InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ White Love ❯ Family ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

C.E.: I'm sorry for the long wait. I am currently on my mom's weird-ass computer. The screen is a bit too wide for my taste. I can't help it! DX Anyway! Here is a short HakudoshiKagome. It cam to me randomly when I was doodling in my US History class.
Hakudoshi - early 20s, Kagome - early 20s too
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or any of its characters; they belong to their respectful own (Rumiko Takahashi).
“You know. Now that we are getting married, we could think of a child, Hakudoshi.” Kagome looked up to her fiancée who was sitting next to her on their couch in front of the TV. She continued, “I mean we're both out of college, have good paying jobs, seeing how you just got promoted and all. I—”
“I heard you Kagome. Let's worry about now, but I'll give the thought of having a child some thought. It's still a bit early.” The white-haired male turned his lavender eyes to the soft brown ones of his soon-to-be-wife. He brought a hand up to brush aside a bit of her bangs, “Besides, we aren't married yet. Your mother stressed that we can have sex after the marriage. Or she would have my head.”
She would need to have them cut soon, or she could let them grow out and frame her face. The white-haired male brought his arm, which was next to his fiancée, up and over her shoulders so that she rested her head on his shoulder.
“I know Haku, but can we at least think up names to make me happy? I won't bug you afterwards on the subject. I promise!” Kagome lifted her head off of Hakudoshi's shoulder and turned to face him as she rested her hands on his chest. Her soft eyes searched his, begging him to say `yes'.
The lavender-eyed male sighed and closed his eyes, he brought his hand (that brushed her hair aside) to rub the bridge of his nose. He, honestly, felt older than he was at times. Besides, with her eyes like that how could he argue?
“Fine, Kagome.”
Kagome squealed happily and hugged her fiancée while giving him a kiss which he took control of. `I basically gave into him didn't I?' a nip to her bottom lip gave the answer to her mental question.
The kiss was broken by Hakudoshi who rested his forehead against the female's facing him, “All right, you said you wanted to pick out some names.” His eyes locked with his fiancée's. She smiled happily at him.
“I was thinking of Yukio if it is a boy and Setsuko if it is a girl.” Kagome answered to her soon-to-be-husband. Hakudoshi nodded and turned her so she was sitting in his lap, facing the TV.
The white-haired adult sighed and rested his chin on one of her shoulders. A slight headache formed behind his eyes, by his temples.
`Yet,' he stole a glance at his smiling fiancée, `it was worth it. Maybe a child won't be so bad for us.' He wrapped his arms around her stomach, and settled on watching the random show that she had flipped on in a spike of boredom.
`Yes, I can say that I want a child.'
S.N.: :) I made it! I was thinking of doing a drawing of what a kid would look like if Kagome and Hakudoshi had one. :D I am that bored! Don't know when I am going to do the drawing, though. Anyway! Review please. :)