InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Who are you? ❯ Good things gone bad....... ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Sorry for not updating in a while but I had to go to Houstin, Texes. Their hospital is better than the one I live in so the doctors shipped me over there so I could have a check up. You know, see how my cancer is, see if my meds are working, see if the cancer or my meds are harming the baby, stuff like that. I only get a few hours every couple of days to go to the near by library and go on the computer so that's why I haven't updated. But I plan on writing a few chapters then update the fic when I get home. I'm adding this one now just because I'm bored and I just feel like it lol. Sorry if there's any spelling mistakes because the program I'm using doesn't have spell check. I'm changing the color of Amaris' hair from icy matalic to icy silver blue! I think that's all. Enjoy!!

Normally when Sesshoumaru wakes up, he expects to wake up in his bed, not in a chair with a young girl with ruby red eyes and icy silver blue hair. Well, ever since they found Amaris, life had been everything but normal. Maybe we should start from the begining. Sesshoumaru opened his eyes and yawned.

He had to blink a few times to see if he was awake or not. Instead of his usual bed and usual room, he woke up to find himself sitting in a chair next to Amaris' bed. 'What am I doing in here?' he thought and tried to remember everything that happened the night before. 'InuYasha had a nightmare and Amaris sung to him. We went to bed. I awoke to Amaris having a nightmare.'

Now he remembered. Amaris asked him to stay with her until she had fallen asleep. He must have fallen asleep as well. Suddenly he heard a cough next to him. He turned his head to see Amaris sitting crossed legged on the bed and smiling at him. "Do you always take this long to wake up?" she asked happily.

"Are you always this happy when you wake?" he asked. He stood up and streched his sore muscles from sleeping in the chair. Amaris watched his every move, the smile still on her lips. "What are you smiling about?" he asked, agitated. "Don't you remember? You said you would show me some sword techniques since I was good at hand to hand combat. I've been up since sunrise waiting for you," she told him.

"Then why did you not just wake me?" "Because you looked so cute and adorable sleeping that I didn't have the heart to," she cooed. "Never call me cute and adorable again," he snapped, glaring at her. Amaris was unaffected by the glare. "Fine. But that doesn't mean it's not true," she said, muttering the last part.

Sesshoumaru heard the last part but ignored it. "I will go get dressed and then we will go to the dojo. Wait for me in the hall," he said and left the room. When he came out of his room, he found Amaris waiting impatiently for him. "Finally! You dress almost as slow as Izayoi," she teased. "I do not. That human takes hours to put on a kimono," he said, defending himself.

Amaris rolled her eyes and started walking down the corridor to the dojo but Sesshoumaru grabbed her arm and pulled her down another corridor. "Hey what's the deal! I thought we were going to train!" she said. "We are but first we need to talk to father about your dreams," he told her.

By the time they got to InuTaisho's study, Sesshoumaru's hand had left Amaris' arm and he was now subconciously holding her hand. He knocked on the door and waited until they were welcomed in then walked in. They walked to the large wooden desk and bowed, their hands still linked.

InuTaisho was surprised to see Sesshoumaru and Amaris but his surprise quickly turned to happiness when he saw the two joined hands. Sesshoumaru saw what he was looking at and quickly seperated their hands. Sesshoumaru thought he saw disapointment in her eyes but it was probably just his imagination.

"What is it that you both want?" InuTaisho asked, breaking the silence. "Father, I was wondering if you know anything about having a dream about your past?" Sesshoumaru asked him. "Why would you want to know something like that?" Sesshoumaru nudged Amaris' side, signaling to her to tell him about her dreams.

Amaris quickly shook her head and looked down, suddenly finding her feet very interesting. Yet again Sesshoumaru fought the urge to roll his eyes. "Amaris has been having dreams and I was thinking that maybe they're from her past," he told his father. InuTaisho thought it over. "Well since we don't know anything about your past, I don't know if they would just be dreams or actually something that happened. Now I won't ask you what your dreams are about since that's privet but how long have you been having them?" InuTaisho asked.

"Nine monthes ago. I don't have any memory of my past prier to then," she muttered, still looking at the floor. "Well I'll let you know if I find anything helpful. Now you two run along and do your training," he said. Sesshoumaru and Amaris bowed and walked out of the study. "Why did you act like that?" Sesshoumaru asked as they walked to the dojo.

Amaris only shrugged. They soon arrived at the dojo and Sesshoumaru got his sword and a sword that InuTaisho had made for Amaris."Father had this made for you. We'll only do a few techniques today," he told her, handing her the sword. It was a regular looking sword. The blade was shining silver and the hilt was black with a diamond in the middle that matched the color of her eyes.

They walked to the middle of the room and Sesshoumaru showed her how to hold the sword. He showed her how to attack, how to block and different techniques. By the time they were done Amaris was breathing slightly hard but Sesshoumaru didn't even look tired. "Now lets see how you do in combat," he said started running at her.

Amaris just barely jumped out of the way but Sesshoumaru quickly turned around and ran at her again. Amaris continued jumping out of the way and Sesshoumaru continued to run at her. "What is the problem? You afraid to attack back or are you just weak?" he teased, trying to get her to attack.

His words stung her and Amaris stopped. She waited until he turned around and started running at her again. When he was close enough, Amaris threw her sword up in the air then did a back flip, kicking Sesshoumaru square in the chin. Sesshoumaru fell back and landed on the floor, clutching at his chin.

As soon as Amaris landed, she quickly rushed over to him. She kneeled down in front of him and slapped his hands away so she could inspect his chin. His mouth was bleeding a little because he bit his tongue and his fangs had dug into his bottom lip and gum but either than that he was fine.

"I am so sorry Sesshoumaru! I didn't mean to hurt you," she cried apoligicaly. "I'm fine. I wanted you to attack, but I wanted you to use your sword, not your foot," he said, whipeing away the blood and giving her a smile. Amaris' eyes widdened then suddenly she gave him a hug. She quickly pulled away and smiled at him.

"You smiled! See that wasn't so bad," she teased and helped him stand up. Sesshoumaru shrugged. "I think that is enough damage for one night," he declaired, his chin already healing.They put their swords away then left to go get some breakfast.


Sesshoumaru laid in his bed thinking. It had been four years since they found Amaris. The southern lands and the northern lands were at war and there was talk that the southern lord had order demons to attack the western lands. They were not part of the war but InuTaisho was an allie to the northern lord and that ment that the southern lord had made them enemies. There had not been any attacks so far, but everyone was on high alert.

They celibrated Amaris' sixteenth birthday two weeks ago. InuYasha had gotten her a silver comb with red rubies dercoratng it, InuTaishi had gotten her a new daggar and Izayoi got gotten her a hair elastic with a jeweled cherry blossom on it. Even he had gotten her something, a new lilac colored kimono that went to her knees.

He remembered when she had hugged him and kissed him on the cheek, then turned away embarresed. Over the years they had become very close and Sesshoumaru sometimes found himself wondering what her lips felt like or what she would do if he kissed her. But of course he shook those thoughts away.

She still had dreams, or more like nightmares. She had had the same nightmare for four years. Usually he would wake her up and stay with her until she had fallen back to sleep but for the past two months, whenever Amaris had the nightmare, she would come to his room and crawl in bed with him.

Thankfully no one ever found them like that but Sesshoumaru sometimes questioned his sanity because he never said no to such an act. 'Of course you'd never say no. You like her and you know it,' his inner demon said. Sesshoumaru rolled his eyes and moved onto his side. 'Corection, you like her. We have had this disscusion already,' Sesshoumaru said.

His inner demon snorted. 'We are the same. If I like her then you like her. End of story,' inner demon argued. "Will you just give it a rest?' Sesshoumaru snapped. 'Not until you admit that you like her and you have to mean it,' inner demon said, smirking. Sesshoumaru sighed agitatedly.

'Fine! I like her! Happy now?' And that was the honest truth, no mater how much he denied it. He listened for his inner demon to say something but there was only silence so Sesshoumaru took that as a yes. Suddenly he smelled the scent of lilacs and summer rain and saw the door open. He closed his eyes and listen as Amaris walked in and closed the door.

Sesshoumaru waited for Amaris to crawl in bed but all she did was stand there. "Are you just going to stand there?" he asked and sat up to face her. Amaris looked like she was going to run but she knew she was caught. "Um...well you see...," she stammered. "I know for the past two months you ahve been coming in here when you have a nightmare and leaving in the morning," he said.

"Oh," was all she said. Sesshoumaru moved over and pulled the blankets back and Amaris quickly crawled in next to him. "Same dream?" he asked when she was settled. Amaris nodded. Silence. It was so quiet that they could have heard the crickets outside even if they didn't have demon ears.

"Sesshoumaru what are we?" she asked, breaking the silence. Her question surprised him and confused him. "We are demons. Why?" She pushed herself up onto her elbows and looked at him. "That's not what I ment. I ment what are we, as in you and I. Are we friends or...more?" she asked nervously.

Oh how he wanted to tell her they were more. But his damn good for nothing pride got the better of him. "We are very close friends," he told her instead. "Oh," she said and Sesshoumaru saw her eyes fill with dissapointment but it quickly vanished. "Do you promise to always be friends? Even if something happens to us during the war," she asked hopefully.

"I promise that we will always be friends. Though nothing will happen to us, so you don't have to worry," he reasured her. Amaris smiled and laid down but she quickly sat up again. "Sesshoumaru, give me a strand of your hair and a fang please," she said. "Why?" he asked, confused. "Because. It's a spell I remember from somewhere. It's a bonding spell used between friends," she told him as she pulled our her dagger that was wrapped to her calf.

Sesshoumaru did what she said and cut a strand of his hair and pulled out one of his fangs. Amaris did the same. "Ok hold out your right wrist for me." Sesshoumaru held out his right wrist and Amaris sliced a gash, deep enough to bleed but not do harm. Sesshoumaru watched curiously as she took her strand of hair and draggde it over the gash, covering the strand with his blood.

Then she shocked him by taking his wrist and licking the wound until it was closed, though it left a scar. "Why did you do that and why did it leave a scar?" "I licked it so it would heal better, no big deal, and it left a scar because I used a daggar that is specialy made for demons so the wound doesn't heal perfectly. The scar simblizes that our friendship can last through battles or something. Don't ask me why because I have no idea," she told him, shrugging.

"Now I need you to do the same thing on my left wrist." Sesshoumaru nodded and sliced a gash on her wrist and covered his strand of hair with her blood. Before she could take her arm away, Sesshoumaru lowered his head and started licking the wound. She tasted like sweet honey and Sesshoumaru had to pull away quickly.

When he looked up, he saw that Amaris was blushing a deep red. He could also smell that she was slightly aroused. "You didn't have to do that," she muttered. "I only did it so it would heal better, no big deal," he said, using her previous words. Amaris grabbed his strand of bloodied hair and began twisting the two strands around each other, still blushing.

When she was done, she handing the new thicker strand to Sesshoumaru and used her index claw to drill a small hole through both fangs then took the strand back. She strung the two fangs on then tied the ends together. Next she twisted the large loop so that it made two smaller loops in an eight shape.

Sesshoumaru watched as she did all this, surprised that she got no blood on her finger tips. She took his hand and put it through one loop and put her hand through the other, his fang on her loop and her fang on his loop. "Ok now we hold hands and I say the incantation," she said. His right hand wrapped around her left hand and Amaris closed her eyes. Sesshoumaru copied.

"Friendship is born and friendship dies. Make our friendship last a life time. These braclets will stay solid as our friendship stays strong. The braclets stay on till death do us part. Unless our friendship dies and we tare them apart."

There was a bright glow and then it was gone. Amaris and Sesshoumaru opened their eyes. Sesshoumaru saw that there was a red braclet with Amaris' fang as a charm around his wrist. The same was for her except her charm was his own fang. Amaris smiled at him but the smile was soon replaced with a yawn.

"We should get some sleep," Sesshoumaru said. "But I'm not tired," she said through another yawn. Sesshoumaru gave her a knowing look. "Ok fine maybe I'm a little tired." They both laid down. Amaris laid her head on Sesshoumaru's chest and drapped her arm over his chest, her hand resting over his heart.

"Good night Sesshoumaru," she mummbled. "Good night Amaris," he said, smiling at her. Then they were both asleep.

__________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

Sesshouma ru awoke to find Amaris in the same position but some how her right leg had drapped over his legs and his arm was wrapped around her shoulders. 'Nice. Too bad we couldn't always wake up like this,' inner demon purred. And for once Sesshoumaru found himself agreeing with him.

Suddenly he heard the door open and InuYasha quietly walked in. When he saw the two he opened his mouth but- "Say anything and I will make your half-breed life shorter and very painful," Sesshoumaru warned. InuYasah quickly nodded his head. "Did she have another dream?" he asked.

Sesshoumaru nodded. "Ok," InuYasha whispered and left the room. Sesshoumaru didn't want to wake her up. Heck, he was happy to stay like that all day. Sesshoumaru gently shook her with his other hand and Amaris slowly woke up. "Time to get up," he whispered. Amaris blinked then realized where she was.

And who she laying next to. And who her leg was drapped over. And who's arm was wrapped around her shoulders. Amaris gave a starled cry and fell out of the bed and onto the floor. Sesshoumaru looked down at her and couldn't help but laugh. Her hair was messed up and her face was deep red.

Amaris heard him laughing and glared at him. "You should learn how to wake a lady up. I'm going to my room to bathe and change. I'll meet you in the dinning room," she huffed and marched out of the room. Sesshoumaru raised an eyebrow at her retreating form and shook his head. 'Looks like someone's not a morning person.'


Amaris turned the page of her book that she was reading. She tried hard to concentrate but her thoughts kept returning to the morning. 'How dare he wake me up like that. Though I have to say, it was nice waking up that close to him,' she thought and blushed. Suddenly Sesshoumaru stormed into the room.

"There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you!"

Before Amaris could say anything, a loud BOOM could be heard not too far from them. Sesshoumaru quickly handed her her sword and grabbed her arm. "Sesshoumaru what's going on!" she asked as they ran down the hall and another boom was heard. "We are under attack! Father has already sent Izayoi and InuYasha away! We were supposed to go with them but you we couldn't find you! I left and came searching for you," he told her.


"Sesshoumaru do you realize how stupid you were! You should have left without me!" "Yes I know but lets not talk about that right now!" he said and they continued running. They come to their bedrooms and Amaris suddenly stopped and ran into her room. "What the hell are you doing!" Sesshoumaru yelled.


"Getting my weapons and stuff! We cann get away faster on Nikita!" she told him. She gathered her guns and daggars then handed him a saddle bag. As soon as they had everything, they rushed out of the room and ran as fast as they could to the stables. They found Nikita rearing in is stall and whinnying loudly.


"Easy Nikita, easy boy! Come on Sesshoumaru help me get his saddle on!" Amaris said. They quickly put the saddle and saddle bags on Nikita. Just as Amaris was about to get on, she turned to him. "Sesshoumaru incase we don't live through this-," Amaris started to say then kissed him fully on the lips.

The kiss was quick but sweet. Sesshoumaru started kissing her back but quickly pulled away when there was another loud boom. "There will be plenty of time for that after we get out of here," he said and helped her onto the saddle then pulled himself on behind her. Amaris grabbed the reins and then they were off.

They ran to the forest, which was the safest place. They continued to run but it was getting hard for Nikita with them on his back. Amaris stopped and they jumped off. Sesshoumaru and her tied their swords to their waste and Amaris slapped Nikita on the rear. "Go Nikita go! We'll find you when it's safe!" she ordered and he took off.

Sesshoumaru and Amaris started running the other way. It was about twenty minutes later that they stopped. "I don't hear anything. I think we're safe," Amaris said and sat down on the ground, resting her back against a tree. Sesshoumaru sat down next to her. "I think we've had enough fun to last us a long time," Sesshoumaru said.

"Listen Sesshoumaru about the kiss. I'm sorry I did that, it was totally uncalled for," Amaris began to apologize but Sesshoumaru placed a finger over her lips to quiet her. Then he took away his finger and replaced it with his own lips. This kiss was better than the first, especially since they weren't running for their lives.

Amaris wrapped her arms around his neck and tangled her fingers in his hair and Sesshoumaru placed one hand on her back and the other on her hip. Amaris gasped when he traced his tongue on her bottom lip but her gasp quickly turned to a moan when their tongues touched. The kiss soon turned into a battle for dominence which neither of them won.

They pulled away for some much need air and Amaris rested her forehead on his shoulder. "You apologize way to much," Sesshoumaru eventually said. Amaris laughed. They continued to sit there untill Amaris suddenly sat up. Sesshoumaru opened his mouth to say something but Amaris signaled for him to be quiet.

Then they heard it. Yelling coming from about a mile away and getting closer. "Shit!" Sesshoumaru cursed. "They're after us!" And then they were off! "We have to find some place to hide!" Amaris yelled. "There is a cliff up ahead. We can use our claws and hang under it!" Sesshoumaru said and they continued to run to the cliff.

"I don't hear them any more. I think they're gone. I'll go up and then you can come up behind me," Amaris told him. "No I'll go up. I don't want you to get hurt," Sesshoumaru said. Amaris smiled at him but shook her head. "I'll be fine Sesshoumaru so you don't have to worry," she reasured him. Sesshoumaru's face didin't show any emotion but she could see the worry in his eyes.

He didn't say any more so Amaris gave him a quick kiss on the lips then started pulling herself up and over onto the cliff. Sesshoumaru watched hr untill she was fully on top. Amaris stood up and dusted the dirt off her. She looked around but saw, heard and smelled no danger. Sesshoumaru got ready to pull himself up and waited for her signal that it was safe.

"Ok Sesshoumaru all's clear. It's safe to-," he heard her start to say but suddenly her words ended. What he saw next he knew would haunt him for the rest of his life. Sesshoumaru watched as Amaris' body started falling to the forest below. Her face was filled with shock but her eyes were unfocused and there was an arrow shot through her chest.

Right through her heart.

He watched as her body continued to fall untill it dissapeared, hidden by the trees. He could have gone after her. Could have just let go. But he knew it would have been worthless. She was already dead and if he had let go then he would have been killed too. The was only one this to do and his eyes bled red at the thought.

"Amaris! Amaris! AMARIS!" He continued to call but there was no answer. He had been searching the area he had seen her fall for an hour but with no luck. He called her name one more time but all he got was silence. After her body had dissapeared, Sesshoumaru had killed the demons then had gone searching for her.

'Stupid wolves. Never even stood a chance.'

It was starting to grow dark and he soon gave up trying to find her. He knew she was gone, that didn't mean he wanted to believe it though. The southern lord had killed InuTaisho and had taken over the house of the moon. Everything that he had was now gone forever. Sesshoumaru jumped onto a tree branch and watched the last of the sun vanish.

He was still young and had plenty of time to plan and train. And then, when the time was right, he would take his revenge. With that thought, Sesshoumaru closed his eyes and dreamed of Amaris, because that was all he had left of her.

Hells_Angel19: You must think I'm really evil don't you?
Amaris: killed me!
Hells_Angel19: *shrugs* I had to. It's all part of the plot.
Amaris: Part of the plot! You killed me!
Hells_Angel19: Um I think we've already gone over that.
Amaris: *Gives evil death glare*
Hells_Angel19: Um...I think that's all for now. I better go before she kills me. Bye!

Stupid questions:

1. Do any of the guys ever cut their hair? ex. InuYasha, Sesshoumaru, kouga, Naraku, etc.
2. Will Kaana ever show emotion? (she's kool but man she freaks me out)
3. Will Naraku ever do his own dirty deeds instead of using other people?

That's all for now!!