was I going to Tokyo?

My mind seemed to shrug and say, Who cares? It doesn't matter where you go. I heartily agreed with it and stepped on the gas. Rolling down the window, I let out a huge cloud of smoke. My mind was racing but I didn't pull over or anything. I kept on driving hoping to get away. And that was when my eyes started to water, and caused me to let go of the wheel to wipe them.

And every second I waste is more than I can take

The car spun out of control and my hands reached forward to grab the wheel and steady it. My heart was beating so hard, my ears were thumping and I found it hard to breathe. I felt my whole body swivel to the right and I heard the loudest screech ever. Of course it was a million times for me, since I was so obviously drunk.

All of a sudden I saw an enormous flash of light and I shut my eyes... and screamed.


"Late breaking news, ladies and gentlemen. I'm Tadashi Tomie, and we've just received a report of a terrible car accident on the Shizuka Highway. Police are still investigating, but it is said that there are two victims. Two young women, one of them badly injured and the other died in the crash.

The one who died was seventeen year-old Ishikawa Kumiko, and the wounded one was seventeen year-old Higurashi Kagome."

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(A/N:) That's it for the first chapter. Read and review, and I'll update as soon as I can! Ja ne,

White Trinity aka Sayako :)