InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ White Wedding ❯ Letter?! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title : White Wedding

Author : Wish Nami

Summary : A/U When Inuyasha runs away from his wedding. He leaves a heartbroken Kagome at the alter. The only person that can help is... S/K =^-^=


Disclaimer : I might not own the anime Inu Yasha but I own the PLUSH Inuyasha!!! WHAT R U GOING TO DO RUMIKO TAKAHASHI?! I'M RIGHT HERE! LET'S GO!

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Chapter 2: Letter?!
'Dear Inuyasha,
It's been six months since my wedding was ruined by you. I'm fine... (If you were wondering) Since you left; my mother's put me back in school. I guess dropping out for you was a mistake. Anyways I'm still in pain, but the school work is the only way that I can block out. The thought of you being with someone else...... Hurts, but that's not really working though, I'm suppose to be studying.' Kagome slightly laughed at the slight of her text book. She really needed to study. 'You're probably happy with Kikyo. She's a good person, being that she stole you from me!... Then again you were never mine.. you were always Kikyo's.... Weren't you.' Kagome paused for a moment. Still she continued to write nonsense. 'I bet SESSHOUMARU would never do that!' All the sudden, she could feel the pain she felt, the day HE ran out on her.... She could feel her face flush as tears started to form, they fell on the letter.'If only I fell in love with him, then I wouln't be in so much pain! Then again that would most likely just send me into another void of pain.... Your both the same! You're both cold-hearted!
Higurashi Kagome ' Kagome read her letter over. She could feel her anger flare! (A/N: 0_0) She crumbled up the crappy letter and threw it out the window. "I HATE YOU BOTH! BAKA'S!"
"?" Sesshoumaru felt something hit his head. He turned around. Only to see no one, Seshoumaru looked at the cement floor. " A paperball?" Sesshoumaru un-crumbled the paper. It revealed a very....... unexpected letter. "What is.. this?"
"Ohayo-gozaimas!! Higurashi-san!" Hojo yelled, while putting his bicycle away.
"Ohayo, Hojo-san" Kagome waved, 'Oh god' Sweat drops started to form.
"How are you this morning, Higurashi-san?" He still sounded concerned... It had been over six months since 'it' happened. Yet people still asked her if she was ok.. At first she was happy people cared, but she never heard the end of it. She will NEVER hear the end of it.......
"I'm fine....." She just wanted to go, she knew where this was heading.... Another conversation at him HIM! Like he's so bloody fascinating! "Um... I promised Ayame I'd meet her at ..... Um the LIBERARY! BYE!" She literally ran away from the love sick boy. "Thank God..." Kagome sighed heavily while she walked to the school roof. She needed sometime alone! "I'm fine with it! I don't even care anymore!" Kagome knew she was in denial.. (A/N: Denial denial denial! It's always the same thing!) She took a seat right in front of the gate that was blocking her from death. Kagome was at peace... Nothing could interr-
"Higurashi." Kagome jumped in surpise. SHE WAS SUPPOSE TO BE AT PEACE!! Dammit!! She suddenly grabbed the gate, Kagome turned around surprised and in annoyance. HOW DARE THIS MOTHER FUC-? (A/N: O_O Woh)
"Wha-" Higurashi Kagome completely stopped her body from making anymore movement. It was HIM! 'Oh great!'Be Contined................................................................... ........................................................................... ......................................................... (A/N: JUST KIDDING!!!!!!!!!)
"S-S-SSesshoumaru..." Kagome couldn't help but stutter... 'What the hell is he doing here?!' (A/N: Well you do go to the same school... So your bound to see him ever now and then) Kagome quickly stood up. "I didn't know anyone else was here!" Kagome just stared at the averytall form in front of her. 'Think Kagome think!' "My class probably started and I'm probably late, so I'll just go!" She tried to hurry to the door, but once again was stopped.
"You're right." Kagome couldn't help but stop from opening the door. Sesshoumaru turned towards her, only to stare at Kagome's back. It was like he was telling her to turn around with he's hypnotic golden eyes. (A/N: Hypnotic SEXY; golden eyes! ^_^) Sesshoumaru had on he's famous evil grin, and was standing in his normal position;. Hands in pocket and chin held up high.
"H-How am I right?" 'I can't believe I just said that... Shut up Kagome! Don't talk! You'll end up saying something stupid, then he'll hate you even more!!' Sesshoiumaru's eyes were piecing though Kagome's back, 'Chills...'
"I would never run out on my wedding." Kagome flung around. How did he... She just stared at Sesshoumaru in pure shock. While the great lord Sesshoumaru just stared in amusement. (A/n: It's a Au! I just calling Sesshou my lord hehehe)
"How?!" Sesshoumaru simply pulled out a piece of crumbled paper out of he's pocket.Yesterday =^-^=
Kagome read her letter over. She could feel her anger flare! (A/N: 0_0) She crumbled up the crappy letter and threw it out the window. "I HATE YOU BOTH! BAKA'S!"
Present Day =^-^=
Kagome gasped. Who would have guessed that the letter Kagome disposed of, ended up in the hands of Ishinomori Sesshoumaru! Wait! Then that meant he...!
"But of course you don't care." Sesshoumaru took a few steps closer, until he was by her side. "Because you hate me." He grinned hearing her gasp once more. He couldn't help but crack a smile, before he walked towards the door and open it slightly. "Until next time... Kagome-san." Sesshoumaru said before he left to go to he's classes.
"......" She was in shock. "..........Wait! Did he just call me Kagome?!"
After a long day of school, Kagome finally got home only to throw herself on her bed. 'No ones home again.." She laid on her back and suddenly found the ceiling very very interesting. 'Today was... Different..' She turned on her side, and let her mind wonder. 'I wonder what Sesshoumaru's doing?" 'Most likely terrorizing little kids' She silently laughed.
"ACHOO!" Sesshoumaru looked around suspiciously. 'Someone's talking about me!'
"Sesshoumaru-oneesan, Bless you." Rin smiled. Sesshoumaru just nodded. (A/N: If you know what onee means then you'll know that in this story I'm making Sesshou, Inu, and Rin siblings. Just to let you know =^-^=)
"?!" Kagome shoot up off her bed. Why did she think that?! She couldn't hold it anymore she passed out on her bed... Again. 'I was just wondering...' She started drifting to sleep.RING, RING*
'GROAN' Kagome tried to reach for the phone, not wanting to get up. It was a bit too far away to reach. She had to get up in order to achieve her goal.
'God dammit!' She got off the bed and picked up th phone. God was she pissed! Why does everyone have to ruin her peace! "Hello?"
"K-Kagome?" Her anger fell completely
"Oka-san! What happened?"
"Kagome, I'm going to be late to night. Gii-chan and I are going to Souta's school play. Dinner's in the fridge, and you know my cellophone number?"
"Of course Oka-san"
"Ok then, I'll see you later Kagome."
"Bye Oka-san"
"I love you" Kagome smiled, her mother was so old fashion.
"I love you too. Bye." Kagome hung up th phone with a huge grin pasted on her face. Her mother always cheered her up! She walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. "Yay! ODEN! Now all I have to do is warm it up!" Now Kagome was totally in a happy mood. She walked over the microwave and placed the cold bowl of oden inside. "Oden, oden, I love Oden!" Kagome pushed the start button and waited for it to finish warming up.
I'm going to kill that phone!" Kagome was annoyed once more and harshly grabbed the phone. "Hello?!"
"Kagome?" Something was wrong! This voice! She knew this voice!
Be Continued....
Nami: YAYAYAYAYAYAYYAYAYAYAAY! After so so so sosososososososos very long I've finally finished the second chapter! I'll write more soon, being that summer's going to start soon.
Until next time!
Ja ne!
Nami, Kagome, and Sesshoumaru bow*
Where's my pants?