InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ White Wedding ❯ Wedding Day?! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title : White Wedding

Author : Nami Wisher

Summary : A/U When Inuyasha runs away from his wedding. He leaves a heartbroken Kagome at the alter. The only person that can help is... S/K =^-^=

Authors Note : Yea!! My first alternative universe!!! happiness =^-^= lalalallllaaa!!! lol I'm acting weird again! lol! Anyhow I hope you like my story and please review!!!! And of course read it! Bye bye!

Disclaimer : I don't own the ANIME Inu Yasha! But I do own my dog Inuyasha!! Ha! You can't do anything about it!!! MUAHAHHAHAHHA!!! ok later

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;>>>>>>>>2003

Chapter 1 : Wedding Day?!

It was finally happening! The day Kagome had been waiting for ever since Inuyasha first came into her life. How could anyone be happier! She could hear the music start.. That was her cue! Walking down the isle, she could see everyone. Her mother was crying and Gi-chan was trying so hard not to cry himself. In a way it was funny but then sad. In a way of course! She was happy, but was Inuyasha?

`What if Inuyasha wasn't happy?' Kagome looked up to see her fiance's face. His smile, that's something she desperately needed... Little did she know that hope would soon fade away into loss..

`She looks so beautiful... I love her so much.' Inuyasha smile grew wider. `My Kikyo.. K-kikyo?!! Nononono! Kagome! I mean my Kagome! What does this mean!? That I love Kikyo or that I'm just nervous?! Everyone gets nervous on their wedding day! But is this normal??!' The groom face turned from happiness, to nervousness.

What was that idiot to do? (A/N: That's right HE'S AN IDIOT!!) He was unsure of what to do. Or was he? Maybe following your heart was the right thing. Not at this moment. At this point you should know what to do. Especially when the woman your right about to marry thinks you love her! What an idiot some people are.... (A/N: ^-^ oh yea)

Kagome wasn't really playing any attention to the priest. (A/N: Just to tell you the priest is Miroku! And no he won't grab her butt! She's right about to get married!! Even though it would be All she cared about right now was Inuyasha! She loved him so so very much! But what really confused her was that when she was walking up to the alter and Inu's happy face, didn't look so happy... He looked nervous...... Was she not good enough?

* Last Night *



"Did you ever worry that Oto-san didn't love you? I mean when you got married and stuff?" Ms. Higurashi smiled at her daughter. Ah to be young again...

"Hai.. I did worry, but when I told your father that I didn't think I was good enough for him, he had laughed." She paused for a moment remembering those precious memories. "And then he told me that he was thinking the same thing." Mrs. Higurashi gave a sad, yet happy chuckle before she looked up at her daughter. "You see Kagome, it's natural to be nervous. But to worry well.. That's more normal" Kagome smiled at her mother. They had both bursted into giggles.

*Back to the Wedding*

Kagome smiled as she remembered her mothers words... `Thank you she thought to herself. ` Thanks Mo-`

"Um Ms. Higurashi.." The priest interrupted

"Huh? Oh..sorry" She blushed in embarrassment. Then it caught her eye, Rin was holding up the ring... "OH! I'm so sorry.." Kagome cried again. Her response was the chapel's laugh ter...

"Here Kagome-neesan" Rin gave her a toothy smile. (A/N: Rin's the flower girl, but I'm gonna make her hold the ring you know! I have the power.)

"Arigato, Rin..." She felt so embarrassed.. Looking at Inuyasha face she say him smiling. That's what she needed right now, support. From her soon-to-be-husband.

"Ahem.. If I could continue" The priest said. His answer of course was an nod from the couple. "Thank you." He motioned for Kagome and Inuyasha to take one ring. "Kagome Higurashi do you take Inuyasha Ishinomori as your Husband?"

"I do"

"And do you Inuyasha Ishinomori take, Kagome Higurashi as your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I... I-"

"INUYASHA!!!!!!!" That had got everyone's attention. Especially the one who was being addressed.

"Ki-ki..Kikyo? What are you doing here?!" Inuyasha shuddered. Confused, yet in DENIAL!
"Inuyasha I love you! You know you don't love her!" Kikyo of corse pointed at Kagome. "Please don't make a mistake in Marrying Higurashi!" Kikyo yelled

"Inuy-" Kagome was interrupted

"Gomen Kagome! I don't love you! GOMEN!" With that he ran to Kikyo and ran out of the chapel. Everyone was speechless. Then they noticed someone's laughter. It was no other then.. Kagome. She had sunk to the floor.

"I knew it.." The loser laughed. "I knew it" She repeated, then raised her hand and started to bang the floor repeatedly... "I KNEW IT!" She screamed.

"Kagome don't" Sango caught her arm. (A/N: She's a brides maid. Well not anymore..) Kagome wasn't the only one crying, her mother wasn't holding anything back anymore.. Gi-chan was cursing Inuyasha's name with his talismans (A/N: you know what I mean)

__ ~______~__

"Stupid pup."

End of Chapter 1 : Wedding Day?!

Wish Nami : Uh man that sucks...

Kagome : what does?

Wish Nami : That retard Inuyasha just ran out on you! Sorry Inu fans! >-<

Kagome : oh yea..

Wish/Kagome : .................................................

Sesshoumaru : You shouldn't worry.

Wish/Kagome : SESSHOUAMRU!?

Sesshoumaru : Don't be surprised! I've come to take what's mine!

Wish Nami : Oh Sesshou! I knew you'd come for me sooner or later! (Runs to Sesshoumaru) I LOVE Y-

Sesshouamru : Not You! Kagome!
Kagome : Honto ni?

Wish Nami : I knew that! FEH! It doesn't matter anymore! Please read and review until next time!

Sesshou/Kagome : Onegai read & review! Sayonara! (Waves good-bye)

Kagome : Inuyasha who?